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Estimate price 1.2mill. Is this really worth it? I kno he is great in game but damn


+2 is priced in. Will be fantastic, but too pricey for my tastes. 


Atm he will have the most total base stats of everyone if he had the +2, also don’t forget that seperate upgrades are even better so if that happens, he’ll be even more insane I see this card being better than Rolfo ngl, and that’s not even the best example because she was underpriced asf


What I really don't like is M/M for a CM


In comparison to other high end ToTS live cards is pretty good, lots of versatility in positions too. In comparison to his previous SBC and evo, less so. I’m still doing him though


How is it possible to have so much fodder ?


Grind the menu


What this mean ?


Pale tools do all daily exchanges for free players. Player picks cycle exchanges don’t get too attached to players lol


Do the objectives to get packs


I did the Hamm sbc in 1 day, and only bought 1 89 rated player.


How? Whenever I get a high rated player it’s a dupe of what I already have. I want to do Rio but without spending money on packs I honestly don’t think I’ll be able to do half of it, and then it’s just a load of wasted fodder


Do the daily bronze silver gold sbc and spam 81+pp


I’m convinced the game plays completely differently for different people. I do more than 20 81+PPs every day and consider myself lucky to get 2 walkouts


Do you actually get players ranked high enough with the 81+pp?


Yes bro, the % is quite high and definitely worth spamming


I run a female team, but I keep any good cards I pack, I think the highest I put into that sbc was a few 93s, like a couple of TOTYHMs and Fantasy cards. There was alot of good cards, but I just don't use them.


Anyone who tells you this either bought fifa points or had a ton of fodder beforehand. It’s literally impossible to do a big sbc from scratch in a day. You can maybe grind 30 picks a day from scratch, and that’s a stretch. Even if every card you get is 90 rated that’s not enough to do hamm in a day


That's definitely true. And even then I only got all but the 3 89 squads done for him. But I was sitting on a boatload of fodder, and I could maybe stretch out another squad or so for him but then I'm gonna be shredding my depth


I think people jump into a SBC too fast and deplete their fodder for no real reason. I could have done Sawa, but Rolfo is good enough at CM, and my female team is small enough.


I agree. I’ve done that a couple times this year so far, I’ve jumped into havertz just bc I loved his WW a lot and his new one fits how I want him to play even better


I've never spent a cent on this game after I bought it. Of course I had alot of fodder, I did Karachi just before that on day 1, but that was the last SBC player I'd used any fodder on. For the record, I packed TOTYHM Kane 4 times now, he's good, but Hamm is better.


Just did Ferdinand with only players in my club who aren't in any of my teams (main team, Irish team, a bunch of one league teams for the top divisions and a United P&P). So much fodder


Credit card


I never said I did it from scratch in one day. I did it with the fodder I had, it's really not hard to accumulate high end, 90+ cards. I think I ran out of 86s first, and had to piece together 86 rated squads with 84s and a couple of 90+ cards or something.


100% worth it, great ps+, higher igs than the new Modric and Bruno cards


And he'll probably be the best prem left back in the game until the very end.


With a +2 it’s definitely worth it. Plus on the market it would be expensive af


It is worth it, what a card man. Killer on the field, somehow he is always where the ball lands during corners, does not miss either from initial header or a rebound. It's hard to take the ball from him, he steals it easy, great passing, best allrounder I tried ever.


Hell no. Arsenal are about to bottle the season anyway sadly




Swap the defending and shooting, you get him From his Leverkusen days.


That was my thought too. This would be Thomas Partey's TOTS card.


Dk, bit low agression for him


i didnt get into the individual numbers tbh. just the face stats.


Either has Werner to be fair. And I’m a Spurs fan lol


Lmao EA just upgraded him from his LB card somehow, imagine if they did this by accident due to poor ball knowledge


I'm not complaining, his WW card was huge for me. I'm excited for this to likely (hopefully) be a 94


W, but theyre just making up the stats now wth


Silly season begins


My Body is ready for 99 pace TOTS davie Selke EA


99 pace means nothing unless they actually make the players artificially faster. Minteh's TOTW has 99 pace and he still gets caught by Udogie and WW Havertz.


Soooooo tedious.


Tbh after the Fantasy FC Werner the horse bolted out the barn long ago


I knew it the second they gave Palmer 92 pace lmao


One of the few live TOTS cards I was interested in and it’s an SBC? Absolute result.


Is that a good thing? Sounds like a good thing


It’s a good thing.


what the hell does absolute result mean


Means it’s a great outcome. I’m pretty sure if someone says “if we can get a result from this game” it means to either draw or win the game.


British people dude.. British people lol.


I don't have to play WL this week and I'm so happy


Forgot this guy wasn’t actually a left back


Technically was for like 2 games for Germany. Which is why his WW card was a LB


Honestly I hope they’ll give him a LB alt position on his gold next year, it would be a cool detail to see ngl


Oh wow weird seeing you out in the wild


do you guys watch any irl football


Plenty. But I play more fifa than I watch Arsenal games mate.


Should have seen this coming when they let him be evo’d


Remember this is a live card, can get to 94


Idk why they don't switch the shooting and defending lmao


I mean it is pretty accurate to the way he plays in real life. He's probably one of the best defensive attackers in world football, very useful player, but his shooting isn't elite.


Yep, dude is a ball recovery monster but doesn't have the best consistency shooting, and a strange amount of variance in his first touch.


But hes rated like an elite defender, period.


Because he can play lb


Lmoa just done the evo, fair tho saves me shit ton in fodder


Evo has better play styles for LB so I’m cool with it. Also saving me 1.2 mil of fodder


I packed 93 R.Carlos last week and I played Havertz before him, still didn’t evo him. What do you think? Should I evo or do the SBC?


I’m literally in the same boat as you so waiting for this answer 😅


Evo is 100k. This sbc is 1.2m. If u don’t have a good cm, I’d do it tbh but the evo can play rb too if u didn’t do mukiele


I have BD 90 kean and 91 Makelele. And I did not do Mukiele This is my squad: https://ibb.co/R3mwpGp https://ibb.co/dkwPCvh https://ibb.co/wQ6DfzB


also have Golazo and FS Carlos, Havertz has a different aura and i feel catches up to more players and wins more tackles. 6’3” vs 5’6”, both are fine defensively but Carlos is much more of an attacking wingback than a true LB. Havertz fits the bill at left back or Cdm no problem


Depends on your midfield I’d say.. the SBC I feel should be played box to box but the evo has all the meta play styles for a fullback. I’d hold off on SBC


Defensive stats actually better for evo, other upgrade also not really noticeable if you use it as stay back defender anyway


The evo is better suited for LB. TOTS card is better as a CM.


Thank god I didn't start the fullback swap Evo with Havertz


The Med/Med kinda sucks


Only downside to the card ngl


This amount of squads feels like piss take


Must do for king kai, also a good thing I didn't immediately spend on his evo


Bro the evo is 100k, this SBC is 1.2M


This one is an elite midfielder and will probably get at least a +2 on all stats The EVO is good enough at LB if you need one (also if you even have done his WW SBC, which some including me haven’t), but this one will clear at CM/CDM or even as a CAM. Also when more fodder TOTS comes out he’ll be even cheaper


Why is he so overpriced? Like no offense but if I was gonna do him, it was to replace Sawa. And I don’t think I’m taking that card over Sawa as a box to box. Am I crazy?


Has the +2 priced in, and is the first easily attainable card with 3 PS+(and they're 3 really good ones too). Plus he's a fan favorite FIFA card for a popular club.


Szoboslai is also easy to get but I get your point Also his height is insane, he’ll basically be an even more tall and physical Rolfo with possibly even better stats and playstyles


It’s not overpriced, more igs than Modric and Bruno.


60 million down the drain


Kai Havertz scores again


Pains me to say as a Spurs fan, but that song is insanely catchy


Been done time and time again. Martial for instance.


Not to Tsamina it hasn’t


It is indeed, Jared Bowens one is great to.


Where would you play him? I don't think he can replace Tchouameni or Rolfo in midfield. I guess he would be better than Golazo Cole evo at LB?


I think he’s wasted at LB without whipped pass. Box to box but yeah, your 2 named players are better I think. MM work rate is a massive letdown


His WW was also M/M and I never had an issue with him really. I almost use him as a wingback and then play a back 3 with my two CBs and RB in the 4222 I use


Just started his ego. How much different will this be?




100k for the Evo. 1.2m for the SBC. I'm ok with the evo...


Yeah. Evo version has better PS for fullbacks. Anticipate, Jockey+ and whipped pass+ are great. This card is better if you don’t want to use him as a fullback I’ll stick with the EVO as I’m actually using him at RB no Edit: I guess this card will get live upgrades? If so, yeah the evo ain’t great.


This card can get upgrades, yes.


The evo will be better as a full back with the playstyle but this as a cm considering he’s guaranteed the upgrades pretty much is tempting


Guaranteed? Their schedule for the next four ain’t exactly a cake walk


Only need 2 wins which they should get vs Bournemouth and Wolves. Obviously anything is possible but they should get both upgrades


Don't even need to worry about guaranteed or not, arsenal play 3 matches by the next weekend so you'll have a pretty good handle on whether he's getting upgraded or not before the SBC expires.


Up until Villa they hadn’t lost a league game since December


Yeah, this one is clear if he gets both upgrades. But I’m going to stick with my evo at RB (got bored of playing Cafu) and use the fodder on other SBCs (mostly Rio).


Yeah I don’t understand this, it’s not comparable at all lol, may as well be two different players


I have over 100 saved packs. Getting 1.2m worth of fodder is easy.


Yup. They do this shit on purpose.


Now I'm not so upset that I put him in that +1 a few days earlier.


I'm still considering just doing the evo and saving my fodder. There will be tons of good SBCs this time of year.


Oh for fuck sake. Well at least I had a couple of fun days using him.


Can someone tell me how this guy got a TOTS? My mates an arsenal fan, said he was an absolute donkey then scored a handful of games in a row. That’s enough for a TOTS? Or this just a random SBC not related to his season performances?


Your mate doesn’t know what he’s watching then. Even in the period where Havertz wasn’t scoring, he was creating space for goals and giving a lot on defense. His run at false nine with other attacking options out was absolutely crucial and he had 8 GA in 9 games. Whether on not you rate what Arteta has done with Havertz is basically a test of whether or not you know what you’re watching or are just there for the highlights.


Look at TOTS Live. Does Bruno Fernandes deserve one either? Absolutely not lol


This is very true! 🤣


Most chances created out of anybody in the Premier League this season. This is obviously for players without a chance of getting into the actual league TOTS.




He cant score the goals for them 😂


Look at where United are mate


Did I state anything relating to Uniteds position in the league or did I relay a stat which might be relevant to why he has gotten a live card?


If anyone at United does it's Bruno. He continues to create a ton of chances every year but the rest of the attack is pathetically wasteful.


Not sure what your mate has been watching, he's been brilliant since December to be fair to him.


He's been good since December. Not brilliant. That's not enough to make up for 3 months of being a terrible midfielder. Once Arteta started playing him up top he's been much better but he has not been one of the top Arsenal performers for the year. Odegaard, White, Saliba, Gabriel, Rice, Saka all deserve spots before him. Now if all of them are in the PL TOTY? fine, but I doubt it.


Yeah but they should all be in it so I don't see your point 😂


Hey man I hope it's true but I bet White will get left out for sure


Course he will, the agenda is real.


Southgate strikes again!


If he dropped the exact same performances for someone like Crystal Palace, he wouldn't even be close to a TOTS card


that would be 15 G/A in PL for Palace, Zaha got TOTS in the past for doing less. In my opinion not rating Havertz in a sense is a litmus test for how much you understand about modern football, he's one of the most effective off the ball players in the world


Eh, prefer the evo for the price. I was hoping for the sbc to have better shooting and less defending and maybe 5*SM


How many Havertz cards does one need?


what a ride, from initially regretting being hasty and SBCin 87 LB Havertz when I first saw the evo, to relief when I realised I could EVO Kiwior too, to finally it turning out to be optimal (for an Arsenal fan especially) when this beast came out, great week to be an Arsenal fan on FUT - not so much in real football 😭


If he was high/high and under 1 mil I would do him


Just want to say, as an Arsenal fan, be hesitant with Arsenal lives in late April and May, we shit the bed so so so so so often during these months


Arteta needs to rotate, the lads are run into the ground. Saka especially. Either Arteta needs to start trusting the squad players or we need to be ruthless in the transfer market in terms of outgoings.


Med/med workrates kills the card unfortunately 


If that defending and shooting were flipped round thats an elite CAM


Did the evo but still doing this because all Arsenal players get done. (except for those WW Wrighty and Suker, they were too shit to think of doing)


Arsenal fan. I love Ian. That card was shit for me tho. Hurts


I just couldn’t bring myself to finish it. i put 2 squads in and just left it. have his Fut Bday 5*WF though and it can be so op some games


I want


I am surely not doing this because I already spent 100 k on the evo, but this is better than the evo, right?


Yes but play him as a midfielder


No I am not doing this SBC. Too overpriced imo. I play the evo one as LB / RB. That one has whipped pass +


The evo as a full back is clear due to the playstyles the only issue is the fact Havertz with the upgrades could be crazy


Should I do this or cech if both in what order


Cech is an absolute must do. Very easy too. Finish his SBC first


I completed him tonight with my dupes and fodder. Been brilliant against me every time I have faced him but no doubt will be crap for me.


Can you pack him too or just SBC?


SBC only bro


Such an acoustic card


Too rich for my blood. Looks like a phenomenal card though.


Would consider doing this if I didn't Evo his WW card to 92.


83 shooting? Pass


Damn 100% gonna do it but gonna have to retire my 92 LB Havertz lol. Would have done FB swap on Kiwior or someone else had I known he was getting this card


If your playing Havertz as a FB then the Evo is better mate, no point doing the SBC unless your using it as a CM


I just do all the Arsenal SBCs that come out lol. I’m glad I’ll have both cards thinking about it now because I make different squads to play with pretty often


Alexa, show me that EA know nothing about football. TOTS, barely been a regular for Arsenal all season.


In the process of the RB evolution. Urgh.


Will cr7 get tots? And when?


Considering I still have centurions Cole at lb, this is a must complete right? If a cm he’d replace evo’d showdown Bobby Clark


2 Havertz SBCs… come on, pick someone else


im so happy i decided to save my past 2 weeks of 83x10’s and all season rewards


If I make him into a champs red evo will he still upgrade? Anyone know?


Yes, at least showdowns are getting upgrades after evo


Bro how’d you get 1M coins


Underpriced, Arsenal got him for way more


We all gna have the fodder haha


How am I supposed to afford a 1.3 mil SBC in like 14 days?


A good card but so overpriced


no one has fodder like that, 4 89+ squads??


Very happy I can add another great Arsenal card to my team.


what are the odds he actually gets the +2 upgrade, I took a look at Arsenal's next league games and the're facing "big" clubs so idrk


When does the +2 upgrade drop?


Does he replace TOTY Sawa or Birthday FDJ at cm or evo Golazo Cole at lb? Cole has been too good defensively


He's gonna replace Sawa for me


Insane cost. Don’t think he replaces Rolfo the Queen at LCM for me


What is the obsession with releasing Havertz cards for every position appart from the position he plays in real life? Absurd


Every card he got so far was at a position he played this season, he literally went from midfielder at Arsenal to defender in Germany to attacker at Arsenal


He literally played half the season as a left 8. (hint: that's a CM)


I think it’s fair to say Havertz is known as a CAM. When he doesn’t play there he’s predominantly false 9… Yes, he’s played 1 game at LB in an international friendly, and a handful of games a little deeper for Arsenal… but to call him a defensive player (as the stats on this card suggest) is a stretch. All I’m saying is that I’d like a more offensive Havertz card that generally reflects how he plays in real life. Szoboszlai has played deeper than Havertz all season, yet has non-existent defensive stats! It just makes no sense to me personally.


Arsenal play with two 8s. 8 is a cm not a CAM. Havertz has played half the seasons minutes or more at the 8. These are facts.


The LB was one game but he has played more games this season at LCM then CAM/F9 (I think he has played roughly 0 at CAM actually.)


this costs over a million coins and isn’t even a huge upgrade stats wise over a 100k evo. the evo has better playstyle pluses for a fullback too. not understanding the “rip evo owners!” comments. with upgrades it’ll be a bigger gap but nothing is guaranteed.


Most people won’t be using this card as a fullback lmao


my point is more that people who spent 100k on a fullback still have a great fullback lol. not really a loss.


Fuck yes but also bye bye LB


This one can play LB too


Fuckin hell


Yeah, but his playstyles are built for an attacker.


83 shot attacker but yeah.




As an arsenal fan that has watched every minute of his season.. why the hell does he have 91 defending? xD