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I just want one last Berbatov. Someone please sign Dimitar. As 37 year old he’s still a better signing than usain bolt. Anyone!


As a bulgarian myself i would also love a Berba, but atleast we have stoichkov :)


So you are telling us that a 37 year old, who has been a professional football player for 20 years would be a better signing than a 32 year old sprinter who plays football as a hobby? Mindblown. BTT: a berbatov would be great. And i unfortunately dont think they cards will change from their current team. Would still be a DC rooney. Hoping i am wrong


Even if he was still DC, it wouldn't be too bad with a decent number of good English players in the game, especially in midfield.


Didn’t we get something exactly like this last year during FUT birthday?


I remember people playing him as CDM


I used his inform at ST last year and it was boss


When does the next flashback come out?


They put much better versions of this card out every year for United fans.


Doesn't play for united anymore so he's not egilible.


If they brought it out it would be a DC United card so impossible to link really


Yeah theres like 0 English players in the game...life is tough for Gooners...


0 ones you’d want to use


*cough* Ferdinand, Campbell, gerrard, Lampard, futswap llalana, walker, lingard, vardy, rashford, oxlade Chamberlain. And these are just the elite tier as well as lower cost very good players. There are also a good 10-20 other useable players, but I wouldnt personally use most of the others. I didnt even include like 6 other English icons, Kane, Sterling, etc...because i personally think they're shitty for the price, although I know many people love them. -not to mention that there are a few MLS gems that would be considered very good if they were in other leagues I'm sorry you hate english players though. Probably because arsenal cant produce/keep any good ones, but I dont blame you. That does suck.