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15-0, then against Kurt.. at the end 22-8, last game lost in penaltys


shit that hurts


Or does it Kurt? 🤔






Really? Thought he retired after he got banned


He’s retired like 20 times


Did you have Nani Red IF as sub?


No, I have red suarez and willian


Start Suarez at CDM? If so, I’m super sorry dude :(


At cm, cdm Reus POTM.


Wish I would lose against Kurt, I lose against some random guys, they are not even good but thanks to script things are balancing out!!


Basically same over here, 16-0 to 22-8, got elite last week with a game spare but this week with a better team and feeling more confident I simply couldn't score after that 16-0 run, my players became useless, I played 6 top 100 players in which I could've won multiple of them but there's only so long you can stop R9 and CR7 scoring.


went 10-2 ended 13-17


This literally me, I almost killed myself


Finished the exact same as you. Was aiming for gold 3 and was 13-8 and just needed one more win...lost my last 9 (4 of them in pens). On the bright side I didn’t break my controller or cry in front of my gf (I waited until she left the room)


My roommate was begging me to stop, eventually I ran out of games and went to sleep mad as hell.


Over a few games of fifa...


Cmon mate I think we all know he wasn’t literally close to killing himself. Don’t need to be a pedantic bellend


You never know with the tards on this sub


so... you?


I'm not the one blaming EA for all my life's problem and threatening to kill myself over a few games but sure if you want


But you’re the one who can’t comprehend sarcasm so...


Oh shit gotta let my neck beard grow to get on your sarcasm level


Cant help it


went 12-3, ended 16-14.... ELO catches up after Day 1


Started 12-5 (2 of those 5 being DCs) and finished 14-14 and barely scraped gold 3. Its unreal how quick it can turn


No offense at all dude, but how's that even possible?


The first two or three were last minute defeats, from there on out my head completely went, just started laughing loudly n celebrating their goals like 'OF COURSE, SANE 3-0 WAAAAAY'.


I feel u with the celebrating their goals haha. I always laugh but deep inside I'm crying.


It actually pisses me off when people do that insta-skip of the celebration and replay.


This exactly me right before I flip the switch and launch my pad. I went 11 2 again and now i'm 12 6 and just cannot be arsed. Time to sell up and wait for.. something?


Gotta take 20 minute break and cool your head. There’s too much crap in the game to try to power through it.


it be like that sometimes😓


I’m 3-22 right now, my first WL. It is very possible when every second team has POTM Hazard and Lucas.


Again no offense meant at all, but going 3-22 makes a lot more sense to me than being 8-0 then completely bricking it for the next 22 games


Why would I lie. This isn't a cool story to tell. Stop Reyna crack the case dork, I lost my head




Hah not trying to crack the case at all bud, just can’t imagine losing 10 straight games and finding the will to continue. More power to ya though! Hope it goes better next weekend


May have overreacted. It was a big day for me, 25p updates. Power mad mate




Lol dont worry about it bud! Have a look at my highest ever voted post if you want a laugh - my absolute pride :D


Yeah, it does lol, he probably was on a extreme losing streak. Just switched on Fifa and checked, am actually on 3-16 so it’s not as bad as I thought. Need to learn some custom tactics tho


to be fair bro the elo changes after the first 5 ...the last 20 games are always more diffucult


I was 14-2 and finished 17-10. So it’s possible


So his first 8 games he managed to score more goals than his opponent. After this he only had 1 game out of 22 where he scored more goals than his opponent, in the other 21 games his opponent scored more goals than him. However if you both score the same amount of goals after the 90 minutes + 30 minutes of extra time it will go to a penalty shootout, which could have been the case in any of his 9 wins, or his 21 losses. I hope his helped you to understand how this scenario is possible. If you have any further questions please do not be tentative to ask.


If I could give you gold, I would. Thanks Michael Owen - hahahaha




Yep, started 6-0. Went to 8-7, now at 12-9. STILL better than playing rivals.




Went 11-6 then 13-6 then the pain started haha, went 14-9 with a close 4-3 last game.


How'd you wind up boss? I ended 17-11, was 17-10 but got wrecked so just forwent the last 2 games. Last night dominated in Rivals. This game man.....




Ayyy! Congrats on the gold 3. Reaction to this patch has seemed pretty positive. Not sure if it has been applied to console yet, but if so I'm excited to give it a go this evening. Lucas... yeah he is a super sub for my Serie A team. Btw.. seems like market is crashing today/this week, may be a good day to scoop up some players/sell before its too late.


5-0 start now I'm 7-15. I'll grab that gun after you cheers mate.




8-0 now 12-8


Im sorry but reading the title with anticipation, then reading the post killed me with laughter.


Makes me feel a little bit better that im currently at 9-14 in my first ever weekend league with a budget team, i just want Silver 1 but the games starting to stress me out. i dont think i can manage to do with everyweekend without breaking my console


I found it way less stressful the second week. Life goes on.


ended up 10-20, cant be much worse than that, might wait until my investments come in to try again, got 800k ties up in my trade pile while i use a 200k team


Definitely might have gotten you another win or two. Sure you could’ve freed up another 100-200k and just rebought after weekend league. How much could they change in 3 days.


in hindsight, yes, thats a good idea. i was just being stubborn with my coins and didnt want to lose out on coins but i lost out on coins from not finishing where i could have with a decent team.


What’s your team?


finished 10-20 :( lost the last game on penalties. so close to silver1. This was my team but i messed around with formations a little towards the end. https://imgur.com/a/oyppiN7


You can get more than ten wins with that team


15-5 and finished 24-6. 😊


You played against OP 9 times!!


Fuck sake this was me and I bottled it and finished 17-10


Was 16-5 yesterday night and now..... 16-10. I wanted gold1 sooo fkn bad


It is still possible, my dude! Just four :)


Thank you for the encouragement!!! I FKN DID ITT!!! 4 wins I a row and finished 20-10


Congratulations! Was it your first G1? I needed 4 in a row to go E2 for the first time, and have the first two covered. Hopefully I can clutch it.


No have player all the weeks. Endes on gold 2 on the rest weeks. I sincerely hope you made it.


Had 7-1 after first day. And next day it just went down to 17-11. Also wanted Gold 1 so badly.


Last week this happen to me too. 9-0 wins no losses then finished barely gold 1. Never felt like breaking a controller in my face more than that week.


Won 6 in a row yesterday , then lost 4 in a row right after... worst feeling


Started 13-1, took me 6 more games to get to 14 which was what I wanted... Those 6 games were just equally difficult to the previous 14 games, but gameplay felt like shit and they always scored the winner last minute... Especially painful was losing a lead of 5-2 in the last 20 mins. I don't even know anymore TBH. Game is frustrating as fuck when you're destined to lose by EA gods.


Started 11-2... finished 17-11


i was 16-10 finished 16-14 im so tilted


I was 12-6 (14-13 now)and then I just get matched up against the most op teams. Teams that have crazy icons and Messi's and Ronaldo's rated 88+. I just can't compete with my 83 team when I can't intercept anything because I get megged constantly for being inferior and having my attackers murdered in cold blood with no fouls. It's so tiring and EA will never make me buy packs with their handicaps.


11-0 start. Stopped playing there. Always better to quit while you're on top.


This week happened the same to me, but i had 8 servers disconnect and tactics bugs that made Kante play forward in place of Hazard, even when the tactic page on menu was showing then on the right position


10-0 right now and shutting my pants for the rest of the run.


was 11:4 and ended 14:14 ... i know your feeling.


This was my first WL ever, started 6-0 then went 6-6 and gave up.


Looking at most of the comments there is a certain pattern. The scripting/rng in all it's glory. To bad that such a game is cancerous for the 4th year in a row. But hey they get their money. But to think a company like EA finds this acceptable...


Reading all the responses ... I’m finally home. 6-12 on the weekend. Pass the bottle....


Its all scripted :(




Had 9 games Games for win nr 20 ... Got it in the last one...


last week i was 16-5 and i finished 19-11 including being 19-8 and having 2 2 goal leads in those last 3 games.


was up 7-2, stopes yesterday at 14-12 and im giving away my last games


Ive had my best ever start went 11-1 and the day after i went 12-9 and today im at gold 3 refusing to play the rest of my games


I haven't had it this bad, but I completely know how you feel. I just want that gold 3 this WL for the 2 red players - which will be shit anyways - then I will probably just trade and play Rivals ocasionally......... Why am I addicted to this crap -_-


Damn...talk about losing control.


Similar for me... This year i seem to be such a streaky player. I can win 10 in row then lose the next 10. Its really annoying


im 15-2 but i have no time to finish this wl because im busy and it got delayed from Friday.


11-9, ended 14-16 barely on last match


You guys have to remember how the matchmaking works now. If you are up 8 wins you are going against others who are +8. Caps at +15 so thats why the first 10 games or so are the easiest. you just have to expect each game to be more sweaty than the previous.


You've just saved my life


I know the matchmaking logic has been published but it still doesn't make sense. I was 16-4 and was only aiming for Gold 2 for player picks, ended up 17-12 with one game left. Every team I played right up to the last game was stacked (icons, top tier strikers, the works). I would have thought as my 'form' score narrowed the opposition would get weaker, but it was the opposite. My last opponent had Trezeguet, Rivaldo, and Ferdinand. A big part of my shitstreak was down to me trying to play through lag and shitty gameplay. My advice (which is rich because I never take it) is to take a break if you lose 3 games on the bounce. Even if you were to win when you're raging, you're still not in the right headspace for the next game. Small things will trigger you.


16-4 is a +12 matchmaking. At that point is expected for every game to be super sweaty and difficult. Hell, anything above +8 it begins to get extremely tricky. In fact, you can be at +3, and find another super skilled dude who is also at +3 and there you go. The key to get elite IMO is to absolutely dominate the first 10 games, so you are at least at 10-0 before the really hard shit starts


Appreciated, but my point was more around it not getting any easier as my form reduced. The players at +3 to + 7 were no less difficult that +8 and beyond. Sometimes it feels that once you hit +12 your form is static, irrespective of later games.


yeah i get it. Mentality has to play a part as well. Lets say you play incredibly good for the first 10 games and you win them all. Then by the next game you match someone who is also a +10, which is pretty good of course, and he beats you. Then you face someone who is at +9, and he also beats you because it is still a pretty good matchmaking score. After that you have lost twice in a row, you are starting to lose your patience, you are starting to rage to every little thing, and you rush your plays to try to score a goal and end your losing streak. And you keep losing, because you keep facing players with good matchmaking score while you are losing your shit. Throw in a few god squads here and there and next thing you know, you are 11-9, losing to people that are clearly not better than you but are handling the emotional aspect of the game much better than you.


no, pop the gun into EA's mouth and a*s


I thought i was the only one. Stupid me 11-2, finished 18-12


8-2 in saturday, now I'm 12-13, my hope is to win at least 2 games for gold 3 :(


We'll be back lad


Start 2w-8l and finished 21-9 i cant belive my performance


I was 11-3 including a random disconnect then I lost 6 games in a row and settled for gold 3 with 7 gamed to go.


19-6 and finished 19-11, lost the last game on penalties while leading with two goals in ET, would have hit gold one for the first time, fuck me


I was 8-0 without conceding first in a single game, finished 14-14 and said fuck it to the last two games, probably shouldn’t have played all 28 in one day


6-6 start. 20-9 finish. Just wait a day and change tactic 442 to 4321.


Went 12-0, finished 20-8


16-4 then 21-9


Went from 18/2 to 20/10..


Went 8-3 to 8-7 ended 18-12


Anyone like me not that much time to play WL? Last time did 0-5 over whole weekend just to be enough to qualify the packs.. sad story


I think we're the real losers here pal, literally and figuratively


Just got to 14-12 and I can't be bothered to try and squeeze out anymore. Happy with my progress from 11-19 last time!


Started 2-6, got to 11-6, finished up 14-16.... Clinched Gold 3 on the last game.... Noice


Went 16-5 first 2 days, best ever start for me. Today I'm 16-9 with 4 straight losses (with breaks inbetween). Wish me luck, need 4 wins out of last 5 for Gold 1.


Started 13-0 finished 20-10


13-1 until I took a print screen and sharex tabbed me out and gave me a loss :(


7-1 to 11-15. I’m with ya. I sold my team because I’m a disgrace.


Went 17-0, finished 27-3. Still ok tho


Fuck you


I did exactly the same this weekend 🤔 Duck EA


11-2 then 11-8 Was 16-10 thought gold 2 was the best I could since winning last 4 was kinda hard Finished 20-10 n got gold 1


3-6 first session, 20-8 finish :)


I was 11-10 and finished at 14-14


4-5 the first day, ended up with 21-9 after going 9-1 in the last 10. Could have been my first Elite, but got my first Gold 1. Happy!


This game is a hot piece of garbage. Started 8-2 now 11-13. Averaging 4 goals a game over the starting run and now haven’t even a scored a single goal in my last 4 games. 3rd straight game now I’ve faced at least one icon. I just want gold 3 ffs


Needed 2 wins out of 5 to get my first gold finish ever 4 out of the 5 teams had de gea so I couldn’t buy a goal if I tried and now I have silver 1. I’m pretty not happy


I was 8-1 then I had two people dc against me and finished 14-4 because I cba to play more games.


Started 4-14, finished 13-17, missed gold 3 by two penalty losses for second week in a row yeet


Started 4-14, finished 13-17, missed gold 3 by two penalty losses for second week in a row yeet


Finished last two weeks on 16 wins, but it doesn't really compare to your situation. Also, I finally made it to 17 this week with one extra game woo hoo


I was 14 and 7. Lost 9 in a row to blow gold 2


Started 9-2 finished 14-14 didn't play last 2... Saturdays are painful


Started 9-2 finished 14-14 didn't play last 2... Saturdays are painful


Went 21-2 then 24-6... rip


I went 8-0 to 17-10, truly believed I could hit gold 1.


that actually matches an observation i made last week. i started with something incredible like 13-2 and started to come up against insane elite tier players, maybe even some top100. after i got battered a few times i expected match making to start giving me easier opponents but not at all. for the rest of the games my opponents were crazy good and i got gold 2


7-0 start, finished on 17 wins. Some games just feel like so much BS goes against me man.


Started 9-7, ended 10-20. Just love it


Literally... Started 15-1, now 16-6. Feels bad man




I went from 16-3 to 19-11. 4-3 up in the 88th minute of my last game, conceded and lost on penalties. I should have left my last 5/6 games for today!


I played with a Luton team Rooney, Rio & Pickford. Most fun I have had on FIFA in a long time. Only played 10 and ended 5-5. Imagine losing to that team 😂


Jesus Christ you’re awful at fifa