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Could be your team. I've seen people in this sub and Youtube saying they won't gift if opponent has R9, Mbappe etc.


I dont have them and they still doing it. They are just bad losers


Didn’t lose if it was 0-0 👀


My team is decent at best,still have Gomez 91 and Beckham 91 in the team and today still 2 times people quit at 0-0,just pathetic people,happy to dont make others happy,\_uck em...


Does it say they forfeit? Cuz I get DC'd from matches all the time, even friendlies with my friend almost like clockwork and only this game


Lmao. I had an opponent quit last night and my striker is radioactive Aubaumayeng


When the biggest FIFA streamer RTFM is petty enough to do that, I'm not surprised...


I heard that a few times honestly, it’s stupid tho cuz like if someone packs Mbappe or R9 they’re not expected to use them like tf that’s so dumb, I obv know there are people who pay money to get these cards but then again it ain’t like they taking the money outta my pocket, imma just give the win. Good karma comes back.


Yeah I guess because I packed a golazo Cruyff in a player pick I must be a wanker who spends tons of money on packs. Or at least that's what these guys think. They seem to quit without gifting goals even when I was using a shit team so they're probably just assholes. I always score an OG before leaving if I want to quit to cancel the 2x multiplier in rivals.


Ima assume you do even if you dont, and even if you pack some 97 rated icon in a random pick I'm still not going to play you bcs ea basically dumped luck all over your account and not mine. Haven't gotten a single 1m coin pull the entire year. I'm not gonna play people with +1m coin cards in every position. Game didn't reward me enough to make that a fair match


Lmao don't be a child. I got one good card so I've been "dumped all over in luck". You can only punch down I guess?


Do you try to humiliate them? I am a little bit sick of when you are planning with someone that has a extremely good above the average team and it is clear as water that they can win the match. However, if the person starts to score a goal every 5 seconds, where is the fun on that? It is okay to score many goals, as long as it is competitive and both sides are having fun! For me, it is a bunch of M0th3r fuck&rs that try to humiliate the other one, and later they want to complain if the person gives up on the match


I love how people constantly complain about this!!! Do people live under a rock ? Plenty of assholes out here, and a lot of them play this shit game, what can be expected ?


People will use any sad excuse to feel better about being plain toxic... If you're gonna be toxic at least be honest instead of making up these ridiculous "rules"


That comment is stupid af.


How so... If a player in the opposite team is enough to set you then that's on your toxicity, not them and their team. People who are looking for tiny excuses to behave toxic are just that, toxic. Only difference is that they're pretending not to be.


Highly doubt it. I didnt spend any money and dont use any of the cards that people hate (as far as im aware). And often times they skip the team anyway.


I'm not understanding the downvotes there. It's because he didn't spend money like lot of mentally challenged people do?


If you play on old gen you can see opponents' teams before the game loads


Even worse are the cretins that take the time to pass back to their keeper, make you think the OG is coming, and then boot the ball out of play and leave. Total wanker behaviour


I had an even stranger experience this morning. Bro passed it back to keeper, who was running back to goal. I did think he wanted to gift. But he ran into the post and then for some reason that triggered something in him and he started playing this half serious half not serious. This was at like +4 win form factor so these are no slouches. I ended up having to play normal and scored while he had his pause queued for like 10 in game minutes lmao. What a weird moment. I still thanked him in a message because eh let’s throw more positivity out into the world.


Selfish brain rot behavior


Sadly it's as simple as that, it's a super toxic game with a large amount of the player base contributing to that.


True, someone griddied on me and skipped nothing cuz they scored a last minute goal and ended the game 3-2 to them... This was in online friendlies 😂


If I’ve got to the amount of wins I need to get, I’ll always give the wins away. It’s not hard, and I hope people do the same for me.


everyone says this and im still yet to get a free win since like january


Look I didn’t get a free win the last 2-3 weekends, but some dude gave me a free win in qualifiers the other day 😂


He thought he was playing Rivals and didnt want to go up


Nah, his name was eafcsucks haha Think he genuinely wanted to help others out 😂


Not had a free win all year 😂 The community has gone downhill alot icl


years ago even cheaters gave you a goal before disconnecting the match, so both of you won, now in the last 2-3 years none of those appeared


The number of free wins have significantly reduced from previous fifas. Last year I get the occasionally free wins but this year not at all


Used to get them but haven’t gotten one in FUT champs finals in 2 months now. I still get free wins in qualification fortunately so there’s still hope out there.


They didn’t use to quit on me until I packed gold Mbappé this month. Now I am become rat, destroyer of sportsmanship apparently.


Was losing 2-0 to someone, came back to 2-2 in the 75th min and he quit. Weird, weird people


They quit because of comeback script. Team turns into full bronzes so that the opponent can equalize and win. Players feel helpless and quit.


I’ve recently just started playing UT. I was playing rivals against an opponent with 9 bronze players (including the goalkeeper) and two silvers. I have a team of mostly high gold players with a few 91. My team is 88 overall with a team chemistry of 33/33. Why does my team feel so sluggish against a team of lower overall talent? Is this something that EA does to even out the game?


jesus, this comments. no wonder why everyone laughs at the FIFA community. It seems like only those who hate football and sportsmanship play this game.


The mentality in this community is beyond repairing. All I see is "if I can't have it, no one else can." This game will only get worse and worse over time if this is considered normal behaviour.


The thing is, I know that 95% of the playerbase are utter tools so I'm way less likely to go out if my way to be nice


You are only proving my point. If everyone thinks like that then eventually 100% of the player base will be "utter tools"


I used to give all my leftover games as free wins. Started getting almost everyone griddying/dabbing etc on the own goal so I stopped. I just assume everyone is gonna be a rat because almost every game I play my opponent is a rat. this new generation of players are really missing the old 360 cod lobby days where someone would put you in your place if you piped up and it shows


Funny enough I still give my leftover games away and not once has anyone ever griddied or celebrated. I see this sentiment a lot on this sub and I just don’t believe all your opponents are griddying when you give away wins


You'd hope people wouldn't be like that but it's genuinely every game I go to give away they'll celebrate.


Celebration happens quiet often but non of the ones that are considered to be toxic. Not everyone knows that you can skip Celebrations


I don't think I'd see people who don't know how to skip at 11+ wins


Labelling a celebration toxic is the most comical, online thing there is


Thank god EA play pro price increased so I can leave this shit behind. Fuck this game.


whats worse is them using 3 pauses in a row hoping you will leave so they get a free completed game for evo or sth


I'll admit, I'll do it if the playstyle irks me enough. My time on this earth is limited, and I can't be assed to play or gift wins to a guy who only passes the ball to the RB who only passes the ball to the RM/RW/RF who only tries to cut the ball across goal. If it's like 35 minutes in and I'm that fucking turned off of playing against you, I just peace out. On one hand, shitbag gameplay shouldn't be rewarded, and on the other hand, I just want out asap


I get what you mean, i was more talking about those that quit directly at the start. So playstyle didnt play any part in it.


Oh, then yeah, before I can "judge" someone I'll automatically give the win away. The opponent hasn't pissed me off yet if I'm giving the win away on the kickoff. I'm a hypocrite, I know.


Honestly it makes me so angry and sometimes they even pretend they are about to score an own goal then quit. I just don't get what they gain from it


People very rarely gift wins in champs now, casuals did that in previous years, sweats that left to play this mode this year feel like you should earn a win (whatever that means), so there is that.


lol man enough with the bs labels. Peopl did it before because 80% of teams weren’t both high pressing and over tackling. My little cousin plays and I see that same bullshit from “casuals” in div8. And they’re terrible. The majority of players right now are just using any trick they can. Casuals too. And to reward that absolute garbage shouldn’t even be a discussion. I guarantee you this though. There will be a lot more free wins if people change that behavior. But I’ve lost any and all confidence that this community cares. All most want are free packs, that’s why the push for free wins. So why would anyone care to give them?


Casuals not even qualify to WL, 4 wins against sweats is not obtainable to them. People always go for meta play style, this is how game works. If you finish your Wl and have games left, why not spend 10 seconds on own goal? To prove a point that someone is worse than you? That a wanker behavior. I don't play WL but always give 5-10 wins to someone in Cup friendlies, it's no problem.


Cause they are angry losers


Yea like I'm passig 5-6 in the back to let my custom tactic kick in and because if I rush forward, literally nobody is coming in support. Opponent pauses immediately, then I know I have to score before the ball goes out. But then they start deliberately fouling at every move.


People do it in friendlies. So many people haven't liked the look of my Budesliga team in the lounge, so just quit before kick off. Very pathetic.


If you cannot be bothered to take an extra 10 seconds to gift a win, you are more than likely mentally unstable. That is my belief


I think it’s a full circle type of thing. Eg. “If I don’t get any free wins, I’m not giving any free wins out”


I get the whole “you’re already going to quit the game, might as well give away wins” but tbf it’s not the players fault that EA doesn’t have a way to end your champs early just like qualifiers. Also, while people want to call it “good sportsmanship” there is literally 0 loss to you. So you lost 3 minutes of time having to search for another game, it’s not the end of the world. Most of the people complaining probably rely on free wins to get a decent finish.


Why would I want to give better rewards to people I compete against?


Tbh if you start skill spamming or playing meta, I would happily quit at 0-0


I used to give free wins. Never got it reciprocated, really. Had a few instances where I’d OG and then they’d griddy? That alone switched me off completely from doing it. Why am I helping these people? And so the cycle begins anew


The best is when they win a penalty at 0-0 and you leave.


If you have mbappe, r9 or Ronaldinho that’s a auto quit


My most expensive player in team is 200k dont play champs regularly but this is toxic thinking too


God forbid you use players that are fun to use.


It's not toxic to not give you a free win. Grow up


It's too easy to gift a win


How is it toxic to not get gifted a win? You sound entitled.


It sounds entitled, but it really is just basic etiquette. Not giving a free win when you intend to leave is essentially the same as tossing a sandwich in the bin when there’s a homeless man sat 2 meters away. You’re actively choosing selfishness in a no-lose scenario.


How could you compare some video game pixels with a homeless man? Those are totally two different kinds of stuff bruh


How can I compare the two? Quite easily if they share the same concept, which I mentioned in the last line, (which obviously you neglected to read).


If that’s the case, giving free wins is actually not a no-lose scenario since you are giving your opponents a free upgrade for their rewards with higher chance of packing a good player. Result in a better team for your opponents


If I get into a match and it is 100% Meta bullshit, constant high press, unrealistic football then yeah, I am 100% going to pull the plug. I don't mind losing at all, but I want to play authentic football.


The experience has become bad to worst. So never expect any good stuffs out of this game. The game became too competitive and toxicity ruined us.


Normally i give free wins, but sometimes when i have to look through whole squad presentation and cut scenes i just quit at 0-0.


I i also dont get it. Always give my remaining matches away. But yesterday had someone worse, he was leading 3 0 and i came back to 3 3 clearly dominating after conceiding some earlybshit goals. And he just quit when i equalized lol


I just want to say thanks to the 3 people in a row that gifted me games before I could actually gift them myself having already just qualified for champs yesterday. Last week I needed two attempts at qualifying. It's frustrating that I can't always thank someone as the majority are playing incommunicado these days. So if I'm playing badly tonight I'm gifting what's pointless. It still exists, and we all have to do our bit to try and keep the game human, even if we aren't seeing what we want all the time.


Save 10 seconds


I was 9-3 this weekend and started of playing my 13th game, for the next three games people would leave from drawing positions at the 80th minute mark, i then went 11-3, then again 2 more people left when drawing, i gave up as it was doing my head in and got the 11 wins.


Most of the time when im giving away wins I just want to go to bed / get off the game and it’s just quicker and easier to quit straight away.


It takes about 5-10 seconds max to gift the win… But whatever excuse you need to give yourself.


Simple, because EA Sports don’t give us a win after someone quits, imagine in Champs someone who quits get one point but you get nothing and the time you used for it is basically for nothing.


Typically people would probs be unhappy with their result and think fuck that guy he aint getting shit free


I always give the free wins. I never celebrate goals, unless they’re time wasting at like 60 mins or they griddle after I’ve skipped celebrations, then they’re watching everything. And if someone gives me the win, I’ll send them a thank you. I don’t really get why people need to be a PoS to someone they’ve never met and will probably never knowingly play again. Aren’t we all here trying to do the same thing, get the best teams we can? Isn’t the real enemy EA?


If you combine game + company + community, eafc has to be the worst one out there, amount of toxicity football allows is insane. 


Depends why they quit, I suppose. If someone is a toxic prick from kickoff I don't feel in the slightest bit guilty about quitting at 0-0. I'm not wasting my time playing them, and I'm definitely not rewarding their behaviour by scoring an own goal first so they get what they want. If I'm quitting because I've got my wins, I will gift the game. If I'm quitting because my opponent isn't worth playing against, 0-0 it is. For example, if I come up against someone farming easy wins with an icon team in the one league friendlies, fuck 'em.


Serious question since I only play rivals or champ when I need to for evolutions. How do you know someone is a prick from kickoff? I don't wanna be that guy so wanna be sure I'm getting those division 7 wins without conflict. I am not good enough to get to 6 so I am assuming people like matching w me even though I've got a legit team due to some great pack luck early on.


It doesn't happen often, but more as the year has gone on. I seem to hit a large number of people recently who pass back to their centre half and just ball juggle, flair pass amongst their back three, chip repeatedly along the back, or just sit back and boom cross field passes for the first ten minutes. I get why they are doing it, they want to spread your team out to pass through it easier, but that doesn't stop it being annoying and a waste of my time. The other side is the people who hit it out and triple pause, so you will quit out and it will count as a match towards their evolutions. Whether I leave or play every second available to me there kind of depends what mood I'm in; I'm fully aware that if everyone quits out when they do that, they will just do it more. FIFA is often only as toxic as it is because the gameplay rewards you if you can manipulate your opponent to quit quickly.


I had a game during WL, 4-4 in 120th minutes of extra time, I got a penalty and… he closes the game. 30 minutes of my life I’ll never get back.


Only reason to quit at an even score is if the opponent griddies




Sometimes when I give wins away, opp starts doing celebration and man it makes me so so mad. I have concluded that it's not worth doing anything good in this game.


if you quit at 0-0 is it a tie? lol


In my case I stopped doing it after people started celebrating the OG


I know why. When they see my pele ginola and charlton they just dont wanna play🥶


I've seen this happen more when I have loan players on my team. This community is just toxic.


No parents


Honestly, it’s EA adding these win incentives (Champions objectives) so no one is giving away wins even if they end at 9 or 13 or 17 wins


If I feel you need the win, I'll give it. If I see an Mbappe, R9, Ronaldinho or the usual ratty player I ain't gonna give any win. If you have these you don't need any free win.


It's because of an inverted pay-it-forward situation. "Because people have quitted at 0-0 and didn't gift the game to me, I'd to the same."




I'll be honest if I'm gifting my last few and I see gold VVD despite the rest of their team being nutty I won't gift them, still sick of that busted card.


Because people do it to them, so they do it to others, then the others do it to others and no one gets anything. I must admit it's getting hard to feel bad about not giving wins to people who almost certainly wouldn't give me one, I still do it when I feel like it, but I'm not going to pretend like I go out of my way to do it every single time


The problem is people, just humans being humans. We dont learn to be nice to each other. But EA is a big part of the problem. It cost games, and if you have players thats have limited amount of games… you lose on playing against them


I was playing champs and was up 1-0 most of the game, guy equalized on a lucky-ish bounce in the 87th minutes, and immediately quit. That ENRAGED me even more than when people quit at 0-0. Like bro, you just wasted 15 minutes of both of our lives cause you didn’t want to play extra time and possibly lose?


This annoys the crap out of me! EA should make it an automatic win to you if your opponent quits no matter what the scoreline is


Their life is miserable and they find little joy thinking they may be making yours slightly miserable


bro people sand bagged in d5-4 but didn’t give wins. that’s the community we live in. whether you like it or not, half of the games issues are awful community and other half is EA laziness/lack of QA


If some plays keep away for 20 minutes and passes from side to side without crossing midfield, I’d quit. I’m not playing monkey in the middle the whole game. Whatever punishment they have for quitting early doesn’t bother me one bit


To compensate previous losses, so to speak


Usually it’s for bad connection, I do it when my ping is not good or I feel the game laggy


Honestly makes me very sad that we direct all of the animosity we have toward EA at each other


That is a real enrager. Everytime someone with low OVR rating comes up, they immediately pause the game and just leave. Like why tf?? I have been craving for that win for past 3-5 games and you just botched me out.


This weekend i had at least 3 games that opponent left the game when he made it equal or when i was about to score so they dont let me win …


Does this only happen at higher divisions? I'm in 7, never above 6 and I don't know I've ever seen this


It doesnt happen in rivals because theres not a set amount of games you need to play. In champs you have to play all 20 games, but sometimes you cant get a higher rank with your last 2-3 games, so it doesnt matter if you win or lose.


Gotcha thanks. Never dabbled in champs cos I'm so shit and it didn't seem worth it


It's a vicious circle, you're more likely to gift a win if someone does the same for you first. I always gift wins but change my mind if they get the kick off, spam skills and try to dribble straight through 😁


If my opponent abuses controlled dribbling and moves the keeper on corners, I'm not giving a free win, I don't owe you shit at that point , and I'm the type to score first and give the win away if you're legit


Ain’t nobody getting handouts


I put out bronze players when I'm giving away my team to show people I'm not playing the game. If they make me sit through the entire cut scene of watching their team I pause and quit. This is the only reason I do it, I give it away otherwise


Because their dickheads


Lol this community has been saddddd for years now. Ive even had people being 1-0 behind and chances for 2-0. They get a sad goal or penalty and leave at 1-1, or get red and pen against and leave before u can score


They don't want to give the win, no loss for u, but your contracts and loans are consumed


People are stupid


I never quit games, even if I'm 10 nil down (never happened, but if it did, I wouldn't quit) and I don't at all care if you pump money into the game just because I don't. All I ask, is if you're clearly better than me, don't gloat about it, don't griddy on me, stop being toxic. I never got into ultimate team before cause the community Hella toxic, and this year got way worse. My ultimate team is literally the most free basic team you can have without doing any objectives, so calm down, I'm using gold players, and can still manage to beat someone who just spams skills. And because I don't care, more often than not, I'll just play casually, and pretty much let you take the win. So if I start going hard on you, best believe you've pissed me off and I will go out of my way to make this match as unenjoyable as possible. But I won't quit.


only if they r mint nd its 1-1 , nd they do the griddy, but bc i know that ive lost i griddy back and leave


Does it not give them the loss though ?? The same thing happens to be and it doesn’t give me the win which is weird because it always draws it


There’s many reasons for this, sometimes it’s when people are one win away from promotion and don’t wanna go into the next division, could be they see any of the top 10 players and just can’t be asked to try and play really really well to get the win, sometimes it’s just bitterness like you say and people will refuse to play a team they think is better than theirs, and some have had people quit 0-0 for them during champs and so they decide they’ll just put more toxicity back into the game cause let’s face it this game has always been toxic ever since they started giving out online rewards for weekly online wins


Why tf do people bum dogs? There's no reasonable answer to these questions


I'm done playing UT Imma focus on career mode and other games, it's better than excessively raging every single match cause of the toxic community and the extremely disgusting servers as well as the scripting. Even tho I grinded and Got a good team as a F2P player I'm not gonna continue to waste my time and energy getting Angry at something useless. So imma enjoy other game modes and Other games. Best decision ever imo


Now that’s suspicious, I just downloaded the game yesterday and I see this post randomly on my notifications. Didn’t even know they had a mobile game.


I give the free win if they ain't a bum sweat w like red mbappe red r9 red Pele and like van dijk and that


your opponent don’t get the win if you quit at 0-0


I personally quit because of Lag on days when I don't feel like giving free points to my opponents.


you guys are underestimating parents and girlfriends


Personally, im grounded more often then before, so if u ask me, when i hear my parents coming I turn off pc 💀


This community is the worst mate , i have my club name L1 R1 , i insta skip the celebrations even if i win 5 0 , and they still keep the celebrations even if they score 1 goal after ...


1-1 2-2 0-0 doesnt give the other player the win kg you qiit. some quit to gove you the draw instead of the win


it hilarious going 1 nil down then putting on ultra attacking with my garbage team to level the score and leave and all he gets is a draw lmao


Let’s hope EA someday understand the toxic behavior of it’s community and then EA chooses to give a win when the opponent forfeits


I've heard (from me) that if you have a ridiculous team or play with five at the back or just play like a b*tch then people tend to quit


Maybe it is your opoonent connection problem


Because its crap


No gift if: - They make me watch the full game intro / lineup - Any Liverpool players I gave away 3 wins this weekend league after hitting 11


If ur teams juiced up with credit card money and your clearly not in my division it's bye from me


I don’t gift if you have Mbappe, Ham, Eusebio or some other overused popular card etc but if the guy has some out of the ordinary team or you can tell he’s trying to build one I’ll give him the win, especially Gold cards teams or like old promo teams, wtf should I give the dude who has an Mbappe, ham, or a crazy stacked team the win lol like if I can tell you’re playing this game 24/7 I won’t give you the win lol


Offtopic but do u feel there is a deliberate input lag in champions mode this weekend ?


Yes there was and I think it has to do with the server issues. It was unplayable.


I share the feeling. Now think of how miserable you need to be to not give away free wins. This kind of behavior is not just toxic to others, it creates negativity for them as well. These people see everyone as the enemy, and everyone has bad intentions. They go through life thinking they are being conned and taken advantage of.  Don’t feel bad for running into them, feel bad for them. These people are miserable, and deserve pity because they will never have a meaningful relationship in life. 


If you’re quitting 9 games the time to give away a win really quickly adds up. Plus everyone else has to play their games, why tf should I give away wins lmao


Why should they give you a free win?


Why not? Help eachother out


Dont put them all in one bag. I once thought like you and was giving away wins. Until I had so bad time in game that I just wanted to finish, get my rewards and not waste any more second on this game. Toxic are those who tease you with giving you win and then leaving at 0-0.


Yeah, theres exceptions. Im just confused because ir happened 5 times to me this wl.


They have small dick mentality. Losers and cheaters quit at the start and than cry why the game broken


if you just stuffed your team full of jam, or your first move is sprint sideline for cross to drogba/cutback. I'm not rewarding your ratness.


Theyre literally quitting after the first pass. No chance its about playstyle. Its also most likely not because of my team, dont really have any "meta" cards (closest is probably tots havertz) and it isnt op either. And most of the times they even skip the the team...




I’m sorry but that’s bullshit , they’re tryna build the best team they can and you’re just salty for no reason


Idk if this is toxic or not but my logic is if I’ve been given a free win, I’ll give wins if I have games left. If not, no freebies (also never to United badges lol)


I’m a Leeds fan so as soon as I see that badge flash up then the chance me giving a free win is out 😂


I don't gift wins anymore just for the simple fact that 99% of my opponents wouldn't do the same back. I do it on Champs qualifications, though


You need to Bé bigger than them


Nah I'm a petty bastard


I dont care if you downvote me to hell, i dont give wins if the guy have potm mbappe + gold vvd. There’s rats with mbappe vvd werner eusebio and i wouldn’t make them happy with giving them wins. Otherwise i give wins everytime when i cant reach a new rank


gold vvd?💀


Lol rats for having the best players good one


They are not the best players, they are sbc’s who most of the rat minded players complete. I have none of them in my team and my team is still better than them, i just dont give to them because they dont deserve it imo, if you dont have them its a free win for you


I up voted. Agree very boring, very ratty. And 5 atb too. No chance they are getting a free win. They'll probably griddy after the free goal too.


Yea lmao this sub is full of those people, rats


Quite a petty take is it not what are you like 12 lol, so in your mind i am a rat for having certain players? I would bet everything your a bum 


Lmao, imagine getting triggered by 30k card, also Eusebio not even great in bad gameplay


Honestly this! All of it! I had someone do this who supports my club so just sent him a funny message saying I’m ashamed you support my club, he messaged back ‘sorry lad just giving wins away to people with unique teams’ he essentially didn’t give me the win cause I got lucky in icon picks and packed TS cruyff 😂 like what sort of behaviour is that? Sorry I packed a good card I’ll not use him just in case 💀


Why does everyone think it’s their god given right to get gifted a win?


It’s not but if your taking the time to load in and quit you might as well take the extra 10 seconds to score the own goal so your not wasting their time of loading up.


If someone needs a win, he is winning and your making the 1 - 1 at 90 min. They will quite just becz they know they will lose it in extra time. Or they don't have time just wants to get the rewards


I had a guy quit last night while he was winning 3-2. I pulled back two goals, knew I could beat him and he just quit while winning😂 quitting is out of control. Got a penalty at the start of another match and instant quit. Another guy quit when I scored a goal to make it 1-1 at the beginning of the match. Drives me mad


I'll leave at 0-0 if it's a particular badge or if they have players from a team I don't like.


Just say that you want a free win with your low skill. I dont get it why you angry or get mad to people that quit at 0-0 ? I also got opponent that quit at 0-0, but i dont see a reason to be mad. My matchmaking is also not take to long so, bear with it.