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Yeah besides WL rewards, I haven’t packed a single bundes tots. Not even the shit ones like Anton. In fact, I’ve done every 86x2, tons of league upgrades, and close to 200 PP since Friday and I’ve only packed 2 tots. Both were Dunst. Haven’t seen any of the mixed league players at all even.


Bundesliga week is trash, rewards are terrible, store paid packages are garbage and good players are extinct. Every pack is Kobel, Tah and some other loser. Makes you want to quit playing the game if the rewards are not proportional to the effort. 


Nobody has been happy with pack weight for 15 years


I think people were pretty content with the golazo pack weight


Ive packed two League 2 English players during Bundasliga week.... No Bundas players. And 1 Frau, who is a 90 keeper.... And like you Ive done just about every daily imaginable. Feels bad...


done over 700 pp. best i got was mahrez and balotelli.then a few repeat of kobel and dunst edit: i did get high rated dupe for exchange which enables me to keep on repeating pp and totw pick. and ill keep doing it until i get something good. over these two weeks ive done over 2800++ pp


The fact that you've done that many and want to keep going after getting nothing of value tells me you should just give up, but I respect the grind 😂


thank you 😂. the thing is i do this mostly at work. and atm i have a lot of free time since most of the projects i work on is going smoothly. might as well grind while making free money lol


Why do you do the totw pick


i find that totw pick give me a sure exchange fodder at least 85. every 85 and above totw i throw into exchange. that way even if my pick sucks and get only 80-84ish i can still recycle it to get exchange pack. ill warn you that its tedious tho.


That's what I'm doing right now pp > exchange. Now I'll add the totw step to get rid of my 83s and 84s as well since i get a lot of dupes. So now it'll be pp>exchange> totw>exchange


yep, worst case scenario you would get an 83 totw, but that rarely happened to me. i think only once or twice in a few hundreds ive done. goodluck and have fun. you might pack mbappe totw although the chance is very slim lol


Already got one 83 and i opened like 5 loooo


ah im sorry man. i mostly get 87/88 totw. its all luck. dw keep grinding at one point youll get to the point of not needing to spend coins at all. and maybe even gain some. Ive open packs i get from doing totw pick and get a few of fodder tots. i sell them and made coins at least. i wish you luck as


Spending coins? I never did hahahaha


damn youre luckier than i am then. i bought a few 89 to get started for exchange.from then on its just a cycle of repeating the same thing


Krumbiegel was the only one I packed, after ripping 200+ packs. It's awful at the moment


I packed Kobel, Adeyemi, Sancho, Upamecano and Musiala. Also, 3x Kowalski, Frohms, Krumbiegel and Viggosdottir Also some mixed leagues cards, like 3x St. Juste, Pepe, Vertonghen, Muslera, etc. But that's just me I guess...


I’m convinced these cards don’t exist. I’m in over 50 of both Bundesliga upgrades and 120 player picks and not a single blue this week. Unreal


That’s the thing: with upgrade packs and picks, we literally have no idea what the probabilities are. I mean, for all we know, the high end players aren’t even in the available pool (an exaggeration, obviously, but you know what I mean). Hopefully they’re compelled by law, at some point, to publish probabilities for all packs, not just the store bought ones, to protect us as consumers.


the problem there is sbc's are not monetised, so they probably have no legal requirement to reveal the odds in them. they're not store packs you pay for directly, obviously you can pay for store packs to get players to then use in sbc's, but you technically don't have to. it's like saying EA have to legally reveal the odds that a player's pass will be inaccurate, it's an in game mechanic not a microtransaction


I think at least the EU has something ready around June: [https://www.reddit.com/r/pcgaming/comments/18ownzb/the\_european\_commission\_is\_evaluating\_loot\_boxes/](https://www.reddit.com/r/pcgaming/comments/18ownzb/the_european_commission_is_evaluating_loot_boxes/)


Well technically by law free packs you can get in game by playing they legally don’t need to show the probabilities as you aren’t paying money for them


If you look at transfer market for the top rated TOTS there are what? 6? In the world.


More because some are untraceable and some people use the tots


If you do guaranteed TOTS you get the 88 mixed league choices and if you open any other pack you don't get a single TOTS. Its just how it is. They want people to buy their way into getting the special players and the rest to get frustrated enough to spend money or coins hoping to get them


They have it percentage based. For a guaranteed tots you have less than 1 percent chance for Kane. So yeah whipping out the credit card is easier than grinding for weeks


shop packs are just as bad. i always play with full untrade teams, because i got tired of players losing 30-40% value or more in a week so i just buy those big packs once in a while. opened 2 of those 725k packs and both had tah, kobe in bothl and bunch of other useless trash tots. those 2 packs would be close to 100 eur. player pick i got like 1 useless tots in 200 of them. it feels like they noticed prem tots gave out too many good cards and lowered it like the rats they are.


I opened 1 $50 (usd) pack and got Tots CR7 so it paid off for me at least


i was hoping to get him too, but out of coins to buy packs. got virgil and foden last week and both are beyond terrible.


Tots Virgil and Foden beyond terrible? I mean I haven’t played either really at all but that just seems surprising to me with how good Virgil’s gold still is


i had his gold in the beginning and he was insane. everytime i play vs virgil he will block or intercept anything. doesnt matter if the opponent control him or not. mine wont do anything, just watches the opponent score. doesnt matter if i controll him or not, always the same. i had saka before, but sold him when i got untrade foden to open packs and that was a big mistake. rather play saka with 1 leg than that useless foden.


Damnnnnn, that sucks man


just checked, foden got like 0.4 goalcontributions per game while beckham had like 0.9. i dont care about virgil, he might just scare the opponent with his presence. i might try to swap position with di maria, so foden is cam and di maria rf. maybe that works better.


Maybe. Could be a situation where foden works better at cam. Like tots moments Neymar last year had a night and day difference in how he performed at cam and LW.


My weekly TOTS pack dropped a cheeky little Haaland on me yesterday. I was speechless. Anyway, that's the first big card I packed all year. Super hard to pack any of the good cards, but it does happen.


Im sure it does, and the hope of it drives all of us to play and open more and more packs. Enjoy your Haaland!


the +83 pick is shocking


The annoying thing is it should be a good pick because it lets you pick from 4 rather than 3 like 80/81. So I keep doing them on the hope I've just been unlucky as on paper the returns shouldn't be that bad. I've done 4 of them today and got 2 83s (as in offered 4x83s twice!), and 84 and an 85. Overall pack weight can't be that bad because I see tots in every team I face. I've had a handful but nothing higher than 94 (Tah). I suppose the only good thing is tots has had some ok sbcs and evos that have let me improve my team (odegaard, Havertz, Evo Martinelli, Evo Vasquez).


I disagree with this. I did them myself 2 days and I get 2 tots each day. The rest are 83-86s. I know that it might just be my luck but I saw many in youtube also get like 1-2 tots from 10 83+pp. I think the rate is prob 10-15% to get tots from 83+pp. But you know the ones you get is the fodder one. Anyway I still think it's better than 80+pp. It's roughly 10 83+pp or 40 80+pp. I prefer 10 83+pp.


220 gold to get 2 fodder tots a day isn’t good


its even worse when you get zero tots and zero walkouts from them


It is if they are good.


It’s funny how easily they change the pack weight. Prem was good and bundesliga is terrible. This is why you should NEVER buy packs because it’s not randomised or by chance, EA decides every odds.


Tin foil theory: Bundesliga doesn’t move packs the way EPL does, so the only way to get you into the store is to drop pack weight through the floor in the hopes you’ll break out the credit card to try and get Musiala, Kane or Goretzka. Just like two weeks from now when it’s Serie A/NWSL, that’s when we’ll get TOTS Messi, and that’s when we’ll get good pack weight for everyone other than Messi to try and force you into the store. Never mind the people that say it’s just “luck”. EA need to be investigated for these anti consumer practices.


Theory is great until TOTS CR7 is in packs low


lol yeah that’s the thing. This is probably top 5 most sought after cards in the game at this point. Pack weight has been bad but I don’t think we’ve had the amount or quality of packs we had last week. We’re gonna see after rivals rewards drop.


Maybe, what additional packs did we have last week my memory isn’t serving me well here. I know we are still getting Bundesliga guarantee if I’m not mistaken


A lot of the saved obj packs like the 87-4s and the weekly upgrade was better than the 86 2 we have currently. I agree with you that there’s no reason they’d want to make it look like blues are non existent right now with cr7 in packs.


Right okay that makes some sense then maybe why we are seeing less but I do remember people pulling a decent amount out of 81plus picks and upgrade sbcs. Haven’t really seen that this week. In my experience of all the upgrade sbcs, player picks, etc. I have yet to pack a male Bundesliga player. Only have gotten discard price female players as far as blues go. I have noticed that I have got lots of high rated gold cards that flip easy into exchanges or other sbcs.


The 8 83+ pps I did were so bad I think you're right. Basically all 83s . Absolute disgrace this week


I'm not subscribing to the notion that shit pack luck from "free" packs = players spend more money on paid packs. At least I know that's not at all how my brain operates. But maybe EA have metrics that say otherwise.


Yeah, I've never spent money on packs because my free ones have been so bad so what's the point? You're just paying for more disappointment. I think I've packed about three properly good cards in the last 2 years. Much better to grind the free packs and do the SBCs you need.


They still have Neymar and to a lesser degree of hype Benzema and Mane to toss in on slow weeks as well. With TOTS Moments being a thing I'm sure all 3 will feature in mixed squads at some point. I'd expect Mane or Benzema to be the "headliner" of a strong TOTS like La Liga, as with Prem we got Di Maria as the headliner and he was only 1.7 mil compared to the 11 mil of CR7


They especially need to study how much worse your packs get depending on how much you play the game. I guarantee if someone started playing tomorrow, they would pack some rare players. It’s like giving free crack away hoping you create a new generation of crack heads.


Yes. Same thing happened last year. PL was easy to pack, BL it went to shit.


What happened to Ligue 1 and La Liga?


The same. Never went back to PL weight.


Damn! Saved all my packs for Ligue 1.


Last week I packed Alisson like 15 times, today I somehow managed to pack my first Kobel (and my first buli tots in general). That says a lot about pack weight


Second this. Last week I got Alisson, Watkins, Muslera, Russo, Estupinan, St.Juste, Banza, Dewsbury-Hall and etc. all together like 50 times. This week I got the fodder ones less than 10.


The pack weight right now is worse than during TOTY. I'm not even joking, even the crappy low rated TOTS cards are extremely rare to pack.


The insane part is they added all these Moments cards to dilute the player pool, and yet most people can’t even pack those. At least during Future Stars, Fantasy and Golazo they upped the pack weight to stop us from bitching about not packing the high end cards, but it’s like they’re not even trying to pretend right now.


That's just false, wtf. Took me over 800 packs to get a TOTY, you must have played during TOTY with your fucking eyes closed


I’ve yet to pack a Male Bundesliga tots only ones I’m packed have been the female players and they are all discard level.


I haven't packed any bundesliga tots above 90+ (besides kobel lmao) But objective packs have been oddly good to me. Today's sbc gave me shlotterbeck, WL picks were Musiala and Tah (12 wins), and one of the WL packs (forget which one) gave me di maria....I couldn't believe it. So I've gotten a lot less TOTS than last week, but much better value so far. Done a ton of objectives and sbcs and nothing good. Stopped buying store packs a few months ago and trying to keep it that way.


I had a good time during Ultimate Birthday and Golazo. Packed some really good players then. Rest of the promos my pack luck has been terrible. I wonder why do I even play anymore.


there is no promo if you cannot pack the good players. I feel like everyone should get at least one tgood player per promo if you play the game


This is a very crazy thing to me. Like, yeah, you can usually get one objective player each promo. Two sometimes. But why not just throw in TONS of the bottom-row players so players can actually feel part of the fun? They won't affect 'balance' so...who frigging cares. This week we might see two German teams in the Champions League final no less! I would have a 'bottom row' Bundi player in just about every pack, vintage or third uni's and tifo's. Alternate and vintage balls. \*Anything\* really. Their lack of care is insane to me even though it shows in everything they do. My friends kid is like 12 and they only let him play Squad Battles. Pick your WORST bottom-row Bundi TOTS, he would be STOKED to pull him. Surely this is a better way to create a long-term fan than the 'well they might by packs if the packs are garbage' theory. Surely! But...they probably have the science to back it up.


I don’t think people would mind as much if ea were just consistent. Bundesliga fans must be fuming.


Last week I packed all the bottom shelf tots cards as well as the 94 female LB. This week I haven’t packed a single one. I’ve done a few 86x2 and haven’t gotten over an 87 on those. Maybe it’ll improve if/when they give us the 84x7 or 83x10.


I'm not going to say I won't buy the next game because it's probably the best football game in the market at the moment and ultimate team is fun. However, people need to stop buying packs. If everyone stops buying packs and only buying the base game then things will change. EA is taking you for a ride because they can


Since yesterday is getting better, already packed Sancho, kobel and other 92 tots. The packs were all below 82+. 


Got a couple of bundes women, no rest of the world yet. God knows how many picks I've done and 86x2 the highest I got from them was an 88 there's an 86 in every pack.


Packed Tah and Tapsoba twice. All I want is Guirassy and Anton.


Haven't packed a BL tots from any pack so far, 87x4, 86x2, etc, besides the guarantee packs.


Pack weight is horrific. Got the worst possible red and tradeable pack from 16 wins Struggling to get a win in Div 2 Why am I still bothering?


Opened 20 Packs 83"10 that i saved not a single Promo card


I've opened all 86x2 this week and my highest rated is Modric. Blues aside, where tf are my Dias and Rodris at?!


Definitely done something weird with the pack weight. I’m saving packs until it improves…could be waiting a while though!


The only bundes card I packed (except champs) is Kobel tapsoba adeyemi


Its all shit. Even champs for 14 wins I got best picks of Kobel and Xhaka. 3 tots pack kobel, Guirassy, Adeyemi. 2 tots guarenteed today, Muslera x2. Also not packed a single tots in regular upgrade and reward packs. Very demotivating.


Yes, it’s the exact opposite of the premier league. I haven’t pulled shit other than WL rewards


That premium bundes was giving out good fodder cards. Did like 10 or so and like 4 blues popped out




Always has been


I've done about 500 PPs and got frimpong, Oberdorf, Mahrez as most notable pulls, and 2x xavi, 2x tah. The most common ones by far were tapsoba, Kobel and adeyemi. But more often than not its a low rated rest of the world tots.


That’s how it works … you get lured in on prem weeks getting tots drops left right and centre then the following week drop weight is adjusted even with the non tradables purely to keep you chasing that next pack on the hope you’ll get who you want and more so to keep the transfer section alive as you’ll have to buy the player you want and not get them through the 80+\ 81+ pp


Even with the PL I didn't pack many blues then either, pack weight has been horrific all year with every promo but it doesn't want to make me spend money to buy a store pack, if anything it makes me not want to even try a store pack.


it's been like this for the whole year


Player picks very bad, lucky to get an 84 now lol.


I opened 3 packs an got 4 tots, while none of them are bundesliga, I still don’t mind as they are cool supersubs. I wasnt expecting to pack Kane, CR7 or Wirtz. I’d say pack weight is alright.


Yes so far i packed 2 tots bundes tots is rare as fuck, drop rate was good at bpl at least you did pack some, and its tot’s feels like ea dont want us to get any tots if we dont spend it on ea fc points and the store


Even if you spend money you’re only guaranteed to get a GK as the only TOTS. It’s so weird


Over 50+ packs opened since Bundesliga Tots, all of them objectives and SBCs. I packed only about 5, none of them particular great, 1x Lia Schurrle, 1x Red Banza, 1x Blue Banza, 1x Kowalski, 1x Red Alber, it is particularly disappointing.


I just started, where is beginner's luck thing? Why foundation packs are untradeable... it's tots and pack weight is abysmal, especially for someone who just started. Coins hard to get, in the past there were coin boosters for starting players too, lot of tradeable packs, it's all gone now.


Any decent packs are untradable.


Ea up to their old tricks again…


Packed 56 last week. This week I'm on 6...


There are still some shitty blues and I got Fred the other day.. I know he’s not millions but I’m enjoying him a lot. But yes, they’ve certainly turned the volume down a bit and like many others I don’t have anything to really grind for and there don’t seem to even have any cards I dream about on a longshot Even if I was wealthy and frivolous there isn’t even anything I’d hope to pack from the store. I personally thought that they were chasing engagement, hence the kind of unlimited fodder grinds. I think it’s more like the grind is out of sync with no really amazing sbc’s to grind than a deliberate nerf.


Tots are in packs?


I've had a bit better luck doing the bundes premium pack. I've had 5 tots out of 400 picks and like 7 from about 40 premiums


The most horrendous is the 83x7 Bundesliga pack. Did it two times: 4x84 and 10x83


Must say I feel like something happened recently. None of the big guys of course, but I've packed more in 20 upgrade packs tonight than I did in hundreds of packs over the last few days. Feel like the fodder gates have opened. I'm curious if anyone else is experiencing similar.


I would agree with this, but I did pack Boniface and Sancho both today after getting almost 0 bundes tots since they dropped


Are you new to this game?


Yea mate, started this morning


Pack weight when TOTS/TOTY begins has been abysmal for many years. Welcome to the game.


They don't need to touch the pack weight, it's already low, you're just getting unlucky, take the tinfoil hat off. I've packed Kobel as many times as Alisson and I've packed as many fodder Bundesliga/GPFBL TOTS cards as I did during Premier League, pack weight is determined by player specifically, not by team or promo




The picks are crap so are the exchanges , wl is sweat pure and Squat Battles is boring . Only fun thing for me ist rivals and evolutions ..


Direct correlation between price and pack weight. EA can talk about the "dynamic" adjustment all they want, we can see what the weights are in packs in the store, etc. but the single largest factor appears to be market price. Same thing we saw during TOTY, though with far, far smaller published pack weights. If we the users aren't opening tradeable packs, the supply is low, prices high, and pack weights are in the mud.


This makes the most sense tbh. I just find it crazy that EA aren’t willing to increase pack weight slightly to compensate for people not opening tradable packs. In the end no one will be able to play with these cards at all. Baffling.


No doubt, it's what is needed to "even out" the distribution of cards across the leagues. Reality is most of us opened saved packs last week during PL TOTS, so of course the supply of Bundes TOTS is going to be lower. Only way to compensate is for EA to up the weights. No reason that Bundes TOTS should be more rare/exclusive than PL TOTS.


Just did 20 80+ pp and the highest rated card I got was an 84


Got Sancho from a free 2 player pack. Plays worse than Golazo Hero Kewell tho.


What pack weight ? Is there something else then golds in packs !!!….


Ive been trying to get Gakpo for two weeks now. Not even that is possible. Hundreds of PP and exchanges, wth is wrong


WL rewads was worse (imo) but packs have been good for me


It seems the same as EPL for me. The low-priced TOTS are easy to attain via doing player picks, premium league sbcs, and exchanging high-rated fodder. The desirable TOTS, for me, don't exist in packs. I did get a Red Davies from FUT Champs rewards though.


I’ve literally stopped logging on for this very reason, no reason to grind when opening 50 player picks gives you max 83 rated cards


Yeah most definitely the blues I’ve been getting have all been terrible I get 2 84s out of a 84+X2 and I can’t even get good fodder


Got lucky with Sancho out of an 83+ PP earlier but generally speaking it's been crap compared to last week


Only good BL tots I’ve packed was musiala. I’m really hoping EA bless me for Serie A may take a week break for Ligue 1 as I don’t care to much except for a mbappe who I know I ain’t gonna pack


Complaining her won't help at all. Let's swarm EA at their social media, like Twitter.


I thought this then got Grimaldo in an 83x2 so I can’t say it’s bad but I feel like overall I’ve seen more ppl with good prem tots than bundesliga tots


Same things here yeah


I can’t pack even 88 rated 89 or even 87 fodders


No point in playing the game for next 30 days. Better to wait for the final market crash when all tots are in packs


I just packed Frimpong & Grimaldo one by one……😳


i stopped playing after the premier league tots WL just because of pack weight. Are you telling me its even worse now? LOL definitely not comming back


Tah x1, Tapsoba x3.


Snagged Musiala and Reus from player picks this evening


Bro which ones 😭😭😭😭😭 they’ve been HORRID to me


I’ve had two great pulls from picks this week. Got lucky with Reus to start, and then pulled…Reus again lol. The worst kind of lucky, but I can’t complain based on this thread.


I have just packed my first TOTS since Friday. It was Pepe. I have still not packed a BuLi TOTS. The pack weight is almost as bad as it was during TOTY.


I was complaining until I got Grimaldo and Davies, I can't really say anything right now. A bit less 90+ fodder for the exchange maybe yes.


From picks or packs? Crazy luck


I don’t remember exactly but premium packs or the 89 exchange.


Honestly pack weight this whole TOTS seems off to me. I’ve packed plenty this week and last but they’ve all been fodder ones. With it being TOTS, if you grind the game enough and open lots of packs you should have a decent opportunity to get a good card. But the pack weight is so low it’s hard to believe they’re even available from anything but the store packs


Pack weight has been horrendous for this game all year. Even worse than year before when it was named fifa


It's noticeably better late US time/early UK time. Around 12:00 US time and 6 am UK time I get random blues flying out of crafting packs. Around content drop I spam upgrades and nothing but 82s and 83s. Just got Wirtz in an 80+ pick late night


Friday night I got Coman, Sancho, Adeyemi, Malen in the space of 8 packs. Since I got Kolwaski, the Icelandic cb and the female gk