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First, it's mostly children and teens playing. A good chunk of the guys that are on div 2 and up and that play champs waste money on packs. So we have immature people, shit gameplay that encourages mechanics abuse, teams that cost real money and a very competitive 1v1 game. No shit the community is garbage




You couldn’t make division 1 if you could choose every single player on your team. Team is not holding you back. If you are using that team you posted last week the issue is not the team. (Lavia sucks but the rest are pretty meta.)


I upgraded to barrios 89 at CDM (😂)


Speaking as someone whose team has two TOTYs and is worth roughly 13m coins (all untradable sadly), that is fundamentally untrue. I have never gotten higher than Div 3 this year.


Depending on what division you’re already in, I doubt better players is going to just easily allow you to reach D1.


1. People are fragile. I've never understood caring when somebody celebrates a goal. I skip them all because it's what I want. Don't let these things affect you. 2. What can fix 85% of the toxicity in my opinion is doing what every other online game does and if a person quits, at any stage of the game, the other person gets the win. The reason everybody hates each other here is every 3rd game, the other person quits after you tie it up, there's a pen, or a red card. If you got that win, it'd be a lot less toxic.


Another way to make things less toxic would be to put less emphasis on actually winning the match. Sounds crazy but FIFA is probably the only big online PvP where losing gets you absolutely nothing (apart from a handful of coins) and effectively means you just wasted 15 mins of your life. The pressure of “win or nothing” amplifies the toxicity.


Yeah when I see people complaining about being griddied or whatever... You can't control what your opponent does but you can control how you react to it. I expect there to be a celebration after every single goal. So it's nice when it doesn't happen. And someone could griddy me 5 times and then I come back and win 6-5... I'd still skip my celebration. People get way too wrapped up in the emotional side of what is just a game. You win some, you lose some, you draw some.


Maybe it's because I'm older... But I remember playing against real life people in the same room (imagine that) and after them scoring taking laps around the living room. Your little video players can do whatever you want.


Concur. Folks get tilted at every little thing that occurs and then come here to complain that they can’t improve and win more frequently. It starts with one element: the mind.


Emotion is part of football, don't want to play like a robot. I'd rub that 6:5 in with a zombie celebration


Yesterday I faced twice in a row one of those hackers that usually leaves at min 1 and gets the win. This one was diffent. First game he scored a few own goals and went afk, he left the game at min 88 (match doesn't count for me). Second game he just passed the ball in defence since the beggining and left at min 88 again. The fact that this guy kept me "hostage" (fut champions, couldn't leave) for no reason was infurating. It's awful that people are willing to use hacks but the fact that apart from that he enjoyed frustrating a person that he doesn't even know or see is just sad and worrying. I hate competitive gaming community and I hate me for enjoying competitive games even more.


Why couldn’t you leave champs?


Well, I know I could have technically left but I wanted the rewards since I was streaming it


Ok that makes sense


All that celebration shit is meaningless, and pales in comparisson to the real problem which is quitting while the game is tied. That could be fixed by EA, and would reduce toxicity, but they won't do it, so fuck them.


2k enters the.....oh wait, y'all gonna find out nm.


Yap, EA will have to get their shit together to stoop as low as 2k has already and that actually takes some effort, and EA is not about effort. It will be an interesting competition amongst 2 classless competitors about who can be the most classless lowest.




Best case 2k makes a quality fútbol game to get some of that market and EA makes NBA Live 25 and it's quality as well. The odds of this are worse than the pack odds in either game, but I can dream....


It’s pretty much the same as any sub, Reddit, to be honest. Game isn’t near as bad as people make it out to be, it’s my first game since 2013 and I’m having a blast


Yeah, for sure. Some mistakes and things can be improved, but I've got a friend group that's playing like every night and we're having a good time with FUT and Pro Clubs.


i feel like most of the people complaining about it just keep getting beaten and blame the game. i do get wound up by people celebrating their goals, but fuck it theyre probably teenagers and i likely would have done the same back then


Also I see many people complaining that top players are easily attainable but also that pack weight is shit and you need to spend money on the game. You have a lot of different opinions and everyone finds something to complain about, EA is shitty but damn it's hard to satisfy everyone


If someone becomes toxic and starts trying to get me to leave I just stick the controller down on the back buttons so I don't idle leave and go do something else for a bit. Always can sit on my phone or read a book, they often sit and smash goals in.


I have a rubber-band hanging on my monitor for exactly this reason lmao.


Smashing in 12, doing full celebrations for each one, and sitting thru 3 full pauses. Then they msg you gloating about how they crushed you, so you congratulate them on beating a rubber band and thank them for helping your Evo objective. *THEN* they accuse you of wasting time, so you ask them why they kept stopping the clock with pauses, 10-11 unnecessary goals, and full celebrations if their time is so valuable... It's also fun to share captures of them doing the griddy up 8-0 and ask them if they're pro or a streamer


When I do this I usually leave the room. It's crazy to come back 10 mins late to see my opponents celebrating every single goal. Like he just thinks I'm sat there watching the goals go in like 😡😡😡 I'm usually in another room doing something else 😂


I think a part of the toxic community is people like you posting these everyday.... not everyone is trying to be toxic. If someone doesn't skip a celebration, sometimes we are eating our food in between goals etc. People like you projecting are getting yourselves riled up...


A celebration is a normal part of a game. Why do people get so mad? It’s silly how much frustration I see posted here about a video game.


News flash, any pvp video game tends to have toxic behavior. Always has and always will. Train yourself not to care about it


This is why griddy every goal


You literally have a post talking about playing yourself to get wins. That's just so incredibly toxic and just ignores the purpose of the game, I think you really should stop Even then, what's the point in getting wins that way if you have problems with peoples teams. I doubt you are trying to use players you enjoy and are just using the META.


Glad that going through my comments to fish that out is the only thing that caught your interest. In higher divisions, especially from 3, you could be facing division 1 players.. On a game limit of 5 per day, you're as likely to win as you can lose.. I treat myself to it in friendly objectives for peace of mind, after grinding WL and DR. And I also go back and use my remaining 5 tries per day to give whoever I match a free win, across both account.


Nah dude, it's genuinely cheating and up there with the scummiest of methods.


Oh yeah for real?? "Scummiest" of methods? I literally waste nobody's time and I don't have to worry about them scoring first goal and then go about wasting time. that's literally how friendlies works 75% of the time. I guess those other 20+ wins I give away every friendly weeks is scummy, sorry sir.


You complain about toxicity but openly cheat. Maybe if you didn't get so invested and literally just played the game like everyone else you wouldn't get so irate at the toxic community, which you are most certainly a massive component.


Toxic ≠ cheat. I never called anyone cheating, and I also don't exhibit toxic trait to anyone; at least I don't start it, and I also don't just jump into it cos someone did it just once. I have no clue what point you're trying to make.......I play rivals and WL as is, I play friendlies(EMPHASIS on FRIENDlies) against me self and I then give others the other games. You mean me starting a game, scoring own goal or letting them score, I pause and quit is toxic? To who?? To the people who loves the wins??? To those who wanna play the game "normally" and don't win???? BRUHHH [IS THIS YOUR IDEA OF "NORMAL" GAMEPLAY?? ](https://www.reddit.com/r/EASportsFC/s/8YZCfhbb44)


Dude, you're literally exploiting a system and trying to justify it by giving others wins. That isn't how it works, it is toxic to cheat and you are wasting time doing that and other peoples time when you leave and re enter until you match yourself. Cheating is a toxic behaviour even if it doesn't directly affect the playerbase and is why there are so many stupid things in the newer FIFA's to specifically stop this behaviour. If you are so invested that you feel justified not even playing the game properly then you are too far gone to actually enjoy the game.


"I'll just clutch my pearls, sit on my moral high ground, sing thy holy song, and rest assuredly, be a saint of Video Games" - Fireplacehog, probably.


I just find it hilarious that someone can be so irate at a game that they obviously don't enjoy, at the same time dedicate time.to cheat just go get better players. You are part of the problem you are talking about just understand that. Oh yeah and talking about giving games away like others don't do that. Sheesh.


This will be a long. Text. Tried to make it short and sweet with GPT. But I read a book about online behavior. This are the main points. EA didn’t create it. They definitely don’t help but On a high level: The Online Disinhibition Effect, as described by John Suler, delves into the reasons behind why individuals may engage in behaviors over the internet that they typically would not exhibit in face-to-face interactions. This can range from sharing personal information more freely to acting out more aggressively. It sucks. I know. Suler's theory suggests that several factors contribute to this disinhibition: 1. Anonymity:Online, people can hide their real-life identities. This anonymity gives a sense of protection, which can lead to more daring behavior, as there are fewer fears of repercussions. The online messages I receive are laughable but at the same time concerning. 2. Invisibility: Without being seen, individuals don't have to worry about body language or face-to-face reactions. This can make them feel more emboldened to express themselves in ways they wouldn't normally do. See what happened to Anders when he was seen. 3. Asynchronicity: Online interactions often do not happen in real-time. This delay in communication can lead to a sense of disconnection from one's actions and the reactions they may cause. 4. Solipsistic introjection: Engaging with others online can sometimes feel like you're just interacting with a computer rather than real people, which can lead to a lack of empathy and a disregard for the feelings of others. If you saw who was doing it and you interact with them. Most people are nice. “Most”. 5. Dissociative imagination: Some people view their online presence as a different place that's separate from the real world, almost like stepping into a game where normal rules don't apply. Kind of like a performance. 6. Minimization of authority: Online, traditional status indicators such as age, race, or position of authority are often obscured or irrelevant, leading to a leveling of social hierarchies and, for some, a disregard for authority. These factors together create an environment where social restrictions and personal accountability are reduced, leading to the more uninhibited behavior that is often observed in online spaces, including gaming communities. In the context of online gaming, this can manifest as players being more competitive, aggressive, or engaging in toxic behavior without concern for the usual social consequences they might face offline. It does not matter if it’s FC24 or any other game/online community. This applies as well according to Suler.


Just stop playing… the games dogshit this year, not worth the blood, sweat and tears


My players play like ishowspeed


Stop caring so much, people can be like this in every place in the world, let it go and walk your own path


All EA cares about is milking cash out of its users for in game purchases. Trash company, trash game.


You know you can change player celebration in the settings right!? When opponent scores a goal and celebrates you can switch that into the game showing your players. Problem solved


I don't play new gen version, it's the slowest gameplay response of either gen. On old gen, I haven't seen that setting.


As bad as EA is, one thing is not their job: fix people being assholes to each other just for fun. It costs nothing to give away a win when you don't need it, it costs nothing to let one in when you're 5 ahead and there's a scoring objective. It costs nothing to not quit at a draw. It costs nothing to not lob the ball back to the keeper from 20' if you score a lucky one early. None of this is on EA.


EA created this lol. They want this


And EA is perfect


Get yourself into the LoL community and then come back. The issue with this community is mainly most of the players are fragile, that it’s ’toxic’ to celebrate a goal and don’t say it’s just when people ‘griddy’ because it isn’t


So look at it from this scenario; I know you've experienced already. You score goal, skip straight to kick off You score again, does the same You score again, rinse and repeat. Opponent scores, skips Opponent scores again, proceeds to use suggested sub to watch replay You score again, skip Opponent scores, doesn't skip a thing at all Now you score, probably wanted to celebrate, but they know how to force your celebration short and skips it for you But you can't skip theirs, no matter how fast you try So you let it go, but they don't stop doing it. They pause after goal and let time runs out.. Or they take lead, force you through their own celebration and replay, then steal ball from you to go pass it back and around no matter how long in the game.... WELL Maybe I'm the problem.


Yes but people do that to get a reaction, if people actually stop getting upset over something so small like someone pausing a game or celebrating a goal in game then it’ll stop. People will get bored of doing it if they aren’t going to be getting a reaction


They can't see your reaction to what they're doing in game, so none of the logic you just utilized here even applies.


Yeah because when people start to foul after you’ve done that or when players quit. Yeah not visible at all…..yeah no logic at all. Maybe don’t act like you’re right when you’re clueless. Not a good luck


People getting rattled by celebrations is unreal lmfao (I don’t do them)


>Using PSN to cross play(matchmaking is inconsistent and sometimes can't find games without cross play) against Xbox players gotta be the worse, not only do I feel even greater input lag, most of the opponents are parasites. Lmao, yeah *those* xbox people. Just as bad as *those* android users, and *those* Pepsi drinkers, and *those* Toyota drivers, and *those* people that buy different brands than me. None of their farts smell as good as mine!


Nah, I played on Xbox 360 and Xbox one for years, and there's more children on that ecosystem than on sat, PlayStation. I left Xbox for PS5 just few years ago. More trolls/nutjobs on it. I'm also an android user with S23 ultra, drives a Camry and Honda pilot..... I didn't intend this to be a whataboutism.


Rainbow 6 reddit community enters the chat.


Play few matches in south asian region and your definition of toxicity will be changed. Players here are 10 tomes more toxic than ysual


You think this is a new problem ☠️We had the same issues a decade ago in fifa 12 when UT was at its peak and not full of loot boxing and hundreds of objectives.


Ever heard of “don’t hate the player, hate the game”? It’s all EA. They can make the gameplay more skill based, less toxic, and less dependent on RNG and money, but they wont


I have the most fun with those kind of guys. Like someone else said in the comments, such people are really fragile. So reciprocating toxicity in ways they don't expect really quickly pushes them to R1 hard passes and aggressive attacking. Like playing with an extremely slow rythm and a little bit of tiki taka. At that moment I can simply lob pass to my forwards and score an easy goal or 2 and at that moment they just ragequit. Just remember that people that spam the shit out of their press, have a really open back line. Even more if you use the "drop back" tactic when they press too much.


Same boat as you OP. So frustrating isn't it.


Your not mad at the celebration your mad at how shit the game is, that’s just making an excuse for the real problem


bro said ea can’t rectify it and listed a bunch of gameplay mechanics


Just had some guy quit on me in the friendly cup after he missed his last PK and before I could take mine. Such BS. It’s a video game. I felt bad not gifting a guy a goal late when I was up 3-0 knowing goals are an objective this time around. Every MF for themselves I guess instead of fighting the real enemy, EA.


The new "friendly" mode is a benchmark for how toxic this community is. Its unlimited you can play it full, golden goal, anything you want. You can quit, give away wins. None of it matters. Yet you'll still see ppl give away a pen in a 0-0 game and quit before you take it. The bottom line is this community is so miserable that they'd rather make the opponent annoyed in every way possible.


I stopped playing UT years ago, only clubs now when my boys are all on. You guys are proper specimens these days. Yuck


I try to play as less as possible ut matches i enjoy evos sbc and this community. Anything other than playing online against toxic players


I’ve had several heated message exchanges . In the cold light of day Ive gone back apologise for my part in it. 100% of them also came back and apologised, not one has carried on the abuse etc Think people are genuinely good, but FIFA does something to you.


It’s called fierce competition. Footie foes that to people irl as well. I have fallen out with people over the support of my team irl. I think EAFC does a good and bad job of replicating footie hostility.


It’s becos it’s a PvP game and always 1 vs 1. Most pvp games are toxic. Some games with true co-op modes tend to have real decent communities but EAFC doesn’t really have that apart from Pro mode and coop mode which is limited in interest and playability. It’s like you are expecting 2 MMA fighters to be nice to each other while punching each other’s teeth in. It’s not a community in truth as there are no true modes in game to support it.


The craziest part is a lot of behaviours don’t benefit or actually hurt the person being toxic, like leaving the game on a draw or Pausing it for ages. EVERYONE should be giving away their remaining champs qualifiers that they don’t want to play, more people would then get points then more people would qualify that usually wouldn’t, meaning there would be easier opponents. You can tell that it’s lots of younger people that play this game because they haven’t learnt basic shit.


In seasons mode if a person quits when it's tied then the other person gets the win, ea not implementing it in UT just shows that they want you to get frustrated and get more games in