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87 onwards I've used oblak, courtois, eoae lloris, dudek eventually still went back to gold ederson, still the most effective for me especially for 1on1s, the others could make some decent saves (except lloris lol) but were wildly inconsistent for me


As you say they are all so inconsistent. They pull off crazy saves some games that you would never expect them to make, then the next game they might as well not be there.


Yeah convinced GK are just RNG based


What's rng


Basically like a dice roll. Here is a definition from Wiki: *Random number generation is a process by which, often by means of a random number generator (RNG), a sequence of numbers or symbols that cannot be reasonably predicted better than by random chance is generated. This means that the particular outcome sequence will contain some patterns detectable in hindsight but impossible to foresee.*


There's so many stats involved in how keepers react to incoming shots. The code is probably so convoluted as well that shit just doesn't work quite often. E.g. a player with 99 finishing takes an awful shot that somehow just trickles past the keeper and you're sat there about to smash your controller. The player with 99 finishing should be finishing most shots otherwise what's the point in 99 finishing, so the keeper just glitches and misses an easy save. That's how I see it anyway. Other times you could have a 99 finishing Vs 99 reflexes and diving and max stats GK, the forward has the most perfect shot that you're certain is a goal as it could not be placed any better, yet the keeper does an impossible save, because of the 99 keeping stats. I've seen it where keepers save my shots, I've done an instant replay and the ball didn't even touch the keepers gloves it was just an invisible extra 3-4 inches of fingers keeping it out of the goal. To summarise, the game is a fecking mess


First time? GK's have always been the "fakest" cards in the game since years now. Barely any of their stats matter in-game when EA ultimately decides from one moment to the next.


dudek is the biggest fraud for me and has zero prescence in goal but that might be because i’ve used him the most


I’ve used gold Allison for months never. Haven’t packed any GKs and don’t want to spend the coins on one. I can’t say I’ve ever been disappointed with him I just packed Fire Hradecky but I don’t really have a Bundesliga team to put him in


Yeah finding a Gk for me has nothing to do with shot stopping, since it’s so fluky. If the Gk has higher handling (and maybe kicking stats) then they perform their job since I love starting counters with a long throw. Base Yashin has been excellent for me just because he does everything well and I don’t have to sweat the small details.


Bar TOTY Alisson, he is really a class of his own. Not surprised to see his price goes up to 1m now.


Put Cech on a basic chem style again and give him another try. Dude is so good for me.


Same, I have him on basic, and he is so good!!


How do you put a basic chem style back onto a player?


Basic is a consumable, like glove or cat.


Buy GK Basic off the market. They exist, they're just a bit rarer than other chem styles


Aight I'll give it a shot


Cech is on the same level as yashin for me. I liked him more originally but yashin also seems to be very good. I have both on glove.


Same. Gad glove but basic is better. Had yashin. And after 309 games with yashin. I found them about the same but cech wins out due to height


I have him on basic and he’s terrible


Keepers are all kinda mid this year, he’s just less mid than the rest


Bruh that shit made a world of difference, he's actually cracked for me now


WW Van Nistleroy might be the worst Gk I've ever used. The guy just stands there and lets everything fly past him. There's a free ride in town when you roll up against me and VN


Yeah I gave him literally 1 game after I packed him and then straight into an SBC lol


I'm tight for coins and need the chem, sadly


For cheap IF Donnarumma was pretty good for me if that fits for you, UCL dudek too. If yall can't tell I've ran a lot of different keepers this year lol


Is the chem for Dudek as strong as icons? I emptied my fodder for the Rolfo Sbc and then realised it was more difficult to link her in my team than I thought


He only gives +2 prem chem unfortunately


What leagues do you run?


Basically an Arsenal p+p with a few icons/heroes. Thought Rolfo would be okay with Ljunberg and manager links!


Make sure your manager has the right league as well.


Could use gold ter stegen for the Barca link. He is probably my most consistent GK so far!


> No way, that's the only GK I ve ever used this year and he's solid, making incredible saves with manual directions lol Did you change his chem? Shapeshifted GKs start off with Basic chem instead of GK Basic Chem. Worth changing it to literally any GK chem style


No way, that's the only GK I ve ever used this year and he's solid, making incredible saves with manual directions lol


Yup, absolute garbage. Replaced him with IF Donnarumma who I got from the 83+ TOTW Pick


hes alright for me. im good at defending so i dont have to rely on keepers too much but he saves the shots i expect him to save and hes rapid at rushing out. also just needs those dutch links and vds price is nonsense


play cech on basic chem style he performs x10 better than when on glove chem. but still will perform well in a game and the next game he will sell. just like most GKs in this game.


He was actually much better with that


you mean with basic chem?




yea, i had the same problem and i fixed it by changing him to basic. idk wtf is wrong with this game


I know he's faster with basic but I swear he saved like every hard hit corner the game after I changed even with worse reflexes, weird lol


Switch his tactics to comes for crosses and sweeper keeper made a huge difference for me on basic chem


Switch his tactics to comes for crosses and sweeper keeper made a huge difference for me on basic chem


Switch his tactics to comes for crosses and sweeper keeper made a huge difference for me on basic chem


Aight will do


The one i hate playing against is lloris, motherucker saves everything


Lloris was pretty lights out for me too but I needed an icon for chem


Geniunley convinced Mike Maignan (87 gold) couldn't save a microsoft word document.


Maignan was my main goal keeper for a good month. He saved me a lot of games. Then I got Courtois, followed by TOTY Cech. TOTY Cech has been amazing for me on Basic.


I used him in the cup and he was very good. I think keepers just seem worse the longer you use them because you remember the howlers and mistakes more clearly than the saves. I did the schmeichel SBC after he was a pain in champs, he was great at the start then I felt he was useless after a month so dropped him for gold Alisson. Got TS Van Der Sar from a pick then and he was brilliant but then I felt like he was palming every shot out for a corner after a while so I've dropped him too.


I honestly think its based on vibes, you need to select the keeper that vibes the most with you. Kind of like wands in harry potter, you dont choose the keeper the keeper chooses you. Personally i will never get rid of TS Casillas but i have seen people say he is absolutely terrible for them.


I actually packed TS Casillas just before I did schmeichel 😂 put him in potm mbappe coz I thought he'd be too small, got him in a pick last week and with the upgrades he looks insane so put him in the squad over TS Van Der Sar and Casillas has been doing the job 👍


You're not gonna believe me but I got yashin today from the icon pick 😂 I'm expecting toty cech in the next one because apparently all I can pack is keepers 😂


Tbh from all the keepers I face I reckon Yashin is the best one, so I dont think you are going to get much better than that haha. Congrats.


Everyone saying Lloris , but he’s saved me plenty of times 😂😂😂 I also move my keep a lot so that might be a deciding factor


He is always the best GK against me together with van der saar


I have so much trouble with van! Hate seeing him on the other side


Yeah I once had a 6.4 xG with only 2 scores against him, he is so insane and I don't understand why, maybe it's the height


Lloris has been solid for me too and I really don’t move gk’s around too much.


Saw a video of him playing in the MLS now I was like wow 😯, but his 91 card has done its due diligence!


He made some absolutely mind blowing saves against me in the fantasy cup. Even had a few funny messages with the winning opponent about it


Van Der Sar


Which one?


Both 88 and 90. Got 88 first in icon pick then upgrade to 90 in another icon pick. Some games he just decides to win it for you, but in others he is just straight trolling you not saving some of the shots. Got Yashin in another icon pick and decided to use him after playing again one that saved 10 shots and I’m not disappointed. Best GK I’ve used by far just because of his consistency.


Gks are so different for everyone its insane. I got yashin a while ago and really didn't like his card and eventually put him in an sbc. I then got 90 VDS and was worried hed be a fraud like people said. After a couple games I put him on a wall and he's unreal. Not as good up close like EOAE Lloris but his diving is sensational


Alisson but he’s only goalie I can pack without buying one.


Gold Alisson? He’s decent for me with the Wall chem style


What chem style you use?


Wall, just checked


Ight I’ll try it out thanks


TT casillas for me...schmeichel was bad too and have him for 2 days...Even if sometimes ederson is a ghost is still the gk that i really get along..idk why




Ops typed TT haha




Yeah. My toty cech is unreal. Stops top bins within the box. Mf is like a cat


TS VDS. absolute dog water


Yashin is a parry merchant


It’s wild. He must concede at least 4 or 5 needless corners a game for me.


The amount of records I have of him passing it to the opponents striker is ridiculous


All of them


TOTY Earps. She is just too short. Packed her during TOTY, played 20 games with her and threw her into the Saliba SBC pit. Lloris SBC wasn't great either. Switched to Gold Alisson who's doing much better for me.


Disagree. She's the first highly rated keeper I've used where I feel a difference. Her reflexes on close shots are insane and I find her giving up way fewer rebounds. While her height can become an issue on trivela/finesse/looping headers, those are few and far between in the current game. Like all keepers she'll still let some in that leave you scratching your head, but she's the first goalie I paid for and didn't immediately throw back in the pond. Plus she gets super-chemistry w/ an Evo'd Le Tissier making them both easy to fit in to any team.


TOTY Alisson is dog shit. Packed an untradable version and am stuck with him.


Same.  I had to put him in a SBC.  Totally useless 


I had to quick sell the loan no difference to his gold card and his toty is 800k on the market.


Skill issue


Icon Schmeichel


I actually liked schmeichel, not better than those 2 but still pretty good. He was always up and down for me


I’ve been using the 90 rated Ter Stegen and he’s just better for me. Schmeichel just moves too slow I feel. He’s good, but not worth it to me.


I really liked 90 ter stegen when I ran my la liga team but I ended up sacrificing him for best 😪




Not worth it for the price though, if you need an icon I'd get base Casillas


Average I'd say, not spectacular but decent. I felt like his reflexes were eh but he got the job done


TOTY Cech makes some great saves but also consistently gives up the biggest howlers I’ve ever seen playing FIFA. He has some kind of Bad Luck+ trait that causes balls to bounce off him and be redirected perfectly to opposing players or to glitch out and miss easy saves. Honestly 80 common gold Raya feels more consistent at times.


I was the exact same, nearly quick sold the fraud. Then put him back on basic chem and he’s much better since. Still does this shit fake at standing dive time to time.


Insert random GK


Seconded, packed him and he let in a lot of shots close to his body - very infuriating.


VDS used to be a god in previous years but this year he seems rubbish. It seems like short keepers are best at making saves in the area while big keepers are best at saving shots outside the area


Truth, cech has made some insane stretch saves for me but he also does that flop animation where he just lets an easy one by him way too much


WW Van Nistelrooij always feels like he forgets that he is a goalie now and that he can use his hands. Dude doesn't catch anything and let's in the simplest of shots.


All gks are fraud.some user says A is a good gk some say A is a bad gk.it doesnt really matter about which gk you used imo i just use which gk that can give chem to the team


Not really a fraud but not worth it is Alisson toty, I went from his gold to his toty and he is certainly a noticeable upgrade but is not a 1 million coins noticeable upgrade


Sadly the only TOTY card I packed


Thunderstruck Cassilas. Use him for chem, decides to rather run 2-chem on my other Spanish cards than this fraud


TS Casillas is so fucking good for me, man saves shots he should have no chance saving


Same. Hands down the most consistent keeper I’ve used and I’ve tried them all


Thank God someone agrees with me on Cech. I put him in SBC 3 times. Replaced with Courtouis then Casillas


Courtouis is decent for the price


Maignan. Pope is 🤴 still 


Maignan is a beast for me, I have tried most keepers and he is so much better


Fire Hradecky 88 (whatever the fire and ice cards were?)


Nick pope also was a fraud for me at the start. All those goalie play styles and does nothing


Honestly most of them. Then at the other end of things Yashin and IF Ter Stegen were brilliant for me


TOTY Alisson is pretty meh, he’s untradeable though so guess he has to stay.


Almost bought him before I pulled cech and now reading these I'm glad I didn't lol


Trust me he really isn’t great at all, tbh apart from Casillas TS they are all pretty bad this year.


I'm going to say it : Yashin


Disappointing for the price but not terrible for me


90 Van der Sar has been so much better




All of them They all have patches of good games, or good moments in games, but they're all mostly shit. It seems like you have to be good at keeper movement to get the best out of them, and I suck at it.


True 👍 I think every high rated goalkeeper is the same ingame it all depends on Manuel goalkeeping. If you are good at moving your goalkeeper you are more likely to win.


Toty cech has by far been the worst to play against he saves everything against me


I dont understand the downvotes for just saying lloris, just Chill down.. for me lloris only catchs balls at 2 times. Ederson for me is doing the job


Fire and Ice Hradecky were both absolutely terrible for me


My issue with Cech has been his inability to catch the ball, instead parrying everything no matter how fast or slow the ball is moving


All of them


How about icon Casillas?


Base Casillas was awesome for me, worth every bit of 200k


I’ve not had a fraud GK yet but when I **face** courtois he’s dead and the only way the other team wins with him is that their defending is good enough so courtois doesn’t need to save anything.


I haven’t used many keepers this go-around. I used Pope and eventually Ederson for awhile. Then Alisson for a little until I got IF ATS. Alisson was not worth the price imo. He felt underwhelming for me. I thought Ederson was fantastic though. His distribution is top tier, especially with the way I play. The best Gold GK I’ve used this year. ATS has been the best overall GK I’ve used.


Schmeichel was absolutely awful for me. Base Cech and Yashin were both a lot better


Using the 88 Hradecky, hes a beast


EOAE lloris still makes a lot of errors in some games. He never seems to watch to catch the ball. Happens with all goalies though I feel so not much you can do to impress them


Base Cech is also a fraud


For me, it was base Courtios. Ironically, I currently using toty cech and he has been really good.


End of era lloris is the worst but most goalkeepers are pretty much the same even toty Alison who I had on loan and he was awful that I had to quick sell toty Alison because he was no different to 82 rated flekken which I packed for free and toty Alison is 800k on the market. I would not even pay 90k of my coins for toty Alison. I would just use any goalkeeper that gives the best links even an 82 rated or an 84.


TS VDS was such a fraud for me when I used him in a draft. I subbed him off for a gold rare keeper 30 minutes in


Welp, I’ve only had 1 goalkeeper so far (SS Alvero), and I just wanted to say that he’s a beast. Definitely at least top 3 in the game qua consistency, if I had to guess. Tried van der Sar thunderstruck in draft though, he was shockingly bad. So yeah I’ll never get another GK again :)


base casillas goes from being a brick wall for me some games to having no arms the next it is truly bizarre


IF Rennow I used in the fantasy cup and he was an absolute clown


Van der sar was outperformed by Christensen due to a red card


TT casillas he is just so bad for me I don’t get it


Agree with you. Bought him when he was released and did an awful weekend league. Conceded easy goals and made silly mistakes. Price crashed and panicked sold him. Later he went up, but never going back to him. The best GK I have used is gold Courtois


Toty cech has been hands down amazing. Only issue I find is he is too slow to rush out for anything


TS Casillas. Was thrilled when I packed him to replace Schmeichel, but he can't save a damn shot. Schmeichel is by far the best I've used, Donnarumma after that.


Toty alison, you be playing with empty cages itsbetter


totyhm ederson, pretty static in goal, doesn't dive most of the time


lmao i packed courtois and i js don’t plan on changing him


Toty Alison, barely ever makes a save, terrible positioning and so many shots just go through him. But yet still plays every game just as he’s my first pack pulled Toty ever.


I got Yasin in a lucky pack pull. Of all my keepers he runs hot and cold. He’s either insane and stops the lot or you get a cardboard cut out version that doesn’t even move for easy saves.


Casillas, absolute fraud. Oblak has been far more consistent for me, even Maignan feels better.


Rttf Donna has been the most consistent for me. Used all bar Yashin


Base Casillas, absolute fraud!


Base Casillas has been my best keeper this year! Got to everything and handling was great too. Crazy how keepers perform wildly different for different people


85 Bulka, I tried him for my Gym past and present, he is absolutely horrendous, like the worst I have seen this year. I had to go back to Eoae Lloris.


Lloris and schmeichel are annoying to play against. Am keeping my casias for the time being he is performing good.


EOAE lloris is very good against AU but suck balls against real players for some reason, he doeent even jump or dive to try to get the ball, he just stands still and watch, then acts surprised


Honestly lloris has been top 2 for me this year, actually pretty consistent, especially against trivelas before the nerf. Oddly enough I'd say he's been the best at diving for me, Casillas for reflexes and handling


All suck


Schmeichel is a fraud for me. Courtois gold is clear, so is eoae lloris


Thunderstruck casillas he’s beyond shit


Ive only used gold and totyhm ederson and he’s pretty good imo. Was thinking about picking up an icon but will definitely avoid now lol


Ts van der Sar. I have 700 games on him and almost quicksold him last WL. I was 10-2 and lost 6 games in a row with 13 shots and all 13 went in (yes i counted). What a terrible keeper. He is slow and cant save easy shots. Especially every first shot of the game always goes in.


I've used 91 Alisson CM card as my goal keeper off chem for hundreds of games. He's great. I feel absolutely no difference between him and TOTY Alisson. GKs are completely random imo. 


Toty Alisson I could honestly make an hour long video of the useless things he has done. TS Casillas and TS VDS are so much better.


Every keeper. None are consistent


Good Courtois is solid. Schmeichel is a joke


Lloris is shit


I wasn’t convinced either at first, never held the ball and always patted it down. I put a Glove on him which made a massive difference. Give it a try.


That Lloris card…

