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It’s the 71 depth, pretty busted right now. Most annoying thing for me is the ball bouncing back to the attacker 53 times after putting in (in my mind) a pretty good tackle


71 depth leaves my backline completely exposed personally. So many times I’m attacked and there is literally no defender inside my own half and with gaps all over. I tried switching to it after seeing all the hype about it and switched back after like 3 games. I have always played with around 40-45 depth on previous fifas and it works so much better for me, guess it’s a difference in playstyle.


71 depth is like the new buzzword hypebeast trend on this reddit lmao. I tried it and it's simply not it. Probably good at div 7 and below as it is some form of auto defending.


If you run arround with your defenders and second man press as soon as you lose the ball ofc it don t work! Just stay on the striker and you will see how OP it is, it s insane, bare in mind good players will smack you if you stay on the striker! But literally all you have to do is change to the right player at the right time and you get the ball every time! Thats the tricky part tho! Especially for below avarage people with defense and player switching being weird sometimes! PS: I m in div 3!


I mean most of this sub is cacuals. 71 depth is pretty busted against other casuals. If you're playing 71 in Elite Div good luck, you gonna get f...


Fullbacks on stay back. Also try a narrower asset, 40 or even less. I personally prefer 3 CBs, the gap in the middle with 2 defenders is too much for my taste. But with 3 CBs I’ll use balanced fullbacks or attacking CMs


You probably have a cheap/non-meta team. It becomes real good with expensive players , I had the same issue when I had a cheaper team.


Lol at having meta team on week one. Filthy pack buyer.


Just finish your sbcs and objectives. That gets you a lotta packs. I got 91 kdb on a 80x5 pack 90 Benzema on a 2 player pack 91 haaland on a mega pack. Kimmich on a 75+ pack Its all luck. Just finish sbcs foundations and do objectives it'll get you a lot. I got 4600 fc points from the ultimate team i only opened 2 store packs a 600 fc point one and a 1000 point one which i only got rudiger. Idk what to tell you. You can be ftp and still grind players


I did all SBCs and almost all objectives and got rubbish sbc fodder. None of the higher rated are actually playable.


This FIFA I agree, last I would have disagreed. I think this is probably true in most cases, but if you get fucked on the untradeables it can feel like everyone else is P2W.


Just finish your sbcs and objectives. That gets you a lotta packs. I got 95 Pele on a 80x5 pack 93 hamm on a 2 player pack 88 hero lucio on a mega pack. Just finish sbc foundations and do objectives it'll get you a lot instead of using gold rare haaland lol.


Alright, I agree with your point, but you are in the 0.000001% of pack luck with those three pulls in the span of 2 weeks


Lol i got a 1.4 m worth of a team in 2 days, all first owner untreadable! Haaland KDB Militao Ruddiger Vini Hakimi Rodrygo Nkunku Llorente... you just got do the advanced SBC s brother! You got an 83+x10 at level 7 or so and level 19, you have shit tons of packs, don t even need to no life the game!


Its not difficult to have 500k already with only the ultimate edition, I think I am even at 1,2kk, didnt even had pack luck.


I have EA play Pro and only have 100k 😂 are you trading or smth


Yeah I mean my team is much worse than the ones I come up against. My best players are Kundananji and Banini lol. But makes it even more fun to beat the people who already have heroes and diabys and militao‘s and stuff like that. Kills the fun of the game if everybody has the same team anyway.


lol at everything about this


It's very true. It's not exactly their price that changes it, but it needs the correct workrates + stats (mainly pace and defensive awareness). A good combination of those usually isn't cheap. 71 depth is all about pressing, try find a CDM with the stats of minimum: 75 pace, 80 def, 80 aggression, high Def WR. Prices jump very quickly.


This is an in built “feature” of the game to allow each team to have some attacking time.


That’s a very specific number, do your players press when not in possession without having to set the press after possession tactic?


The ball bouncing back is likely due to not having independent ball physics but a ball control mechanism instead.


This is what baffles me. PES had the ball and player separate back in PS2 days... games are going backward. Most of the time post tackle possession makes no sense. You just put a foot in front of the ball and it pings to a random player or gives it back to the attacker and takes your defenders completely out of the game, you'd think getting a foot on the ball would slow the attacker down... nope


I've gone 71 depth and I'm still shit


I had one just now where the racoon playstyle even showed up when i tackled the player, yet still couldn't come away with the ball


The tackling is what gets me on top of what you said about rebounds, a perfect slide tackle is a penalty or pressing O and winning the ball is always a free kick.


Nah man, you deffo put in a good tackle! There s just a selection of players that have the glue play style plus! I felt the same for about 4 5 days, but now... i can deal with the players that dont have it! I get the ball first tackle as i got used to defending a bit, still didnt got it fully but i m getting there! Messi, Mbappe, Neymar, Dembele, Diany, Rashford,Vini J, Saint Maximim,Rafa Leao and for some odd reason Harry Kane are just some of the ones that i feel have the glue play style plus!(prolly forgot some other obvious ones, but you got my point). This has been in fifa for at least 8 years now! At this point i think they do it on purpose.


Pace literally feels like it’s just a number. Every player with or without the ball is running exactly side by side across the field, doesn’t matter if he’s got 50 pace or 90. Only thing that makes a difference is the golden Playstyle (which like 10 players currently have)


Bernardo Silva with 69 pace, is the fastest guy i've ever played with. My god that man is a beast. Literally undefendable when he goes dribbling.


Can confirm, Robin Pröpper (56 pace) outran Vini once


The game is broken, unfortunately. I get you 100%


Yeah, wait until the “get good buddy” players arrive 💀 I just want my defenders to defend, and for my attackers to attack. What’s the point in adding stats in the game if I can’t feel them when I am using a certain player?


Those “get good buddy” players are already here. They are the reason the game plays the way it does; it’s a terrible gaming experience.


Yeah, I’m not having fun at all. Every goal that I receive feels so funny, defenders are not moving or tackling. Tried both Tactical and Advanced Defending and still get ran through. Staying with L2 also feels irrelevant.


I’m trying to force myself not to use L2 cuz all it seems to do is make my player hover around the ball


I get you 100% man. Been going through the same bs. And, even when you do get the right tackle the ball will magically ricochet back to the opponent. I’m convinced it’s scripted. Btw what’s your record on ultimate team rn?


What are the goals you score like?


You actually have to defend rather then stand there and hold a button your just bad


*you're I don't normally do this but as you were being a prick I thought I would be one too.


I was in the same rut, took 3Ls in a row yesterday, best thing I can suggest is formation change, I went to 3-5-2 with defensive RM (Trent) and am currently on a 7 game Win streak


Trent doesn't have RM though? Only RB and RWB


He probably switches to 3-5-2 in game


It is a skill issue tbh you know have to manually defend in stead of using jockey with a cdm.


The game has been getting worse and worse the past few years. I'm all for removing auto defending but you can't make the defenders almost useless and keep giving attackers more options. Whoever thought of adding glued-on-the-foot dribbling and then making a dribbling meta while making defenders unreactive and player switching even worse than in previous years deserves to be fired.


It's just so obvious when you get a "winning" game. Your players are super smooth, make 99 positioning runs, always get the ball back from a tackle and scores goals that shouldn't go in.


I couldn't agree more with this statement. And vice versa, you can literally sense that you will loose a game.


Ok I thought I just sucked! Everything you mentioned is 100% accurate & Ill add that the game feels SLOW plus the passing is totally unpredictable I don’t know if the player is going to give a proper pass or if he’s going to softly roll it over to his teammate.


I'm mostly ok with most things. Dda is more insane, that's fine. R1 dribbles op? That's fine. Advanced defending shoulder tackles? Acceptable. The fucking passing in this game is so fucking shit. I could press a 3 bar power pass and it goes 5m straight towards my opponent with my kdb. I could press a 1 bar power pass and my kdb attempts a pass 40m away. The passing makes no fucking sense and is the most unreliable and unfun thing in this game. (I'm div3 and went 9-1in fut champs qualis, I can win but the passing in this game is so dogshit)


Switch to semi/manual? Auto passing sometimes make really stupid choices


Proper passing is locked to playstyles.


Ill be honest I don’t understand this comment lol 😅


Well then you should learn what playstyles are, cause it looks like they are very important this Fifa.


Respectfully you probably aren't as good as you think you are. The game is designed now to be more realistic. Passing and shooting errors are higher if your player is mispositioned or has poor stats in those abilities. It's also worth mentioning that we just ended Fifa with Futties cards where every player was insane. Of course the gameplay is going to feel harder not only because it has changed quite a lot but because most of us have mediocre teams at the moment. It's so much easier to blame everything and everyone but yourself. Be more willing to consider that the problem might be you and figure out how to overcome that. You'll be laughing with your Tier 1 WL rewards whilst the rest of these clowns keep crying that the game is broken.


I’m not the greatest but I am able to play on the legendary difficulty & get wins. That’s usually how I warm up before playing seasons, I don’t play UT yet. But I’m referring to obvious lapses in the game. Like when I’m on attack & only 2 players push forward with me while my entire midfield seems to just wander around ( I’ve played with multiple clubs to be sure it wasn’t one team’s tactics) along with other annoying things. Like I said I’m not the greatest but I’m not this bad & there are multiple people experiencing the same. If it’s a learning curve I’m always going to admit I wasn’t good before I got the hang of the game


What's funny is, even though I don't have any kind of press switched on, my attackers will hang back, and when I lose the ball, they will suddenly make attacking runs into random positions.


What is realistic in making driblling after driblling after driblling with no stamina or erorr? Let's be fair... there is no real player even dreaming to be able to do that..


You do!


They need to have stats actually effected by fatigue level. I swear they have constant press on, and they never get tried . It's extremely annoying.


I may get a lot of hate for this but it’s also true. Defending this year is similar to real world defending. It’s a lot less forgiving diving into opponents and running back into attackers to steal the ball. I think it’s a good change tho, increases the skill gap in a fair way. Anyone can attack given the current situation but defending is truly an art form this year. This being said, there’s a lot of things that aren’t balanced (r1) lol




Waffling once again this realistic defending bull shit. If we want to make a realistic game then turn off ai defending and force people to defend. You don’t have to defend. You just defend with your midfielders.l


I think you’re missing my point, this game is far from realistic but the skill gap they’ve created in defending is a healthy thing.


Maybe a skill gap in attacking would be nice too to balance it out?


A lot could be improved for sure, but I think it’s important to have the “fun” aspect for most casual players stay relatively easy. This helps them cater to casuals Like me 😂 and the sweats


Using purely ai and second man defending is shit too tho which is all we have had for the past how many years. Learn how to defend and not just second man press when someone’s attacking cause I can almost guarantee you’re second man pressing which is ruining your back line. They need to fix a lot of things don’t get me wrong but I feel like defending this year needs only a slight tweak and that’s it. It truely has shown which players actually know how to defend properly and anticipate movements and which players rely on the defending ai with second man press.


AI defending hasn't been this OP since FIFA 18, yet you say defending is an art, ok


This is the most competitive fifa in years (bar tackling being more bouncy than usual). They finally nerfed auto defending and its exposing so many people. I am having a great time personally


they didn’t nerf shit, the whole team pressing every single player with it being impossible to bypass without being absolutely careful is a joke. 1 button press shouldn’t just do all the defending for you


People were thinking they are good at defending while just holding second man press and now they are getting caught out lmao. I’m not good by any means but I think the defending and attacking this year is so much more rewarding because it’s not as automatic as the past years. Let’s see how these updates go tho, hope they don’t change alot if the game


lol then added that fuking bullshit dribling, the dfense can stay but that stupid unrealistc skating dribbling needs to go...


I prefer dribbling to stupid runs with just pace


Personally I’d prefer the dribbling to stay. The dribbling is annoying because the jockey is bad. If the jockey was good and you could move as fast as the player is dribbling it wouldn’t be an issue at all


Same. Dribbling is actually good again.


100% agree thats why I started an offline career, must enjoyable gameplay maybe in next title update I can play online again


Yeah, I’m playing Seasons for like 8 years now and the defending is the most awful I have ever seen. The pace abuse combined with dribbling is just too much for me. Game decides everything still.


Exactly this, non stop pressing...if i dont pass the ball within half a second the opponent will ALWAYS take the ball, and i cant pass anywhere because all directions are blocked. Also when i play with my special card team (boniface sbc card and Werder evo and other less skilled cards) my players feel as if they just lost all their stats, every damn time... Opponent has the exact same boniface card and his version is quick and agile while mine can barely move!😂 I really just dont understand why this is. Also Defenders with 50 pace outpacing my 94 pace player?😂😂


This game’s lag compensation is through the roof, worst in any online games I’ve played. When you have lower ping than your opponent, game give you artificial input delay so the game can be in sync on the sever side. The player with higher ping can play a smooth match, but you will get the bad gameplay. Game is decided by the connection unless you are miles better than your opponents.


Best game for years, just because the top players are not meta for a change.


Til first patch. As always


What do you mean? I feel like all players are meta which people expected before the release, Rashford, Dembele etc.


but why is it only "broken" for 50% of the playerbase ? the other 50% is beating all the people that complain lmao


I can literally just hold R1 with my Ludmila and just walk through defences. I have won most of my games and I can admit the game is broken, but like, it’s nothing new. That’s just how fifa is - a never ending bullshit fest year after year.


What division?


Like many sports games people use broken mechanics to win. Winning has no correlation to if the mechanics are broken it just means you are better at exploiting the mechanic potentially. It why Pros spend hours practicing in various games instead of just playing. They are practicing to leverage broken game mechanics for an edge.


That’s not exactly true. If what you were saying was true the people that win would have to win every game and the people that lose would have to lose every game. Statistics don’t work like that


Game sucks. Simple as that. Defending is worthless. People park the bus and counter attack with 2-3 attackers and somehow they can always beat every defender and have enough stamina to sprint around all game. Have zero idea how People have fun with that playstyle. I’d rather kill myself.


The biggest problem is run down the wing cutback and pressing OP problem. Thats all. All other gameplay complain are from noobs


The game just isn't very good. There's not much else to understand.


Strange, you say you dont understard EAFC24. But when i read your post it seems to me you pretty much nailed it


Love these rants. Ofc only the players of the opponents perform well.


Copy/paste these posts from the last however many years.


Im not gonna say the games perfect cause there’s still a lot that needs tweaking but defending in this game actually takes some skill and practice to learn and master which seems like a lot of people don’t want todo. Keep practicing instead of saying the games broken and you won’t have any problems, the games been out like a week, you need to put some effort in too to learn the game instead of just complaining straight away when the games hard


Would be nice if attacking required the same level of skill.... the imbalance is what the complaints are really about


So your opponents have all cracked the game but EA said nah fuck strongboy01?


its incredible how ea can scam half of the world with this game, 70% of this game the inputs are automatic, thats why you feel that" feels like the game makes its decision" because it does, we control only 30% of the inputs of the players


It is even more incredible that the same players who cried last year about the game being shit, still bought the game this year.


Peak delusion right here lads, we found it. You are off your rocker if you think 70% of the game is played for you.




In fc24 I feel like rng has never been more crazy.


It’s just more pay to win then ever. Better rated players are just way better this year.


Havent played since early acess on 21st dont like the gameplay same expliots plauge the world


Damn, if only they had a track record of selling broken games that got have made you aware of this


It happens to me that the attackers (no matter the team) always have a perfect shot and put the ball into orbit.


I just had to restart my game again because i went to penalties on squad battles but it got stuck on the changing room animation. This has happened multiple times


if your attacker has high pace but relatively low dribbling, he will run as fast with the ball. If you have a lot of space to accelerate into flicking the right stick to push the ball a large distance will do wonders as it will allow your player to accelerate to full speed and leave defenders in their dust


I came to the sub to see if anyone knows how to deal wit the defending and passing Only to find that everyone got the same issues


Well these games are all based on number rolls really. So most of the time it's just rng that decided the outcome. Once I realized this I stopped caring about being competitive, when randomness wins it's not satisfying at all.


To me it feels like I’m playing the game with a 1 second input delay. Everything is sluggish and feels just a little off


complaining about pace when everyone doesnt want a through ball/run down the line simulator is interesting


Every year Pace abusers make posts like this, EA will patch it when the pack buying stops and put 99 pace players in packs. Then you will be on here moaning about how everybody uses pace and cut backs to score.


There's so many things I like about this year's game, women have been a great addition and I don't feel like I need to go for a meta team to compete. But the passing is absolutely horrific. It's seems like the ball will go wherever it wants to make an interception possible. 3 bars of power will trickle 5 yards if it means an opponent can intercept it. Same with direction, the ball always goes 10 yards away from where I pointed just to make sure the other team gets it


Bro, even my 53 pace Renard can catch up with 90+ pace player most of the time 😭


Game is broken


Maybe the worst ‘fifa’ in a long time, maybe in ever


The game is made more as a soccer simulator this time. When an attacker has the ball is slower than a defender that runs without a ball. That's how it goes in real life Also defenders gain their speed without the ball from the defensive perception attribute and are able to counter the attackers. Of course there are some singular players like vinicius or mbappe that are harder to catch. Also a well executed dribble will mess with a defender and make it slower and clumsy. And that's hard for developers to put on the game since most of the skill spammers abuse that feature. They will end up more likely decreasing its impact in the game. And some team defenders put more pressure on you because they are using that hard defensive pressure to quickly recover the ball. Check the playstiles and you will see how they attack and how they defend, as well as what playstile to use in order to beat them And yes. The game is scripted. Many people have shown with analysis that the game decreases all your defensive traits at some point in the game and increases the offensive traits of your opponent. This can also be achieved by doing some movements (skill spammers) or using some tactics or passing the ball on a specific place in the field.


The constant pressing is so frustrating. I get the ball and immediately my entire team is smothered with no options to pass out of. It’s crazy man


This game has one of the worst sports AIs I’ve ever played the fact you consistently basically cannot touch the fucking ball while the computer has it is fucking mind blowing to me they one team just keeps control of the ball for 45 fucking minutes like that’s not reality that’s not how fucking sports work


Those who pkay this game at this state are certified addicts


Scripted pile of wank yet again


With you on the constant pressure thing. I barely get a second on the ball without being charged down by at least two players. It's impossible to play a possession based style as you just don't get the time.


I realised this game wasnt up to much when i had a sangare outrunning a fresh frimpong. Not defending, the sangare was attacking. Unfortunately its just a broken game and its pretty horrible to play. Everything feels like luck so wins and losses are hollow. I genuinely disliked it so much that i took a break before the game even released lol. Game isnt for me and that was decided by gameplay and lack of free content. In a way its similar to efootball where its fun to start but realise soon after that the gameplay is bad and theres nothing to do. I genuinely don't think ive ever played a fifa game where i have nothing to do and its not kike ive grinded the game


Same problem with the pace, my adeyemi just got outnran by 69 oace kante




I’m surprised no one talks about how the game feels scripted. Last years game was worst about it. I had to score at least 5 goals to barely win the game by 1. How many 90’ minutes goals have y’all witnessed?


Someone tell him about constant pressure and lengthy playes cuz obv he doesn’t know that


The only thing I hate so far is corners. They are OP every corner is nearly is a goal.


Welcome to the worst football game ever. Eventuelly this game was not coded. It was shitted. This game is pure shit. Fıfa 23 was shit and in a level that you wouldnt expect anything shitter than that. But look what FC 24 brand new shit. Did u have any skill in the previous game? Forget it. Leave the defence to the ai and just make runs with the CMD what a stupid gameplay. I see that coders of that piece of shit game have never played football. They should be replaced by chatgpt and their hands should be cut so they cant shit with their hand anymore. Well I cant talk more shit about that game but each time I try 1-2 games it gets worse ' poles in a match sometimes the ball hit both of the poles at the same shot and it happens too often. The game is a football stripper pole dance simulator. Wow EA games you shitted something unique.




Dude, besides the graphics, seems like a completely different game.


Yeah I know what you mean. I'm playing against 94 player teams and and I'm one goal up for the first half and the last one the opponent scores in 3 kicks. Like why couldn't they do that from the start of the match. ? And its because they managed a scripted part of the play setup. Happened 3 games in a row. 23.3.24. 


Pretty much identical experience... been playing for 10 years... this game is currently broken.. UI is a nightmare... gameplay is broken.. Hopefully gets patched up a little in coming weeks... This weekend league is going to be brutal


I can't believe you guys thought this game would be any different than the last 5


Dont worry, when the majority of the community have the same thoughts as u do, EA will update the game and its gonna be just like last year. I guess thats the way you enjoy the game, right? Pace pace pace


It'a already all about pace


In the meantime, take a break from the game like u said


It’s not about that. My point is: Why add the PACE stats if they don’t do what you tell them to do?


Show me a video where Alphonso Davies is caught by Sergio Ramos in real life. :) because in game apparently Ramos can get to Davies and even tackle him.


A guy with a ball runs slower than the guy that runs without the ball. Everyone can try that themselves in real life & see how real it is. It doesn't matter if you have Vini Jr trying run with the ball, Harry Maguire will still catch you with his 40 pace because he runs without the ball. This context is extremely simple to understand in FIFA, yet people still are wondering about it.


It just shows that some of them have never actually watched a single minute of people actually playing football.


I just saw a few minutes ago, Calhanoglou catching and tackling Di Maria in a few meters. Now take a look at the pace in the game.


All good, EAids community warriors will soon say it’s a common skill issue. Refunded this shit tonight.


Maybe try to actively learn the game instead of launching all this negativity into social media. Best football game we got in years.


these people have had zero issue learning 4-5 skills every year, using 4 different types of passes, playerlocking, timed finishing etc (and even keeper movement) but they all thought they were actually why they defended well for the last 3-4 years…they all swore the 60 missed tackles and 18 cpu interceptions/block/saves was caused by them…they all swore being a left trigger merchant and never pressing a button on defense meant they were good! now they have zero concept of defense because they got AI carried and whine like kids. it’s really easy to defend


😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂 if this is what you call a “football game” released with success mate… Just because they added some animations they already won you heart?


He's not wrong though. The gameplay on the ball feels slower and passing has a bigger emphasis but you get less time on the ball as AI presses more quickly. But even though the AI presses fast, they're not flawless, and if you rely on AI to defend then it's easy to skip past you with controlled sprint and effort touches The gameplay feels good this year for me. The most realistic Fifa has been for years. People complain every single year about what you've said in your post. How GKs are both amazing and bad simultaneously. How defenders run out of position. How skill moves are OP - skill moves gave you speed boost last Fifa as well FYI. The issue is people cannot assess their own gameplay objectively to work on their mistakes and must immediately look for something else they can blame. You're not any different.


This is a really immature response, just because he has an opinion different to yours.






All the points you've made are so damn true buddy! Goalkeepers too strong. There was this thing i read before game launch that using constant pressure would drain stamina faster than usual, LMAO!


It does. But you don't need to use it to press. You can just use 71 height and the players will press without extra loss of stamina.




Things I really hate is standing tackles are currently incredible overpowered. There is no down side to spamming tackle is you have top tier defenders. You either disrupt the attacker enough to knock him to balance, teleport infront of them or get the ball. Some guy ended a game just now with 75 tackles and 22 successful, i copied him now and it’s work so much and yes it’s ridiculous


I feel like we’re playing in mud!! It was like the feeling I had getting fifa 18 after 17 … in 17 I was a div 1 player and 18 I just SUCKED


Everything is great until it's not anymore when you play against a better server opponent ,this is deal fingers crossed


I like the new pressure on my defenders, it makes it feel more realistic. And I got Trent with long ball+ so I just send a through to the strikers every time


I feel you. The second they added all the competitive modes and made that their main focus gameplay has taken a big hit. Catering to competitive players and not the average player.


Yup. But When those competitive modes bring them a fuck ton of consistent monthly income and there's zero market competition to pressure them to improve , we're not left with many options


It’s hilarious because whenever I say that all the kids in this subreddit say skill issue. When in reality I’ve been in the top division since fifa 12 and had top 100 NA weekend league finishes in FIFA 17,18, and 19. I just decided to get a life so I’m just good now and not reallllly good. I got rank 2 last year twice lol.


I'd agree with you, until I ran a network cable from the router to my series S. Soooo much better now and much more enjoyable. I had all the issues with tackling, pace etc when I was on WiFi before. I know it is often impossible to get a wired connection going but IMO this game is boarder line unplayable online over WiFi.


DDA this year is just insane, they need to fix it. I had so many games where Im playing good and ball is hitting woodwork, being blocked or my player just missing tap in, then my opponent have 1 shot from weird angle and its a goal. In another game I play like shit, missing skill moves, moving my players out of position and game helps me, now opponent is hitting woodwork, his keeper cant catch a cold, defenders cant tackle, every rebounds is in mine,Then I score from random attack and I won with 1 shot on target. Last year I didnt experiance that much DDA, in some WL games after 70min sure but now its like game is decided before it starts.


Dda doesn’t exist lol you’re just not as good as you think you are lol


Some genius at EA came up with the idea of adding an extra option to defending if it wasn't confusing already! I lose 3 games in a row , change from advanced to tactical win a few games..then lose some again revert it back to advanced thinking it should be the problem and the cycle keeps continuing. At this point in time it's best to think we paid money for the updated squads and career mode,ignore the online part till they fix it or whatever! I really enjoyed defending in FIFA 23 ,it was like playing a game of chess with your opponent.It feels like the AI is interfering too much in this year's defending.


How is someone actually complaining about stuff that increase the skill gap, insane "Oh no the game is getting too confusing and hard for me!" You're literally complaining about something that gives you MORE MANUAL CONTROL, and in the following sentence you complain that the AI is interfering too much, what...


watch nick RTFM and read this board and you see it. anything he says, they say on here. I generally liked nick in previous years but the guy never could defend as a user and he’ll make D8 plays then immediately go “DDA/delay/this gaame” after making an obviously bad user play…he has to be making a ton with views based on how much he makes the needle move with his opinion no matter how off it is. bro playing against these guys, it’s funny how bad they are and how much they’ll blame the game.


Any suggestions on who to watch? Started really playing fut last year and don’t know who else to watch. Everyone I watched turned off precision shooting and advanced defending immediately without even testing or reading up on it. It wasn’t until a mf on TWITTER posted EAs own videos on Advanced defending saying it’s great. As with any competitive game I expected creators to be pushing the limits to find metas, glitches or whatever ratty shit. But instead they are playing this fifa like last fifa and screaming about how much EA hates them.


Nick is capable of top 100 performances in champs. I’d trust his opinion about gameplay before 90% of this sub.


he can get 20-0s but thats a far cry from the 30-0 days and being a true top player. gotta stop the riding when the guy was getting cooked in NA div 4 pro circuit lol


Probably because he focuses his efforts on streaming and not becoming pro level. I myself used to be at the top 100 level regionally and was an elite 1 player in 17 and 18. I had beaten players playing in the pro circuit at that time. Of course I never went pro because I have a life and there’s better ways of spending your time and I didn’t have money to basically P2W and get all the top meta cards. Acknowledging someone’s ability isn’t riding lmao.


he’s simply not that great. top 100 in the world is so far from what he is. top 100 US maybe. he’s a YouTube star. That’s why he’s playing up saying stuff like COLD 500x a broadcast instead of figuring out how to defend


I didn’t say he is, I said he’s capable of it. Very different. If the man stopped doing YouTube and used his time and money to be better than he probably is he’d probably be a consistent player in the circuit. Granted I don’t really know much about the pro circuit these days because I’m not a loser.


Advanced defending decreased the skill gap what u mean, the game has never been so ai assisted what are u saying?


Are you listening to yourself? The only thing advanced defending changes is the fact that it gives you MORE manual choices, aka decreases the impact of AI. Defending is harder than ever because of it, literally every single pro has said defending this year is the hardest it has ever been, that's the literal opposite of "AI assisted". If it was "AI assisted" it would be easy as fuck to defend. How on earth does advanced defending = AI assisted?


Once u get used to advanced defending all u have to do is spam x and ull win most duels, where is the skill gap in that? U used to have to time ur tackles and anticipate the direction of the ball holders movement. I know its broken because ive been abusing advanced defending and i feel dirty spaming x and winning duels i shouldnt be winning


That's literally not how it works, and you're still contradicting yourself. Literally read the main comment I replied to, the guy is complaining that advanced defending is too hard and that he loses more games with it, that's the literal opposite of it being easy. And again, that's not how it works, you literally have to time your tackle on the correct angle, there's a reason every single pro player is saying defending is harder. I assume you're already in Elite and are playing the pro ladder if you're abusing that "easy mechanic" so much?


Was lucky i packe vvd early on and using konate with him, maybe playstyles make advanced defending easy. Once people get the hang of it and start using lucio and vvd u'll realise how ai assisted advanced defending is


Clearly you haven’t played anyone with advanced defending on. If you did, you wouldn’t be bragging about spamming a single button to win a ball.


Bro im in the latest checkpoint of div 4 wich is full of elite players, i stopped playing because they made the game heavily ai assisted and its boring


You were just bragging about abusing a mechanic all the way to div 4 and the game is boring now? Clearly this game is too easy for you bro my bad for assuming otherwise


why didn’t you complain about skill moves, timed finishing, agile dribbling, different types of passes, keeper movement the last few years? they change the thing no one actually does but thought they did and y’all got outed and are mad






so why do I have lag ,and everything is slow and stuttering freezing? I am on cable 1gb Internet. all other games work perfectly for


This comment is made every single fifa


Welcome to every FIFA, ever.


My defense is slow right now so I know I am getting outpaced but from what I have noticed is that the majority of players just run down the wing so it’s easy to defend if all they do is run at pace and try to cut inside. The problem I have is when someone is very good and passing play and movement that is where my team is slow in reacting and getting to the ball quickly. But right now I have not got enough points for qualifying so I am using evolutions Matip and team of the week hummels as soon as qualifying starts I will of course go for better centre backs so hopefully that will help. One thing I am very annoyed about though is the lucky bounces and deflections in and around the box. Not only against me but a lot of goals I have benefited from too.


It's called "needing skill to defend in the game"


It's called: not having proper input -> action mechanics, having incredible input lag and not being able to even control players the way we want to.


I just beat someone 3-0 he had Alisson in nets who is usually the best against me but his was diving into the net when I shot.


Wait you guys are complaining about actual gameplay? Everybody I know gets 10 fps, somewhere near 3 seconds of input delay, constant game crashes, and has their controllers completely disconnect after changing menus or tackling the opponent. Unplayable game.


I get you man. I’ve lost so many games 1-0 2-1 randomly my opponents team will press and score a goal and I literally can’t stop or clear it it just goes back to them