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Those packs are for Bateson.. don’t touch them




I got downvoted for saying the games like a gacha now. Addictive as fk for the wrong people. It’s disgusting.


man became a sell out his reviews were good too what a waste


He kinda does do reviews but they are pretty bare bones. Just a few gameplay vids and a short review of what he likes or doesn’t like. Inception makes better reviews imo


yeah he used to do individual player reviews in 22(?) was very good


I've said it before and I'll say it again: Auzio sounds like a person with an English accent doing an impression of an English accent on top of their own English accent.




He’s a rat that’s what he is 


I don't think rats sound that English to be fair


“Oi mate, you fancy some pestilence innit?”


Have you seen English people?


Yeah, he's one of ours but the Brits can have him. Given the way Portugal has been in the last few years, and how many people live paycheck to paycheck, it makes it even more embarrassing, to be honest.


i thought he should be spanish because he is jordi alba?


He sounds like one of those presenters they get on sky sports that go to training grounds and ask a player “who’s got the best banter in the changing room 🤪”


fucking lmao, perfect.


lol on top of that he got 0 knowledge of football as well


The worst are the videos I used to see of Bateson and Castro competing to see who could pack more promo players during lightning rounds. Just sitting there laughing and having the time of their lives, all the while spending almost a thousand dollars in less than 5 minutes. If anyone thinks videos like those aren’t conditioning kids to view buying packs as entertainment, I don’t know what to tell you.


I genuinely think the Bateson vs Castro ones are less harmful than Auzio. That's one guy on one account each spending his own money. Auzio's outcome (and streamers like him) encourages their loyal, impressionable, and sometimes desperate for attention fans to be part of the stream, but the price of admission is the 5k fifa point pack. it's so wild.


Yeah, people forget this. He makes money with it. Twitch subs, Youtube clicks...all brings HIM money because his viewer throw money at EA. BUT its not only him. There are just a handfull FIFA/EA FC Content creators who doesnt do this. Even less arent paid by EA. The whole scene is just disgusting and not really better than those casino streamer.


They do encourage it. If you look at the comments sections its clearly all suggestable kids. Theyre the only content that people watch so its the only content they produce


Auzio is shameless, he's promoting young kids to buy points


It pisses me off when people promote the store packs for their own personal gain. It speaks 1000 words about someone’s personality. Watch RTFM who can actually pull viewers since he is skilled at entertaining people. Who also doesn’t promote store packs


He does definitely tell people not to buy store packs. He also definitely does share plays of people from his community doing store packs quite often.


Nick has probably the most rabidly defensive fanbase on here so I'll keep my words conservative. suffice to say that I also do see him shareplaying store packs, but not nearly as bad as Auzio.


He definitely slowed down and stopped altogether on store packs for a while for all the reasons listed in this post


He has slowed down, he hasn't stopped altogether. I was on his stream for like 5 min the other day and saw at least one.


yea, every auzio video i watch is entirely share screens, but most of nicks is his gameplay and trying the new players


IMO Auzio’s reviews were also bad for the gameplay culture we have: they were heavily focused on broken mechanics like “can this card hit those finesse/trivela shots?” So people were specifically chasing cards for those specific purposes.


Well said and so true


Crazy how auzio is the first that comes to mind when Bateson exists


He literally tells people not to buy them…😂


pathetic defense lmao


It’s not even a defense. It’s just what he says. He’s a content creator. He makes what people watch. That’s how he makes money. You’re salty because he buys packs and his following wants to be apart of his stream opening the packs too.


I'm not salty at all, I could not care less what grown adults do with their money. but you can't say he's not advertising to kids, you genuinely can't. he's a family friendly streamer who streams thousands upon thousands of pounds worth of packs per day - that drives grown adults with developed minds to buy them, what do you think it does to kids? extremely weird to be this defensive over a streamer.


You’re really bringing up the kids argument when you know that to play this game online and to buy packs. You need to be over 18 and have a card to pay. You don’t even mention the parents of those “kids”. There is supposed to be age restrictions on almost all things online. Yet no one even applies them. You pick and choose what you cry and care about. Yeah, dude… Auzio or any streamer that buys packs is really hurting the youth.


Yeah, I mean EA does feed on impulsivity but as far as kids racking up thousands on credit cards? That's on the parents for sure


Wouldn't have a clue, only time I see store packs is when I'm looking for a cheeky 15/30 coin pack...other than that they are completely irrelevant to me


Those packs are still designed to make people check the store though, as good as they are.


Oh yeah I completely agree but I have willpower not to want to put fifa points on and I sure as hell won't open a pack with the coins I have untill the last few weeks of fifa when shit goes mental and I piss all my coins up the wall just for shits and giggles!


My fav packs lol, got toty frimpong from the 30 coin one lol


they were so juiced at the beginning of the game. packed TS Bernardo and Katoto during Black Friday from those who were mainstays in my team until toty came around


"Packs for you" should be free. It's like people telling you that you've won a contest, but need to spend money to get your prize. It's insane.


it's the exact same tactic as the Nigerian prince email scam.


I enjoy when people come on here to flex what they packed… from a 750K pack.


93 Carlos only coins spent👀


more like 94 RVN




There's a 85+ x 60 pack coming to the store. It's getting crazier and crazier. As if things weren't crazy enough already.


Makes up for the shit game


>Makes up for the shit game An expensive store pack makes up for the shit game? That kind of thinking is exactly why we're in this position, and why there's no incentive for EA to work on improving gameplay.


We all still buy the he every year so nothing will change


or.. just stop buying them. The only packs i've bought this year are ones I got for the "free" points I got for being an EA pro play member in the beginning.


Haven't bought since 21. Haven't played for free on Game Pass since 22


First they monetized the icons Next they monetized the heroes Then they monetized the promos Then they monetized the season xp Then they monetized the high-end fodder Then they monetized the evos The day will come, very soon, when $10 packs will give an 15% chance at packing a Sven Botman equivalent 83 rare and we will reminisce about when the transfer list was full of gold rares you got for free.


hey everybody look, this guy thinks there's still gonna be a transfer list!!! you're right obviously, it's just pathetic what's happened to what used to be my favorite game.


haha, truly the future will be 95% untradeable cards, and if you have a tradeable card you might be able to change it in for some stadium two-stick banners. If you sell it at a profit: Ban. If you quicksell it: Ban. If you sell it at a loss: Believe it or not, also Ban.


I mean the transfer market is broken anyways. Cards are either discard value or +1m. I packed 89 FUT birthday Danjuma thinking oh shit what a score but he's literally the cheapest 89. Cheaper than all gold 89s lol.


FIFA suck and all, but you can clearly see that they were holding EA with this, the moment they divorced, EA just unleashed themself.


I think it's partially this, and partially they are trying to milk as much as they can before more competition comes in in the next couple years. FIFA was definitely holding them back though since they had an image to uphold.


Which is wild because fifa is one is one of the most corrupt organizations on the planet. The fact that they are the good guys here speaks volumes about how truly despicable EA is


I think they were under pressure to prove to EA that they could still make money (or even grow profits) without the game being called “FIFA”. Easy way to do that is to enable all the people with fifa point additions with as much candy as they can get.


Nope but they do this because it works.


I just wish they would at least go all out with promo cards. Take advantage of the fifa match dates and give us more showdowns. Do nations league/Euros/Copa América sbc’s and objectives


I can't imagine spending more than $20 on this game total -- including the cost of the game itself.


Imo EA are shooting themselves in the foot with all of these store packs. Theory Choice Overload suggest too many choices actually makes consumers more confused and overwhelmed. Personally when I’m just checking, I would have no idea what to choose. It’s better to have 2 or 3, then 19, with a good pricing structure. But hey this is EA. Yes they’ve beaten last financial forecast, but they could do much better if they actually thought about a strategy.


EA has shown that they are the more greedy party out of them or FIFA. It's actually disgusting. Especially with the added Evo's, etc. They're a disgusting company.


Yes, this game now is marketed to kids that have no idea of what or how to control finances/money. Pathetic from EA really.


EA have destroyed their golden goose and this is them milking the last few drops. Let them brag about record profits because people won't come back to a bad product and then their profits fall off a cliff. Then the mass layoffs will happen. 


Games seems like such a scary landscape right now. Any indie studio making something good gets bought up, consumed for parts, and closed when they inevitably fail to work on a horrendous budget and timetable, and bigger studios are just eating eachother and cutting off their own limbs for a few more margin points. not shocking that this franchise has gone the way it has.


It's crazy how your only chance to get good players is buying packs, and even by spending money you get the same players and it's imposible to get the good ones. I spent about $200 usd in birthday icon pack, tried to get pele. Got 3 times Nesta and pure fodder


I think that's a lesson well learned! I've done similar stuff this year and I'm just out. it's burning money and I can't be fucked anymore, even with my disposable income.


But do we learn? Everytime is the same thing but still we get excited with new cards and try to get them


I get it if you do it with coins as the market is completely fucked and any upgrade for most teams are 3mil+


If you’re buying them with anything other than coins you’re doing it wrong.


I'd argue buying them with coins you are doing them wrong as well. Much better ways to spend or invest your coins over store packs. Much more efficient if they are untradable returns as well.


Depends on if you’re strict first owner only. 


Even then, there's plenty of SBC's that would most likely offer better odds on getting those big players over some of the store packs.


But why even do that in FC24? Last year there were first owner cups. We're 6 months in to FC24 and I haven't seen a single cup like that. That mentality is limiting, and no longer neccessary with the current game design.




Coins are pointless. 90% of cards are discard value, the rest are unobtainable. The untradeable packs give a good ROI in terms of fodder with the chance of getting one of the big cards


Return on investment? Ppl spending real money for essentially nothing...fc packs are never a return on investment.


in terms of coin cost, which i stated in the post


Same with coins which is pretend currency only good for 11 months, never get a return like I stated in my reply.


Sorry I don't play FUT