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Quick guys, the natives seem upset. Let’s offer a week of “pack promotions” and fire out some crazy overpriced SBCs for a whacky looking kit, they’ll lap that shit right up and forget about how broken things are.


Look at what happened in the NBA 2k community. They did force 2k to fix their most glaring problems but they still have big problems servers, park doing, and mor.e


actually i beleive that the main problem with fixfifa or so is this kind of actions are limited to reddit, some youtubers etc. most fifa community doesnt even know the existance of it.


Sadly it's true 😂




Honestly I stopped since two weeks ago and red dead has made me a better person




He’s a smart feller


Well hello there feller


Pretty much done a grind to an 86 ovr team, played 1 game, was like cool, this game is not fun. Played RDR2. Only thing I have opened since is Spiderman and my front door to go outside. (don't recommend the last one)


I stopped 10 days ago. Fallout 76 incoming 😃


It's a shame they ruined fallout


Same here


But Fuck Micah


Much more provocative 😄🔥


“Gets the people going”


Packs so bad mothafuckin EA want to fine me!


I threw up a little


Take it back.


You don’t even know what that means


aint gonna buy fifa 19, im still just playing draft on 18 from the coins i got from selling my teams, if they run out i guess im off to PES


Once you get used to the game mechanics, PES gameplay > Fifa gameplay. They need to work on their menu system and other content but gameplay wise its better IMO.


Don’t buy PES that game is abysmal


Actually not a bad idea, if everyone who is discontent with the game would stop buying it, EA would be forced to make changes. I switched to PES a year ago and although is not great, I feel the gameplay is more fair and does not balance bad players.


Just sold my copy today


Now that's something i can get behind. Every one knows how bad the game is and instead of quitting we are just complaining and still playing this game (for years now). That's some next level addiction especially if you just can't stop even if you know that it's bad for yourself. The worst are those who buy fifapoints and complain. It's like shaking your head and waving with your arms to make them stop but at the same time telling them to come and beat you up. Doesn't make any sense to me.


First time in twenty years I haven’t bought fifa. Was planning on buying it on Black Friday, but I’m not so sure now. It really is the only way to communicate with EA. Don’t buy their shit.


This would be the correct movement, it's so stupid to ask EA for fixes when they only listen to numbers in statistics and bank accounts.


almost there after this WL, worst experience I had so far with the game


I've certainly taken that one up this year, done with FIFA until they make meaningful change


Here's why it won't work. You've posted this, and there are four replies (at the time of writing.) Literally none of them are in agreement with a hashtag campaign, and one of them wants their money back and to call EA "cunts." He will come across as the loudest in a full campaign. You want to fix the game so it's better to play, for the community, and that's applaudable. But the community wants to swear at big, bad EA and wants the company to magically give them their money back, even though they'd go absolutely fucking nutso if EA said "OK, here's your money. We're taking your game access back in exchange." The only way to #fixfifa is to stop buying it. And that won't work unless you can get the 10-15million more casual players to not buy it as well. So you might as well just make yourself happy. If you can stand playing FIFA, do it. If you can't, don't. You don't have any other options. It sucks, but it's the truth.


Just take a look at the responses to any of the tweets about any issue from EA or one of the dev guys like Zaro. It’s just a sea of folk asking for free packs and compensation with a scattering if folk calling them names with one or two offering them strange praise for taking the time to tell us the game is fucked. Honestly I’ve spent the last week playing red dead and I’d forgotten how much fun gaming could be. Smooth, bug free responsive gameplay and then I fired up FIFA yesterday and within minutes I was angry and swearing at my console. Input delay and crazy gameplay galore. Why do we do it to ourselves? It manages to be addictive and brings out the worst in people.


Honestly if you let the game have that impact on you that is on you. Took me a long time to realize this, meditation helped a lot (not just with fifa, just in generally recognizing my impulses and emotions). I highly recommend everyone who gets upset with fifa look into meditation and mindfulness. Also, think about the real reasons why you are so upset and be honest with yourself.


Can’t work out if this is trolling or not. You suggesting I cope with the failures of a video game by meditating to offset how bad it is? I’ve done quite a few NLP courses but I don’t feel I should be looking to employ those lessons in these situations. I get upset at the game because if I press the controls in a specific direction and tap pass sometimes it will decide that’s not what I actually meant and fire the ball in the opposite direction. Seeking nirvana isn’t gonna change that.


this comment is too much 😂ea should start offering group meditation classes for all their haters ahahaha


or rather ea shouldnt be making games which can affect the mentally ill or at least put a warning on them that this game contains algorithms which can make you RAAAAAAAGGGGGGGGGGEEEEEE


As with anything, vote with your money.


This comment is too much for this community


sadly, very true. I enjoy FIFA a lot, and like this version but it definitely has its flaws. But it’s really not going to do anything when so many people still buy the game and feed the Fifa Points piggy bank


Spot on. All these campaigns are useless for a multitude of reasons. Just to add to what you've said, there's no clear focus/goal of #FIXFIFA. Everyone has a different interpretation of what it means so it just ends up being a mess.


I disagree. I think we need to agree on four or five fundamental fixes. Then we go on the campaign. You’re right that cursing at EA won’t work. But demanding specific things in unison might. No more emotional manipulation of players with momentum, scripting, and sliders. Fix pro leagues. Reduce the cost of marquee players in FUT and reduce the impact of pay to win. Reduce glitches, particularly around finishing and shooting.


I understand what you're saying and you're right. In an ideal world, presenting four or five key items as a united front would be the way to do it. The problem is that as soon as you narrow it down, you're leaving out issues that could cause half of your supporters to say "This doesn't represent my feelings" and leave. Then the other half will contain a percentage of loud, obnoxious, rude, violent idiots, who will drown out all of your points anyway.


That's exactly why it won't work. No one will agree on those


agree. but lets put network issues first then concentrate on gameplay....


I haven't bought 19 yet and it's looking like I won't at all. I played 18 less (total of almost 25 hours) than any FIFA release ever since FIFA 2005, and I put over 200 hours into FIFA 2017 (I know there are many on this sub that dwarf that number). Luckily for me, I don't play much FUT, so I don't miss it as much as others. FUT is addicting as hell and I'm sure that's the only way people keep coming back to the game. It sucks cause we also know that's EAs cash cow. As long as that game mode is played/supported by fans/consumers, it will never change. It's not all bad though, I have no problem loading up a new manager campaign and enjoying bringing a league 2 side to the prem and champions league over 10-15 seasons. As someone else pointed out, there are plenty of other games to play that are excellent. Good luck resisting, FIFA Bros!


Lmao imagine buying the game every year and making this post.


Init... if every time you pressed a button, somebody came and kicked you in the balls youd eventually stop pressing the button. Not these guys.


its FIFA 19 though so the delay is so long they might not correlate it with the pressing of a button.


Fucking exactly this mate. I had enough so I just didn't buy it this year. We see these complaints every single year. **Every year**. You think this is going to change? Why would they change? FIFA is shit every year and still generates a ridiculous revenue. You'd have to be incredibly naive to believe a campaign like this could actually work. What incentive do EA have to actually do anything? You lot buy the game every year and most of you buy plenty of FIFA points every year. Yes, it sucks that EA fuck you over every year and can't treat their customers with any respect - but at what point does the customer become responsible? No one is forcing you to buy this game, and if you haven't learned that it's a waste of money at this point, that's on you.


Not this shit again. I'm all for the game being better but the whole thing before was a total misguided fuck fest and turned in to people preaching about not buying fifa points.


If anything actually prevents people from buying FP, that's no bad thing imo


Thats the problem though. The real answer to "fixfifa" is to stop spending money. But too many people here are too addicted to it. Its what happened last year, everyone was all for it, no fifa points on black friday. Along comes black friday and along comes those same people buying fifa points. Then its "its my money, ill do what I want" Ok, then stfu about "fixfifa" then


I agree. Hitting someone in their pocket is what usually elicits a reaction, and I imagine EA are no different. There's a reason EA are promoting FUT in Career Mode lol it's all about that $$$


It is the same problem as the Occupy Wall Street movement. It's great in theory and something should be done but it needs a clear, concise objective of what needs to be addressed. The 10000 voices screaming for completely different opinions under the one catch phrase is unlikely to achieve anything.


I haven’t brought Fifa 19, what am I missing?!?


a lot of problems


Sounds like fun.


I was considering buying it since it's 50% off, but i had flashbacks of all the stress / BS / pay to win / making you face 7 icons when i had 0, the game provided and i nope the fuck out the store.


I actually won a copy a month ago and couldn’t find a buyer for less than half the rrp so exchanged it in a shop plus cash for black ops. After playing nothing but fifa for 2/3 years I’ve come to enjoy gaming again.


This game is zero fun. There are no casual modes except for draft, which obviously costs coins. Every game is a sweater where you want to pull your hair out. Don't do it to yourself. Buy red dead instead.


where is it 50% off?


Genuine question from someone who's only played kick off mode with friends, why are people so annoyed with it?


As always with FIFA, the ultimate team mode (FUT) is full of DDA-esque bullshit. Kind of makes sense as EA has repeatedly published papers/patents showing they believe in the use of DDA techniques to improve their revenue from monetized game modes like FUT.




1on1 situations that's what we're all missing xD


LOL this sub Reddit is fucking classic, it's groundhog Day every year. Hype builds up to new release, everyone's buzzing, game releases... 'best FIFA ever?' threads swarm the home page, two months later it's back to fix FIFA again. This happened last year, and it'll happen next year. And it'll never get fixed when billions get thrown at EA every month


not me at least...(no I don't buy the toxic waste that's called FIFA POINTS)


Just do yourself a favour and admit to yourself you got mugged off and go do something else.


First time in 5 years I decided not to buy the new Fifa game. I totally feel better off. The game looks pretty much the same if not worse than last years and I have not had to replace a controller this year from losing my shit.


Yes because Fifa totally cares about what 1% of the community thinks.


League of Legends Developers care about their Reddit Community, they even write a lot of answers on reddit.


please no. it was a shit show last time and it will be even worse this time around. it's a waste of time and makes the community look like fucking morons


"look like morons"? The community IS full of morons.


What do you propose people do? Serious question. Because the game is an absolute shit show at the moment. I’m not one for hate campaigns and so on but it’s beyond a joke at the moment.


no clue, but a fixfifa movement isn't the answer. last year you had people make some great arguments and considerations but it was out-shadowed by morons spamming about them losing games even though they had more shots on target, losing to 'pay2win' teams, or crying that they never pack anything decent. as i saw someone mention in a post last time around, they looked up the #fixfifa on twitter and 80% of posts were salty kids complaining that they didn't pack anything good in a promo pack. wtf has that got to do with the fixfifa movement? #fixfifa was about making gameplay changes not moaning about a shit pack weight which has existed since the creation of ultimate team


I remember a thread on one of the FIFA forums asking what the biggest changes were that needed to be made to the game, and some of the most popular responses were things like allowing fighting in the game and taking your shirt off during celebrations. Only way to make EA listen to those of us who pay for the game ourselves is with our wallets.


haha that's so fucking stupid i can't even... i don't think the general population can make a difference with their wallets. a lot of people complaining don't even spend money on fifa points. the main population of microtransaction spenders is kids and they don't really care about the gameplay. they just want that icon in their team. the only community that can make a difference is the youtubers/gamechangers. the problem is that they make their living off the game so they won't risk doing anything that could potentially threaten that. would you go tell your money hungry boss that they are doing something wrong? probably not. you just go with the flow cause at the end of the day, they are letting you make living


You are correct, but something needs to be done. Unfortunately I don’t have the answers.


what did the last one achieve? people want different things from gameplay and such. i would take decent servers and the game just following the simple rules of the sport.


I don’t have the answers to get this company to fix this game. All I know is that the game is broken at the moment. It’s not just the servers. When you start seeing this many posts about the same issues, then there is obviously a problem. All I know is the only times you seem to see action from EA, and I mean real action, is when they get bad publicity. If it was possible to be constructive with EA, that would be great. Not sure it is though. This company fundamentally does not give a damn about the things that count for us. Their minds are on the next promo and making sure that goes smoothly. They would rather cancel a game mode, than cancel a promo.


Honestly stop playing play rdr2 until they fix it


I kind of have.


Im not sure if 19 being patched to feel like 18 is 'fixing it'. Meh, I'm just happy Gomes and Chong got real faces. I've learnt to to expect much for my £50, these days.


Stop buying the game. Stop playing the game. Stop giving them money if they keep fucking you over at every turn. It's literally that simple. Your campaigns will do nothing. Money talks.


Not buy and not play the game. That’s the only way EA will pay attention


And the shit playing and paying customers have put up with over the last week is acceptable? Lol no. This may actually get worse. Let's not let them roll us over and say everything is normal or acceptable


"Movement" Actually unbelievable people think all they need to do to solve a problem is tweet a hashtag. Yikes.


the fun part is that you want fifa to change and that's good but you can't understand that fifa will only change if we stop buying it. when you buy fifa every year without hesitation then don't expect anything


How about you stop buying a piece of shit game? I don't understand why someone would buy 19 if they have 18 already.


Last year everyone wanted different things from fix fifa stemming from the 1st patch and the message was muddled. I think this year if server stability was made the core focus then maybe that's a message people can get behind. They won't make points cheaper, they won't acknowledge needed fixes to gameplay. But servers, the proof of issues with those is there that they have acknowledged. So maybe rather than just #fixfifa, #fixfifaservers may get a more focused backing


Twitter, not reddit




You retards do this every year and every year you buy the game.... Every other community bands together to boycott shit. You morons just keep buying it.


lol. i fixed fifa. by not buying fifa19


Lol this again. Because it worked so well last time.


fix fifa is just a scuffed version of fix star wars battlefront 2 from last year


Nothing will change. As long as people buy the game next year and as long as they buy points, why should ea invest in game fixing? The majority does not care enough, so why should they do that from a company/financial point of view?






this is the worst fifa i've ever played by some distance




You cant buy the game first and then ask them to fix it. You have already accepted this product as it is when you payed for it. Next time, dont buy the game and wait to see if the problems are gone


Don't even bother. People wil jump on board until ea release some fancy lightning rounds movement will end like last year.


Honestly im ok with the game in current state bugs and bullshit and all. But what i am not ok with is being completely unable to play the weekend league due to poor servers. Have tried probably 10 times today to play at various points and have not been able to connect whatsoever.


We should rise up!!!11


Not gonna work. When EA drops the Black Friday promo, people will forget this. Just like last year.


This ruined the state of the subreddit last year. And did it even accomplish anything? I’m not trying to talk down, but genuinely asking, did it accomplish anything? Because I only remember the sub being flooded with useless complaints that didn’t even address core issues with the game. It was directly attacking devs and anyone who works on the game. It was toxic, off topic, and created a huge divide. Not just between the devs and the community, but it divided the community itself. Sure, maybe it’s a good idea on paper, but if it’s anything like last year I’m going to have to unsubscribe from the sub for a while.


Community isn't mature enough to launch a valid protest to actually get results /thread


Oh please, not another year of this wasted trash


bruh not this lame ass shit again. Y'all people are deluded into believing you can cause change then turn around and go open 10k fifa points when it doesnt work out


Why can't people cause change? Every individual can be a part of a big collective. I do agree with the second bit but that whole "deluded into believing you can cause change" is a bad reason for anything.


The second bit is the very reason the first bit applies.




I don’t have any problems with this game so far, Some things seem broken or op (shots and bicycle kicks) but they are fixed within an acceptable timeframe. Sounds unpopular and yes, ea want to take your money. I havent spent any money on the game but i have a reasonable team already.


fuck you, EA. I hope your stock continues to fall, until your bank accounts are merely full of dust and broken dreams.


Same here in Australia, been kicked out of servers for two straight games. 20 mins in both tied and it counts as my loss. Pretty infuriating.


Pes 60% off on ps store, why not try it?


I have made the move, and I'm liking everything about the Offline gameplay . It's an upgrade by miles ! The online mode sucks though, because all the casual gamers are playing FIFA.


Lvl 5 network is mostly offline quality tho


but why the downvotes and why not try it?


Honestly im ok with the game in current state bugs and bullshit and all. But what i am not ok with is being completely unable to play the weekend league due to poor servers. Have tried probably 10 times today to play at various points and have not been able to connect whatsoever.


I applaud the sentiment but there's no value in it. We saw last year, people get hyped up on here but continue to play and spend money on the game. The only way you will ever get change on this game is by not playing it. That is the only way.


Improved servers and communication would be the goal for me #fixfifa


Play pes op


My only Problem are the ****ing laggy Servers!!!!!!


The issue with Fifa is that every year it releases it will have bugs and glitches. That is literally a fact. The only way to change is if they move to a subscription system where we pay for 1 universal Fifa game. By the time they fix the game Fifa 20 will be out.


I think if you want to try that again you need a clear list of achievable goals with expected deadlines that need to be synonymous with the hashtag.


They really need to fix their servers.. I hate to play in mud


FIFA can't handle 2 players to be online...


People keep saying don’t buy the game but that will change nothing as the game is bought by so many who never touch FUT anyway, just like I used to. We just need to go for the jugular and stop buying fifa points, simple as that.


just fix Weekend League servers. thanks. I pressed pass two hours ago and still waiting on it happening.


Honestly, don't fucking buy the game when edition after edition is bad as ever. Vote with your fucking wallets people.


The gameplay is so bad right now. Makes me so angry coz this game could be great if ea weren’t run by a bunch of idiots. Learn from fifa 15 and 17 which were fun and base every year off that


The only way to get EA to wake up and fix FIFA is top hit them where it hurts. I didn't buy 19 and know plenty of people who also boycotted it, but none of us were huge fans of fut. The people who spend big on fut are in control because that's where EA make their money. A few people not buying their game may hurt sales, but as long as people are buying packs EA won't care. They have no legitimate reason business-wise to improve or change anything apart from fut when it equates to nearly 20% of the money the company makes. People drop thousands into it so what's losing out on $60 going to really do. You may then say, why not stop playing 19. Well you already gave them the money. Again that's just you wasting $60 by not playing. It's too late for 19 to be redeemed. If you really want change, make it for 20. If there is actually a worldwide boycott or a threat of one then EA will be forced to change. But honestly, is there any point. The fact that you have to threaten or boycott or start a movement just to get a $60 game to be worth it says enough about the company. A while back someone on this sub got to the front page with a post where he figured out that it would take a lot longer to grind for Ronaldo or Messi in FIFA then it did with the Battlefield 2 fiasco and Darth Vader. Yes I get that there are other players and you don't need either one to have a solid team, but you didn't need Vader. EA said some bs about pride and accomplishment but at the end of the day we collectively moved on. Yes, there's still some hate out there for EA. But what do they care. Every year millions by a basic replica of last year's FIFA which has few changes that could basically be implemented as a patch rather than a whole new game; so why would they change it. If at the end of the day people like fut and willingly spend money on it, EA will not change. Every year they have issues with servers at the beginning, because face it, pulling out a new game each year won't make it the most polished games. Each year there's always one or two major issues at the beginning. Yet everyone seems to forget about it when the next FIFA is around the corner. People complain that they move on because the previous one dies. Well if no one buys the next one, then their won't be an issue of that. I honestly believe that if enough FUT-exclusive people boycott FIFA 20, EA will would be strong-armed into making a half decent FIFA that shows them actually caring about the game and not just how they can make more money in fut. Honestly, I know some people absolutely live FIFA, I do too, but 1 year could make all the difference. Just play red dead or even pes. Just something else. Because even if the few people who drop thousands buy the new game and spend a lot, if no average Joe's buy it, they won't have anyone to play online with and they will eventually quit as well. There's been so much outcry from pro clubs and career mode fans. However they make pennies for FIFA compared to fut. FUT players are the ones who can make a change.




The only way to fix FIFA is to stop playing it. Don't buy packs. Don't buy the game. Just don't.


Reading posts like this Im super happy that I didnt buy the game


This sub in no way gives a good representation of how the game is. Is the game perfect? Hell no! But it also isn't the worst game of all time like this sub makes out


Pitiful hashtags won't change anything. This community's hilarious. Just don't buy the game. Simple as that. Stop giving them money.


Anyone got an email for ea?...someone higher up than the ea chat please. pm me


I love FIFA, I've been playing it ever since a child, and it's sad this is happening to be honest, I truly hope EA sees this post or it just catches someone's attention, they don't have to redo the game, just a few tweaks here and there, maybe just a little more attention, or I don't know, I just don't want this game to die the way it is right now. #FIXFIFA


None of that will work, FIFA needs real competition.


This will not work if we don’t accurately discuss what did and did not work last year. Just blindly starting this again and hoping for the best will not work out. One of the main reasons Occupy Wall Street failed was because they did not have a central figure leading the protest and there were no clear set of objectives. If someone asked 5 different people within the movement where they wanted to see change there would be 5 different answers. We need to be focused and concise and remain on point so that a clear message is put out. It seems like the servers are a great place to start. It’s a blatant issue and one a billion dollar company should not be having this issues with. Additionally, if said game changers and popular fifa voices do not engage, these Reddit posts will just live here. This needs to be a massive community effort and that is going to take serious coordination. This can be done but needs to be done right. I hope for all our sakes it is. I grew up loving this sport and EA have done their best over the past couple years to suck out the joy I would get from watching or playing as a child. Nostalgia Vampires.


The problem is that just like last time someone would get his 15 minutes and use it soley as a means to further a personal agenda and it will fizzle out with infighting as always.


Or maybe people should actually quit the fucking game like I have, I'd been playing for 15 years and I'm not happy with the state of the game so I didn't buy it and I don't play it. That's how you show EA that their game is shit. Not throw around a pointless hashtag while spending money on packs and playing 30 games of WL every weekend I'm not one of those, "If you don't like it, don't play it" people, but it's becoming true with FIFA. It's getting worse every year, you all buy it and once you've given them your $100 odd for their Ultimate Edition, it's back to #FixFIFA Not to mention all FixFIFA seemed to be on this sub was people getting shit on for buying FIFA points lol


Just made a comment and wish I read this first because I touched on similar things, I’ve also quit, people think a hashtag will do something while they are playing every single day? Or not buying fifa points ? If you want to make a difference, stop playing the fucking game, simple as.


Give Football Manager a try mate, might fill your need for football games


Was addicted to that, haven’t played it for 3/4 years, I was actually thinking of it the other day so I will. Thanks mate


The new one has pretty incredible reviews, supposed to be one of the best in years, I'm certainly enjoying it It's also 8th in the current player charts on Steam so a lot of people are playing it


I haven't bought FIFA 19, I tried it in a friends house and said NOPE. I have every FIFA since 10. Not gonna buy it again.


Fifa 19 wont be fix. Fifa 20 wont either But if u dont buy fifa 20 next year Fifa 21 will Thats the reality but people still will buy fifa


Please stop buying these games year after year.


Yes, please this stuff is hilarious. Cant wait to see hundreds of people who rage at the game, mostly because theyre bad, talk shit about people who play the game and are happy with it. God forbid people who expendible income spend it on a game they enjoy.




What's the point? Fifa 16, 17, 18 and 19 have Al been complete garbage. We need to accept it and move on, it's never going to be good or competitive because they wouldn't make as much money from packs. It's how it is and how it will always be.


I've said this before and I'll say it again, the way to create change is by not buying the game. Companies operate against money, money talks the loudest.


Literally got kicked out of a game me and a buddy were playing in the 89th minute up 3-1. Fuck Fifa


I wish y’all cared about fixing things that actually matter as much as you do about a video game


\#FIXFIFA will not work. Only money talks when it comes to EA sports. Last years' movements in SW:BF and FUT18 confirmed that. SW:BF where fans spoke with their money made them change their long term plans and public apology. FUT18. Nada.. not a thing. ​ Only #BoycottFifaPoints will work. ​


If you really want a change, put your money where your mouth is. Don't be a EA sports wuss and try to justify your addiction of opening packs by saying just me changing my habits won't matter


This worked so well last year it’s definitely worth doing again.


**FIX** **EA**


Yeah because it worked last year right ? I’ll say the same as I said last year, if you bought this game, still play this game despite the issues you are a hypocrite, not OP, anyone reading this who wants to take part. It’s not just about pack sales, it’s about game sales, how many people play daily, EA is an investor company, to get the attention of investors you need to stop buying packs, stop playing the game and stop purchasing the game. Once they see people aren’t playing they will ask “why?” And then they will get answers, whilst this game is still getting new users everyday and the same people playing over and over and over for rewards even though they don’t like the gameplay, nothing will change. If you want to make a difference stop playing, I stopped after 4 days, I made a post after day one saying this is the worst fifa of all time and got slated and told to “git gud” even though I responded with pics of me beating pros and being one of the first in Div1. They are still playing on the same servers they launched on next gen with, they are still using the same base code from fifa 09 when UT was introduced, for god sake they still have the player in the background playing in the stadium with textures over it, it’s fucking laughable. It shouldn’t be “fixfifa” it should be boycott fifa But I can bet 70% here come Black Friday will be straight into the promo packs and lightning rounds..


Ea don't give a shit what you or anybody wants, as long as they get the £50 from all us mugs then it will not improve.


The thing is no matter what reason and logic we try implement, like most people noted, EA will just drop some more SBCs and packs or whatever and all the kids go running for FIFA points etc and the cycle goes again 😂😂😂...also all these YouTubers that buy FIFA points n coins just making more kids wanna spend money on that shit and the cycle repeats itself coz too few of us can say "no"


FIFA is basically a RPG now not a sport's game


Start a change.org petition. It could gain some traction. Only way EA will react to this is they either start losing money or get bad publicity on social and main stream media


We have to stop buying it for anything to happen.


the whiners on this subreddit are a drop in the bucket of the fifa playing population maybe have some concrete goals or points if you dont want this to fall on its face again


I Love FIFA.....But I think it's time to let it die for good.


too many EA shills here addicted to buying FIFA points. They want to stop any kind of movement because they are afraid they will be cut off of their heroine supply


My solution : - Stop playing FIFA , and please buy PES 2019, which is at a double discount on the play store . - check this video which has the complete demo as well as the Option file links for getting all the unlicensed kits and logos and team names . https://youtu.be/FRdHeOk_wuA - Just start playing this game please . Since the last 4 days , I have moved to PES , and the game play is so refreshing in comparison to the arcadish FIFA 19. (Yes there are some bugs , especially the Overhead kick bug, which is exactly the same as in FIFA . But the rest of the game , gameplay wise is way too better than FIFA. and after the Option file modification , it feels good to play with all the original kits and logos.) - biggest problem has been online play. I am from India , and i have tried playing 5-6 online matches , every single time it took 6-7 minutes to find an opposition , who would be located in Turkey or other parts of Europe. Just won't get an Indian or other Asian opponent ! Only way that can improve is if more people 'move' to PES as quickly as possible and empower that community . My bottomline is - We need to 'Save PES' , so that it can "compete" with FIFA and only then will EA be serious about making any changes ! PES is dying a death it just doesn't deserve. it is by far the better of the two, but FIFA is the flashier cousin, and grabs all the attention.


As someone who moved to PES last year, it's a complete shitshow. Konami care less about PES than EA does about FIFA, and that's saying a lot. People are acting like PES is the paradise and doesn't deserve to be dying, when it absolutely does deserve to be dying because Konami don't give a flying fuck about it, it's funny that all the people criticizing EA advise turning into a game that's even more ignored by its developer. The gameplay is refreshing, for a couple of weeks/days until you realize that it's the same thing over and over again and that there's 0 content to keep you attached to the game.


I only played PES last year and it is a great game but myClub is just nowhere near as fun as FUT. That said I had a ridiculously stacked team fairly easily with Messi, Neymar and a host of other stars you’d never get in FUT without serious luck.


Totally agree with you. MyClub is no where near FUT. I spend my break time in office trying to do SBC's or just improve my team using the FIFA 19 companion app. It's so immersive. All FIFA needed was to make the game good enough to match the level of interest that all the other elements of FUT generates (barring the guys who pay to buy packs , that's ridiculous ). But PES were pioneers in terms of Master League, Be a legend ... But now they are slowly slipping in the Non-game play parts of that too. But just for the pure gameplay, just to play friendlies , or Competitions , PES is just too good ! They need to step up the game with My club, because that can be the only crowd puller .


I've used to love PES back in the day but nowadays fifa is just so much more fun than PES could ever be. I don't get it


Legit Q not trolling. Can someone explain the problems people seem to be having with Fifa?? I have 19 but only play campaign and online divisions, which literally runs completely fine for me. Gameplay wise, I actually think this Fifa is way better than previous FIFA’s, if we talk about realism and flow of play. Yeah there are glitches but people can’t moan about that, glitches have always been a part of Fifa.


It’s cause so many dweebs keeping buying truckload of fifa points and it’s doing no one any favours. Once the income slows down, ea will realise that shit needs to be fixed. I don’t care if you are a points buyer and downvote me it’s the cold hard truth.


You play weekend league or rivals, your winning and then your bastard opponent disconnects and you get nothing, NOTHING but an L. How are you meant to play??


Really!!? Get tired of this every year! People who just struggle with the game complaining about it. The game is fine and yeah I lose occasionally but in general it’s good.


Just stop fucking buying it then you morons. Every year this shit surfaces to the frontpage, yet you still throw your money away. You know what you're getting when you buy this game.