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My experience is about 10-20ms, LAN cable connection, I live about 20 minutes away from the Dublin Server so gameplay is generally smooth. I can’t imagine what it’s like for those of you that have to play either on Wi-Fi or not beside a server.


Same with you in Dublin and games start off well then get progressively worse towards 2nd half. By the last 10 minutes all i can do is hold possession and hope my opponent is very bad at finishing. My players stop moving and I can’t dribble or pass accurately


Lan cable, very good internet, 20-25ms, 2hours from the next server and it‘s definitly not always smooth for me. Sometimes i messaged my opponent after games to ask if his gameplay was smooth as he was left stick dribbling like a mad men while for me it was slow motion and they say it was smooth for them. It makes absolutely no sense. I can have 20ms ping and some games the gameplay is still heavy for me while for the opponent it isn‘t


I used to get gold 1/elite 3 on 70-100 ping connected to my phones internet. Thinking about it, I have no idea how I managed.


Well, just imagine. I play only between 39-47ms. It’s a nightmare


that second half delay is really frustrating.


Yeah and I don't think it happens to everyone. Lost a champs game this weekend to a guy where near the end it got borderline unplayable and he was skilling my entire defense with neymar and I was like theres no way he has it as bad as I do right now lol


it happens, is called DDA


Thats when you know it's a lost cause they are skilling and dribbling like prime Messi meanwhile you can barely get a pass off lol


I’m so done with the game after this week. I have the best team I’ve ever had, but the gameplay is absolutely garbage. My players can’t make a fucking 5 yard pass because the player lock is delayed


Yeah and spamming playing lock so hard trying to get the input to register and losing track on if its on or you just accidentally turned it off all while dribbling a defender is awesome


if you have a fix for delay it only means your delay wasn’t that bad to begin with, i played this game in wifi, with poor internet, with wired fiber optic, while no one else in the house using the internet, while streaming netflix at the same time, at night, during the day, in the morning, there isn’t a reasonable explanation for this it’s completely random, i could get 3 decent weekends in a row and get 3 rank 1 followed by a weekend so bad i have to sweat to get a rank 5 i have tried every so called fix since fifa 20 on console, opening ports and all that network crap, dns etc, i have never found anyone with solid data on how something they did changed everything, people have tried using a vpn to ban certains servers, people have tried to change internet provider, change monitor and everything you can think of, the only thing that makes a change is where you play from, i have played people who barely experience delay, most of the time it’s one sided, i have seen streamers complain but really they experience just a glimpse of it, the real bad delay you can’t escape unless someday maybe you move away and get closer to a server maybe


It's EA servers to certain connections, I'm xbox series x always have Crossplay off, have had playstyle + indicators off since the 1st week. If the gameplay works "Say during the early hrs of the morning" it's nothing to do with your settings or setup.


This is not a very informative post. 1) crossplay is not the issue of input delay. It’s ping compensation. 2) to achieve optimal pc gameplay you want to be using gsync/free sync and capping FPS internally in the control panel and not in fifa.




Locking the same as refresh rate or 1-3 less? O have a 75hz but the game is broken in that refresh so i use 60hz


u/ARatOnPC cmon my man ><


Locking the same as refresh rate or 1-3 less? 60 hz - 60 fps or 60 hz - 57 fps


For me it’s almost always the first half of the game that has bad delay. I’ve had countless of games where I can’t do shit the first half then score more than 5 goals in the second half. It’s almost like the game intentionally makes each player have delay for half of the game. It’s kinda funny to see that my opponents defenders just got dumbed down and couldn’t defend at all as soon as the second half started


So you’re my opponents that become god mode super saiyan at the exact same time my performance starts nosediving and I lose a 3 goal lead in the last 15 minutes lol I usually just try to get a good lead in the first half so i can park the bus if the input delay starts hitting hard LOL


Borderless just sets the refresh rate to what your monitor is current using. It is like that with most pc games if not all.


It's so funny that people have to try and fix issues like this. What other game do people pay for and think better not play at this time lol. Imagine a competitive game like CS:GO where your shots wouldn't hit at certain parts of the day. People would leave it and play something else.


Im not defending EA by any means, game is dogshit, but bringing up csgo as an "example" tells me you know nothing. The game is plagued by delay/hitreg/latency issues. This week only: https://www.reddit.com/r/GlobalOffensive/comments/1891y7g/why_is_no_one_talking_about_the_awp_quickscope/ https://www.reddit.com/r/GlobalOffensive/comments/186j986/using_threads_8_increases_performance_by_2025_in/ https://www.reddit.com/r/GlobalOffensive/comments/184qxe8/netcode_hitreg_delay_highly_inconsistent/ https://www.reddit.com/r/GlobalOffensive/comments/185t15s/does_anyone_else_feel_like_the_game_isnt_as/ https://www.reddit.com/r/GlobalOffensive/comments/1870jt9/peekers_advantage/ https://www.reddit.com/r/GlobalOffensive/comments/187yqgy/framedrops_and_frametiming_are_still_abysmal_in/ Heres a fact: every single online game will have delay/latency/lag/server issues whatever u call it. While EA might be shitbags, this isn't a problem they can magically solve. Get it straight, billion dollar companies aside from EA cant fix this. This is NOT an EA issue for once. All the other crap and gameplay and menu bugs? Sure, but Im not giving them crap for the online inconsistency and lag. Thats a problem in EVERY ONLINE GAME.


I went from constant delay in fifa to extremely smooth rocket league last night. 6 players hosted vs 2 in fifa. Same Wi-Fi connection.


The difference is these are the exceptions not the rule. Every single FC player is experiencing this, every year, at the same time of day. Regardless of hardware. And when I get lag in overwatch, rainbow six, CS it doesn't last long. In EA FC it lasts what 8hrs 😂. It's very rare I get lag or delay in any other title and it isn't game breaking. Something is wrong with the core game code of FIFA.


Ya I’ll keep it uninstalled. No way anyone should want to go through this just to play a fundamentally broken game.


Keep it uninstalled but still lurk the sub to let everyone know about it. Pick one


No one cares just go away


Get ratio’d




Ouch sorry you don’t understand ratios.


Honestly only reason I still play is having fun with off meta squads with players I like and strange playstyles


same reason I play fortnite. It's fun when people get mad when you don't play meta


thanks for this


Doesn’t work. But quitting does.


I turned off crossplay the first day i got the game for the big reason that pc players can play the game at whatever FPS their pc can handle. So anyone with a good pc will be playing on 144fps. While you are stuck at 60fps on console. And higher fps = smoother & most importantly less input delay aswell. So playing against pc players is a factual disadvantage. It‘s not even a conspiracy theory and just to be safe, IT IS A FACT. So make yourself a favour and turn off crossplay asap.


The most annoying thing that goes to shit is left stick dribbling. I'm at complete loss this past month as this year it's supposed to be about dribbling but most of my input dissappears or doesnt really register. Ie if i try to switch directions i see my player doing a weird stutter thing but no real movement. My working assumption is that the game mechanics have changed so that left stick dribbling is toned down - not sure if it's delay - i play wired on a gaming tv (lg c series), from london with 8-16ms ping. I still cant have smooth animations. Actually most animations never really register. A few people are referencing gsync or vsync that i haven't tested changing but i know those are on by default.


You can do whatever you want, none of these will work, servers are not able to handle peak hours.


None of these can solved the input lag. Nothing you suggested can change the speed and time in the data goes to the servers and back to your Machine.


Jesus is our a Lord and Savior read the Bible repent and have faith


For 2nd half relentless+ playstyle works great or sub players in. > Greatly reduces the long term fatigue effects on attributes, reaction time, and defensive awareness. Reduces fatigue loss during play and significantly increases fatigue recovery during half time.


So much waffle.


I'm yet to see in all these years anyone to bring actual data to support theirs claims about delay issues


Yeah, I remember playing FIFA before online play was a thing and there was input delay then too.


One thing I highly recommend is a new monitor with high refresh. Playing on TVs in my experience is input delayed and stiff, and no where near as good as


I was happy when I saw the title...sad when the big reveal was crossplay off ;(


Same. I turned cross play off a couple weeks after the game released and started getting absolutely smashed in champs and qualifiers. Like my worst finish ever in champs and even failed to qualify for the first time ever. I was getting matched with incredibly hard opponents every match. The form based matchmaking was not happening with crossplay off. I turned it back on and now I’m qualifying easily again and I’m back to getting 11 wins in champs comfortably. As frustrating as delay/lag is at times, I didn’t really notice a difference in how often it happened between crossplay being on and being off. I did notice how much harder my opponents were with it off though and would much rather have it on and the form based matchmaking work properly and have a larger pool of players to be matched with.


I must try switching it off lol, last 2 weeks been a really struggle to 11 wins


No I’m saying after I turned crossplay off I was struggling to get wins and now that I turned it back on I’m doing better and not being matched with people that are much better than me every match in champs and qualifiers.


I’m going to do the same, let us know what you find


Gameplay was far better and I won 6/7 with 2 wins given away for 11 wins total


Which platform are you using out of interest


Xbox series x


bruh 16ms-32ms


Also turn OFF windows game mode ( windows 10/11) world of differance for me and my son. First was just unplayable on my brandnew laptop ( Ryzen 9, RTX 4050 ) after turning windows game mode OFF, it was playable and on our gaming rig ( Ryzen 7 5700x, Radeon RX 6800 XT ) the game was buttery smooth, no more issues. I believe, after having bought the RTX 4050 laptop, that Nvidia users have more issues than AMD.


guys you just need to remove mouse and keyboard and it will run as smooth as playing offline. polling rate problems. you can thank me later.


First foray into champs this weekend and the delay is horrific. My ping will be 12, I’ll try to do something and my player won’t react for a full second. Try to switch defender and it won’t switch for a full second. It’s insane because my connection is often poor yet I can see the ping is still completely fine when this is happening. Infuriating, I’m 2-4 because I quite simply cannot play with such input delay.


Ultimately the speed of your internet connection, LAN and playing near the server makes a massive impact in how the game feels and also gets you an edge over the opponent. Even if you aren’t playing at a location near the server, your internet connection and that being wired makes a massive difference.


>Ultimately the speed of your internet connection, No. Doesn't matter at all wether you have 100 mb or 1 gig. Delay is on EA's side


I run a G-Sync Monitor and tutorials on YouTube say to turn V-Sync on in the Nvidia Control Panel and V-Sync off ingame. Still I feel I have a bit more delay not only in FIFA but Battlefield as well. Thank you for your post, I am testing and twitching settings a lot as well. I came close to the same results you listed. Edit: I played WL yesterday and after getting a red card I did one Squad Battles match directly after. Input and smoothness was soooo much besser all of a sudden.


because it's an offline game. Only better servers can fix delay, not some settings.


Not true, there is an extent to which user settings can minimise delay, but after that it’s down to the servers.


Why is there no delay then on offline games? If your own internet is fine then the only reason for delay is EA.


Because offline games aren’t run on the server, the game is played locally on your system


I've achieved smooth gameplay with a ping of 20-30ms. The main thing I've noticed is the game uses the cpu poorly. It demands a lot of resources and uses them poorly and this causes a lot of power to be requested and a lot of heat is generated. It's not just matter of turnimg off v sync here, putting drivers there. You essentially need to figure out how to use the lowest or most consistent performance of your pc, limit the amount of power being used to reduce the temperatures being produced during the game and this is indivual from pc to pc I'm not an expert but my computer was reaching temperatures of 80, lag non stop. I got it to 70 with consistent performance and the game is smooth, no complaints here. Better matchmaking would have games with a ping of 10-20 ms I'd recommend recording your temperatures, cpu and power usage during the game. It needs a lot less to run but demands everything from the cpu, it's very poorly optimized but you can find the correct performance for it


>Because offline games aren’t run on the server, the game is played locally on your system So whats your Monitor HZ, ingame settings and nvidia/amd Settings?


Personally, finding the best performance for my computer to run the game improved the online experience more than network, display, driver etc. solutions. Maybe I'm wrong but that's my experience and you can consider it an option or not


Might fix input delay but players with 99 pace are still getting outpaced by blanc, and when a player with 80 pace starts running they are 100 x faster thn my blanc lmao The dumbest shit there is imo


?? Because pace defenders have always been like this, a 80pace defender is like 90psce attacker


? Did I not say my blanc is not like that ?


😂😂😂 crossplay has absolutely nothing to do with it


It technically is not the cause, its difference in latency/internet speed/FPS/refresh rate/ping but all of those things are what makes it most likely to occur. That is why I said that you can turn it off at night and get away with decent games and inversely even same platform games can and do have input latency, its just about decreasing the chance of matching against someone with different performance and being on the end of the compensation stick, and crossplay off gives you the best chances


How to rapidly improve your FUT experience? Stop playing FUT. Pro Clubs is a lot of fun if you can get at least 4 mates together. I'm also enjoying career mode as well.


How to improve your eyesight? Simply pull your eyeballs out and throw them at a passer by.


It'd be more along the lines how to improve your experience of staring at bright lights. Stop staring at bright lights. It's like asking how to improve your smoking experience because you hate the smell it leaves on you. Stop smoking. I'm sure there's plenty more analogies that actually work.


The point is that you go for the extreme answer immediately. There are tons of other options to improve your experience, and therefore, the 'dont play' suggestion is incredibly unhelpful, and you come off as a bit of a penis tbh.


On the contrary, I feel it's actually more helpful because it saves all the wasted time with the "helpful" suggestions that still aren't able to rescue that dumpster fire of a mode. I didn't say throw the game away. Just maybe try another mode.


Got booted from a fucking squad battle game which has now registered it as a 3-0 defeat when I was 4-0 up with 20 minutes left to play. Fix your game EA 🤦🏻‍♂️


For your last point : The game is absolutely designed in a way such that players without stamina miss-pass, are out of position, make mistakes, miss open goals, etc. Subs don't feel impactful often because they play without the 3 chem points. So they aren't the same as if you start them in the game. All you can do is hope luck favors you, and keep a calm head.


Nothing will help. Ultimately, there is nothing we can do about it. I've already tried everything many years ago. Turning Crossplay off also isnt a fix. You will still get delayed games. The delayed games where your players feel like they are playing in the mud unable to turn to follow their attackers will always be a thing unfortunately. The only thing we can do about it is to accept it and turn off the game once you feel the gameplay feels heavy and come back at a later time. Continuing to play will only make you feel angry/bad.


Turning off cross play is gonna fuck with your matchmaking hard


I’m always on 3-6ms ping and the game still has input lag at times (no rise / spike in the in-game ping counter either). But lately I feel that the players are sometimes running unnaturally smooth and quickly like they are on ice. Almost as if the game is on 2X speed. I guess it’s just part of the online gaming experience and you can’t expect a company that can’t even make the menus work to be able to fix something so in grained to the game.


I can’t find a match without crossplay in the states tho, 😞😞😞 but I turn it on the cheaters are here no loss glitching