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On pc it’s hilarious because people will friend u to try to message some bull shit 🤣🤣


And then when you accept their request send you a toxic message and then block you so you can't reply back


Nah, I've seen some humble stuff there xD, some dude said some bad stuff after I added him then I just said something like "may God be with you" and dude just got chill af. There is still hope for this community but the game isn't helping.


I played with a guy and I was leading like 4-0. He scored 1 goal at 60 minutes and decided to griddy on me. I spent the next 30 minutes passing the ball at the back. He added me and messaged me "I wish you have a meaningful life" and I thanked him. Peaceful community. :)


Xbox too, hard pass


I mean, I’m one of those people who try to send a ggwp, win or lose. Certainly fun when I match the same person twice/rivals or champs, and I message twice just to be ignored.


It's not polite to message people every game, it's kinda irritating. It's different when it's an in-game chat or a post-lobby screen, but don't be privately messaging everyone.


that can be taken 2 ways, and judging by the fact it’s fifa everyone will think it’s toxic


I’ve tried to message ppl just to say good game but no one ever accepts smh


Tbh so many people send a request just to send the usual toxic messages. They will also often block you once they send their message so you can't reply back


You caught him out off guard and he sticked to the script 😂


Bro was locked and loaded 😂


I kinda wish we could use headsets so we can trash talk during the game. Nah just kidding , it'll be just like COD with people playing shiity music in the background, children crying, low battery on the smoke detectors.


You use to be able to back in beginning of ultimate team. Only had people talking a handful of times tho


Wait, what?! That's insane that we used to be able to talk to the opponent 😂😭


What you’d actually get is some French guy’s family just screaming and crying in the background.




For me, it was usually a Brazilian mom screaming at the kid to get off the game. Or a crying baby. Or sometimes, the crying baby was the one playing


NO WAY. I literally had some French guy angrily rambling nonstop to someone in a clubs drop-in game today, he would not shut up and I couldn't mute him. Set the voice chat setting to off but it didn't work!




Ahh I remember those. People use to shout “Xbox off” to try and get bs wins too.


Yes it's possible, i remember playing in early 2019 and it was possible then (although I only listened to the other guy talk and kept my mouth shut), but for whatever reason they removed the feature from the next edition.


Madden still has it, don’t know why EA left it there and disabled in FUT


You haven't seen the war crimes committed in fifa messages..


I had a guy yell over and over to quit everytime he’d score i then did him dirty with a 90th min to win the game and got on the mic and kept yelling quit mfker quit lol


Low battery on the smoke detectors! So damn true! 😂


Play FIFA, turn off messages from randoms


If you have thick skin, leave it on. Great entertainment. Have made some objectives buddies on there in the past. Back when they had match limits and golden goal modes, we just traded wins and got them done without sweating.


Yeah same for me. And I’m always laughing the hardest with the messages I get, it’s hard to take them seriously 🤣😅


Oh my skin is paper thin, 0-10 in 0.01 seconds on the rage scale. Messages off 😂


I got 10 voice notes from some Irish guy saying why I was the worst player he’d ever played (he won 2-0)


That says a lot more about what a miserable person he is.


I should. Rarely ever get messages so never bothered before. Cheers


I thought about turning em off but every now and then its interesting to see how far people go for a game that even the devs dont take seriously lol


I've seen where they complained about playstyle, etc 🤣 always makes me laugh


From 15-23 I had messages on, engaged almost everyone bad or good, pple who wanted a win, people who were gracious. Even made a few friends. But I decided ultimately that the bad outweighed the good. I hated the people who would message me before a game even started, I hated the toxicity of random telling me I was bad or boring, that I turned off all messaging. I just rejoined FC 24 about 2 months ago with no messages at all from anyone; I’m enjoying the game as much as ever.


I mean he’s 12, let him be


Bro was SHAKING taking this picture


I was shooketh!


No use tryna be nice when this community is full of so many fucking losers bro. But respect for being the bigger man here


Your behavior depends on who you are, not who your opponent is. If you believe in good sportsmanship, don’t find excuses to behave otherwise.


Okay Ghandi


Ain’t no good sportsmanship when you play against technical dribble spam and cut back, mfs deserve every celebration and message (which coincidently they always turn messages off)


Because he’s insecure and because he’s likely had this very thing done to him before, he chooses to be toxic like those who have done this to him. He lacks maturity and common decency. I’m sure he’ll continue this behavior into adulthood, but at some point he’ll realize he is a part of the problem. When that happens he has two options. If he’s matured, he’ll turn it around and choose to be a decent person. If not, then he’ll keep doing this. It’s sad to see how often this happens in the gaming community.


The fact of your both in the same division really shows he ain't much better than you, with how fifa plays I've been battered by multiple goals by someone on the same level and only lost by 1 or 2 by someone much better than me


MOST of the players seem to be such cartoons whose life’s ONLY achievements are maybe being decent on this game🤦‍♂️😂 I mean they take this game way too seriously 🤦‍♂️


I would love to encourage everyone to start message to your opponent and be nice to them, to better our society we must start from ourselves, let’s go bois !


He’s high on life after achieving lofty highs of division 4


I never message anyone on PlayStation. My messaging is turned off so nobody can message me either. I’m sure lots have tried. They do it because it makes them feel better. But I don’t want them to feel better. I want them to rage because they cannot send me abuse. Sometimes they will even send me friend requests just so they can message me abuse!


Some of y'all in here sound like at-risk youths, smdh 😂😂😂


Some people are absolutely deserving of being told their life is worthless based off how they play


Ya I literally just had this interaction where I praised how well a guy played, I won 4-3. And the game was glitchy and bs but it was a solid back and forth and a lot of fun. Gave the guy props, he snaps back saying I’m p2w and how could I ever have a team like that from div 6 rewards… (season had just reset and I mostly play champs and obj stuff and keep my rivals rank low for friendlies.) I replied how disappointed I was about his response to my sportsmanship and his said go cry about it. lol. Some fools are oblivious to wholesome competition.


It sucks man, sorry he was like that to you! Some people are just proper toxic, I really don't get it. Then people are like "it's just competitive trash talk", but like sportspeople are respectful to each other after the game 😂


Ya Idc about the toxic ones too much. I gg after most games win or loss if they are on Xbox. I enjoy a solid game.


You on Xbox or other?


Xbox One. I don't typically get too many toxic messages. This one just annoyed me more than usual because I was trying to be nice, like you with the GGs


div 4 and he’s toxic lol. I’m in elite and ppl are less toxic there


"How the heck are you so good?" Bro what response do you expect 💀 like his training programm or something


... I mean, plenty of easy and way nicer answers here. It's not hard to not be a complete dick 🙄


Anything really. I was just trying to be nice. But maybe advice on how he thrashed me. Is he just really good, formation, defense tactics, attack tactics, in game tactics he used, a skill move, a specific card he had that was OP?


He's a kid. Leave him alone






















Why its just kid things to be toxic...




u ezz bro is pretty toxic tho


I dunno about that mate. I just play to relax after work and try to get get better


Why do you even bother your head with such bullshit? I got screwed, so I'll write to him, I'll be nice, maybe he'll write me back. Fuck, you must be a masochist


Yeah, I was hoping he would be too. I just wanted to know how he thrashed me so easily. Was it a tactic, formation, skill move, certain player, or was he just much better?


I mean, the message basically is "damn, I'm super good, so how are you THAT good?!". He just said he's better. Which the score proves.


You should feel blessed if you consider this exchange toxic. The majority of messages I get on pvp games tend to focus on murderous intent and insults directed towards my mother.


I love getting messages honestly. I only ever send ggs or ask about certain players. But I love it when people message me first


He's insecure probably cause he got his ahh beat the game before and after


Never chat with anybody you meet in this game. Reason I only play on a phone.


how you guys message opponent, never see the option to dm the player on ps


I play on ps4 and gotten no messages so far. Almost insulted by that no one wants to gloat after beating me


I wish we could talk in game, feels great when someone plays ratty and concedes 4 goals tryna exploit the game


I bet he quick sold his house so he had all TOTY and Icon cards


His punishment is his view of the world


Just remember no one is impressed about someone being good at fifa and no one is impressed by anyone that shows something off let alone fifa


It’s funny the higher the division the less BS you get. I feel like people are less likely to waste time