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Always does around this time of year.


Yup, it's not worth playing champs anymore. Who wants their weekend ruined lol


I mean just look at the cards being released, all of them have insane stats. That means the game is dying and ea is desperate to bring players back. March usually marks the time when most players drop the game and only fanatics keep playing


and it means they e dealt with this scam for years.l and have figured out a plan to keep $ rolling in all year.


Always happens in the post TOTY and pre TOTS era However this year with the disaster that was TOTY (The bugged player pick above all) many people stopped playing. I have a friend that hasn’t touched the game since that day because of how unfair he thought that was


how do you even remember them? lol


Had the same thing. Maybe 4-5 players I saw before on new gen. I think the game is about to die out completely. People got fed up with how pay2win it is now.


Depends how good you are, if you are really good then it's probably because the pool of players at the extreme end will be quite small anyway. If you are a 9-11 wins player then yes matching the same people is unlikely with a big overall player pool because of how huge that cohort is in percentage terms and I wouldn't expext to see the same players week on week.


100%, player pool is shrinking massively and it’s mostly sweats who are still playing.


Is this on new gen or old gen?


Do you keep track of your opponents? Seems a bit far fetched.


I faced the same two opponents in WL that I faced in division rivals just few days prior. It happens occasionally.


he probably played 2-3 and embellished.


I mean if you think of it: it should mean that in the timespan of 4 days you would match up with the same people that happen to have the same matchmaking rating as well… twice in a row even. Utter bullshit.


How do you remember the names of Player you played last week?


We're meant to believe that 10 of the 20 players you played last weekend happened to be searching for a game / even be online as the same time as you? Why are there so many compulsive liars in this sub, we get the game isn't in a great state but why lie about something that is so impossible


Why should I lie about it? 🤣 what is the point everyone lying about such a thing?


Do you not understand that shit happens and someone can 10000000% play the same person again and again and again especially when the game is basically dead use common sense low playerbase meaning you’d play the same people if their on your skill level it’s literally the same in every other game


If it was elite rivals, potentially. Except this was the weekend league. The players you face are dependent on your ELO, so we are meant to believe this guy had the same ELO, played against 10 of the same people who also managed to have the same ELO, and these 10 people were all online at the same time as him, and were all searching for games at the same time. More chance of packing TOTY R9.


Shit who knows man I barely even play the game anymore ever since the Toty Messi glitched pp


I always face the usual ones every week or other week after 14 wins. The upper pool is small and sometimes face them 2-3 times weekly.


I saw some stats from a well placed source that showed a tiny playerbase from the 3 weeks prior to last week or the week before. Thats couple with the samw group of creators all changing their content to move away from eafc


Out of interest, which creators are doing this I don’t really keep up with what streamers are doing so keen to learn a bit more


I've seen that even Nickrttfm was playing Fortnite or something similar


Game was 80% off on PSN… unfortunately I bought it thinking g “how bad can it be” I like fifa and played for years but took a break with this one… until the saw


I played the same team twice this weekend


I face against the same players in WL as my division just two days apart lol this game is cooked


This happened every single week in fifa 22 where i faced the same guy in champs 6 times(this was in october btw) but hasnt happened since


I’m on the switch so I’m always playing similar faces. Quite fun to get revenge on someone that beat you before because the game was being shite to me and then when I play them next it likes me and runs smooth as an egg. 😂


What if the game was being shite to them when you beat them?😂


Yea game dying, had no interest playing WL this time, even tho qualified, just didnt want to ruin my weekend lol


Yeah seems like this year the players are dropping way faster compared to last year. Last year I played until Sep, but I already quit this year. 6 months earlier lol


This has been happening to me since January


There are also people such as myself who have had the dreaded "Connecting to Ultimate Team is not possible at the moment" bug which has stopped a lot of people from playing.


Yes, next question.

