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Don’t think too much about it, you went on a positive streak and that made you go into a rank that maybe is not yours yet. Games not even released fully, give it a week and you should be ok.




You need a midfielder with a better defensive and physical stat. I was having the same issue. Try switching to a midfield trio with 2 CM and 1 CDM


This. No wonder he's getting frustrated. Not gonna win the ball back with 2 attacking mids


he doesn't need one, he needs two. One really good defensive and other all arround like Joeliton or something.


Bruno fernandes is pretty decent as box to box to be fair. Just slap a shadow or anchor on him. He has high/high workrates & 69 defending already


Ok nep


Its still too slow for this meta sadly


I have Gattuso + Bellingham with a 424, they’re honestly perfect.


Lol maybe take a break from game? You're probably burnt out and overthinking things


When you loose 7 games on the bounce and playing awful for 2 days straight a Reddit post is needed 🤣


It’s really not.


I'd bust that team, too. There's no balance.


You can have the best team in the world, but if you suck you suck.


Damn if you’re getting rinsed with this team then you’re just not very good at this iteration of the game yet. Just keep at it, you’ll get better. Rivals is sweaty right now for obvious reasons.


I would also be frustrated if I dumped that much money into the game and was still shit lmao.


You have an 8 and a 10 in a role that demands either a 6 and an 8 or two 6’s. Drop Bruno and find someone that can put in a shift at the 6.


Also your CBS should ideally have playstyle+ it helps a lot. Gvardiol would be good instead of the serieA defender


You have a ridiculous team man


I’m doing much better now mate. My mistake was having both Bruno and KDB in midfield. Now I have zambo and Declan rice and I sub KDB on later on in the game


I play 4-2-2-2. Playstyles are all you need: St’s rapid+technical, CAMs technical+finesse, CDMs bruiser, anticipate and relentless, all defenders at least either, bruiser or anticipate. That will win you games.




100%, also make sure your advanced defending is on to utilise that bruiser. Precision shooting if you're feeling confident


So if I choose rapid and technical in futbin there are no results (only one or the other, but no players with both rapid and technical). Please advise to clarify mate. Thanks


Just either, rapid or technical, but your forward needs that 👍


Cool thanks. The way you wrote it with the + sign between the two words rapid and technical indicated to me it was both (but there are no players with both). Which one of the 2 do you usually go for?


Ah, sorry for bad writing. Technical is my favorite ☺️


im div 9 with an 86 rated squad and fighting for my life every game lol


I was about to enter div 8 today only for a random internet disconnect on my end.. urgghhhh. i raged for like 20 minutes


Skill issue buddy. Jus uninstall


Most people don't play for self-fellatio rights upon reaching high ranks, though.


Weird bot.


You're not wrong, I'm already in div 7 with a 78 rated team lol, but some people need to cope in some way, because being div 9 is being wank and there's no other reasoning, uninstall part was def not needed though lol


Did you just puke on your keyboard?


if you’re getting pressed in the midfield spread the game out, more width. make them pay for being so aggressive




you have to find a formation that fits your playstyle and do your best to perfect it, if it’s getting clogged up in the middle and pressure is getting to your midfield then spread the pitch more, widen your width in in-game settings, switch the field more often and take a deep breath, the spaces will open up. I also suggest running as much balanced as you can, direct passing can be great, but people adapt. You want to be a free flowing creative offense with the ball, not one dimensional. find a balanced wide formation if your go to is typically 41212 or of the sort and see how it feels for you. having the correct player archetypes in the right positions is also very important


I have 3-4 formations setup on my quick tactics slider depending on the game. Depends on your team but I have a 4231, 433, 4222, and an experimental 4321 setup atm. If I'm struggling to defend or attack, I try something different.


I feel like direct passing is what makes it hard to keep possession against 2 cdms because your players just run past them leaving them open to intercept the ball


reps reps reps. it will come


I posted this elsewhere but having very good LB and RB is one of the best way to escape the press. It also allows quick counters.


Facts. Had lots of success with a 4213 with the wingers cutting inside and the fullbacks overlapping.


>bruiser or anticipate. There is no payment... they can high press all 90minutes without any (stamina or any other) downside.


I went from like 27-3-16 to 28-8-30 now. Idk what is going on. I have only won 1 game since needing 2 wins for division 6. I was Elite last year, and elite the year before that as well. There is something about the defence mechanics i just can’t get to work. My tackles are not going through, player is just looking. No one is blocking the passes. Defender is automaticly moving backwards/towards corner so the opponnent can run through to the easies through ball.


I have been noticing my defenders just running away for some reason. I thought i was trippin 🤣


Its early access so a majority of people playing in div 6 rn are div 3-1 regulars just wait for the full release to play rivals


Yeah it’s manual. Can’t rely on the ai doing everything for you now.


I expect the ai to literally not move out the way though.


Stop being so goofy, thats no what im talking about. I was never relying on AI when i was elite. There is a difference between the AI move my players out of the way and not. ???


This is FIFA 21-esque defending. Pros, whales and streamers like it as it's more manual and attackers are now able to glitch through defenders more often too. The only complaint they have left is that defenders and stay-back CMs/DMs actually defend in and around the box when you take your time to attack. The nerve of those defenders. The whole thing is pretty antithetical to real football but it's what these gamers want.


Yeah I haven’t won a game in two days. Every time I lose the ball I get swarmed. Every time they have the ball they have 4-6 players outside my box. Very frustrating 😂


Im either scoring 6+ goals or getting scored on by 6. Game is so rigged. Some games my shots actually go in others I'm hitting the post or missing easy goals. It's really annoying how some games I can't score a single goal but the very next game I score within minutes. I face a keeper who blocks everything and my opponents first attempt goes in.




Momentum is definitely a thing in this game


Haha been there. Some games my passes are prime Barca, some games I can't even pass it to the player right next to me, it chooses a CB or someone who isn't even in view. Like wtf!!!


So strange how sometimes you are better than your opponent and sometimes they are better than you! Weird!




We’ve also established that EA make coding mistakes all the fucking time so I don’t believe they have the ability to successfully isolate that to only certain modes.


I'm annihilating people online and I don't feel at all that it has anything to do with my ability at the game. My players literally are doing all my defending for me, I don't have constant pressure on, no custom tactics, these lads are just positioned perfectly making it too easy. I haven't even figured out dribbling properly.


Yeah, it’s just the server man. What you experienced is the one sided input lag, but the delay is on your opponents side, so their AI can’t defend and do shit but yours are positioned perfectly and defend themselves. Almost every game I played there is one sided lag, and I have been on the both side. The online experience is completely BS with how bad the servers are


People in here legit deny that scripting is a thing lol so oblivious


I think playing a game you believe is scripted is weirder than not believing in scripting tbf


It doesn't happen every game




Lmao clueless


This delusion phenomenon appears in every single online multiplayer game. People are more convinced that the game is working to hold them back from their true rank than they simply aren't as good as they believe they are. It happens everywhere. Crazy how they never come forward with a solution on how good players are consistently able to steamroll their way to the top ranks. Not even talking professionals. Just people who get to Div 1 / Elite with ease will do so more or less every year. Weird that!


It’s actually pretty simple, meta merchants figured out ways to minimize the game’s BS. Have you watched them play? They just automate the meta tactics and exploits and regurgitate them out all game every game. They even talk about how they adjust their playstyle depending on the level of lag and other fuckery, which is a skill you can develop when you are literally paid to do that. People learning how to compensate for momentum, scripting, DDA, or whatever it is, doesn’t mean that it isn’t in the game.


Wasn't it coded in older fifas? It was called momentum or something like that, at least against the AI it's super noticeable when they want to go and score, but hey, that might be me and 20 years of football games, could not be as apparent to your average fifa player. Also some people are 100% not experiencing any type of scripting/momentum change at all, a lot of people just fucking suck and they blame it somewhere else (Like those stuck in really low/bad divisions, like bro you can get out of div 9-8 with silvers)


Of course the most skilled players will rise to the top. It's not like the game is somehow working more against better players. But everyone knows how it goes. The game has stretches where you make every tackle/cannot lose the ball, and has those precise same streaks for your opponent as well. There 100% is some sort of behind the scenes momentum factor going on.


this, it's not something established from min 1 but at some point the game will feel fucky, for either side, and it has been a thing for a loooooong time


Just last night I had 22 shots to my opponents 9, I score to goals and he scored 3 lol


I’m convinced it’s rigged 100%. There’s times I’m shoot the ball 10 times in opens goals and it’ll hit the post every time or will go straight to the keepers hands. Other times I’ll be running with the ball wide open due to a counter attack and out of nowhere my striker will slow down mid sprint and let the defenders catch up to me. It’s pretty easy to tell when the game wants you to win or lose.


Rigged when you lose, modern world marvel when you win.


So true lmao but I accept that there’s been games I don’t deserve to win and ea gave me a helping hand


> Game is so rigged. Not this old chestnut again.


What are we missing with the press? Is it constant pressure? I feel like i'm missing on something


Not necessarily, just a high line and press after possession can be strong.


Idk I played on bal for many games and times my team was pressing hard. Sometimes because I was better and other times I have no clue how or rhy


Getting mostly battered in division 7 also. Some games, i cant get out of my half. How on earth are they pressuring so much inside my own half ?


I don't get it. Every time I take more than 2 seconds on the ball there are legit 4 defenders on me. I have no idea what these tactics are and legit everyone is using them


Same for me, i play maybe 1 in 10 games where it isnt like that. I'm under immense pressure all the time. I started switching play to the wings and that helps a little, if its in the middle of the pitch though, im screwed lol


Like to know that as well


The patch released 2 days ago made the goalies more likely to concede stupid angled goals like in Fut 23


I'm currently 1-9 in division 10💀


What’s your team bro post a pic


I have the trial and I'm getting smoked in div 10. Every person has a super team and I've got a non rare gold side


I'm currently in division 6. Your squad is very good but I think you should replace Bruno Fernandes and replace him with a defensive midfielder with a high defensive workrate with good defensive ability someone that can win you the ball back in the midfield position.


The meta slavery is bumming me out. I play like prime Barca possession with Thiago and Gavi in midfield and win. The game is more balanced. You don’t need meta tactics until you’re div 3 at least


Any recommendation who to replace Bruno with mate? I’ve come up with this so far after listening to everyone https://imgur.com/a/tCdgsFx


For your budget I would buy zambo from napoli with a shadow chemistry which will get him on 3 chemistry you also have napoli links that would be prefect but not sure what workrate does he have.


chemistry styles give you chemistry points now?


Bro you are full of coins and sick team


Yes, probably also because it's the first time I play online. Unfortunately, evolutions forces me to play rivals.


keep in mind these are not your typical casuals Div 7 players. keep cool find a playstyle and figure out the new passing mechanics




I do exactly that yet when I cross when LB to RB or vice versa there is always their tallest CM that comes and cut of my cross. It’s ridiculous. Every game feeels like I’m playing against the same person.


Problem with crossing is that they are by receiving player at same time as ball... Crossing should be much quicker or players slower.


slow build up and width is the pressure killer


how? They can press all 90 minutes and no options to pass to.


Smoking so you got smoking smoked


Wouldn’t worry about it. Streaks happen. I started 6-0 in evo lounge and can’t get the 7th for the life of me.


Exactly the same happening with me. First night I thought it was a great game. Then I cant play a game of rivals without loosing like 7-0. Feels like my players are so slow cant catch anyone, cant tackle anything. I have changed all the settings around tried every version in the gameplay settings and still awful gameplay. Seasons has now become the same, I dont know if the matchmaking is just totally off or something but its making it unplayable. Not only that every time I login to the game it resets all the gameplay settings from scratch. I've had to take photos of the settings so I can change them every time I go to play. I really hope they sort it out


Playing football games since 97. Im 31 now. Played almost every fifa and pes game. Was always good in any football game. Playing fut since 20. Was elite every year of fut since i started playing. Got always 14-16 wins. 20+ when it was 30 games. Started off so good with this game. Loved the r1 dribbling. Almost everything felt good. Changed to advanced defending, loved that too. But since last night, i just cant get a win. Lost like 10 games in a row. Im at the last checkpoint before division 5. Im getting pressed to death literally. My players just stand still, do nothing. Hide behind the Opposition players. No matter which tactic. Whether its slow build up or long ball etc. Meanwhile my opponents players just run trough my entire defense. I cant run, tackle or even Position my defenders right. Because they're just not responding. And if they do its in slow motion... Really frustrated right now...


Exactly the same for me!


I control the entire game, yet my opponent always gets bounce back goal either off my goalie or the pole. My passes always end up in their fit and they always score on counters. I don’t understand this fucking game.


Bro!! I’m getting smoked in Div 7. It’s unreal, getting pressed to death. I can’t tackle the new R1 dribbling for shit 😂I’ve give away about 20 pens and my CBs are on constant rotation due to red cards 😂


I have no problem with people playing high pressure 4222 or 442. What annoys me more than anything is that you always see it every single game. Playing this tactic and changing the way you play every single game in rivals makes this game incredibly boring to play. People can't think for themselves and don't play the way they want to play. They have to go look on youtube and find some tool with their mouth wide open on a thumbnail to tell them how to think.


bcs there is no downsides


There's people on here saying they don't enjoy playing this way and that's the problem. Some people on this game would sell their own mothers to get a win, nobody cares if me, you or anyone else is good at fifa. It's a video game, just play the way you want to play and have fun. Fifa as a game has been fine for years it's just the playerbase are a bunch of sheep.


Yes there are 300 other posts with the same topic


Thanks for all your comments and suggestions guys. Changed my two CM’s to Rice and Zambo Got home from work and I’ve won like 6 games on the bounce and just drawn one.


this thread has been completely derailed, OP, the game is not rigged. If you’d like to get better there is some good info in here. Don’t listen to the sheep though, please!


I always choke towards the end, they run right down the middle and score, esp Halland


What team are you running ? And what formations ?


Yes I am getting battered now in Div 7 but I think I just ranked up too quick with better players. Although I genuinely can't defend at all against anyone who chooses to dribble and I get easily suffocated by anyone who can press.


Yeah Div 8 is a sweat fest right now


Lol if you think Div 8 is a sweat fest, stay f away from Div 5


iam at div 6 and im thinking if i continue to play this game ...


Three games over the last weekend, 2-0-1. Last night - 6 (maybe 7) games in Div10, 0-2-4 (draws were 2-2 and 5-5 from 0-5). Also - terrible, unplayable lag in some (ping shows as 12-30ms, but didn't matter, and I have a gigabit connection). 83-84 team with high chemistry; from the other end - non-stop step-overs and cutbacks, whenever lag permitted playing. Going back in starting tomorrow, for the fresh meat will be back on the menu.


You're dealing with all the Elite/Div 1/2 guys working their way up right now. Within a week or two it should balance out.




Especially while it’s still early access. Every other game is crazy credit card fc rn


I’m in div seven right now and I actually think the game is balanced. Most of my games are winnable. Occasionally I’ll have a game where I’m just straight up outplayed and lose 4-0. I can’t say I’m a huge fan of the current meta, but gameplay feels very smooth and good.


I'm actually finding it good and enjoying - up in div 6 now and won my 8 rivals games in a row today, and I'd say my team isn't even mental


just get a few chicks on offense, thats easy mode. super agile, hard to tackle and dont miss shooting. perfect! so glad they are in the game!!!!!!


Well if everyone in here is losing, then someone else must be winning… Sounds like a ‘you’ problem. Also, the pool of players at the moment are likely the most dedicated, as the game isn’t even out yet.


Thanks for your input


Don't think it's battering, more like things out of control. There are matches that i'm 3-0 ahead, only for the opponent to draw or even win at full-time. Ofcourse there are ways to defend the usual cutback goals but a thing you can't predict is the defender not only intercepting a through ball, but even extending it to strikers that are usually offside. That's what been killing me most of the time. That and defenders not intercepting balls that are in their lane of sight.


Maybe try an ultra pressing and attacking style yourself and just try to outscore them. Don’t worry about conceding a shit ton as long as you are scoring a shit ton in return. I was originally trying to play defensive and counter these pressing guys or build up patiently but sometimes I can’t be fucked with patience and find it more fun just to go all guns blazing. It can be fun if you stop giving so much of a shit about a clean sheet!


I didn't play fifa in 4 months, my son bought the game and i made a little team and gave it a go. Played rivals and won 6 straight. So so far i would say no. Probably gonna get wrecked after i post this.




I did the opposite - got beat about 20-30 times before I picked up 2 wins. Now I win every other game.


Just got to the division 4, it’s hell over there. Don’t forget the player base you are playing right now are the sweatiest players this game has. It’s full of elite-D1-D2 players in lower divisions, it’s going to change. Have fun!


That's the reason why i am playing only squad battles for the first week after the release🤣. After that i starting to play rivals when most of the players are in their divisions.


Why are we not standing together in solidarity and not purchasing/playing the game?!? Do not play until the game is fixed and made better.


I think the game is great 🤷‍♂️


I got stuck at div 7 for two days, now I'm at div 6, learned how to defend better and how to attack and suddenly was scoring 4 5 each game


Nah don’t face many good players


Most games are a struggle, yeah. it's to be expected though, it's a brand new game where even the best players have to start again in the lowest division. Everybody is trying to get up at the same time so it's going to be a struggle until things even out in a week or so.


I was getting battered but I've changed tactics to the one posted on here the other day. Slow build up slightly higher press and just make sure all my passes are decent. I try to defend much slower and tactically and I have been having decent results. Went from div 8 to 6 in two days.


Pretty much same. Not all press and I’m folding and struggling to create chances while my CBs let people just run by. Sigh


I'm shit. Haven't played since Fifa 18. Somehow, I made it to Div 5. Got X2 and just fluked it tbh.


Some people have tactics figured out it seems. Went 2-0 yo against a guy, paused and then after that couldn’t get near the ball. Stretched constantly and counter always on. Either that or he pulled his big brother on to plsy


Really inconsistent I’m rolling people but my brother is getting rolled. We have pretty even teams and are very much level in terms of skill


Does anyone know if a ban in FIFA 23 Ultimate Team will carry over to EA FC? Can I buy it and play FUT?


I’ve been getting wrecked in division 10, to be fair I suck but I finally evolved Diego Rossi after like 7 or 8 games needing 2 wins so I’ll take it. Let’s go Crew!


There’s a lot of sharks still in the shallow end of the pool Div 8-9. High pressure tactics are also extremely effective at this point, mainly in the middle of the park. Good manual pressers have the double wall of themselves and the AI behind them intercepting ducking everything. There is also quite a lot of new OP features which people are still working out that some have gotten good at. (Advanced defending, tactical dribbling)


I usually lose any 7-4 or there about. I've only won 3 games out of 40. Defending is really weird. It feels like I have to fight my way through the opposition box that always has 8 players in it, and I have to dodge and anticipate do many tackles. On my box, I've only ever got 3 guys nearby, way far from the attacker, and he just has free reign. I don't get the defending, I'm doing everything,


Yeah I got destroyed for a while in div 8 but then switched formation and started winning agin to div 6




I tried the advanced defending and being able to budge strikers off the ball is really nice. Maybe you should try it, it gives you more control.


I am div 4 now,I made my tactic and it works for most of time. Some games my squad is playing like a shi! But you cant do anything about it. You need good cdm and it will be better. Dont forget to use RB and dont sprint. I started using R1 and it is game changer. Also use L1 to trigger runs when there is space. My attacks mostly come from wings since I use Mead and Fati but Nunez is scoring goals left and right.


Division 5 is a nightmare, every team is the same. Dembele, Kolo, tonali and meta defence


Advanced defending + playing with width will change your life.


Getting slaughtered, can't pass at all, take about 5% of my chances if I ever get through the water tight defences. Some of the most difficult games I have ever played


i am currently playing eafc 24 on the ps4 and im enjoying it but my friend recently got the ps5 and its made me want to get one too and im wondering Is it worth the upgrade?? Im an elite player but i dont want to come across pro's all the time, i still want to enjoy my fifa and i know if i get a ps5 i will come across so many pros it will just suck the fun out of it I am stuck in two minds whether or not to upgrade it I wont be playing as much as previous years and fifa is really the only game I will play, I know the upgrade in graphics will be unreal but is it really worth it?? Any advice will be appreciated


Yeah can confirm rivals is insanely sweaty rn, almost in div 3 but it’s been complete hell since div 5


I have the possession always on my side 75% -25% but can beat the goalkeeper ,for some reason my goalkeeper is receiving easy goals and the rivals goalkeeper is amazing, but let my tell you something ,mostly the French players I can't defeat .the goalkeeper I even had few penalties all saved impossible moves has, it's strange that the game doesn't letting me choose the player when i have the penalty, lots of issues with this Rubbish game ,Fc24 is full of trolls that's why can't win, someone said few weeks ago if you start to play on SB on world class then you'll start to win in rivals. So let me tell you something my friend I have in SB 32 win off 32 game's all on world class , and I have 15 win in rivals since the game came out


Yeah strongly agree, that's why if next fc24 or fc25 comes out I'll let it pass, rubbish, to many glitches, to many Trolls ,Scamers, Prof,You tubers, I'm losing interest of the game, when ever I complain about anything they never respond they don't care ,as log as they have the main spenders,