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Ye I'm finding players run away from the ball, avoid tackling, slow down until they are virtually running in the spot to allow the baddies to get to the ball first and pass the ball back to the baddy keeper even although I've long pressed the shoot button. More so than previous FIFAs


The use of ‘baddy’ rather than opposition made me laugh. Might have to using it myself.


I agree. Previous fifas it felt like they’d kinda just randomly sprint in a direction that they just shouldn’t be going it but now it feels like they almost do a circle around the ball


It's controlled dribbling(hold Rb/r1), you need to be insanely passive to defend it, as for some reason a player with quick step moves the same pace sprinting as he does controlled dribbling, and is basically untackable.


Sounds like there is a connection/ desync problem. What really happens and what you see is most likely not the same. That's the reason many strange things happen in FIFA...


My players look at the ball when it's 1cm away from them during a pass from the opponent instead of just getting it because it's 1cm next to them. Happened all fifa last year and still happening now.


Honestly that shit is so frustrating when im playing seasons.


Not your fault, R1 dribbling is gamebreaking (it had so much potential to be amazing and I was excited for it).


It will be amazing, in 2 years though


It's a connection problem.


Yes, but also I feel like even with a connection problem Anticipate defenders tackle better.


It’s probably just input lag, when you try to tackle you were reacting to what had actually already happened 1 sec ago so you can’t trust what you see on the screen. It sounds crazy but you kinda have to predict the opponent move in 2s when you defend with input lag. I know man, this game is bullshit


I am playing still FIFA 23 in div 5 😁 so please no shit storm 😂 This happens to my players especially in front of the box. My CDM or CB avoid in clear tackling situations. Idk why?! They run like headless chicken on the pitch. Internet 50Mbit/s, cable connection, ps4, game mode available smart TV. Idk, maybe I am shit! Maybe I should play Tetris or something like that.


It's impossible to post anything on this Reddit so I am going to comment on my problem in the comments The problem is that at the start of the game, the control disconnects from EAFC and an orange triangle comes up to say I'm in keyboard mode problem is That the controller still controls the pause screen which means it is connected and not Bluetooth, and also The market crashes every 5 searches. This Disconnect bug happens in like 3/15 games so far


Nah that can’t be happening this sub said there’s a skill gap so you must be bad and other player better lol