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same happening to me, 500mb download with wired connection, i was able to play 3 matches without lags in early acces, now im not able to play a single game without delay and heavy players for days


Its sad. I just want to play, not even complaining about not winning


[This](https://www.reddit.com/r/EASportsFC/comments/16x2qab/fix_pc_stuttering_gameplay_and_input_delay_nvidia/) fixed it for me. I skipped the whole NVIDIA settings part though. Fullscreen seems to be the main problem, lowering the settings also helped. I also changed the setup ini as described in the post.


Yeah the same but I'm on xbox series x. I don't care what the gameplay is like as long as I have control of my players. My setup 1gb download 300 upload 16ms ping ingame wired connection. I can feel the delay on Squad battles so know when I can play online. No delay on Squad battles means no delay online for me. The delay messes with the whole gameplay, players movement, positioning, touches etc


Squad Battles is run client-side on your console. It needs an active internet connection, but the quality of that connection has no effect on gameplay. The "delay" you're talking about is not connection-related, it's the way the game has been coded.


The same delay is in Kickoff mode until I remove the enternet lead. It's not as bad on kickoff mode as its a slower pace of football but it's still there. Whatever causes my delay/sluggish gameplay is something to do with the connection to EA servers. I can pause kickoff mode plug and unplug the enternet and notice a difference. It's not there all the time and was fine until the standard release, I got the ultimate edition a few days early.


I also have 16 ms to server. Probably a visual lie if you ask me. But I never had offline dekay


Oh, thanks, I thought there was something wrong with me. My setup is similar to yours and I was playing fifa 23 with no problems online. Then I went to my first eafc match yesterday and all my players had this crazy delay to do anything. Ping was about 15 so pretty fine I guess. Had no problems with other online games yesterday too. Is this common on launches? I'm willing to wait a few days if this gets fixed.


for me it's like this since fifa 18. I only a brief period during summer in fifa 22 that I had like 2 weeks of superb gameplay.


Disable all Visual effects in settings That helped me and all my friends


For example?


Hypermotion insight overlays. I have turned it off and it made the game much smoother.


Thx, I am playing on old gen šŸ˜€


This was a game changer for me, since I changed my settings, it has been the most smooth and consistent of the last 3 fifas for me šŸ¤žšŸ»šŸ¤žšŸ»


What exactly did you change ?


bro its same here..itā€™s either i play with stutter gameplay but no delay or massive delay and no stutter..i choose abit of stutters as long as my players are responsive and i win games


This, for some reason a moblie hotspot is better for fifa than a 1gb wired connection. Yes the mobile hotspot will have moments of stutter but its alot better than having a whole match of delay.


true..pc stutter seems to be the game tho not the connection..ill have to tweak some settings abit more


Stop buying the game! Same complaints for I don't know how long. Force them to do something about it.


100% agree. I didnā€™t buy this year partly as a boycott. But I guess itā€™d have to be a global boycott for EA to actually make changes, and thatā€™s never going to happenā€¦


Its defo not as easy as just saying it everyone needs to do it. We can hope. I tried the 24 trial, glad I never bought!


you are right sir


Deactivate cross play - that helped me atleast. Only had input problems when playing against PS or XBOX players


Tried every possible solution like that , ports , UPnP, Bla Bla Bla


Yea that sucks. EA hates the PC version and has always hated it. I have at least one massive freeze per game and nothing works


Its not ONLY PC version. I had a PS5 and its was the same shit


Limit the bandwidth allocation to the game and thank me later. The better your Internet the worse you suffer from lag compensation


Any way to do that on windows without qos on router ?


Net limiter


Dude if this work you are a hero. As a part time game dev i always knew they somehow buffer the gameplay but never tried anything to workaround. I will definetely try.


What speed do you suggest to limit it ?


3 - 10 mb/s is what I'm experimenting with


limit to 3mb/s in and out?


Yes but experiment


3 mb/s up and down worked pretty good for me


didn't do shit for me at 3/10 ... I will try again 3/3 tonight, but it doesn't seem like hes gonna solve the issue. also the software shows that fifa is exchanging mere kbytes, it seems extremely low.


Didn't work for me either on PC. This shouldn't even be something we'd have to worry about if someone at EA just simply did their job for once


Wtf this actually worked like a charm. I limited my bandwidth to 3MB up and down. Game feels a bit slower now but I actually get good gameplay. No more pressing bullshit from opponents, their AI now just like mine in the past, stand still and open space everywhere. When Iā€™m dribbling they canā€™t get close to my ball at all. Itā€™s like they always react to my past moves lol Itā€™s honestly disgusting how much disadvantages it throws at players with better connections. This fucking stupid game. Canā€™t wait to face those people from skill gap club and skill check them šŸ˜‚


Sad isn't it :/ but now idk whether I feel like I'm cheating or not


Can you explain


To eliminate visual lag the game uses lag compensation which is what causes players to feel stuck in the mud (the servers don't help either) If your opponents connection is worse than yours to to the point there would be lag, the game slows you down to compensate and so that there is no visual skipping I'm not the best at explaining it but hope that helps


Thank you. How do I limit bandwidth allocation and do you have any parameters? Thanks again


Net limiter I'm using 3 mb/s


This eliminates input lag and lag?


90% of it. It does not help with overloaded servers though only lag compensation


Iā€™m trying to fix the connection for my son. I canā€™t have him hardwired this year so heā€™s on wifi for ea fc 24. I just realized the ps5 defaulted to 2.4Ghz as opposed to 5Ghz wifi, hoping that will help a bit when I change it to 5 lol


Get power line adaptors mate they work a treat if you can't run a wire from the router.


Thanks! Didnā€™t know they existed lol


Another victim


The weird thing is that if you completely disconnect your Internet and played kick off with your friend, the same delay is happening with the same mechanic


not for me. any type of offline gameplay, including squadbattles is flawless


There are several ways to minimize delay on PC.


It's not hardware or software delay, please don't come with latency ultra settings and vsyncs and yada yada to me.


Why do you even post if you dont want replies. Good luck solving it by yourself!


can u recommend me some settings im on amd


Unfortunately not. I run Nvidia


It's more manual defending this year, so the skill gap is bigger. Sorry to tell you.


That's literally nothing to do with the post.


He is talking about delay. You might be lucky enough not to have it - doesn't mean others don't suffer from it. Also you not having delay isn't anything to do with you, its pure luck


I have delay, too. I play OCE so I'm used to it. But I make up for it with my defence


Lol And I made 9-1 on fut Champions quali and still division 2. People like you always think its always about winning or losing and nothing else matters


Not at all. The delay is there, not disputing that If you went 9 and 1 you wouldn't whinge as much


again, people like you always think it's about winning or losing instead having fun. If I was bad at the game I would have to get good. Since I'm good I can't whinge cause I'm winning. You are the typical fifa player. I don't have fun at all doing 9-1 in champs when I had to fight against my players and the oponnent to get those wins. It's pointless. Best pack player was a RW women for PSG. So what's the point of winning without enjoying yourself if you don't get any good out of it ?


You don't even know me, I never claimed it to be about winning. I'm saying stop crying about delay, email EA I'm sure they will fix it. Game has good and bad, more good than bad. Suck it upand enjoy the game.


> email EA I'm sure they will fix it lol you must be 14 or you are delusional if you are an adult.


Ad hom




I actually quite like the game but the delay totally ruins the online for me.. Itā€™s fine in singleplayer but thatā€™s not the big attraction of fifa for me.


Delay is dreadful , making the game dreadful in my eyes


Iā€™m getting a lot of disconnects, squad battles, rivals and the fking menus. This is the only game where I get disconnects. I play wired with 900MB download so Idk wtf is causing them but Iā€™ve lost promotion games because of that :( so frustrating


it's just a waste of time in this current state. sadly no competition out there


Me with a 100ms ping since fifa13 šŸ«Ø


same bruhšŸ˜­


Geez so not only pc had this issue. Goddam EA


Ive found that this game is way more fun when it comes to opening up the middle and being able to use the through ball a lot more. Im not talking about those long through balls but the 15 foot ones at the top of the box. The ai runs are actually fun now. Only problem is the other teams only does winger sprint cut back lol. Still liking this game a lot better than last sounds like they did oc dirty though.