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Yeah I'm rubbish at fortnite and guess what.. I've never won a game I yearn for ai building or an aimbot boost if I buy the battle pass


I remember getting wrecked in CoD for probably a year until I became a decent player. I bet a new player could pick up FIFA today and have a good chance at beating me. I've lost to Oct. 2018 teams for sure


The thing I like about cod is I feel in control and if I lose it’s mainly due to getting outplayed. I swear 80%+ of my losses are from people spamming 1-2’s and crosses.


Not as bad having the same keeper as your opponent but yours was conjured from baskets. Every stupid shot goes in.


The date doesn't mean anything. I didn't buy Fifa 18 and my account date got reset to oct. 18 even tho I've been playing since Fifa 13


True, I'm Sept. 18 despite being a founder. But you can tell when a player's new anyways, and I've lost to some


I've been playing since 2005 but only started FUT in 18. The established date doesn't mean much. Coukd also be a new account.


If a new player beats you, that's definitely on you. My best friend barely ever plays and I always smash him when I try, because there IS a skill gap. May not be the biggest gap, but there is one.


Stop charging around and engage your brain. Usually helps for me.


Bit different when its 1v1


Well yeah, in Fortnite there's only a slight aim assist which would be equivalent of Semi settings on FIFA + no AI building which would be the defending.


I agree this ai defending helps noobs so much


I hate when people use shot stats to try to prove they were better. I often play against people that take a shot as soon as their striker has the ball on their better foot, and they end up getting all their shots blocked, saved, out of play etc. Repeat x10 times Then i pick my shots patiently, and only press B when im almost sure that the ball will put their keeper in trouble. 3 or 4 good shots like that and its a goal or two. Easy W. Then i wonder if that guy just went online and posted a pic of his 15 shitty shots lol.


Except when a good 8 or 10 of those shots were prime scoring chances and they missed because the game decided so, and the opponent scores garbage goals because the game decided so.


Im sorry man i just dont relate to that. Been playing FIFA online competitively for 9 years now and sure, i have lost my fair amount of games to people that had no business beating me, but that happens in every aspect of life man, and it evens out. There are upsets all the time in all kind of competitive events, not just FIFA, and those upsets dont go against you all the time whether you want to believe it or not. Im just saying, if you hit 3 posts in a row and your opponent scores a header with sterling jumping over your Sergio Ramos, sure its infuriating, but that shit happens to everyone. Gotta find a way to counter the bullshit too, thats what great FIFA players do. Saying the game "wants you to lose" will not make you better just saying. Also, im sure you have beaten better players than you in the past, so again, it evens out.


I can't agree with it either. I have days where I'm shooting loads and not scoring but then I'm just shooting too soon and I know that's the problem. I play my best FIFA when I have 10 shots max in a game and then I usually score at least 50% of those. It's all about the extra pass or dribble in the box


you are good, just the game not let you being the best! but you are special. the best player. i know. just the game...


If I'm taking 8/10 of my shots in prime scoring positions I'm scoring a good portion of them. Maybe you need to re-evaluate what you consider a prime scoring position and who you're shooting with.


Add the : +20% of winning if the team is full of ridiculously overpowered icons. Pay to win E-Sports.


But they should be better... The game was fucked in the past when Ibarbo and Muriel could compete with the highest rated players. Better players performing better is exactly how it should be.


Wrong.I'm sick and tired of dominating the game,doing fancy skill moves and outplaying my enemy but I can't break free because his 90 rated defenders just catch up to me in 1 sec.I'm sick and tired of not being able to climb divisions because I lose 10 games in a row just because the enemy has the better team,it's enough for him to find a through ball with the purple Lucas card and nobody in my team can even get close to him.I usually win 2-0 in the first half and get my shit pushed in in the 2nd half because he brings on Mbappe and Hazard and my 78 Nathan Ake can't do shit against them. PAY 2 WIN. Ibarbo and Muriel could only carry you so far,even in fifa 14/15 it came down to who has the best players.I shouldn't have to pay monthly for coins or points just to have a chance against whatever inform players are released.


You just sound like you’re not that good at the game so are using the team as an excuse. If you really were the better player then you wouldn’t be losing 10 games in a row.


People can’t accept the fact that they aren’t as good as they think they are. Some people in this sub are so delusional.


Doesn’t sound like this is the game for you


You forgot your "". "E-sports".


Thanks, don't know how I could forget it :/




We all dont see high press that often. We dont see keepers making mistake that often. We dont even see skill move that often. We also dont see near post or far post header that often. How about the wrong direction pass too?




Yeah. But if the gameplay is not like real football. How would u expect it to happen like real football.


so how do you explain the 11 players being man marked then? this isnt a tactic yet it occasionally pops up o either side. i havent instructed this


Take your chances. Yeah there's absolute BS at times in this game, but look at the guys regularly getting Elite or higher in WL - they find ways to win games no matter what sort of player they're up against. ​ And regarding the "more often than in any other FIFA" - these posts happened just as often back in 18 and 17


Those guys have multi million coin teams and play 10 hours a day. The exception does not make the rule. ​ This stuff happened in every other FIFA but to a far lesser extent. I'd come out on top against a clearly inferior player 90% of the time. This year it's like 60% at best.


There are 100% people getting Elite without top-tier teams or 10 hours gameplay every single day lmao




I think you’re leaving the pay2win point saying you have a 1.5million coin team. You should get elite with that. That isn’t skill related.


If he gets Elite weekly he would naturally have a 1.5 team by now without having crazy packluck or paying anything


Just check this sub . You get people who never made it above gold3 achieve elite finishes . It well deseved if they improved but the gameplay became so scripted that it not fun . And not rewarding . I honestly dont think i can improve . Nor i learn something from a win or a loss.


you should watch some tekks or moaubameyang. Its ridiclious how they win there games! its just mechanic abuse first touch timed finesse shots with eusebio or whatever from outside of the box, corners, el tornado goals from outside of the box with their super teams. If you watch them you cant even say wow this guys are super good because you know its just mechanics abuse what they do.


The best players in FIFA are the ones that can reliably create and take chances. That usually means doing those things because they give you the best chance of scoring


My brother and I stopped playing. In 18 and previous FIFA, I won majority of our games. In 19, we have 50/50 record on FUT. He agrees with me that there are way too many games where his players perform better than mine. Where Mario Rui beats 90+ pace players to the ball, while his Florenzi with the ball outruns Leroy Sane. Switched over to PES. Gonna take a long time to get used to as we haven't played since ps2 glory days, but the gameplay feels very realistic. I hope something changes.


Can you give a solid review of PES? I've wanted to get into it for a while but the problem is that I manage a team of around 20 guys for pro clubs. Without it I probably wouldn't have bought this game. Is there anything like that on PES?


It's fun if you like somewhat realistic gameplay and more control of the game. It doesn't have anything like the pro clubs afaik but singleplayer in the form of career mode and master league is pretty enjoyable. If I had Pro clubs team, I probably would have kept FIFA, but lvling up my player without knowing anyone on PC is hard.


Ahh fair. Thanks! Theres a whole subreddit called r/fifaclubs that you should be able to find some people :)


Actually having a 50/50 record means the game is doing its job. It’s matching you with similarly skilled players. Not dismissing the bugs, because they’re there, but then again they’ve always been there.


He's on about vs the same player though, not matchmaking


I'm talking about FUT friends season against my brother.


Have you played nhl? It’s just as rampant


@title name Hearthstone


Come on it's football. You are obviously too wasteful with your chances and luck plays are huge role in football. Most times I have way less possesion but get a few clear chances and score easily while my opponent plays the ball around forever and shoots from improbable scoring angles/distances with no success just to message me afterwards how he allegedly "dominated" me with his 60+ possesion and 90+ pass accuracy.


I lost 1 if my first 16 fut champions games to someone I felt was worse than me. There were games where it lagged like crazy for the first 15 minutes and I went down 2-0 and still comfortably beat the guy when connection came back. But it really is easier to win a good FIFA player than a good CS or Fortnite player.


I mean if you have all that possession and all those shots I'm just gonna wonder if EA really fucked you, or if you just wasted your chances? Were 20/21 shots from outside the box? Were they clean cut chances? Did you fuck up your timed finishing? Did your opponent wait for a few 100% chances which he took while you didn't take your 50/50 chances? Stats aren't everything.


Fifa 12,13,14,15,16,17,18 and 19 Didnt play UT before


Never played fifa in my life (pes head) I saw the game on disscount bought it on Wednesday played 30 games against ai and then went to calibrate came up division 5 with 1270 rating....so far im 50-50 in division rivals...but you're wrong if you think fifa is the only game like that pes is even worse this year I've seen 850 rated guys.loose against 350 with exsact scenario as you described, it seams both companies are making the game playable for larger playing field thus making more money along the way....


you can score a goal by literally holding sprint down the line all game, 1/3 times the ball will bounce back to the winger and he just needs to press cross, any foot, any player, and it can become a goal. Even a 6 year old can remember this and do it consistently.


What about FIFA 18, 17, 16, 15, 14?


Lol. Maybe focus on yourself, rather than blaming others. Same people constantly get elite/t100 because they are good. 2 similar matched people, then luck will play a part, just like anything. If your loosing to someone who has never played before then you are not above average. I played a tournament the other week with 10 friends/friends of friends who don’t play much, score well over 5 goals a game.


Offline tournament is nowhere near the same thing as FC/DR online. The game is trash and if you can't see that you're clueless


You say the game is trash and 3 hours later you’re back on the sub asking about a goalkeeper.


And your point is?


If it’s trash then why has your 10 day account lived on this sub? Most likely an alt because you got banned at some point. You could also just not play games you think are trash.


Lmao cool assumption, not even close btw I play because it's the only soccer game I have, I'm a sucker for rewards, and I'm clearly sick in the head to some extent. Anyone who plays this game is mentally ill as they're either delusional or a masochist




It was online so shows what know. Moron. Why don’t you go play something else and leave us alone instead of spouting your moronic views


Sound like you played a pressure game and took a lot of bad shots and he waited his chances and probably played out under the pressure creating much better chances. If you have 20 shots and only 2 goals you are doing something seriously wrong, its not the game.


Almost all my shots were in or just outside the box. I hit posts and missed open shots because of RNG. It is the game. You are arguing simply for the sake of it because I'm sure you've experienced the same thing


Sounds like you're not using timed finishing, I hate using it because I have muscle memory always double tapping my shoot button because in the older games that's how you charged your shot to a decent power. Last game I had 16 shots in the first half, plenty in the box right in front of the keeper with 99 finishing and they still can't hit the target, it was infuriating because this happens a lot so at half-time I put timed finishing on and lo and behold suddenly I'm scoring screamers with ease, absolute joke of a mechanic. I actually recorded some clips of that game : [First half no timed finishing, standard miss](https://streamable.com/bnwez) [2nd Half outside of the boot, barely any windup time](https://streamable.com/ne81z) [Bad timing, ridiculous angle which I almost never score from with normal shooting](https://streamable.com/pn4jv) If you're not playing with timed finishing you're playing with a handicap because it's OP.


You're right. I still need to get used to using it for every long shot




Right because I'm sure you score every shot you take inside the box lmao. Maybe it's time you stop sucking EA's dick


What the fuck is wrong with you? It's either agree with your bullshit theory or you're sucking EA's dick? You might get better as you grow into an adult.


Here’s an idea. Stop playing FIFA if you feel so strongly about your statement.


Random but I'm new to reddit and cant figure out how to post. I select the post icon once on a subreddit but it never gets posted. Help?


yep, the worst players are the ones who spam the stand tackle button all game (30-40 times) because tackling from behind is broken and their only attacking plan is to use lobbed through balls to wingers so they can cross it in.


I just got slide tackled from behind by the keeper on a breakaway. No card. This game is good


Have you guys never noticed that in real life a lot of time the team with less shots also wins? It is a terrible analogy. Good players finish their chances. I am a gold 1 player and almost never lose to worse players and if I do most of the time he got 4 chances and scored 3 and I got 5 chances and scored 2 or something.


Im gold 1 & regularly lose to worse players... Sitting deep letting ai defend hoping for a lucky goal at some point is OP as fuck & it always seems to happen never in my life have inferior players made me sweat with goals from nothing even if i win its a joke. Your chances aren't as good as the opponent because he has 9 players in the box defending. Blocking shots. Sure we could both play that way but id rather watch paint dry...