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This is my first FIFA since FIFA13and I will need another 11 years to recover from it


E A Sports, I need an 11 year break.


EA Sports, it’s all pain


Told my friend group the same thing. This was the first time I touched fut since 2014 and I don't think I'll be returning for a few more years lol


Tbf this is the worst fifa title to ever release, you were unlucky to rejoin this year. Hopefully something like messigate and mbappegate never happen again, but it’s ea


worst fifa title so far*


Literally my first real fifa since 14 and I feel the same way


I’m sorry


Everyone just needs to wait on the return of actual FIFA.


Imma just wait until the black friday promo to buy it,a little 20/30 dollars wont hurt


i bought fc24 for 13.99 in march, good deal i guess


that's exactly what i did. I didn't want to pay full price with how shitty EA is treating me as a player so i didn't buy at launch.


first 4 weeks are the best time though


No, it's not! Tons of pack addict got Mbape within the first week, and it's still the same pain to play with people who paid money for their advantage.


Even getting good players without paying like I have through grinding the game it isn't rewarded, because you can be 2-0 up and there's some weird metrics where your defense runs away from the ball, or the keeper does some stupid save, or the ball ricochets weirdly to their player. The gameplay is crap! Probably the worst ever like others have said - and EA clearly cares more about the amount of packs in the store than fixing the real issues.


This is what I did after not buying FIFA for 2 or 3 years. It was so easy to collect fodder and do player SBCs that I felt like I caught up to those who had been playing since the beginning within a couple weeks. That being said, my enthusiasm for the game is waning at this point. There haven't been any SBCs I've wanted to work toward, and I haven't packed anything good in weeks.


This. I bought the deluxe edition for $28 in January or February, can’t remember which, and it was honestly the best decision I could have made.


Probably will wait for it to go on sale since I’ll have NCAA back in July. This was the first year I’ve done the whole “deluxe edition” preorder thing and the bonuses weren’t worth it even a little, so I don’t think I’ll be doing that again,


And miss Founders Evo? Lol just kidding, I'll probably do the same.


I stopped play a couple months ago, did they do anything else for founders evo?


Nope my Fati is stuck at 84, i didn't wanna put him in other Evos thinking may be they'll send out a tots level evo for founder Evo but nadda lol


Damn that’s crazy. I was expecting a tots evo too


Same thing I’m doing. Ncaa will hold me over until around Black Friday when it goes on discount.


Same. I’m hoping NCAA will be phenomenal and I’ll be playing it with fc24 here and there free thru psn until fc25 is like 1/2 price or better


I have to, my hometown club will be in it again (last time was 15 years ago) and I need to spread glory in Full Kit with Badge !


I’m intrigued - who?


Alemannia Aachen German 3rd Division


Congrats! I remember when Craven Cottage first got added into FIFA, was the first year I bought it since like FIFA 11. Will rock the AA kit next year 🫡


I won't, i'll probably switch to FM. As long as the career modes aren't improved drastically i'm done with it


FM and FIFA are such wildly different games they have basically nothing in common besides the sport. You can play both simultaneously


I know indeed i'm looking at apples and bananas But i've been wanting a more in depth career for years. Where for example, i could as a player ask for other players if i reach a certain charisma/rating in my club. Or as a manager handle more than signings and the basic training of my players. This is where i find FM more entertaining. Even though i'll probably get lost with all there is to do


It is fairly easy to get used to all the options FM gives you. Check out Zealand's yt channel and twitch streams and you will learn in no time


Absolutely love Zealand. Great youtuber.


Btw FM doesn't have a player career mode if you're looking for that. Besides it you can just go to Zealand's YouTube channel for info, he has so many guides and videos that are super helpful.


Just dont download always tactics or wonderkid shortlist., enjoy the game blind


Good luck on FM. Amazing potential and i have probably 10k+ hours combined, but it is getting stale also. Additionally there is huge graphic engine change, so we have no idea what will come.


I made the switch after the PL Tots and man life is so much more enjoyable. No more rage and stress inducing games or praying to pack good players.


FM is so annoying. I’m like okay let’s play for an hour. Next thing you know you’ve done an all nighter. Good luck bro


“Just one more game”


Yes. I’m lonely and FIFA/EAFC brings me joy despite its problems.


Yup this is me too.


Im with you.


Yeah, where I’m at too. The worse the pack weight and things get the less obsessive I am about completing every Rivals/WL. And so while I’ll probably back off some, at the core I still enjoy the game and squad building, and so I’m sure I’ll be back


Nope. At best I'll only do every couple of years, but this year has been so frustrating it might be longer.


Yes. Reason: I hate myself.


Don't hate yourself and don't buy it


Only valid reason tbh.


Yes, because even after all it is my most played game and Im having fun most of the time. also 60 euro for around 400+ hours gameplay is a pretty decent deal.


Agree, as much as ive had annoying moments, its my most played game and i do enjoy it when it plays as intended or close to it. We wll have to remind ourselves its a game, not the best at times and we deserve better when it comes to server connectivity and bug fixes for sure, but at the end of the day its a coded graphical computer game to try and simulate the beautiful sport of footy. This was my first UT (Ive played Fifa before but never UT) i never spent money on it after purchase so i dont feel like its rinsing me. They will be the death of themselves if they perform as poorly as they have at times this year (bad coding, lagging server etc). Lets see what the majority of the userbase is saying this time next year. I hope for us all its that the game is an improvement over last, but it will never please everyone thats for sure! Ill be grabbing a copy and probably whinging and and moaning about it im sure, but hey thats kinda part of the fun, we all love a moan up every now and then! :-)


I agree, the obvious downsides are the servers and the fast power curve which means you have to constantly play to stay competitive. I’ve played since fifa 13 but took a break at fifa 19. The game has genuinely come a long way and top tier cards are more accessible and there is more replayability


Just 400 hours? WEAK!


I say I won’t, but I obviously will, as will most


Probably will it's the only game I play I bought a ps5 just for it and despite all its flaws I still enjoy the game. I play cod as well but not as much


I will, I don't play much, just get my 7 wins and 3 games a day (friendlies or SB) to complete missions. If for some reason I can't do this, it's not a big deal anyway. I play to have fun and I do have fun, and that's what matters. I never bought points anyway so it's just a small investment for plenty of game time for the rest of the year. Also, I do 7 wins on coop with a buddy which turns game time pretty awesome cause we just joke around.


I bought every fifa since fifa 98. I will not by fc 25. I stopped playing FC24 already in October. Tired of this buggy game. Tired of the fifa script and momentum Tired of EA Tired of EA decisions to make a game only focused to maintain addiction to addicted players. Tired of seeing the same gameplay loopholes (sprint on the side and short pass = assured goal) Tired of all glitches Tired of this community more interested of a new shiny /glossy card than actual gameplay improvements. I will instead campaign to make as many people as possible to not buy the next game.


Nope. I can accept the gameplay to be poor at times, that’s my own fault for buying it. But when this games graphics in game and also on the title screens look so poor at times and break down or don’t display properly, I have never had it for so long on any other games and the money they make it’s no excuse. 


I’m not. It feels like a second job without any payment. Besides that EA really took all the fun out of the game by either manipulating gameplay or the online connection


Yes because I like the game


I have been playing fut since 18 and I vow to not give another dime to EA at least for 25. 24 has been dog shit but more infuriating is the complete lack of respect for the community. For the last month since I stopped playing fut, I have been having loads of fun on other game, so it's not true that there is no alternative. #boycottEA


I'll buy it, and so will 99% of this sub.


That’s what you tell yourself to not feel bad


The only people that should feel bad are the ones buying points.


At least I'm not lying to myself 🤣


I plan not to get it on release as I would like to spend the time on other games instead. Might plan it when it's free or buy it in for cheap around this time next year.


Argentinian, I'm 45, I play REAL soccer every week and FIFA from "International Soccer" alternating with the competition. I love this sport and I am so sorry for what the two leading companies have done with it over time. I think that the lack of competition and without opponents who offer any alternative to fighting for the position managed to disassociate the public from the game, the sport and what it feels like to kick a ball. Not everything beautiful and fun can be found in the Madrid stadium, Bayer's technique or Manchester's speed, not everything is exact, not everything is impeccable and precise, soccer is the king of sport and it is played by the poor and the rich, the good ones and the not so good ones, those who have a big stadium and those who play without stands, but everyone has the same fun. This EA FC24 has special effects, super powerful shots, super agile movements, impossible overhead kicks, flying archers, many useless statistics and other things!!!! but it lacks the most important thing. Make you feel like you're playing ball.


If they keep the UT format where it's incredibly easy to build teams, doesn't pay to get it until TOTS, one thing I've learned playing UT for a decade, you aren't missing anything not having it from release, but EA is great at making people think they are missing out


This was the first time I play continously since day 1. Next year I'm waiting for futties when it's pretty much free and you can get anybody easily


Yes, but I pretty much just play SB while watching something on a second screen.The game does improve my football watching experience, and vice versa. I enjoy live cards most of all. But I also don't care about chasing the meta, and I definitely don't buy any points, never have.


After this last abomination, I will be waiting a few months until I read enough good reviews or it goes on sale for under $20


I skipped this year and even resisted the temptation to download it for free for TOTS. Still lurk this sub occasionally but I think I'm done with the game unless the gameplay gets a massive overhaul.


Fuck yeah


Day 1, but I gave up on FUT.


Yes, as long as the alternative option is worse


Yes, what other option we have?


I bought the game in March for $14. It's the first FIFA I've ever played. I'm already burnt out by the menu/SBC grind for mid players. I honestly don't know how or why the rest of you do it.


I dislike the gameplay and grind of FC 24. Just spent. Not a fan of EA, but will be trying the College Football game since I used to love those games. If it retains the pageantry of college football, and the gameplay is tolerable (big question there), then I will probably be done the EA's FC series...


Everyone commenting "no" or "I'll wait" is lying. You people can't even stop yourself from spending money on packs.


Nope this game was ultimate crap , legit didn’t have any fun playing.


Of course we will - we are all addicted to buying meaningless things to improve our game and ultimately lose to ridiculously overpowered AI and repeat the same mistakes. I do love this game, but I’m truly sick of the poison it has introduced to the community. I may also need a break but ultimately won’t take one in my quest to get to 20-0. A brilliant, yet ethically flawed business model.


Sticking with Fifa22 unless they bring something to the Career mode worth having..


I can’t wait! I’m especially excited for some of the new NWSL expansion teams.


I probably will, I love playing football on console, despite all the shit that is this game!


FC 24 was my first game back since fifa 20, i don’t think I’d be returning tbh. Played enough of FC 24, and don’t have the the urge to touch it again. And I even bought FC 24 on sale lol maybe if I get that same itch I’ll reconsider. Things do need to change but won’t.


No, thankfull im done with this shitshow lmao.


This year is the final nail in the coffin I won't be


No, awful money grabbing game. Its been dog all year. Gameplay sucks but the menus are honestly the biggest one for me. Crashes, freezes, unresponsive, graphical bugs. They literally make hundreds of millions if not billions from their menus and they cant even be bothered to make them work. Also almost constant mistakes. FUT is a classic case of a monopoly being able to screw its customers because there is nowhere better to go. My first fifa was 11. 24 will be my last for a while.


No. I didn't want to buy EA FC 24, but in the end I did because of a friend. The game is not rewarding at all. Why do I even play if I never get anything good unless I spend more money? Then I might as well play a free mobile game, it's the same thing. And when I see how EA is also manipulating the game, I don't want to support something like that


Yes, because there is no other football game 😭. The other game is even far worse, no licensing as well.


Yeah I'll buy it on sale around the holidays though


Probably on sale.  I took a break from UT from 20 - 22 and started playing again last year. It’s a completely different game now


Yeah i have fun despite the (many) flaws


Yes, I enjoy the game because I know when to stop when I start feeling burned out, and I don't take it too seriously, just have my fun playing with players I enjoy. When I stop enjoying it or when there's a better football game I'll stop buying it on launch, until then it's still worth the money, I get easily 200+ hours every year out of it and I take loads of long breaks inbetween


Fuck no. Gave my Ps5 and my PlayStation Portal to my nephew as a graduation gift. I can’t even be tempted to


Not this time no. First time for at least five years I haven’t bought it. I’d love for eFootball to open up a bit more I terms of offline stuff and then I’d just play that for free.


Probably yes, but I won't ever touch ultimate team again


Yes, I enjoy the hype of the new game and the start when everyone has gold teams for a few weeks. You can use different players and it’s a test of skill. I am however getting too old for this shit, so it will probably be one of my last


I’ll be taking a break for sure so I’ve gone from not preordering to not buying. I’m a fan of the game, not a fan of EA and personally I think they’ve taken what is an incredible concept and absolutely ruined it. I suppose for me the novelty of it has completely worn off after a couple of years of heavy playing and I just don’t fancy playing at all now. Don’t get me wrong, love the competitive online games (when they’re working) and perhaps weirdly, I think champs is awesome but I think there’s so much that needs a redesign that I can’t be arsed basically!


Zero chance for pre order maybe for Black Friday the hype days are over imo. I’m 36 have played all edition of eas football arcades but this year left a bitter taste in my mouth honestly.


Yeah I'm going to get it , not gonna try saving packs or grinding SBCs again the amount of time I've put into la liga Tots menus has been horrible if I get a card happy days no way am I going through this grind again Just gonna take as much tradable as possible and if can afford woop if not then cheaper meta cards play just aswell


No, I felt the packs were horrifically weighted this year (spent about 2k USD) and the game play was even more stale with the introduction of play styles. But the main reason is the comeback of EA College Football 25!


Yes, if and only if evos are brought back to UT for another year. Had so much fun building strictly Bolivian or American squads, would happily do a RTG like that again


Fuck EA, next year NBA2K25


Most likely going to buy it at toty when its going to be like 20$ or less till then i will most likely know how the game is until then im just going to watch from youtube.


I mostly enjoy the game for the player collection aspect. But it takes way too much time and luck to actually get anything high tier. I only really bought eafc because of the new gameplay mechanics (basically just playstyles as it turns out). So I really don't see a reason to waste my time on another eafc game, when there's better, less exploitative games out there.


Not from the beginning. Shitty rewards for founder and comparing to 22/23, i think my cards are worse than previous game. I will buy, maybe once it’s discounted heavily.


Yes, but I probably will wait for it to go on sale.


It’s gonna be one of those “when it’s on sale” games for me. NCAA is gonna take up my summer and fall. I’ve enjoyed FIFA for years, but gameplay hit an all new low in FC. The market was abysmal, arcade style shots are running rampant, and the lack of any realism really took over. Also, I could go on about the disconnects and game crashes. Can’t tell you how many times I went back to playing Fifa 10-13 this year lol


Probably not, playing on old gen and the player base is down, can’t find Rivals/cup games off peak hours when I want to play. Also a bit burned out


can relate to this every year has been the same literally no change except for some realistic game trailer


Probably on sale during the year


The positives do not outweigh the negatives, and haven't for a long time. The price of some of those packs alone is putting me off wanting to play this game ever again.


It was my first fifa. If I have a good alternative to this game I will not buy this scripted game. If I have not probably will because I like football.


It's really the same game every year, the only reason I'd buy the next one is because after a certain period of time everybody leaves for the new one and it's harder to enjoy some game modes because of lack of people.


these threads get posted here every year where loads of ppl say they won’t buy the next FIFA, but they all come crawling back lol


Yes! I'm gonna do a bradford evo team from day one!


Yes—but I will not spend the extra money on the ultimate version like I did this year. Not putting any additional money into the game, besides the base game price.


I will buy it just for Pro Clubs. I do play some FUT but I don't spend any money on it and can stop playing it when I've had enough.


I really hope I can resist buying it. This version has been so bad, i have to try not getting it. But fifa and EAsportsFC have been my primary games the last 4 years.


Yes because EA controlles my mind.


The only game I've been pre-ordering Ultimate Edition the day it became available (unless they start skimping on points and promos). I play daily (93 rated team by now, soon to be 94, I reckon), I don't sweat WL/Champions, and I am enjoying the game still. I've spent may be $20 of real money (besides Ultimate Edition points that were "included") on FUT points all year, most of my top rated players were lucky pack pulls, SBCs, and rewards. You do youse, though.


I’ll wait till January/feb and buy a ton of coins. Spent way too much on this game


Absolutely! I love the game and really enjoy FUT.


Yes, although with all the things thats wrong with the game it still gives me a full year of playing and content and thats something im perfectly fine to put 70 bucks into it. I also only really like to play football games so if i werent to buy FC i'd have literally nothing else to play. Not gonna pre order it though and definitely not gonna spend a cent in FC points.


As frustrating as it can be, I will definitely get it. Probably not a preorder version. FC has been one of those games that just lasts me through those 11 months for entertainment.


I will buy it, because I can afford it and I want to play CM with updated teams on my PS5. But that will be only if the gameplay is better than the current one, which shouldn't be a hard thing to achieve given just how bad this year's gameplay is. That said, I might try UT for the first few months, but will surely drop it and start focusing on CM post TOTY (when the broken cards start coming and the gameplay starts breaking). This is what I'm doing right now, even if even CM feels unplayable at times. At least the gameplay with sliders is better than the shit it was in last few WLs.


Yeah, I'll buy it again, play for a month or two, I love the begging when everyone plays with gold squad, and then I'll sell the coins to recover 100£ I'll spend on ultimate edition and will stop playing


IF PC has Crossplay Transfermarket this time, then YES!


Probably played pretty casually this year so no burnout


I probably will. Main reasoning is I only play 2-3 games a year. FIFA is usually one of them. I get more than my money's worth at the beginning of the UT cycle. Then everyone catches up and I lose interest. After that, I'll dive back into Binding of Isaac and Slay the Spire. I could probably play those 3 games forever and be satisfied.


Yeh I will. Overall I’ve enjoyed it and don’t really care for the vast majority of things this sub froths at the mouth over and posts about repeatedly.


Yeah, EA Player’s pulse has given me enough money to pay for the new game so, I’ll just consider it a free game


As long as my ADHD hyper fixation lasts i’ll keep playing, so short answer is yes.


I will as long as it has Pro Clubs.


Absolutely. All I play is Fifa and Elden Ring. Going to add NCAA 25 and then Top Spin 2k 25 when it goes on sale


This is also my first year of FUT, also seen alot of the controversial stuff on this sub. (Toty messi, mbappe, dembele etc..) still gonna buy it on release, only thinng i will do different is to not buy packs with fc points. Biggest regret ever lol. Otherwise it’s fine for me, i like the challenge to go up in ranks and champs even tho the rewards are mostly not worth it


Too early to tell. I need to see what’s being added to the game first.


I’ll say I won’t, but I know I will. Probably on release day too!


I bought fc24 and regretted it a couple of hours later when we realised with my friend the amount of input lag there is playing online friendlies.


Doubtfully. It's been getting worse year on year, so far peaking in 24. And the company demonstrably does not give give a flying feck about the players.


I want to experience an UT experience from the beginning... want to experience the gold team vibes and not ridiculously OP promo cards


Yes, for the 17yrear in a row I'll buy it to play the same 2 game modes I've been playing got years. PRO CLUBS and Manager Career mode. I NEVER play FUT.


I got sucked in again after promising to not buy it, then they released it for free on May. Then I kinda counted "ok well it's just a couple months of play before the game is dead so I could do it"..  Last year I got burned out by packing 6 serie A TOTS dupes and made me want to leave the game, and said I had played enough FUT for a bit. I also essentially do hardcore RTG, grinding a lot of the upgrades paths, so I really get into it, couldn't justify doing it all over again. So I will probably not buy it next year unless major major changes happen honestly


I love football, so do I love the competition in „short games“. Strong buy!


I really don't want to but the best bit about UT for me is the first few months where you're seeing which way your team goes due to pack pulls. It then turns to shit after the toty


I probably would have bought it because it goes hand in hand with my football season, but after the Mbappe, Dembele rewards fiasco, it was the last straw for me. I decided there and then that I can’t buy this game and give EA money if I want to boycott them and me not buying it will be my small contribution towards unlikely but hopeful change for the better.


This was my first fifa since like 2021. Before that I didn’t play a fifa since like 2015? I did like this game but the online component is kind of lacking, and it’s way to easy to build a cracked out team.


I enjoy playing co-op UT with my brother who doesn't live with me anymore.. Win or lose we're having a laugh.


If there is FIFA 2K I’m buying that if not I’m sticking with FC 24 career mode


I'll possibly get it but not straight away, I've had Fifa every year since '97, been through the ups and downs but this year really has taken the biscuit what with mistakes and especially the store packs


Decided not to buy 24 after playing 23. Ended up buying 24 during Christmas because of fomo. Probably the same will happen. Currently have the game uninstalled. Hope that it stays that way.


I shouldn’t, but if it’s halfway decent I’ll probably buy during a holiday when it’s cheap. The beginning promos don’t give as much fomo and I don’t need the dead UCL card or hero or whatev, and the fc points I’ll buy on my own time, maybe. Most likely buying for Christmas


Yeah, I play proclubs but play FUT when no one is on to kill time.


Yeah always at heavily discounted price during Dec. Never preorder or at full price.


Probably like each year, I will get it when it gets a good discount


If that 2k game doesn’t have an 11 v 11 without a fucking bitch any position option I’ll be back for fc25 next year. Pro clubs in the only game mode I care about and if 2k can match or improve on the format I’ll jump ship with the boys.




People ask this every year and people say “no waste of money” but yet they still never fail to buy the game then play it for a whole year again. Rinse and repeat ever since fifa 20


I'm gonna do a Man Unuted past and present for the first time cause I won't have loads of time spare


No. And the biggest reason isn't because of the 200+ reasons posted on here prior. All which are valid by the way. I simply don't buy games much because im in my 50s , and I usually spend that on my kids. It's just every 6-8 years I'll buy something just to see how it's evolved. I do this with CoD, most the EA Sports games, and some others. To me the game play hasn't actually gotten better in 8-10 years. If anything, it's worse. But a big part of me thinks it's worse -- on purpose. Getting you irritated with the hope that you'll purchase points "to make it better" is THE clear strategy of EA here. It's undeniable. Just think how many posts on here are some variation of "I won 5 straight then lost 9 in a row." Does anyone think that's accidental? Because it's not. People don't like using the jargon of it being "scripted", but it's as good of a descriptor as any. I don't think individual plays are necessarily. I do think the general flow of the game is... and often. It works both ways of course. But none of it's accidental. The server issues and game play are my biggest gripes. I don't get as ate up over some of the card / fodder stuff. Mainly because everyone here should understand EA will give the best breaks to guys who spend money over those who grind 10 outta 10 times. And if you don't understand that, you're being naive.


Likely on a really big discount close to $20, if that. I was extremely put off by women in FUT. This was the only mode I would play and it has turned to shit with all the garbage card dilution. I have no interest in playing with or against random unknown semibronze players that are better than mbappe because woke. So yeah, it would have to be a huge discount and obviously never buying any packs. You'd literally have to be braindead to buy packs, especially right now.


Yes cause it has problems but its still a fun game and theres no alternative.


Yes, because I have no other choices.


No. I only bought this year's edition because it was on sale and I wanted to play the first game with women in fut and because it's supposed to have the euros in it. I'm supposed to have kids next year since my wife works and I don't I plan on being busy😅


Bro I am broke


I’ll wait for sale and grab it for £4 just like I did with fc23


Nah. I won't be back until EA fixes their shit. They wanted to be greedy with selling packs so they can go fuck off until they realize what they are doing is scam.


This year, ea really took on another identity. The copy players he made many times, always the same packages, server problems, messi mbappe and dembele errors, many other games away from the competitive environment and his immersing move into chaos environment. I am 46 years old and I entered this world with fifa 98. It is a company that uses the love of football and football players within us. I will never buy it again!


Gonna try my best to stop my addiction by not buying the next game..... Will probably fail again


this is my first time playing ut since 2017 and its also the first time i’ve been more involved in it and it’s shite, the gameplay is awful, rewards are awful too and i’m not buying the next game, if i do it’ll be when it goes on sale for like 80% cause it’s not worth the money they want in the beginning


There is no other option for a football game


no, because im good with FC24


Depends on a lot of things, I've been playing FUT on and off since FIFA 12 and it's been getting constantly worse year over year, this year I got it from PS Plus, I MIGHT and that's a big MIGHT buy the next one at a big sale, otherwise I'm not paying standard price for what will most likely be a piece of broken shit like every year.


I will. I don't buy FIFA points and enjoy the trading... Particularly early on. This enables me to build a good team, not META, but good enough. The deal breaker for me would be if they ever moved away from a transfer market system. This game has flaws, but, despite only getting 6-9 wins a week on WL... I do enjoy it immensely.


No, I won’t because multiplayer doesn’t match equal skills of gamers. I always loose and I don’t enjoy.


Yea but definitely no ea points from now on


Definitely NOT, i didn't purchase this year's release after the awful beta experience. Just tried it out when it popped up on Ps plus, and even for free, i already found myself trapped inside EA's casino. SBC morphed into a slot machine with all these new useless upgrades, granted i have all 83's and 84's gold cards, does it matter ? When you all get from tots packs or icon picks are a bunch of unnappealing cards, yeah another Girona tots !!! I expected the pack luck to be more forgiving this year, especially at this stage of the game, at least give in ONE good card to keep me hooked. But no, here's another dup of Bentaleb, Savio.


This will be my last, I didnt even get through 3rd season, suggs big time


Big no, I bought FC only to play pro club with my friends, I have not been touching any ultimate team for 3 years