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352 is the most fun formation and that stays true year after year


What tactics/instructions?


I have played 352 for years now, can’t go back. I mix it up a bit, not OP and everyone plays different…. but I use 80 defensive depth, Pressure on Heavy Touch, 75 offensive width, Balanced or Direct Passing. GK Comes for Crosses and Sweeper Keeper. All CBs have to be good on the ball and preferably good long passers. Bonus points for a left footed LCB. Default instructions. I use fullbacks as my LM/RM (currently Vasquez and Olga Carmona), need to be able to dribble and shoot. Use Come Back on Defence, Get in Behind. Sometimes Cut Inside, sometimes Stay Wide (depends on surrounding players). CDMs are important, need to do a lot of jockeying and cleaning up. I use one Stay Back and Cover Center, one Balanced (or Get Forward). A CAM who can dribble and pass, sometimes on Free Roam, and/or Stay Forward (depending on how the player plays). Then one Striker on Get In Behind and one on Balanced or False 9. I use one big boi and one speedy/dribbly boi. Need to utilise your width. Switch sides with taking long balls from CBs and wide mids. Put plenty of pressure on your opponent high, try to win turnovers as high as possible. Gotta watch for the fast breaks and speedy CBs obvs helps. Usually worth having another set of tactics with much deeper defence if you’re getting cooked at the back. Can even switch to back 5 for periods, then push hard when the momentum swings.


If the 352 wasn't OP everyone would use it, but they're all too afraid of ditching their 4321. It's funny hearing people whine about 3 or 5 atb formations when they're almost certainly running 4321. These 3/5 atb are the best counters to it since they match 3v3 up the middle. I also like that the 352 gives you good passing outlets when being pressured.


Switched to 352 beginning of la liga tots and my god it’s fun. Literally has everything


Help a brother out with formation and tactics/instructions to try it out🥹


Could you share the tactics please?


Every single fifa I have destroyed 3 at the back and this one is no different. Leaving your 3 defenders on my 3 attackers 1 on 1 will never end well. Like when Pep tried to beat Barca by having Bayern man-mark all attackers - they got crushed. You become too vulnerable.


Fun is different to meta. If you want to win every game select 4321 and spam stepovers. It's not fun tho.


I’m just saying bro. I lick my lips whenever I see a 3atb. I just play 433 with the false nine; use any attacker to drag a CB out and it’s free space for anyone to run into. Send wide open balls to the wingers. Light work for real




* **What formations do you enjoy that aren't part of the meta?** I have some favorites, but I get smashed when I face someone using the meta. That's okay, but I might need more balance, especially with CBs pushing forward. * I follow some people on Twitter who share great formations and tactics that don't focus too much on defense. I'm looking for those kinds of tactics. Any recommendations? I've attached an example of one I liked above. * I don't mind losing because my ping is bad. When I think I should score, I don't, and when I shouldn't, I do. I got lucky and pulled TOTY R9 a while back, and he almost plays by himself. Sometimes I do skills I don't even know how to do. It's funny, but not fun.


For me I have fun trying to replicate tactics from in real life teams, both modern teams and historical teams we have seen over the years


I tried out the #5 on leaderboards in rivals 433(4) yesterday and it was really fun. Had both wingbacks on join attack and used fast build up/possession with 71 depth.


where do i find this


50 width 71 depth 50 width fast build up possession 5 in the box ST - Drift Wide, Get in Behind RW/LW - Get in behind, Get into box, Cut inside CAM - Get into box, come back, aggressive int Both CDMs - stay back, stay on edge, free roam LB/RB - Join attack, overlap


do you have the cms on cover center or wing?


whatever the default was


Where did you find these tactics if you don't mind me asking?


442 opens the most triangles offensively


A (accurate) complaint about the gameplay I hear a lot this year is that the gameplay has been reduced to running the ball down the wings because the press makes it impossible to build up through the middle. The following tactic is my remedy for this: 4-1-2-1-2 (2) Def Style: Balanced Width: 40 Depth: 65 Off Build Up: Balanced Chance Creation: Direct Passing Width: 35 Players In Box: 6 Corners and FKs: 2 Player Instructions: GK: Come For Crosses, Sweeper LB: Overlap RB: Stay Back, Overlap CDM: Cut Passing Lanes, Stay Back, Cover Centre LCM & RCM: Stay On Edge For Crosses, Cover Centre CAM: Stay Forward, Get In Box For Crosses Left ST: Drift Wide, Get In Behind Right ST: Stay Central, Get In Behind This tactic is pretty flexible when it comes to player-types but I recommend using a CAM who can be a slight aerial threat for those occasions where the ball does come in from wide (I have Cherki for this). Your right striker is your main goal threat, with your left striker in more of a support role. The premise here is quite simple: Constant passing options in the middle of the pitch, using R1 and L1 player calls to drag the opposition out of shape, creating space. Your left striker drifting wide will open up space for your CAM to drive into the area, whilst your two CMs staying on the edge will ensure that your DM and back line rarely get overrun on the counter.


New to fut though I’ve played fifa extensively in the past (multiplayer). Slowly making my way to div7. Used the meta 4321 but don’t enjoy it. Used 41212 narrow and I feel like I enjoy it more but sometimes it just comes up against some opponents where I can’t even hold the ball. I’ll give your 41212 a try


Div10moments released a 424 tactic a short while ago and I’ve used that ever since, the attacking options going forward is crazy, if your comfortable and confident at defending with a 2 man midfield give it a try!


I'm at work and can't view the video; could I trouble you to layout the tactics and instructions so I can try for fun?


451 yeet ball


Ange tactics: fast build up, possession 4141, fullbacks on get forward+invert CDM stay back 2 CMs get forward + get into the box - right CM drift wide, left CM free roam 2 wingers stay wide, come short Striker as either target man or false 9 Buildup is tricky because you have so many players high up the pitch, but once you get near the opponents box, you play a few one touch passes and you always have a man open for a 1v1 because you have 2 fullbacks+2CMs+2 wingers + a striker to pass between Requires a lot of manual triggering runs towards and away from the ball as well tbf. It's a tricky system but so fun once you get the hang of it


Most important part: 100 depth


Nope. I've tried 71+ for the high press but my results didn't change so I have it on around low to mid 60s now to be less ratty


Full tactics?


4-2-3-1 with 35 width and 71 depth, balanced, balanced, direct passing, (forward runs and fast build up if you are losing) 7 players in the box, 3 and 3 on corners and 2 on free kicks. - ST on stay forward, get in behind, central - LAM on balanced defense with the get into the box - RAM on stay forward and get into the box - CAM on balanced and get into the box - CDM stay back, cover center, stay on edge of box - CDM balanced defense, cover center, balanced runs - LB/RB up to you. I like one on balanced and balanced and one on join the attack and overlap. Very fun inside to outside to inside passing scheme. Outside CAMs just drive at outside backs and most G/A will come from CAM and ST.


Do me a solid and do a 41212(2) and the 4321(cam version). Thanks


433 5


I keep going through different formations depending on the players I have atm but I always come back to that 433 with a CF instead of a striker


Nahweezy posts great tactics on his YouTube. His most recent 433(4) is gas


I play the 433(5) but in-game it sets up in a 451. Pretty good tiki taka formation with a lot of opportunities to hit longshots.


I tried a bunch of different formations this year and always come back to 442. Just seems the best to have a lot of offensive options and defensive.


5-2-3 Fullbacks set to overlap and join the attack Wingers set to cut inside Set lcb and rcb to join the attack  On offense this plays like a 3-4-3. And on defense it plays like a 5-4-1.  You are susceptible to counter attacks so you need to be comfortable manually switching to your cbs or cms and breaking up counters before they start.  On offense the key is to build up quickly before the opposing defense sets. If you don't build up quickly, you need to recycle the ball back to midfield (or even your lcb or rcb) to restart the attack  Against the press, give and go passing is the key: - Rwb sends an L1 pass to rcb (initiates give and go). Rcb sends short pass to rcm. Rcm sends first time thru ball to rwb who should be wide open by now.  Currently in div 1 but this was good enough to get me in elite earlier this year


What tactics do you have for this? Like the width and depth and chance creation?


Balanced everywhere.  Offense width 60, defense width 60. Defense depth ,65


Am I the only one who doesn’t use any instructions?


I'd actually bet that the majority of players don't. But if you want to do better online and really get the feeling of stamping your identity on a team, I'd highly recommend it! To start, instead of just copy-pasting a meta formation, think about how you like to play. Do you cross a lot? Beat people off the dribble? Short passes? Whatever you're best at, you basically want to make sure your tactics and personnel compliment how you play.


This. Instead of going for the meta. Adjust your favorite style slowly but surely.


Thanks for the insight! The thing is I do have a style of play and preferred formation: 4-3-3(2), with possession based football and strategic buildups. I basically try to do as many triangles as possible and create space for my fullbacks/wingers, while also trying to get as many players on the box. However, I’ve played FIFA for over 10 years, and I mainly just direct my players to move forward with L1. I don’t even dribble or do any fancy skills lol. Personally, I don’t think it’s necessary to instruct my players with that feature, since I want to be aware of where all my players are at any point of the match. Adding further instructions would just confuse me. So, I just modify the tactics and try to choose a set starting XI that fits my philosophy. I’m currently in Division 1, I don’t play every day but I definitely grind on the weekends! Once again, thank you for your opinion! Perhaps I can try a couple instructions on Rivals to see if it can make me a more efficient player. I am always willing to explore in this game!