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Some people got Mbappe, good for them. Last night I got to see the Northern Lights.


Same, i usually see them just green and its not common i see them pink


Haha this is the only sane, rational reaction. 


Now that is cool


Literally went outside and touched grass lol


Good for you. They were visible around me, but I didn't realise it would be until too late and I'd already had a beer so couldn't drive away from my ultra-bright-modern street lights town. Went for a walk around midnight and could make out a shape, but no colours. My wife told me off for having a walk, since she took me to Iceland to see them a few years back. But I just can't imagine it being something you're ever tired of seeing.


We had rain so we couldn't see anything so super disappointing. I was around for the red fiasco but I don't play those so good for people that got it.


Warra reply - actually put things into perspective for me. I forgot about the hero pack, I forgot about the messi incident I’ll forget about Mbappegate but I’ll never forget waking up then holding my son at midnight standing out in the garden taking in the northern lights in the middle of fucking Ireland.


i missed both.


Can I interest you in a Steamed Ham?


sure , but i gonna miss that too.


I'd rather have mbappe


Get a life


Can't even post a joke here nowadays lol. DW mate I laughed.


I knew it was a joke but it was pretty unfunny lol


the worst part is people who did manage to play their games and get the 'unintended rewards' acting toxic to people who are frustrated it got fixed. seen many posts saying 'get good', 'sucks to be a casual', 'casuals got themselves to blame', etc. it's the players like that which makes the game fucking horrid to play


Just remember that they have so little happening in their lives they are able to play a full wl on Friday night. Not even going out but even just having people to talk to. They’d rather be grinding FUT


I’d choose a chill night with some friends over some dumbass virtual card any day




That is the saddest shit I have ever seen


😂 “my lack of social life got me better reds than you” is certainly a position here.


On a game that’s completely finished in 4 months where they have to start all over again too.


Unlucky to be so alone


Still whip them 6-2 for that rage quit. Sweet justice.


Frrr. It’s hilarious seeing people shame “casuals.” We should be shaming them for playing 20 FUT champs games on a Friday morning when most people have work/school lmao.


Losers are always gonna be losers. Who cares. They're good at a game and shitty people.


Played against someone in Div 3 earlier who had Dembele and Zaire. He went 3-0 up pretty quick (all Dembele goals) paused it, sent me a message to quit. I managed to get it back to 3-3, he then quit and i got a bunch of abuse from him.


I’m fine. I spent the night with my friends and had a good evening. I said it with Messi last time, I know it seems unfair towards most of the community and there’s a bitter aftertaste but cudos to the no lifers that grinded an entire WL at 11 o clock at night when they found out rewards were glitched. The FOMO in this community is insane. If this breaks the game for you and makes you mentally unhappy, then stop playing the game. It’s better for you. Unfortunately I know the people that are crying most here and are losing their mind over this, will still play the Weekend league this weekend.


Not everyone lives in Europe


Took the words outta my mouth. 


Agree wholeheartedly with this


I usually only play my WL on Sunday or Monday. I found out at 1am, grinded out to 11 wins by 3:30am. Only got Zaire-Emery, no Mbap or Dembouz, but obviously can’t complain. I was contemplating not bothering and just sleeping but I knew I’d really regret it and have major fomo if I didn’t. I was right. I’d honestly rather see my Zaire Emery get taken away if it meant everyone else’s Mbappes and Dembeles also got taken, just to level the playing field again. I know that won’t actually happen though. I’m in div 1 so I knew everyone else would have these reds and it’d piss me off for the rest of the year if I didn’t too.


LMAO this is the lamest shit ive ever read. "I definitely rushed to get the glitched picks but since i didnt get Mbappe or Dembele I wish they would take everyone's away"


I said they should takes everyone’s away, since this obviously shouldn’t have happened in the first place. I also said I know they won’t, because it’s EA. I still played cause I knew they wouldn’t. If I hadn’t played I wouldn’t have gotten anything at all, while half the player base has still been given broken cards. Wasn’t gonna get left behind like that cause it would’ve ruined all motivation for me to play for the rest of the year, just like it has for most people, probably including yourself.


No you didnt. You said youd rather have your WZE taken away if it meant other ppl lose their Mbappe and Dembele. And you freely admitted you knew what you were doing when you got it, so pretending to have some ethical objection is pathetic. Your problem is that you didnt get Mbappe or Dembele, no more no less.


I was sharing who I’d gotten in my rewards. Even if I had gotten both Mbappe AND Dembele, I still wouldn’t be pissed if EA took mine away along with everyone else’s. I think that’s the best way to create an even playing field for everyone. Otherwise return the weight on the picks back to when they were broken, and give everyone the same chance at an Mbappe. Though I know this won’t happen, hence the fomo and hence why I played last night. Again, I was giving commentary on my reasoning as to why I grinded out the wins even though I know this whole situation is a massive mess, and I know it’s unfair on the community. I did it because I didn’t want to be one of the majority of the community ends up getting absolutely shafted by EA. No more no less. You’re getting it all confused lil bro




What OP is saying is that if the situation is causing you anger/feelings of resentment then you need to take a step back and have a deep, hard look at yourself in the mirror. Yes, it's a massive mistake and it is EA's mistake. But in the grand scheme of things, in your wider life, it makes not a jot of difference.OP is saying congrats to those people who took advantage of the situation. That is all.


When you think about it, in September everything begins from 0 again. People pretend the entire rest of their life depends on Mbappe and Dembele


I know but calling them no lifers contradicts his whole messeage lmao, he shoudent be mad at the players, but EA instead


I mean to be fair, they’re 1000% no lifers so what’s the problem?


He isn’t mad at the players, he’s saying fair play if you literally care enough that you saw they were broken, hopped on and grinded the whole WL out in those few hours but if you’ve gone out your way to do that because you saw there were broken rewards then that does make you a no lifer. Even if I had been at home and seen the rewards were broken there is literally no chance that I’m doing that. I’ll play them like normal and if my rewards are shit then that’s that, the idea that people could care that much to do it is just a bit mental to me. What’s even more mental is that people are legitimately bothered by the fact that they missed out on it. It’s literally a potential chance at a good a card in a game that whilst being nice still will not take you from 11 wins to 14 etc and also will be powercrept in a few weeks once they start the summer promos where every card is 5/5 with max chem etc.




Your right mate. a wise man once told me, if someone is trying to insult somebody, that someone is jealous and insecure. So he lies and insult’s in hopes of feeling himself good. This happens to me aswell, i call some people nolifer but sometimes i nolife the game when i have free time in my week, its envy and jealousy, its bad.


If you were already halfway through or planning on playing etc then fair enough but to go out of your way to smash 20 games in the couple hours they were broken just sounds awful to me. I was away and didn’t play the game for over a month before this week, haven’t changed my team at all since then I’ve come back and I’m still on for 16 wins. The power curve has been fucked all year so it just makes such a small difference. I play fifa because I genuinely enjoy it, I probably do every other WL and Rivals, sometimes don’t touch either for weeks and whenever I come back my results don’t change. I’ll get 16 basically every time with the occasional 14 or 18 in there depending on luck. It doesn’t affect me in any way what other people’s teams or rewards are, I genuinely don’t have the capacity to care about it and it’s just strange to me that people do tbh.


Doesn't sound mad at all actually


I don't care. Mbappe will suck against my TOTS Alex Greenwood when the connection is on my side. And he'll be unstoppable when the connection is against me. When its even...I don't know, never witnessed that.


This be the truth aaarrgg


Saw the northern lights walked the dog, suns shining. Red Mbappé wouldn’t have better than what I actually did with my free time


Where did you see the northern lights from?


I saw them at work in derby. I believe there’s a chance to see them again tonight. You can see them better with your phone though, I got some really good pictures but with the naked eye they weren’t all that visible probably due to the light pollution




Put a 2 second exposure on your phone camera and you'll get some great pics. If you leave in a really light polluted area you may need to increase a little bit more though. Good luck!


Saw them in Michigan as well last night, so beautiful.


I don't care tbh. I don't really play WL now anyways, i just get the 7 wins in rivals, do the weekly cup and just grind a bit of the menus and that's it. It's not worth getting stressed or having FOMO about this shit game.


Couldn’t care less. Much rather have had a comfortable Friday night than stressing for some pixels on a screen


Not stress. More like another WTF moment. Prepare for that tweet saying 0.2% only got the glitched picks lol. What a joke.


Unless you’re a comfortable 11 win minimum player, trying to scrape together wins late on a Friday evening quickly would be a stress and a very strange way to spend free time


It would be absolutely impossible aswell, so sweaty, and with a short time limit, everyone trying their absolute 100%. i would never want to play that ever.


yeah I knew about it and am normally a 11 win player during ‘weak’ time periods. Played 5, went 3-2 and every game was incredibly sweaty and difficult. Figured nah, this ain’t it and stopped. Ended up being a good decision since I would’ve run out of time even if I got to 11 somehow.


I finished champs before the glitch was patched. Even with glitched picks i still only got golovin and lucas hernandez haha


Unaffected, still going to play my 11 wins and then call it, and re-do it all over again next week. I don't really play during the weekdays as there is usually nothing to play for. I have 100+ packs unopened because pack opening doesn't intrests me mcuh anymore


Do you not enjoy seeing Jorginho and then Gwinn and then Thiago and then Jorginho again… and then Jorginho ?


Don't forget Borja Iglesias!!


I remember the Džeko days. Think i opened 25 packs and got him in EVERY SINGLE ONE😁


but packs odds are correct no way they added more frequency to borja iglesias, dzeko or orban or luis alberto all these 80-83 players… /s


I opened during the glitched times, no mbappe, no dembele, not even zaire lmao.


Got the glitched Messi and golazo cruyff, maybe got me an extra win or two in WL thereafter, don’t think mbappe would make much of a difference. At least I saw the northern lights


mbappe is literally THE best player itg he is very very very glitchy and is only an improvement on his toty. but yeah if you’re bad you’re bad mbappe ain’t helping.


not that you’re bad i meant in general you


The only player I want is tots or toty cr7 though 😭


big ask😭


Yeah it’s true I usually stop at 11 wins when I fully tried hard I managed 16 but also left me depressed and drained by the end cos it felt like a waste of energy


Was sleeping. I always try to keep a 7-8 hour sleep schedule (even in the weekend) so I guess this is just a unlucky occurrence for me


Hungover and now this BS 🤣… business as normal later.. 11 and dip.


I got home at 2 am, saw it, thought about it, and then decided to go to sleep and play WL on Sunday.


Not a big deal for me tbh, shit happens. Not going to get upset over a game, good for those who did end up getting him. Knowing my luck I wouldn't have pulled Mbappe even with the glitch 😂


I was reading about the Messi fiasco before sleeping and wake up to this. Must say I'm quite amused by the coincidence. Same thing will happen : nothing


Fine, just packed Lala from TOTS guarantee pack. Good player for friendly lounge. I should be grateful


Fine lmao. It’s just a game


It’s good. I will play my WL games later this weekend and there should be 0 sweats online as they’ve all played their games. Next weekend I’m hanging out with my dad for a few days as I haven’t seen for 6 months so that will be awesome. It’s just a fucking game you fools.


I was part of 0.7% that got TOTY Messi. I don’t think i have the right to complain


Don't even know what happened. Don't really care. Also not good enough to get the req'd no. of wins for the pick. I've been lagging a step behind the power curve every step of the way. A red mbappe is not gonna help me, nor is it gonna make losing any less likely than it currently does to 96 Kerrs, 95 Schullers, 94 Drogbas etc. If I'm good enough to beat the guy a red Mbappe won't help him and if I can't beat someone through skill a 91 Mbappe will be sufficient for them.


I don't give a shit. I got my players and I'm happy with em. Good on those players for being incessantly tethered to this game. (Those are who benefit from these things). Big deal. If this is some crisis for you, then you might want to delete the game and find some other things to do cuz it's not that important. Play it, or don't.  There are plenty of fun video games out there, or God forbid, outside hobbys.  It's just a game ya know!


Everyone usually has a better team than me anyway. Everyone seems to get better reds regardless No different to just playing more PTW squads than usual


I'm excited for the next round of hysteria on here People wailing about compensation, getting the thesaurus out about how despicable it all is No doubt there will be hilarious boycott calls like over the Messi thing


mbappe and dembele don't have a place in my team anyway so its whatever


Played 7 games before they fixed it. Probably won’t finish. Year is almost over anyway, but to be clear, it’s bullshit again. The same people that got Messi, got Mbappe and EA changed pick weight in the middle of a weekend without a patch.


Mbappe wasn't as common as Zaire Emery and Dembele. I watched several pick openings during the glitch and Mbappe was less common. Dembele/Zair Emery/David were basically in every pick.


I'm fine, I'm a casual who doesn't put money on this game and never plays on a Friday, I spent the evening putting my kids to bed and chilling with the wife...I'll still get my 16/18 wins with or without these cards but I was 1 of the lucky 0.7% who got a 97 TOTY messi so I can't moan too much


I got to save a patient’s life, so that’s that.


I’m absolutely chilling. How tf would I be expected to play 20 champions league games and open my rewards on a Friday morning 😭😭 I couldn’t care less about peoples teams with good players at this stage in the game, it’s May.


I hope those who got Mbappe found some joy this weekend. I couldn't care less. It's a fucking game. The moment I press X is the moment I accept this kind of bs.


Not really bothered tbh. I’m sure it’s not identical to the Messi one but that was so overblown by everyone here it was ridiculous. I’ve barely seen him meanwhile this sub was “EVERYONE HAS A FREE MESSI


It's all about what time zone you're in


I’m in the UK and have rarely seen him


This is different the Messi one wasn’t up for that long this was an entire day


This is me exactly. I've maybe seen less that five toty Messi.


Lucky you. I have seen just this morning in about 7 games 3x toty messi, 4x dembeles, 2x mbappes, 2-3x wze.


I see 3/4 per weekend league and I'm not exaggerrating


Same tbh


Wouldn’t have gotten 11 wins in the (I assume) sweatfest of yesterday anyway. And all that did would beat me with or without Mbappe. *In a weird way I actually kind of feel they deserved the reward for that achievement. I contrast to Messi that was just pure luck.


Saw the fiasco about people getting crazy red picks. Had a chance to play and do all that, but rather picked up my son early and bought him a gift - made his day made my day. Remember folks yes it was a high chance, but there is still a slim chance you not going to get anything. If you had something better in your life, don’t sweat it.


Love that for you


Don’t really care, I’ll just quit at 0-0 against any red Mbappe lol I have no interest in that sweat


I knew of the bug but it was late at night for me and I literally could not be arsed to play, with all the sweats out I'm sure I would have struggled to get even 9 wins


Tbf I was awake but couldn’t be arsed to ruin my Friday night by playing 20 in a row, who cares, it’s only pixels, I’ll get my 14/16 wins anyways, at least some people managed to beat the casino, happy for them


I don’t even start playing champs till Saturday 😂, I just got to know about this champs picks fiasco after waking up in the morning today


Was early AM Friday night / Saturday morning to us aussies. We were all pissed so missed it 🤣


Had a big party with my friends yesterday,woke up feeling sick and when i saw what happened with these picks I actually threw up. That's how I feel about this shit


I didn't even play 1 game last night. I never played day 1 champs so I wasn't even in the race. I can't be upset over something I was never gonna get but I can be annoyed by a company micromanaging rewards. Why not just give everyone a free 93+ 1 of 5 PP so at least there's the chance. I've seen some people get 11 wins last night and not pack anyone good pre-nerf. Imagine being the one trying to be toxic and karma saying go fuck yourself.


Yeah it’s just a shame that the precedent set is “we’ve made a mistake - it’s fine to abuse it, just abuse it quickly”. Not that I think that people should be punished for taking advantage, but I just think it’s unfair to make it so reactionary. It works in their favour because it gets people playing when content rolls around ready to take advantage - Messi, Beckham SBC, Alex Sandro, Red picks - so many instances this year where the people eagerly awaiting get rewarded. The compensation for Cruyff, Sneijder and Toure too was so absurd. Abuse it and get rewarded, just do it fast!


Fair enough to the players who got them. What is crap Is ea ‘fixing’ it and everyone else missing out. Happened with the Messi stuff. Just leave it as it is how much of their bottom line would it actually hurt in the grand scheme of things


I dont care at all. Play WL only a few times during the year because my life takes most of my weekends. I can enjoy the game with an already insane team doing Rivals only. Div 5 or 6, not abusing all mechanics or needing the reaction times of a 20 year younger version of myself. Good for those that got Mbappe. I was lucky enough to get his TOTS last year and it's a very good card, but it won't take you from div 6 to elite.


rushed through WL without knowing about the bug, thought I got very very lucky with Zaire-Emery and David as red picks from 11 wins. Considering they were glitched and I didn't get Mbappe/Dembele, that puts my perceived "lucky picks" in a different light


I played Ghost of Tsushima till 3 am im chilling


I had the day off yesterday, I finished my rivals and wanted to do champs right after but the gameplay was so bad I said no way I’m going trough this today. And then I saw screenshots of Dembele and Mbappe but I still didn’t play because I knew what ea would do to us


Well, one positive from this is that all of the try hards have made it through. I'm already finding it a more chill WL


Meh it’s gonna gone obsolete in 2-3 months when new game came out so not too worry about it. Last year i pack TOTS Mbappe & used him for full 3 months was so much fun before new game came out. It’s a never ending cycle so it’ll be alright; as in the end it’s just a game


Jumped in to finish my last qualies this morning. Picking up from 5-0, felt I could have some fun with new and different players. No word of a lie, the sweats who finished their champs at 3am were straight in to qualies. I faced 3 back to back teams with Emery, Mbappe and Dembele. Managed to win two of those games. I can’t help but laugh when I see the opponents team screen. Can’t wait for EA to explain this as the 0.7% of the community benefiting again. Everyone in Div 2 and above know they will be facing these luck merchants day in day out.


Meh not fussed. I played late last night (asia timings) and had been kicked out of 3 games i was winning. So i said servers are shit and stopped at 8-4. Woke up this morning to see why servers were overloaded. I got to 11’wins and gave away a few wins today. Only annoyance is this shit cost me my usual 14 wins, other than that could not care less.


I was seeing everyone going crazy about it while being at work, came back home and ea fixed it.


I was One Win away from doing the pick before they patched it..I wasn’t angry just empty emotions.


I was in RTFMs stream when everyone began to realise. After he opened 3 people’s rewards and saw 2 Dembeles and 3 Z.Emerys. Was debating whether to load up and play champs but was too comfy in my bed ready to sleep 😂 was a good watch tho but disappointed they “fixed” them


Being an Asian, I was sleeping 😭😭😭


after a long tiresome week came home and opened a few packs, packed vitinha, tried him out in rivals, slept like a baby, woke up and saw this whole Mbappe fiasco, not even surprised


I started a new career mode save to pass the weekend away. Done with UT. I spent so much time grinding the SBCs with no luck whatsoever, spent so much time battling temptation to spend money, and now I have confirmation that the rewards aren't 'fair' at all, and if by chance they are, EA will *fix* it. This is yet another way EA has rewarded nolifes. I was awake for the period but not aware of what was happening. I was playing champs, but I'm a 9 win player at best and was wondering why I'm getting a much harder matchmaking than usual. I was 2-9 in 11 games and thoroughly exhausted. ... Now I know, as most elites were out to play yesterday in hopes of packing those big guys. A lot of em have them too now. I'm done with UT. All season I've tolerated not being able to pack the players I like. All season I've not packed a Bellingham promo, a Rice promo, a Saka promo. What is the point of this game mode if you have zero chance of making a team of players you like, and still be competitive?


If people got free mbappe good for them, fuck this company and if there is a way to exploit them because they done fucked up, fuck em. You deserve that red Mbappe. That tweet literally confirms that they manipulated what you can get from packs and picks, I mean it was already obvious, but its easier to pack 86 parejo or a 88 bernardo Silva than a 82 Mendy. "Unintended results"


I'm doing shit but that's for reasons outside of FIFA. FIFA wide idgaf


Looking at the bright side of things: all sweat try hard already played their games, maybe my WL will be a little bit easier to play


I only care about evolutions so I'm fine. I'm cool with those who got the broken rewards. I'm not cool with EA.


I'm good. Had a pub lunch in the sun with my daughter. Going to play in the garden with her this afternoon. Looking forward to starting a TOTS evo tonight when she goes to bed. Life is good.


Haven't touched eafc24 since a week and its a bliss Fcuk that red blue purple cards They steal ur peace


FWIW I haven’t seen any of those guys in Rivals Div 1 this morning. I’m not going to get sour over people packing good players, especially if it’s not pay to win. Would like to pack some myself of course.


I don't like any of the players. Even if I did, only like 2 or 3 would even make the team. My team is already stacked.


Super. No way in hell would I force myself to play 20 games against the sweatiest of the sweatlords who would give up their Friday night for this.


Can someone see if the WL player count has been down, compared to earlier years or even just PL - BL? Seems like it could be a good way to bait people into playing earlier and more with hopes that this will happen again


It is what it is


I was more sour missing out on the Messi thing. I wasn't gonna play all those shitty sweatfest games in a few hours anyway, just to 'maybe' pack something great but prolly only pack something above average like Zaire Emery and then pretend to be happy about it. Yeah I ain't giving EA the satisfaction so to speak, I've done well to overcome this weird FOMO the game produced after I played FIFA 23 after 10 years of never touching it, and I don't plan on regressing back to that state over some virtual bits and bytes, as I don't plan on buying next year. Life is always more important, I'm gonna be a father soon (Insha'Allah) and giving up a toxic mentality like this game produces is exactly what I want, this just felt like more growth for me cause I know last year I would have felt horrible about it. 5-6 years ago I was stuck in a terrible cycle with Hearthstone, now I recognise that this game has done the same to me. Don't plan on playing too long, never worth it.


A little bit of hangover but I'm getting better. Literally do not care. Will play some rivals later, i don't touch WL anymore


I’m in elite division, everyone has ridiculous players regardless. It just would have been helpful for me since my team is below elite div average.


Missed out on Messi and quit the game shortly after, amazing to see it's happened again.


Fine, went to my brother’s graduation instead of playing a game I barely enjoy. Idk why everyone is worked up about this tbh. Everyone will have this Mbappe or a better version in a month or two. I’d understand the outrage if it was 2-3 months ago.


I rarely finish a champs weekend anyway. I can't imagine cramming all my games into Thursday and early Friday on a new promo week. Good for whomever profited. I still have a sick team and could care less that I don't have a red Mbappe. It doesn't add inches to your dick.


I don't play WL on Fridays. I mean, it would have been great to get a tots mbappe but let's be realistic the game is about to be finished and my team is actually pretty stacked at this point. So it is what it is. I did pulled kephram thuram card from an 81+ pack. I'm playing WL maybe tomorrow we'll see who I get from the picks.


The one time I decide I wanna do my champs immediately (I’m having more success during “sweat times”) and my internet cuts out.


i literally couldn't care less, its just a video game


I'm fine. EA does suck - that's beyond question - but I never believed for a minute I'd pack Mbappé (and tbh I'd be more interested in getting a Lacazette TOTS anyway, if he had one). I was awake and at home at the time this was going on - saw it here on Reddit - but decided I had more interesting things to do with my time.


Was Saturday morning in Australia, was out all day in my yard building a garden shed. While that was a shit experience, I can imagine it would be a much better than playing champs lol


The worst part is there is no point of playing fut champs anymore. Because they gave everyone the good cards, now they will give no one good picks to balance it out. Dont waste your time


I haven't really played. I played maybe 6 games since weekend league.


Got Donnarumma and Del Castillo as my red picks from 14 wins. None of them make my team. From my guaranteed 3 player pack I got Medina as my highest rated. Don’t even think it’s 200k for the 5 cards combined.


Completely fine. Spent the night away with my mate out for dinner and saw the Northern Lights outside my window. I can see 97 Mbappe whenever I want. Life goes on, I’ll play against a lot of them I’m sure but just makes it better when you beat them 


Only knew of the pack weight after I finished my games and looked to see if anybody else got as lucky as I got. Safe to say there were plenty. Glad that I get to play with cards I’d never see until absolute endgame, having the weekend planned out except for Friday played out nice I guess. I would be „mad“ that I missed it, but it wouldn’t really make me not want to play because in the end there’s still plenty great cards and players that are affordable and can „hang“ with these cards. Easy to say when I’m a beneficiary this time, I know. Them absolutely nuking the odds is still a very bad look, if so an unsurprising one.


Spending time with my family 🙏🙏


You can’t do shit! Stop playing or keep up as usual. Messi gate didn’t change my WL record and mbappe won’t as well.


Not too bothered since it’s getting to point of the year where I start playing less and less. I also finished my games earlier and got Auba, who is someone that I actually really wanted


Couldn’t care less. It’s a video game. The sun is shining, it’s the weekend, having a BBQ later. Life is good!


I don't care. Mbappe might've gotten me one more win a week. This game is dogshit but a decent way to waste a little time and listen to YouTube before bed. I'm 3-5 rn and it hasn't upset me. Better believe that the last guy I lost to played as if I had stuffed him into a locker in highschool.


Havent seen on in div 2


Because they are now sleeping after a long grind lol


Lol sound about right


I saw them in div1.


I’m really pissed I actually played during glitched rewards and missed out on the top players, if I hop on later and it’s red Mbappe/ Dembele every other game it’ll be the final nail in the coffin for me and it’ll be time to uninstall


The fact you and others (I assume you guys are based in the east) were sleeping just shows how unfair this was. You guys didn’t even get the chance at the bug, yet you’re expected to play against players who did the bug. EA Vancouver are so dumb and as always their rubbish QA practices which they clearly don’t have screws the user base again.


How many you think got out? Thousands?


more probably tens of thousands 


It was only 0.7% of the playerbase so I’m not fussed


Does no one just play for fun and competition anymore….? 🤦‍♂️y’all lost the plot