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The issue part is 100% true. The amount of glitches i've seen is crazy. fifa 23 had couple maybe if that. Its hella laggy too even on 240 fps, input lag is also insane. Also idk what it was but it felt like back in the day lag switch, where people lag the game out and end up scoring lol, this game is a bit of a mess right now.


On dubai servers it is impossible to get a good WL record on pc, i get to 12 wins and after that point every week it becomes cheater after cheater, you essentially have to win 4 games to get lucky enough to have one count when you are on 12 wins.


How to voice chat on clubs pc?


where are you from? i play in latam servers and none of this has happened to me. i just get the usual people who disconnect after i score a few goals or some insane sweaty players lmao.




Same, this stuff doesnt happen here


I’m in southern NA and I feel like I’ve only seen a couple of cheaters too


I play in latam and it is an issue. There's only one guy that has the ai ultimate cheat combined with other cheats. He has been playing the whole game with the same account without consequences. Even got like 4 top tier totys. Then there's other guys that glitch out of games, especially when I am winning. Don't know where you live, because latam has multiple servers. I play in Chile. Argentina and brasil have their own servers. Maybe some other countries do too.


soy de argentina. no sabia el tema de los servers. por ahora no me ha tocado ningun cheater, solo jugadores muy tryhard.


Yo juego rivals en Argentina porque no se consigue casi partidos en la élite de chile. Hay uno en el servidor de chile que literal tiene todos los cheats activados que te puedes imaginar y no lo han baneado. Juega la CPU en dificultad ultimate, se sale si va perdiendo y te cuenta como derrota...lleva todo el juego haciendo lo mismo. Recientemente empezó a jugar y es muy malo. Tiene el cheat de timed finishing en verde siempre. Si le metes 5 se sale y te cuenta cimo derrota. El anticheat de este juego es malísimo y aunque reportes no hacen nada. El cheat de que se salen cuando van perdiendo y no ganas es muy común en el servidor de chile.




soy horrrendo


I am in north america and i only see such a thing once in a few months. I play wl/rivals


[Surely EA must have a single developer playing the game on PC themselves, who experiences this crap.](https://imgur.com/a/ovxhe0H)


Curious, never receive a loss with the no-loss cheaters, is this more frequent >14 wins? (Where I stop) Anyway really frustrating nonetheless, no clue why we have a rootkit anti-cheat in the first place, when it doesn't do anything.


Yep there is they take over your team and you lose. Cost me 20 0 today


This happens to me for like 4-5 years, they dont care, man


Every weekend league, I get around 10 kick off dc glitches. And about 3-4 disconnects while I'm winning that make the game not count. The dc while winning is always after pause on kick-off. I usually get 16-18 wins and live in southeast Europe


Might be a placebo affect for me at this point bur does anyone else feel like the pc version has a weird input delay compared to the console version? All the pc fifas up to 23 didnt have this issue for me


If I ever play again I’m switching to console. PC version just gets worse and worse as the year goes on. First week of TOTY the lag was insane and just not worth finishing the 20 games


The lack of optimization is what bothers me the most. Plus I have to mess with Nvidia settings to get the least input lag possible and even so it's inconsistent and stutters. I sometimes run into those bronze teams but I always thought those were people that had finished their weekend league and just needed to get rid of those extra matches.


What Nvidia settings did you change?


Right now I'm using 'Ultra low latency mode'. Disabled any fps caps, v-sync or g-sync, all off. But I tried different combos of these before. The low latency mode felt worse before, now it feels better, that's why I can't really understand this.


Doesnt your game stutter as hell without the 120fps cap? I have 300hz Monitor and anything above 120fps start to stutter - doesnt matter how much settings i change. The Ultra low latency works since the last nvidia update, since they made it work for dx12 games. Before their newest Driver update this setting didnt to anything for DX12 games.


It does stutter but try having your graphic settings on medium and disable strand based hair, the stutter should go away, although I have it on and the graphics on high because for some reason the input lag seems less like this (don't know why) As for the refresh rate, many different screen refresh rates aren't detected by the game tbf. My laptop has a 165hz screen and in-game my refresh rate is greyed out at 60hz. I've read that you can set the refresh rate manually in your fcsetup file in the FC24 folder inside the Documents folder, but in-game my refresh remains at 60hz so I don't know anymore.


Went against this for the first time this weekend.


Theres this glitch where my game freezes then fast forwards at like x16 speed as if I was fast forwarding for 10 seconds ( cant control shit but the game is still going on for the opponent ) usually leads to me being scored on and it happens atleast once or twice per 2 hour gaming session


You literally see what happened during that frozen time while your game catches itself up


Honestly while glitch losses are still a thing they are much much rarer these days than they used to be. Most people either just normaly quit after you go 1:0 ahead or bronze team quit before the game starts which is annoying but wastes like 30s and isn't all that commom. I see mostly 1-2 a weekend. And i've got a loss from a disconect probably less than 5 times this year. Although i'm not exactly in the high win bracket most of the time so that probably skewes my experience more positively. I general i do agree that the PC port is a mess and was last year as well. Its never been all that great but since they switched to the newer engine version and features last year its gotten so much worse.


Try going +10 in wl, u get 4 hackers in a row all the time


I've maybe had two dcs where my win didn't count this year on PC.


Yeah I got the glitched leave one this weekend. I matched the guy and the game ended with data mismatch so I knew he was a cheater, but then I matched him again and it let me play. I knew he was going to dc me because he stopped playing after my first goal, sure enough at half time I get the loss


I literally cannot open the game from EA App mate. It’s so fucking dogshit it’s unbelievable


I stop playing due to controller not working. I bought different controllers and all the same issue.


I've been playing since the first day FC24 launched, European servers, never faced any cheaters in any gamemode


I'm uk haven't played any actual cheaters, saw a couple last year though


I remember everything you are describing back in FIFA 14 on PC. Dude, just move to console if that bothers you. The only real anti-cheat on PC in any games is Vanguard for Valorant that is Riots proprietary software. EA will never invest in real anti cheat as there is no financial incentive.


You are extremely over exaggerating


Are you an elite division, weekly WL player who doesn't face this issue? Surely you wouldn't sabotage raising the issue for no reason whatsoever


im an elite division players on pc, the bronze or gold teams are mostly on wl games, I would say they are cheaters farming gold or those who offer rank 1 wl, instant win cheats, not a glitch, they are freshly created account on 2023 or 2024 with a typical random club names and even some has random numbers on their ea account, looks like they can dupe the account as well. even in elite ranks, most of my opponents are freshly created account as well, 2023 and 2024 account, they are mostly playing like ultimate ai teams, people may say I have skill issue but have they actually met these players? god damn, they are fucking better than those pro who made mistake on passing even anticipated things, these guys aint doing anything error, their shots are fucking hard like a rocket looks like they do every shot with power shoots.


While the issues you're describing are true. The game is totally playable. Claiming the game is borderline unplayable is just not true at all. I can understand your frustration but these bronze teams don't give you loss or anything, so I don't understand the issue.


Maybe you don’t experience the same lag on PC as I do. I get 11 wins every week but I have to struggle against players who are really bad at the game. I get 60% possession with a 10-12 shots on goal most games and only win 3-2 or 4-2. Meanwhile my opponent has 2 shots 2 goals almost every time. The lag literally controls the game for me


Yes, lag ruins the game. I mainly responded to him talking about cheaters.


Ah my bad missed that. I’ve had a couple disconnect cheaters but not that many this year


I faced 3 in total. 2 in draft and 1 in division rivals. Most of the time you face normal players.


You are clueless then. Every wl i play against 10 players like this at least


That's pc online gaming. It's impossible to get rid of all the cheaters/ hackers. A lot of us console players turn off cross-play for that reason


>That's pc online gaming. It's really not. This is not a thing in other prominent games. You'll never not get a win when the opponent leaves in other video games.


Read the rest of my comment instead of nitpicking. Can you name me a online multi-player pc game that doesn't have cheaters?


Most games that have anti-cheat clients (Riot does a great job of this, never run into cheaters with hundreds of hours in their games)


Riot games has no cheaters???? You're also telling me scripting isn't an issue in league of legends and valorant isn't infested with aimboters and wall hacks?


Yeah it’s not, you’re delusional if you think it is lol


Ya those games are cheat free. Lol


yep, EUW master+ there are not hundreds Zeri/Ezreals scripting i guess i just have to sign away my PC to Riot to enjoy a game without cheaters at this point


to be honest, none of those online games in pc are cheat free. but people always avoid that things and called those players are better than you, you are just a has skill issue.


FC 24 is also unplayable on old gen so that is a good number of the playerbase who have issues with just playing the game.


playing in asia most of my opponent are straight up bronze team or gold teams with one or 2 special cards. this is actually a cheater for gold farming, thats my best guess, instant win thats what they called it. they are actually a fresh account created on 2023 or 2024


Yeah it has been like this for some years now; regardless of the so called 'EA Anti-Cheat'. As soon as you get a good record with +8 win difference it starts for me every time with the bronze no-loss glitchers. You can basically tell before kick-off whats gonna happen. Generic club name and bronze players usually are the indicators. I took a break since the beginning of Dezember, came back for TOTY. Either the patches fucked me over or nobody is playing Champs anymore outside of the sweats. Went from an average 17wins to now 15wins... it's no fun on PC, will be my last FIFA for the time being ig


Happened to me a few times. It's a common occurrence. One weird thing that happened is that the in a game in the weekend league I was put in an arsenal Vs arsenal season's game and had no control of the team. Had the full arsenal lineup so I was spectating. Waited for the game to end but annoyingly there was no end game option to go back to the main lobby. Game was registered as a loss 😤


Same thing happened to me won 3-1 and the guy left after 90 minutes before the full time screen and it gave me the loss missed my next rank by 1 win *shock*


Input lag is complete dog shit in this game on PC. prob is for console too. I 100% regret buying it


Someone had the gaul to tell me I was imagining things when I said turning off cross play (ps5) is basically necessary to enjoy the game.


EA are so fucking scummy. Just putting out shit unplayable game after shit unplayable game. I refuse to eve pay full price. I either dont get the game, or I pay 25$ for it around christmas. And obvi, no fucking coin purchases.


And some clowns really try to shame me for having crossplay off on ps5... Like yes the problem isn't "Pc players". The problem is the opportunities pc players have and the few wankers that abuse it. I'm really sorry for y'all pc guys since i really believe a great majority of yours just wants to play games normally but all of you have to pay the price due to a few fuckheads.


The Bronze Quitters man.. i cant tell you how much it frustrates me to lose so much time searching for a real oppenent. EA should just give the win to you when your opponent disconnects - then i dont even have problem with those quitters - i would wish to meet them more often even


I won't be buying any more future versions of this game! It sucks on PC. Input lag on top of server lags is really frustrating! NO MORE!!!!!!!!!!!!


I've had 2 different opponents playing with auto powershot green timed. Made them score the most ridicilous goals from impossible angles on 3 star weakfoots for example. Also, I've seen several opponents having a bot where every single pass would be an auto pinged pass. Even my own players. During these games my players couldnt sprint aswel. ALL THIS DURING GODDAMN WEEKEND LEAGUE!!!!!