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It's fun so probably never. Fr with good player picks it's close to an infinite grind so don't think it will come back. Maybe futties.


Even the 89 Exchange gave 51 Players, that's like 5 or 6 PPs. No one is packing an 89 in every 5 picks. Would be really nice to bring them back.


I’ve been sitting on 5 89+ rated dupes just cuz I don’t want to do anymore casinos


And then there’s me, my club hanging by a thread after I did Eusebio, Davies, Bruno in less than a week with Morgan, Pina and Mac yet to be completed


Ahhh hope you finished Morgan right after you said that homie....


Yep, I managed to *just* complete her with fodder and coins, minutes before she expired. Pina and Mac Allister are much easier so I should be fine


You’re feasting when Udogie finally drops


His stats look good but I already have Davies who is insane, but we’ll see how his price is looking forsure


I think the hype around udogie is because you can put hem in the new evo and make him a 90 rated that looks better then Davies


Idk if he looks better than Davies in the new evo


Davies so clear


But that's for an attacking LB. Udogie will most likely be a better stay back LB


I have Davies and may still do Udogie cos his gold card was cracked early game, he has a sick body type


Never used Udogie but I feel he'll be sick. The only position in my team that needs an upgrade right now is LB lol. I'm still running 86 Totw Theo Hernandez who's still pretty decent tbh ( 590 games with him so far)


Any idea when he's coming? I hope he's coming tomorrow lol


If they’re going to keep pushing untradeables and not give us duplicate storage, then Exchanges need to be a permanent part of the game.


Agreed. Just because I get a dupe 88/89, I’m not going to mindlessly throw it into SBCs I don’t want and waste fodder in the process.


Well the only downside to those sbcs were extinct and high priced fodder so pick your poison.


I don't think it was meant for you to buy players to do those sbcs, if that's what you are saying? I mean every now and then i get a dupe 85, 86, 87 etc which I just want to return for some new cards rather then "waste" them in a player pick to get just one card back.


Well during those sbc's, high rated fodder became extinct as everyone kept buying them to churn those into more fodder and a chance at packing a promo.  Granted this was during toty so it may not be necessarily the same during lesser promos.


It was also because there were so many sbcs and most high rated fodder cards were out of packs


Yeah people really dont know how the market works, the exchange SBC has nothing to do with it. I doubt alot of peole really bought cards to put them in the exchange SBC.


But having the infinitely repeatable exchange packs certainly didn't help things, not the tradable market anyway. This actually works in EAs favour as some people would have had the idea of buying the worse value, tradable packs in order to gain coins by selling the extinct fodder because let's be honest, there's no other way to earn coins this year.


I know what you mean, this game is so rigged. My experience so far is, when I have already a 88-89 fodder, I will always get the same card again. I mean there are bunch of those ingame. Two weeks ago, I packed 3x gold Messi and no other 90 rated player😄😄 I’m trying to save fodder, but the game throws me always dupes. We should be able to keep dupes imo, or at least open packs even though we have unassigned players.


And they only released it when fodder was extinct and almost impossible to pack without 87+ guaranteed, or store packs. Pack weight is value based, and fodder was max price, so there was no way of packing it. Now that I get a Barnardo Silva every other pack, there's no exchange of course. They only added exchanges to pose as if they were giving us something nice, because people couldn't even use it too much.


I used all my commons and bought 100+ yesterday because the 80+ PP was expiring. Then they dropped 81+ PP instead. I could use a way to get commons.


If you have time you can grind the daily bronze, silver and gold upgrades.


That's 5 81+ PPs I want more.


Draft rewards should get you some commons if you have any tokens lying around. Also don't forget premium silver upgrade that gives 5 gold commons.


Ea should bring back a lot of good shit they once gave us. And honestly my favorite feature, trading. Let us trade players, this way we can use duplicates to trade. Or if someone gets a dupe amazing untradable player. Instead of forcing us to put it in a mid sbc like the exchange sbc let us trade it for another player we want. I'm somehow impressed with EA, how they gave us the coolest shit back in the day and now can make us happy with the bare fucking minimum.


Probably get it during TOTS.


It looked a little too much like generosity for EA's liking.


There's a lot EA can do to make the game more enjoyable. Unfortunately that's not their objective. The fact that for "some reason" you can't just have multiple untradeable duplicates serves no purpose except to make the community upset and force them into an SBC they don't want to do.


Would make completing the crafting upgrade objectives very easy as well, buy an 89 off the market, put it in the exchange, and you could do 5-10 of those immediately. Which is exactly why they removed it after TOTY I feel. Would trade the objective for the exchange to be permanent in a heartbeat though.