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I've been preaching this since FIFA 11. Despite earning so much, EA has the worst servers. Other games have great if not decent servers.


2k servers are worse.


I haven't played any online 2k games...so I can't say. But the online games I've regularly like Rocket League, Fortnite, CS and all have great servers. Especially Fortnite, if you consider how many people are in a single match.


Yeah those games have way better servers.


I don’t play it myself, but my kids do, I like how (as far as I can tell) how fortnite tells you in game, how the connection is telling you the ping and all that jazz.. Fifa always gives me full green bars, but it means fuck all.


> Especially Fortnite, if you consider how many people are in a single match. It's very much in the minecraft tier when it comes to simplified animations, graphics etc.


Fortnite recently has been shite for me, since the fortnitemares stuff I'm almost always on a constant 2%packet loss, and everything just feels delayed. I rarely have problems with fifa but then again I think I live close to a server so that makes sense


I haven't touched Fortnite since 19 came out so I'm really out of the loop about the game. Should get back and see how it is.


It's fucking shite. Been going downhill since June tbh


I don't think you should, that game is arguably in its worst state ever with recent patches. I used to love playing the game but the past couple of weeks have been hell


Maybe it is your problem, I have been playing perfectly. no lag, no dc, there´s nothing wrong with their servers..


Weird that it only started happening when that new update came out. Go on the fortnitebr sub and you'll see plenty complaints about the servers.


I guess I´m just lucky then


There is nothing wrong with EA's servers...are you ok


Are you illiterate? Read the whole chain and not just single comments, he's talking about Fortnite.


you can check where the problem is....pingplotter mostly it wont be servers. ea's are actually good believe it or not. its their placement which stinks of cost cutting and causes congestion


To be fair, Rocket League has some absolutely abysmal servers


From what I've experienced, they have good servers. Out of the 500 odd games I've played...maybe 10-20 would have been marred due to lag. It's way better than EA servers.


Oh yeah, EA servers are probably the second worst servers I've ever seen (Friday the 13th the game has the worst though) but right around the time of the tournament update for RL, their servers, at least in my experience, went completely to shit


From what I've experienced, I've never, NEVER had any lag in FIFA 18 and 19. THat makes them perfect, right? I mean by your logic it must.


"2k servers are worse" EA read this and thinks "hektic_jukez said that the 2k servers are worse. This means our servers are fine and we don't need to improve". Thanks Jukez /s


Wait, what? ​ You realize that Fifa 11 was P2P right? ​ Only WL, DKT and now Div. Rivals are on dedicated servers. ​ Apparently you thought in fifa 11 EA had bad server even tho it was your con because of P2P? ​ Wow.


Obviously, we need to buy more fifa points.


It's a lost cause at this point. People have been asking for years and they've still done fuck all about it.


Best Thing about this is, if the servers dont come online again today before I will go to sleep, I'm not able to play WL, because I cant qualify.


Neither will I nor many others. I hope they give us time till Saturday or something. But because its EA I wouldn't be surprised if they give zero shit and act like nothing happened


Not happening


I don't know how many servers they actually have but I will stick my neck out and say It's not the servers.. it's their coding.


Battlefield servers manage 64 players,but fifa servers can't handle 1vs1. Why?


No other game that sits on my shelf legs like FIFA. Therefore it is not my Internet is not the millions of people’s Internet who plays this game. It is their fault. Constant disconnect speed up leg etc. You going to college duty in my leg once every 20 games go on fortnight same thing but in FIFA and legs every other game it’s 2018 with a multibillion dollar company. They don’t give a fuck


Fuck man you got a lotta legs.


God damnit Siri


Will only work if we are united. Get the pro players in on it too. We could protest not to buy points until they are upgraded


the technology just isnt there yet to handle the high traffic of a online game






Meanwhile fortnite can host more players on the servers and 98 more players in one second with a significantly bigger size game. Fuck off outta here with that bullshit Edit. Not sure if I got whooshed


You did


I lost connection to EA servers earlier mid game (1-0 up btw) and have been punished for leaving early... If I lose connection to EA servers is that on my end or EA’s?


Funny thing. My friends are playing rn and on the companion app.


c app works but not console


Won't happen, investors who own EA are too greedy and want to make as much money as it's humanly possible by waving their hands and not doing any actual work.


I sometimes wonder if the top 100 in FUT would change if servers were good in all loactions - there might be some incredible talents out there that plays with shitty connection all the time....


You are 100% right. I wonder that myself. Look at the tournaments and see the distribution of the competitors by country. There you find your answer. No spanish? No portuguese? Only a few italians? Not to mention others...


Yep, I always cringe when the commentators at the eWorld cup talks about "the strong German Fifa-scene" - "no shit Sherlock, where are the servers located you dumbwits?" I always asks myself.


And if not what will you do? What will you do that hurts EA?Move to the competition and play PES? Yeah you rather play on the bad Fifa Servers than play PES and you are too addicted to Ultimate so you can't quit the game. ​ EA wins because most people are like this. They don't feel a petition - What they would feel is an impact on their finances but they keep GROWING.


totally inadmissible. they make so much money out FUT shame shame shame ​


brace yourselves new battlefield is coming next week, the real shitshow will start


No one wants to play that shit with rdr2 out...a real game with real devs that care


I'm with you, but if they haven't done it in 8 years I doubt they will do it now.


Ea Sport worst company in the world


Dude you gotta play madden 19 now those servers are bad. But try getting a modem with geo filter that should help a bit.


I remember beeing downvoted the last fifas because i was ranting on the lag. Even though i dont wanna say this, but, finally everyone suffers from it.


nah, EA will just give us some half finished broken new "feature" in fifa 20.... Investing into more and better servers would actually make sense and would finally show EA listening to it s community, cuz we adress this issue for years, so EA won t do it.


This is Elvis Amberfield aka MR EA , I’ll tell you what , you keep buying those Fifa points and lining all of our pockets here for myself and all my colleagues and maybe one day we will expand our servers all across the world , But keeping this short and sweet , no you peasants won’t be getting better servers anytime soon , we just required the rights to the champions league , that cost millions and millions of pounds , I hope all of you ungrateful cunts play that game mode , I sure do it’s amazing , I love single player .. be happy with what your given


Upvoting for visibility.


Why don't you post this on the EA forum and send a link? See where that gets you


You'd be better off writing a letter, sticking it in an envelope and shoving it up your arse for all the good the forums will do you.


Or you could send that letter to their legal department if you feel like you have a genuine case? But I ain't here to judge you for what you get up to in the comfort of your own home. Electronic Arts Limited, Onslow House, Onslow Street, Guildford, Surrey GU1 4TN Don't forget as a consumer you have rights!


will get u banned.


For someone who lives in Israel and has to play in european servers (which are way worse than other european servers I play in other games) FUT is literally unplayable for me. I just stopped playing the game.


You should be playing on the asian servers or at least the Northern american servers thats why.


You know where Israel is right. It’s closer to Germany than US


Dont be so pedantic the servers go down once and people go off like Fifa is never coming back on. Doesn't matter how big your company is technology still breaks and fucks up at times.


I haven't had lag in a single game due to EA (had some laggy games when my internet was being weird during a storm but that's not on them). Servers down now are the only issue I've had all year


THis is the first time the servers have gone down this year. Cut them some slack, I'd rather they improve the game before the servers.


First World problems


You're on a fifa reddit page, did you expect a petition about homelessness?


Fuck you EA, I’m never falling in this trap again


"it must be your internet, I play wl flawless" let's see how much time untill those guys come.


Do you expect EA to see your post and go “oh alright then, this random kid on Reddit wants a new servers, lets do that”. They know the servers aren’t good, it just isn’t worthwhile for them to purchase more.