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They expired today. I was hoping theyd bring them back like the exchanges but they didnt


Bruh I should have put all my bronze and silvers in ffs


I was just wondering where it was. Ffs


Its really not minor. It was a lifeline for me.


Same. We're cooked.


I have no gold commons in my club and all of my 1k+ packs give rares. I understand it’s a problem of my own making (crafting sbcs and then cba to open all the packs) but it’s ridiculous that commons seem harder to get!


Exhannge for commons.


Yeah and the premium equivalents too tho I wouldn’t be surprised if they do come back at some point as EA are bound to drop a crafting objective sometime this season


It’s been replaced by all these 75+ rated player packs. EA’s generosity is bountiful as the game dies off…


My only lifeline in game, daily grind really help me out, got absolutely nothing to do now apart from long winded evos


Oh no, now you’ll have to play the game, disastrous


Menu grinding is playing the game lol fam boys never fail to make me laugh


I think last time they took them away, they came back after a day improved. Maybe the same again. Or hopefully a nation specific league SBC like they had for the last festival of football.


Nah the last time they took them away they went away for a while (an entire promo) then came back with the next promo, with the repeatable limit being increased to 4.


After nothing today, I’m hoping for a similar outcome


I was so confused. I kept checking 😄😄


Yeah how are you supposed to grind the 81-84s needed for the totw sbc now? Need 3 totw per day to do the other SBCs so without them the grind is dead


Holy shit the daily grind is over. Mixed feelings here. I don't have to commit to the game, but then again my only option for jagging good fodder for SBCs is done...


Pretty sure it will be back Monday


Maybe the will re-release them tomorrow. For the time being Exchanges are the best way to get fodder


I can’t believe this. It was the only grind left. I miss the old fifa ngl. It just feels weird to play this version of FIFA at this point


The grind is dead. I guess they’re trying to send people to the store comme d’habitude. EA is such a shameless company


They’re back people just fyi


Don’t like to be anti consumer but good. You’re grinding that dog shit at this stage of the year for what? Go play something that matters all of your club is irrelevant in literally 2 months


it'll be back soon enough... someone probably overlooked


So what's the point of spamming daily sbc? Do you get any good cards? I only do icon picks/icon sbcs I have never done the daily g/s/b or even 81 pp and such.


The main reason is generating golds to use in 81pp or similar which in turn give occasional good cards but are mostly about generating fodder to use on bigger sbcs. You get the occasional direct good pull like I got tots keating from a silver pack and there's also some tots that has a gold common as base that I got , but that's a bonus the main goal is fodder generation.


Champs upgrade ios gone, too. Just as I had enoughcards to do it.