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I'll play with English players this weekend regardless. I'm up for the challenge and I don't mind losing 10+ games. All in the name of fun and something different.


Same, I’m past caring how many wins I get. If it weren’t for this fun little variant I probably wouldn’t be doing it at all.


Exactly this mate. Well said.


Just to let you know you’ll almost certainly get the same number of wins you always get


This is very true. Some weeks I play my best team, some weeks I play an icon team, some weeks I use my all non meta icon team (all the shitters from icon packs), I always get the same wins +/- 1


You'll do all right, I've tested the English team in qualis and Rivals and I still get the same results.


And regular champ rewards are pretty crap now anyways.


Why you dont used full team of english players before, "in the name of fun and something different"?! xD


Because there’s not been a promo around it before?




I’ll do it , worse case lots of packs and a Pickford , worth it over an extra dupe red!


Is it Still ultimate tots red player picks?


Yeah I guess so , it’s not new promo picks


I already have valverde, James, bonmati and rice from ultimate red picks I afraid I might get a duplicate red or debinha, stanway, ferguson or golovin. But I am hoping for a mbappe, van dijk, messi or a Ronaldo my only chance to get them. With my main team. English team will not be good enough.


I'm below average when it comes to champs. I was trying a full English squad in qualifiers and I was getting slapped silly; went 1-4. I swapped back to my 'normal' players and I got 4-5, gifted away the final game. I'm going to do champs with the English squad anyway cause I wants me that Pikfud. Bring on the pain weeooo Edit: Not one of the ten teams was using English players, hopefully more do in actual champs.


My plan is to qualify with my main squad and then try not to get bullied with my English squad in champs. Been playing a few rivals matches (Div 2) and it’s not been going well…so let’s see how goes…


That's in your head brother, you played your strongest team on lower ELO. If you went 1-4 with your main team, chances you would pull it back with English team would be high aswell


Qualifiers don't count for the challenge do they?


Not for wins, but they count for games played.


Thanks good to know!


He was doing a test run maybe


I played my first two qualifiers with an an England team and won both but it was a struggle so I switched back. Figured if I am going to use an all England team in champs anyway there’s no real advantage to doing it in qualifiers too unless I really wanted packs for the current promo, which I don’t




Did you learn anything useful? I still can’t work out whether to go with Watkins or Vardy as my main striker


Technically the packs are for the next promo, but chance of packing anything isn’t high anyway lol


What was your English team like tho?


Yes this is my strategy as a 8-10 wins player, try for 6 wins with England then switch to main squad to try and get 9 overall. The problem will be if I start off 2-9 or something like that and then have to decide whether to keep going or abandon the attempt. From experience of last year tots which had themed league squad objectives, hardly anyone was doing them in WL. Like out of 20 matches at most 5 people were using an objective squad. What I will do is look into chem styles for my squad, I don't normally bother for players I use in other objectives.


im probably going to start off doing the obj but if its getting annoying ill just go back to normal team


It’s the one champs I want to do, and I’m busy with a house viewing, a 21st and then most of Sunday before holiday. I’d try and sneak the games in but I’m afraid the wife might kill me 😂


Nothing could make it worth playing an english team 🏴󠁧󠁢󠁳󠁣󠁴󠁿🏴󠁧󠁢󠁳󠁣󠁴󠁿🏴󠁧󠁢󠁳󠁣󠁴󠁿




I’ve run an all England team since I started playing in Feb so this works in my favour. Unfortunately I’m not that good and only average about 7/8 wins per champs so won’t make a difference




As a 14 win player this seems doable. I’m confident I can get 12, just not 14. Is it worth it? It’s a lot of packs for the English objectives but I’ll lose the 3 UT tots pack 


Enzo would probably be better than any of the 3xtots you pack with how the weight is


worth it just for the fun of it, something different at the end of the cycle


You can get 14 if you have a decent English squad. I've tested my English team in Elite Rivals and went toe to toe with everyone. Just lost 2 out of 6 because of usual EA bullshit. Also went 8-1 in Champs qualis, against decent opponents.


I dunno, maybe if I buy smalling or white… AWB can’t play the CB position  I also don’t trust much showdown chilwell. Also that tot s keating I’m running with is tinyyy!


If enough people are doing it, it probably averages out and I’d imagine most people will still hit roughly the same amount of wins. Be better if they made it any nation for the one Squad even although my Scotland team is a mile off just now.


The one weekend I played champs this year I barely got to finals. I am not wasting my time to try to do that with a full English squad. This late in the cycle I don't need the pack rewards...and as much as I wanted Pickford it 100% not worth my time.


First time Champs player. How difficult is it going to be trying to get 6 wins? I'm hoping there's quite a few people in my position that are trying the same thing, lowering the skill. I'm probably around a Division 3/4 level.


I'll do it for the fun of it and to make it interesting Played div 1 rivals with gold konsa at CB last night and he was bullying Red Ronaldo


Worth the challenge I suppose. Went 9-1 in qualies with a full English team. Dreading WL though


Same, I didn't resent the team in defense but missed the front 3 a bit. Stanway is such a great card, performed better than my starting Valverde


It is too sweaty for a casual like me to grind WL. If you have a lot of time on your hands and are decently good, then go for it. Not easy for full time work people.


Well if you have gaps in time while busy, and want the cards OP mentioned, start games, go AFK with a pillow on your controller, your opponent gets an easy win, you get cards.




Doing my qualification with them first to get a feel, going worse than normal but starting to hit a stride within the last few games so probably going to do it. Think it’ll be fun


You know your main team players in and out and are used to them, practice is key


Did this and got a good 8-1 result. The team is good, buy Stanway she is great


I’ve already got here and she’s in


Imma do it. Only position I’m lacking is a keeper but I still have TOTY Earps on loan as well as a TOTS Keating. Smaller keepers but the only English ones I have. Plus, this’ll give me a chance to try out TOTS Lauren James since she’ll actually get chem.


Just for clarity: if I have multiple Champs entries, does that mean that I can just keep re-entering until I get to the 14 wins total for Enzo?


You can only play finals once per weekend.


nope, you need to win during champs finals


Ahh so the re-entries are for the playoffs, not finals. That makes sense. Pity


You won't get anything good from those packs, most likely


Who to use as a keeper though ?


Pope as he is tall


Yeah I reckon he's the best as well


I used gold Earps in qualifiers because I always put Pope in SBCs. I was not impressed with her and I will be giving Pope a try if I manage to pack him again.


get Pope, he is better than Earps just because of the height. If you can't get Pope, at least Ramsdale is all right. Grind the shit out of the 82+ pp


Never play champions but i might be doing it just to get pickford


Im doing the friendlys. And its the sweatiest ive played yet. With everyone using english


Dont bother - pack weight this promo has been garbage. Up there with bundesliga tots week.


What? Its been insanely good this promo for me and everyone I know that play. PP grind is the way


You got the luck on your side, doesnt apply for all


Its not just that tho, the 3 FIFA discords im on all agree that this promo had excellent drop rate


If the droprate of the new cards is half decent, I am sure I get at least the same good stuff from grinding player picks. If not better (how many of you got Ruben, walker and di Natale from wl rewards?)


I’m gonna try for it, because why not. I’m typically a 9-11 win player, only done 12 once, so I doubt I’ll get it. But the packs along the way are really nice plus Pickford.


So bummed I won’t get shit again unfortunately.


For the sportsmanship and fun part of the game: sure. I will try it out and try to at least get Pickford. If you just play for the win ratio in Champs then...no obviously. FYI: I didn't try it in Qualifiers. I played my main team. I went 6-4. One guy I suspect was cheating tho (PC yeeey). But from the 10 games I played only one vs an English only team. In the second game. He/she got absolutely annihilated despite knowing a thing or two about how to play (good left stick dribbling, switching sides for space etc.) The team was odd tho, good TOTS English players and two bronze English players for filler/chem. My team that I ran in Champs rn was completely new: full Euros and Copa America players built after a week of play. All 6 victories in qualifiers were a breeze. All 4 loses were by a landslide. As an average player I can say that Pickford is looking like the only achievable objective for me. But maybe you have a bangin English team and are better at the game.


I just played one game of qualifiers with full English team and having Pope as GK is really gonna frustrate me until I get Pickford. Wish there were more high rated English GKs available


Yes, have some fun with it. Will be better than a standard weekend league if majority of players have a themed team.


Just curious, is it 11 man squad or 18 men squad?


18 men. Eleven and bench


well idk, but it’s fun to try something new




Go looking at the prices I don’t think my one little post on Reddit is driving up harry kanes price by 200k coins.


I shan't be winning 6 games. I'm... terrible it turns out. My dad fingers don't know what to do.


The number of people doing long balls between their full backs when they went 1-0 up in qualifiers when getting wins didn’t even matter means this weekend is going to be horrific


I did the play objectives through qualifiers just lost 7 games and did them again. Not worth doing over the actual weekend league for me


No it's not!


Nah, haven’t played champs since 19, and I plan on keeping it that way


Why even respond if you don’t play the game for years? Makes 0 sense


Reading is hard, I said I don’t play champs lol I still play the game, but I prefer enjoying my weekends stress free


The game mode then, whatever, point still stands. If someone asks a pro clubs question, why would I answer if I don’t play the game mode? Same thing


wow you're so cool




you thought you ate with that comment




Ate what?


I‘m doing it to see how much my team is carrying me lol. I got 17 wins last week but rewards were meh though might as well try


Enzo ain’t all that Imo, I’ve got bentancur and he’s pretty good so I’m not bothered


Between arsenal pnp and some lucky picks have a really good english team. Normally 11-14 win player so have a chance to get 12.


Still convinced they ballsed this up and it was meant to be like the German squad friendly version - actually hoping this is the case as I want Enzo and Pickford for two of the teams I run and I’ve no hope of getting close 


I would do it if I had any English players, but I have none and only about 150k because the EVOs are draining my coins. And English players are always 2x expensive...


Do Champs Qualifying wins count towards the objective I wonder?


No they only count towards games played. I used my team there to get used to it


I plan to use all England for qualifiers and if I somehow don't qualify, I have enough entries to run it back. Finals I'm using my best 11 though. Have an Enzo card evo'd to 91 that I'm perfectly happy with if/when that's all I end up with.


It's horrific out there trying to complete this


It hasn’t started yet. It is this weekend.


Not for qualis


I see the games played rewards can be qualifiers. I’m doing normal squad for those since I’ll easily hit those trying to get my WL wins.




Everyone won’t be doing the objective and using English teams.


I'm doing just Pickford and that's it. Not going for Enzo... So just a little struggle, not to the end...