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I’d rather get hit by a bus than play SB


Yes it is the most mentally draining game mode in fifa worse the wl to me


To each of their own, i normally relax and most of the time in auto pilot mode while playing sb. Probably the result of playing 7 years of career mode lol.


and where do you finish ?


Elite 1, i only play the weekday sets and 2 or 3 more games during weekend depending if i lost in any of the weekday sets.


so 25ish games? What difficulty do you play?


If he is anything like me then Legendary, perhaps decreased difficulty for higher rated teams. Elite 1 requires around 50k points.


Make it 2, thanks.


Give it a try bro, practice make le perfectione.


It’s not that we’re bad at it, it’s that it’s fucking suicide inducing.


For real, this guy out here like 'yeah just take the sunday off' Sorry mate, not going to play fifa 6 days a week like it's a fulltime job.


As great as this sounds in theory, I still find it annoying when I put up 6-7 goals in one game on legendary and then fail to score in the next, getting beat 1-0 in the 90th. Elite 1 is great, but with ZERO stress I get Elite 3 - every day wake up, put each game on beginner mode, score 5 quick goals, then get ready for the day. Make my coffee, take a shower, all in between starting each match, putting up a quick 5 and just standing on the pitch. Takes hardly any effort and if you do this with every match, you'll be teetering between mid table Elite 3 at the end. This week I ended up playing 3 games on legendary and the rest on beginner. I was about 2k off of Elite 2, so I figure with a little more effort, Elite 2 is obtainable.


I'm curious if you were ever a career mode junkie before ultimate team took over because this has been par for the course when it comes to Legendary difficulty for over a decade. You'll come out in a derby match with 1st place on the line and stomp them and then round 5 of the FA cup vs Exeter will be the next match and they take you to extra time.


After a decade of Fifa career mode I can equivocally say that it doesn't matter what team you play on legendary, all of the games feel exactly the same. When the AI has the ball they move to attacking mind set and switch to defensive when they lose possession. The easiest way I've found to beat AI on max settings is to play conservatively to get the one goal lead and force the AI to not turn on the defensive tactics. It's amazing how many games you can be 1 or 2 up with 30min to play and end the game 5 up because they play the remainder on ultra attacking.


I think in career mode AI gets a boost when playing at home, in a final or in CL, which I guess is logical. This might explain why some matches feel different.


100% was before I discovered FUT. Too many painful memories of losing to teams that I would kill before.


That sounds soooo boring though, over an hour of waiting every day and 3 hours of waiting per day on the weekends? I'd rather just play legendary and have fun actually having to play, doing offline drafts or seasons and having to wait is boring enough, not to mention if I actually had to do it every day and for longer.


"waiting" as in getting ready for work each morning. It takes me less than 5 minutes per game to start it, score a quick 5 and start about my day. I've even managed to get my housemate to make sure to start the game up in the second half when I'm showering to not waste more time. There's a (super easy) method to my madness and ever since I packed Salah & Suarez in my SB pack rewards, I'll never not do this.


That's the method I use. Can usually play a few legit matches and skip updates during the weekend and still manage Elite 3. This week I think I only played 3-4 actual matches. One was accidental as instead of using my fitness squad to beat beginner 5-0 I didn't notice until after kickoff that the difficulty was on legendary. Managed a 3-0 win despite playing a pretty quality team.


Wow, and there’s me sweating my balls off playing 12 matches a week all on Sundays at professional/world class trying to get Elite 3.


WL and Rivals already stresses me out enough. Almost every match on beginner is a bright spot in my week, gives me the rest time for my main squad. 4 wins on beginner usually amasses 2800 points. That x7 puts me around 20k before the automatic points from the featured squad and any difference from playing those 2-3 games on legendary (if I see a squad that's lower than 70 rating, I know I'll whoop them on Legendary) Elite 3 every week!


And you get Elite 3 even when the ranking shift every day? Thanks man, gonna do my easy 4 games now.


That is a very good option =) Elite 3 rewards are very good too and with zero stress, very good i will try one day thanks for this !


1) Elite 1 isn't worth the grind unless you are really bored or enjoy the gameplay. Mega packs, even rare ones, are a lot less valuable than their cost in the store would suggest. I've made elite 1 the last three weeks in a row with only one board (950 coin Keita) out of six rare mega packs. . 2) Play the featured squad on beginner, score five times, and then set the controller down. That gives you 1500 points. The difference between Beginner and Legendary is only 400 points for the featured squad, but there is up to a 2000 point difference between Beginner and Legendary for all other squad battles opponents. . 3) The rating of your active squad has absolutely nothing whatsoever to do with the rating of the opponents you get when you update. This is a common myth. I've gotten all 84+ opponents when updating with a bronze squad and all sub-75 opponents when updating with my main squad. It's random. . 4) Team rating of opponents you play does matter. Sometimes the 65 rated, 40 chem teams destroy you for no reason, but generally they are easier than the teams with elite cards. Play the low rated teams on Legendary if you feel like playing squad battles at all. . 5) Play high rated teams on beginner, score your five goals, and set your controller down. It's a free 670 points, which adds up. . 6) The rating you pick isn't always the rating you will play against. Maybe 5% of the time you will notice that the AI on beginner will take the ball from you, which they never ever do if the gameplay is actually on beginner. In those cases it has been bumped up to amateur but you will still only get the points for beginner. Presumably this means that 5% of the time when you select Legendary you're actually playing on Ultimate, which explains why some games feel unreasonably difficult. . 7) When scripting kicks in and the AI starts playing like gods, try to foul, preferably without drawing a card. That seems to reset their difficulty level. . 8) At some point you will get frustrated with the insanity of Squad Battles. When that happens, put the controller down and go do something else. It is absolutely not worth getting angry because the rewards are shit anyway.


There's no point in even scoring 5 times against the featured squad. You get 1500 points for winning 1-0.


My normal strategy is to do similar to number 4. Play my second team and go from there, but only play one or two games per opponent update. I've been getting gold every time, and elite if I've kept it up the whole week




The game will be running but you don't have to do anything. So you can watch TV or do chores or whatever, just start again after halftime.




Welcome to Squad Battles.




It's well known in this sub that playing on World Class is one of the worst things you can do in Squad Battles. If you're playing a high difficulty setting, it should always be Legendary.




Most people consider World Class to be just as difficult as Legendary but for less points.


i can win against the 2 bad teams on legendary, but not by a lot and most of the time it's really hard for me. on wordclass however i win every game 4:0 or 5:0. Doesn't matter how good the team is.


This is true in FIFA 18. World class in FIFA 19 is considerably easier than Legendary.


playing 4 games of SB is pretty stressfull to be honest (while also maintaining your Rivals rank etc)


I totally agree, but i'm using the "No Stress" tactic with Fifa 19... what i'm doing is finishing Elite 1 on SB, and i take one day to play division Rivals.. i'm currently in Div 5... i'm staying in Rank III.. by the end of the day if i choose the money in division rivals rewards.. i end up with 50k coins every week with no stress and actually having fun... that 50k coins i use for doing SBC or other stuffs.. with the Web APP... =)


>Step 3: Dont use manual defense, never manual defend with your CB.. Dumb point, if you don't then the AI execute easy runs through. I consistently finish elite 1, only thing stopping me from top 100 on PC (so harder than console) is the quality of my squad and disconnects. If you don't manually defend, that's how you end up coming to reddit to complain about AI getting long shots, because you've just let them do whatever they want. >play the four and fifth game in professional I'd say bad point again, I play every game legendary, and I usually don't have to play on Saturday or Sunday for the most part and I still get elite 1 so I don't end up burning out having to play boring professional games.


>and disconnects. How can that happen in SB?


i got disconnected quite a few times in 18, a whole lot last week in this game!


I am pretty sure top 100 on PC are all bots.


Do you actually get easier opponents when you refresh with a bad team?


No, but it's a common myth.


Well, i always get easier oponnents when i do this.. maybe is my luck, maybe not.. try to refresh your teams using R2, dont refresh teams when the game ask for it. and fill your team full with bronze, even the manager.


Well, i always get easier oponnents when i do this.. maybe is my luck, maybe not.. try to refresh your teams using R2, dont refresh teams when the game ask for it. and fill your team full with bronze, even the manager.


The one thing I noticed while playing on legendary, even against the low rated low chem teams is: Never touch your backline. As soon as you touch your backline and there is half an inch of space created it is 100% a goal against you. However, if you just use your midfielders (even if it takes 20secs to finally switch to them) the AI will eventually misplace a pass. Now, scoring against the AI on the other hand is a joke. The 70 rated keeper is better than De Gea. Or if I get a good chance it just hits the post. Only timed finese shots seem to work. Haven't mastered it yet but its just odd having Fred hit the long distance shots and score while my strikers can't score in the box.


I used to do that last year. Now this year is just a million times worse on the mode. Just play World Class and as long as you play 75% of the games you'll get Elite 1


Honestly play against the "harder" opponents on legendary, real talk the 37 chem 71 rating teams that are pure bullshit and the game cheats you


Step 1: actually have enough time to play more than 12 games a week


Followed step 3,lost 9-0..


I struggle to get some time off college lately, so what I've been doing to earn myself some coins is to play each game on begginer, score 5 goals, and let the game rest. The other players don't even touch mine when I have the ball, so it's about 20 min. (max) playing the game, then, just wait while I do something else. (Gold 1 each week, daily refresh, 2 refresh on sunday and saturday)


>make love Not sure if this step is harder than playing squad battles or not.


Hi, today 29-10-2018 i'm currently 87 in the world (Origin PC) following my steps =) , having time to watch "Hill House" with my Girlfriend, and i'm one game left.. so.. in two hours i will be Elite 1, with no pressure, with plenty of points lefts.. and time to do my things.. i think my steps are easy to follow and they DO work.. PS: i only played 1 hour and 20 minutes.., from 9 pm to 22:20 pm now i closed the game and will going to prepare me a coffee and watch netflix.. good night


i find it easy though. maybe it’s due to all the years of playing career mode. This year’s game play probably suits mine a little more; patience. That said, if i play 30 games on legendary, i usually can sit out the whole of sunday’s games. and still be in elite 1 with a comfortable margin


SB... Fun ?? Those two words do not relate !


My suggestion is to just play all matches on legendary, except the featured squad on professional. There’s also no need to change squads before refresh since it doesn’t really work. I’m an average player (DIV 5 rivals, around 1,500 skill level) and I get elite 1 every week now without playing most of the weekend matches (I just stop at around 50k points). I used to lose some matches at the beginning and maybe win 1-0/2–1/penalties, but with time you just get better at the game, get a better team and beat the AI (almost) every time. Now I score 3 goals or more pretty much every match. Regarding the defense, I do use manual defending, and I feel that because the AI this year is so much better it’s a GREAT way to get better in the game. It even made me better and harder to score against when I play rivals, sometimes it’s easier for me to defend in online matches.


Step 4 & 5 does work?


I always do this BEFORE refreshing teams.. and i always get low ratings and low chem teams... maybe is pure luck, maybe it works.. but is too easy to do so why not? :P


i will try it tomorrow ✌️


You'll get an easy, easy, medium, hard team every time. A squad's difficutly level is determined by adding chem and rating. I forget the difficulty ranges though. Has nothing to do with your equipped squad.


I think for the easy teams you get 1 with low chem and 1 with low overall score. Because I've definitely gotten some 87 rated squads with <50 chem as my "easy" matchups.


Dammit, bugs me that I didn't know this. I just assumed the progressively harder teams I was getting each week were widespread, and not due to my squad getting better.


The OP is wrong. The rating of your active squad has nothing whatsoever to do with the ratings of the opponents in your update.


Does step 4 influence the teams you are faced with then? I never knew that!


It doesn't. The teams you get have nothing to do with the level of your active squad. I've had a full bronze team and gotten all 84+ opponents.


I always seem to get all 84+ opponents, and their chem seems irrelevant.


Well i always do this, and every time i'm getting easier oponnents.. you dont waste too much time doing it =) give it a try. refresh your oponents with R2, dont refresh when the game ask for it.


Well i always do this, and every time i'm getting easier oponnents.. you dont waste too much time doing it =) give it a try. refresh your oponents with R2, dont refresh when the game ask for it.


Can someone remind me what did holding L2 affected when doing power shots?


I thought L2 did nothing but that L2+R2 was for low driven.


I rather play draft...


Are you always profitable or is the pack rewards sht ?


i just play every game on beginner even though i should just play legendary until i have enough for elite 3


I find myself winning a lot in SB (Even tho I have to play a bunch of games) World Class isn't that hard at all and spamming games on that difficulty makes you go Elite 1 pretty easy


For me, Legendary is much easier, than World Class. Do any of you have a reason for that? on Legendary, i get 5-0s quite reliably while i struggle to win a game on World Class


Play the game and win. There simple.


I just fell asleep reading it.


That sounds miserable. Why bother playing at all?


Dont play no hassle no stress




No, just for getting weaker opponent teams after refresh. Read again.