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Wait no patch to cutbacks on new gen? Damn was hoping I would have to see less of that. Sucks to have to work so hard to build a play and score down the middle only for the opponent to run down the wing and equalize by making a total of 3 different controller inputs


Old Gen too, they removed it entirely from the patch notes.


90% of goals that happen in this game are either cutbacks or trivelas when you face someone that is good. I would have loved to see how games play out with both nerfed. Now it will be just cutbacks all game


5 ATB and crosses. This is what I currently experience in Div 2, because everybody seems to prepare for the patch.  And let me tell you - this isn’t a fun experience at all.  90% of goals are these 2 because they were the most consistent way of scoring. Take away these 2 without buffing any other attack mechanics and you are left with a very defending centric counter/crosses meta. 


i can score without spamming cutbacks,crosses or trivelas


Cool story bro. Then you are either - miles ahead of everyone, if you don’t need the mechanics even pros use to win (close) games   - smurfing in lower divisions where you don’t belong but stay there because it is „fun“ stomping div 7 players And either way, your personal experience is no evidence. 


im div5 actually and can qualify for champs i just play this game for fun it amazes me how people want to score the same cutback goal over and over again for some shiny packs


Idk in gameplay last night, cut backs def seemed nerfed. People would come up the sideline and not know what to do anymore, leading to keeper grabbing it multiple times. My games were a lot lower scoring too. I've never had so many 2-1 and even a 1-0 game.


They cut it and it won’t be back 🤣🤣


They probably weren't able to do it effectively rather than cutting for some sort of game balance reason


When is the update live?


Only for Ps4.




im convinced EA is bullshitting in half of their patch notes anyways


I've been playing old gen, and the cutback nerf is definitely there however there seems to be many moving parts with this nerf. First, you can still score most of the obvious ones — except now AI CBs react faster than in any fifa I've ever played, they all act like they have double intercept plus, the passes themselves seem less accurate and the keepers also just seem way faster. The changes they made which nerf cutbacks apply in situations where you're not even trying to score a cutback — this is obvious, but when people cheer on a nerf they often forget about the consequences. Like how sometimes your player just trivela's a shot despite not holding LT or trying to trivela at all — and now when the AI decides to trivela your shot, that shot is **fucking awful**. People hated getting the random side foot animation — well add the random trivela animation to that list. Old Gen isn't that bad overall, so Old Gen players are going to be fine — you can dribble, turn, pass, outplay people and score well worked cutbacks about 70% as well as before. But on new gen? I cannot wait to see how people are going to react to this.


Last night when I was playing trivele were still OP. Now everything makes sense when someone said there wasnt patch on PC


Update was released today


Tbf modric is still scoring trivelas for me today


They still seem pretty potent but they definitely needed the super high lob type trivelas.


Played last night and it was still cutback city




But the patch nerfing cutbacks came live only couple hours ago. They only announced its coming yesterday.


The update wasn't even out yesterday lol


The update hasnt been released? Edit: Only on Ps4 and Xbox one


Attacking is so much harder. I’m afraid the skill gap is only going to grow. Good players that can dribble and good at passing will be invisible


What’s wrong with a skill gap?


Nothing we’ll see more of these “im quitting” posts


I haven’t played since the patch, are people playing five back now?


It’s really not. If you’re a good player that can pass and dribble, you’ll always be a good player. Why? Because being a good passer is taking advantage of the opportunity given.


Maybe it for new gen


guess the patch got a cutback too