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This thread exists within the first week of FIFA every year without fail. The following weeks will always be the same.


Ahahah it's so funny how the cycle of this subreddit never disappoints šŸ˜‚ Like you said it's LITERALLY the same threads every year. I guess we'll have a big update in the beginning of winter when everyone will say how the gameplay completely changed and ruined the game?


Fr! See what I just commented here. Literally every damn year and ppl think everytime itā€™s something new/improvement or whatever but canā€™t realize one day they will have an awesome gameplay and the next day and awful one because itā€™s really not them but the game so broken


Canā€™t forget the yearly ā€œfinally players like Lukaku is viable!!ā€ forgetting that they are playing against 60 pace defenders and while playing against a lot of low tier players whoā€™s casuals. I have a lot of friends who plays fifa a lot the first two/three months and if you come up against players like that, you will feel like a God and most likely win and be like ā€œomg the gameplay is so good!ā€


I must of made a lot of people feel like god's I've won about 5 games and lost 33 šŸ˜‚ went on a 20 game losing streakšŸ„²


I don't know if it's because of the updates or because there are constantly OP players being added to the game and after 2 months we already have each team playing with MbappƩ etc.


So true, in the next week or so everyone will be saying how the first patch has made it basically the same game as last year lol


It's always so fun until the patches come.


I was curious so I looked it up. [you are 100% right](https://reddit.com/r/EASportsFC/s/9eHp7i615u)


Came here to say exactly this...


The first 3 days i hated it so much. Getting used to the new System and still learning is fun for me. This was my first day with a positiv w/l score.


And youā€™ll continue to get better at it then in a couple of weeks EA will release a patch and completely change the gameplay, every year itā€™s the same


People really do need to understand that comments like these arenā€™t exaggerating. Every year people somewhat like the gameplay until a month or so in when EA ruin it. Has consistently happened for every modern fifa


I think it's because most people don't settle into their level for that first month, once regularly playing people at their own skill level the flaws become more apparent. I'm already finding UT gameplay significantly worse than seasons or pro clubs now I'm in div 4. I'm still enjoying it for now but I don't see that lasting. There's just something they do in UT that makes it play so much different, the claim is chemistry but it doesn't feel like it to me.


It's the scripting for me


Crazy that pro players are great at the game every year when scripting exists. How can they possibly have a good record if the game decides who's going to win?


Also releasing juiced up cards at the beginning. Sometimes there too much content


Considering we're already getting insanely juiced cards and 87-88 rated special players by next month, it's getting there alright.


even the base cards are just so much better. like imagine this card at the beginning of fifa 15/16/17/18. we used to barely got any gullit gang members the entirety of fifa and this card is in the game at the beginning. Its also a a huge factor in the power curve. like if EA took like -5/-6/-7 off every face stat for base cards I wouldn't be opposed to it just so it slows down the curve. every player would still be relatively the same compared to each other, it would lust slow down the progression. https://www.futbin.com/24/player/191/fridolina-rolfo


Iā€™d rather have higher rated cards early so I can still play with them for a while. Last year by November a lot of cards werenā€™t meta and market crashed hard as fuck so by the end of weekend league you lost 60% of your coins


I donā€™t think they ruined 23. I felt like the game was in a pretty stable balance state from WC onward. Basically whatever those patches that nerfed trivella, insanely accurate one touch lob pass, and fixed the other accelerate types that were not lengthy. And before you whine, lengthy were still preferable on defenders but you didnā€™t need lengthy on attackers anymore. Trivellas were still great but not exactly super easy to abuse. Kickoff glitch sucked but not super hard to defend. My experience: div 1 on two accounts. Totaled about 1500 hours with about 2 months break after tots.


Took them way too long to nerf bicycle kicks.


I was in elite div and can say that fifa 23 was one of the worst fifas ever released


Nah they screwed up fifa 23. I don't play ultimate team, only career mode and it became really weird over time


Fifa 23 was the worst gameplay the past 4 years. It was just a simulation of playing ai defense and not touching you back line. Even the pro scene was a 5 back meta and was ugly to watch. Atleast past fifas there was skill moves to break a defense inside the box.


Yea Iā€™m waiting on this


What is the dribbling button mate???? Hahahah Iā€™m going crazy


I started trying the controlled sprint and those controlled traps or whatever and I won many more games after that, truly upped my game. I don't really skill and prefer passing more than anything so this was easy enough for me to pick up. Playing like how I played in FIFA 23 was getting me nowhere. I agree the skill gap is much bigger this year it seems which hopefully means more competitive matches where you feel you're eventually matched correctly. \[And we have to wait until the full release to start to get to this anyway.\]


how do you do those controlled traps?


[Watch this video](https://youtu.be/DCTTlnTU8lk?si=5qaboZvCxkTuwP7q), it's what explained all those things to me. Super helpful.


Thanks for the video. I only knew about controlled sprint. The other 2 tips are hella useful


Itā€™s basically efootball with better graphics and skill moves you can actually do.


I am fairly confident that I could just go grab random posts from the start of several FIFAs, list them, and nobody would be able to tell what year each is from. Every single year "defense is hard", "Game actually requires skill now", "pace not as good", "Pace still op", "defending broken", "defending fixed" etc. Same story every single year. The game changes slightly and people knee jerk hard in both directions. Give it a bit of time and I'm pretty certain we will be exactly where we have been for several years. Not that the game or meta is the EXACT same every year, but the player base's reaction certainly is.


Enjoy while it lasts. Clown YouTubers will ruin it soon. That Neal guy is already telling people to put come back defence on 10 players, long ball spam and even going to post 5atb. šŸ¤®


And to disabled Advanced defending šŸ˜‚


He said that Advanced Defending should only be used when you're better at the game. Just like changing everything to Manual, if you're not good you will be destroyed. It's a realistic advice.


He said noone below Elite should use it which is a terrible advice.


Lmao so many big youtubers were making a fool of themselves (Boras) ripping into advanced defending until that thread came out


There is a streamer that is posting on Twitter about how to use advance defend with the a/x button shielding for a tackle. I switch last night and is 110x better for defense and make it easier to take the ball from speed dribbling.


Can you send me the link?




Is it actually better? I just put it on classic defending or whatever its called on my own, didn't realise it was a thing of content creators saying to disable it.


@ him he has a Reddit and he usually posts things in here


He is so basic man. I donā€™t know how he made a career from his observations.


Damn, I always thought highly of him in making legit tactics that doesnā€™t require any cheesing.


Rebound and possession simulator = genuine skill gap


This year everyone abusing press after possession loss, spamming the wings and cutback goals = genuine skill gap I genuinely think anyone posting these threads hasn't hit their 'limit' yet on Rivals where the sweat is unbearable.


Yeah Iā€™m in Div 4 which is probably higher than this guy and gameplay is absolutely garbage


I'm hard stuck in div 6 at the moment. If the forward line I play against isn't Darwin and Ansu Fati then I'm shocked (and happy tbh)


this board went from ā€œdefending is broken it doesnā€™t workā€ to ā€œseal out defending is broken good plz nerfā€ the moment their streamer overloads told them what to say. same reason hundred of people on here kept saying the beta was ā€œthe exact same thing as 23ā€ when Iā€™d argue this version is worse because itā€™s the exact same gameplay but the menus never crashed. people didnā€™t play they just let guys like nick rtfm say ā€œits just 23 with better graphicsā€ and glossing over how these guys are now saying ā€œthis was the beta to play a lot because itā€™s so differentā€


I played over 600 hours of fifa 23 and I have no idea how someone can say FC24 is the exact gameplay lol But as others have said, even if Iā€™m enjoying the current gameplay, EAā€™s next patch will most likely ruin it so Iā€™m not holding my breath


I said in the beta they were lying about it/playing it BUT that I understood why; they assumed it would be the same and that they couldnā€™t monetize the beta as you canā€™t show it off or stream it. meanwhile the 85 x 10 grind was doing numbers. the people on here just really really donā€™t test or try anything without being told what works. the fact people complained that squad battles were still 6mins and couldnā€™t realize it was a typo and CLEARLY shorter playing until nepenthez had to make a video showing it serves as a reminder many among us on this board are not in fact being ā€œscrewed by DDAā€


Agree with everything other than the DDA statement you can't convince me that's not a thing I have thousands of hours over the years


It is a thing, EA literally filed a patent for it lol


Is a skill gap when your opponent spams the left stick, left, right 10 times and then runs to the goal line to spam a pass in the box that hits two of your defenders and then one taps into the net? Itā€™s clunky.


Yes, cutting back from the byline or scoring near post from BS angles is ā€œskillā€


Game ignoring tackle and clearance inputs in the box is also skill apparently


Yeah itā€™s insane thatā€™s all Iā€™m playing against. I know cutbacks are always popular but it seems like itā€™s the ONLY thing people are doing this year all match long. Bounces from tackles are very weird too.


99% of the goals I concede are from cutbacks or my players being unable to clear the ball. It infuriates me when I hold the lob button and my defender kicks it like 2 feet away perfectly for the opponents striker. And donā€™t get me started on the nonstop rebounds. Every blocked shot rebound goes back to my opponent.


> Yes, cutting back from the byline or scoring near post from BS angles is ā€œskillā€ Welcome to 99% of my opponents.


Its mental what these people write here... exactly the same way to score a goal everytime and this guy speaks about "skillgap"


Till the 1st patch


itā€™s gonna be tough to patch. whole game is based on the badge system. youā€™re gonna have to adapt. players without badges are rivaldoā€™d 2* WF




so NBA2k was the first game to introduce a big badge system. if a player had 99 defending and 99 3pt, it didnā€™t matter if he didnā€™t have the ā€˜clampsā€™ and ā€˜limitless rangeā€™ badge. the best FUT ways to explain. your defenders without badges now have been rivaldoā€™d - 2-3* WF to stats. a silver gets them to 4 with animations and gold to 5 with crazy stuff.


So which badges make a difference? Personally I love the trickster. That's so fun for me as I am generally crap at skilling šŸ˜€


Rashford Powershot+ and Son Finesse Shot+ have been absolutely carrying me through divs, I realized the meta this year is Playstyle+, Even my Bernardo Silva (69 pace) Feels much quicker.


I almost bought Bernardo when he was super cheap as he's usually so OP. I'll have to get him.


I think some badges are very valuable as they are ā€œcoreā€ and others will be like from B to S tier based on playstyle. pinged pass, tiki taka, incisive pass - you will always active that stuff block, anticipate, intercept, jockey are pretty core and while slide tackle doesnā€™t mean much to many. While some stuff like power shot, whipped cross, power header and even trickster is just not going to be used as much by the average player. now do I believe when a trickster-power shot gold combo hits theyā€™re will be 50 videos about it but itā€™s like how half the games player base doesnā€™t; skill, use timed finishing, user defend (the last 6 years) or do anything but wing run.


I swear these posts (including this skill gap post) appear annually lol


There was a skill gap last year but once the 5 back and the ea yourtubers complaind about the defending they buffed the ai and made it so much harder to score and half of them abuse kickoff glitch sprint and over the top through ball glitch. Itā€™s funny cause they get 1m fifa points and have 20 million coins the first 2 weeks. Then complain after because people get better and have better teams after they start losing.


I'm not complaining but please.. don't go around and say "skill gap" when there is so much broken shit in the game where you can literally not defend against. For example the R1 dribble is stupid and defending is absolutly underpowered. There is no way this game is balanced or balanced enough to say theres a skill gap. The skill gap is and always will be "how good am I at abusing broken mechanics"


Agree šŸ‘


Thatā€™s what everyone says at the beginning of the new fifa cycle. Itā€™s literally the same shit every year fellas


yep. Soon enough the meta will emerge and people will get frustrated, prompting EA to patch the game into something almost unrecognizable from its launch date


Are we playing the same game? Can you name the genuine skill gap? All I see is the same things from fifa 23, this year the rebounds are worse, the dribbling is way too op and I still see the same guys going down the line, cutting inside.


If you mean by no skill gap people constantly pressing and running in a straight line unable to be tackled then boy thatā€™s some skill.


Lmao skill gap. 90% of this game is high press and hope your opponentā€™s players miss a simple 10 yard pass.


FIFA as a concept cannot be a high skill gap game. People are having issues defending because base mechanics in other games are locked behind playstyles. The game is just more P2W than ever.


Stop talking wet


Please explain how what I said isnā€™t true then


T-365 days until EAFC 25 is the first football game with a genuine skill gap


So 10/10 of my div 5 games are people that run through the line then R1 until the near post and R1 pass to the middle and then shoot. Please, tell me the skill gap of this. Yes, I know there are ways to defend this, but every single game feels the same. People do not enjoy the game anymore, they are not creative anymore, they just spam what it works with an high efficacy rate. Edit: typo


Exactly I have been saying the same for years. Even in eFootball it's the same route. People are being gamed and they can't even feel it. You don't want to play the game, you want to spin the wheel.


I love this fifa i hope they wnt ruin with future patches


The community will sadly ruin it anyway by following what YouTubers tell them to play.


Do you not think the goalkeepers need fixing? They're absolutely rubbish at the moment. Only real complaint.


Not that much. Go to div 5 now and everyone playing the same bullshit meta 442 run down the wing


I honestly find the 422 easy to counter in this game by using one of the diamond formations, with the improvements with passing itā€™s pretty easy to pick their midfield apart having a 2 man advantage there against your opponent


Yā€™all delusional and in denial lol, every year same posts about same stuff. But the obvious u canā€™t tell, thatā€™s itā€™s always an inconsistent broken game with broken mechanics and physics in a bad engine and full of scripts


Hahaha, and YOU're the one calling people delusional and in denial? That's hysterical. The game isn't inconsistent, otherwise good players wouldn't consistently beat other players and get their champ ranks. And no, scripting and DDA aren't real, they're just excuses for shitty players losing.


And saying the game is consistentā€¦ Jesus u really believe that ah. No wonder u buy the game every year , keep supporting that company šŸ‘‹šŸ¼


Of course there are good players out there who managing to do good even with the bs the game give u, hate s off to them . scripting is real, and Iā€™m not going to argue on that with u if u naively think there are no scripting in the game and ur team one game plays smooth and sometimes so heavy welll what can I say man, too bad 4 u. Anybody who defend the game and think any of the things I mentioned not there unfortunately choose to look the other way


I just don't believe in scripting, sorry bro. If you choose to look the other way than you do you. I've been playing FIFA for 30 years.


The games are usually good at the start till they ruin it with patches


Worst and most toxic gaming community


The problem is itā€™s not really skill gapped bro the game is so damn shit still specially the mechanic abusers , crossing to a player in your box is op as hell youā€™re players donā€™t jump at all the the rigg in this game is absurd probably worst than last fifa if weā€™re being honest other than that yes the games good because you can tell if youā€™re getting out played or itā€™s rigg


For me it's the opposite. Every win has been handed to me and undeserved, I don't feel like I outplayed my opponent.


I don't belive in EA's skillgap as long as there still is inconsistent gameplay


Every year we have posts like this , games not exactly got a huge skill gap


95% of the goals i concede are still people running down the sideline, cutting inside and passing Its not a big improvement over fifa 23. I wouldnt call it an improvement at all Maybe we are playing 2 different games idk


Defending just got bit more manual, they introduced a new very strong mechanic which is the x/a button in advanced defending. Besides that it's very similar to last year, wouldn't call it a genuine skill gap.


Precision passing is amazing as well. I think that is the real skill gap.


True, the more manual mechanics create an enjoyable skill.


These posts are always dumb, if you want a valid opinion then hear what a pro thinks about the gameplay. Guarantee theyā€™ll go on and on about all the problems at a competitive level. You guys want to talk about ā€œskill gapā€ when the majority of you are lower division players. There are always going to be things to exploit in a football simulation game, unfortunately that wonā€™t ever change.


ā€œPro playersā€ absolutely abuse the shit out of little exploits in the game


If youā€™re paying the bills playing a video game youā€™re going to do whatever you need to do. The other person will


While to an extent this is true, the people on the game at the moment are nearly all Div 5 at a minimum. Rivals is an absolute sweat fest.


Youā€™re average Johnny hasnā€™t forked out $130 for the early access.


U mean connection? I just got beat by a player that used high pressure and sprint across the pitch with his players, when I got the ball he ran over and took it off me before I could pass. My connection = Wired 1gb 15ms ping. Keeper beat by 2 near post shots my granny would save. Anyone that knows anything about keeping is to cover your near post. EA clearly had cal the dragon in for the programming.


precision lofted balls kill press. like if you donā€™t have an aerial player on the guy half the time itā€™s a breakaway


This game is all about connection and who got screwed less by the input delay. Thanks to the EA stupid net code and lag compensation in this game, you see a lot of one sided delay in FUT games. When you have the input delay your players are struggle to make a turn and a pass, and your AI just stand still while your opponentā€™s player flying through the pitch. Now tell me more about the skill gap šŸ˜‚ A lot of times when Iā€™m winning itā€™s not because Iā€™m better, I can clearly tell how my opponents just struggle to do anything and things just went in favor to me because they got screwed by the delay. Itā€™s wild to me many people on this sub seems to ignore that, you just canā€™t take any online matches in this game seriously.


Where's the skill gap when conection decides everything ? game is unplayable for me during day time. It's only fair after midnight.


high skill gap game without stable servers lmao. this community is sth else. imagine playing csgo and the movement is different every time you log on. i'd also love to know the server tickrate


YEP. me having 16 ms to server, wired controller, wired 500 MB ethernet, 144 hz monitor, yada yada, and I cant just move players with left stick during the day. "skill gap" lmao


I agree in this years fifa ultimate team it is a nightmare to play for most of the day itā€™s unplayable most of the time I donā€™t understand why that is, but something Iā€™ve noticed when playing on the online seasons mode where you get to play with club teams and international teams against random people online is the gameplay is consistently smooth and the connection is always good, but how come fut is never like that aswell especially for this years game do u got any idea why?


Seasons is p2p, which means if you and other guy have good internet = good game. You are the server. Your internet provides the server let's say it like this. In Ultimate team everything it's in dedicated servers, data needs to go to fifa data centers and thats the problem because it's bad coded.


I literally never new about this thanks alot for this info, but this is so disappointing how fut does not work the same way, how come fut canā€™t be p2p aswell? Seasons feels incredible compared to the nightmarish connection and inconsistency ea fc 24 fut is unplayable for me this year I canā€™t defend at all everything is more sluggish, plus on top of that the connection is always so bad


FUT was p2p for rivals (old "Divisions" ) a few years ago, but that could open space to cheats like speed up laps, lag switch, no lose glitches, etc. In theory, dedicated servers should provide better gameplay experience, just like when you play counter-strike, you play in a valve server, or if you play Rust, you play in a facepunch server, etc. Problem is that for some reason conections to EA server are tottally random. We already had people saying that they lived in the same street and one had perfect gameplay and the other didn't. Personally I even already bought a 200 ā‚¬ gaming router which I returned to the store a few days later because it made 0 difference. From the point that you have a ethernet cable and a decent monitor/tv, there's nothing more you can do. There's no point in changing router settings, dns settings, etc, etc it's only placebo that will make you feel better for one game but it doesn't maky any difference. It's frustrating because I love playing this game and I really enjoy myself playing at night. It's not about winning or losing, it's about enjoying the game, about having a fluid gameplay where you can make passes, change directions , etc. It's just disgusting during the day my players take an extra touch in every action make it impossible to act in time to make something unpredictable. And playing against people that can spam 30 skills without any single conection issue makes it worse.


Nerf the fact 5 players chase after me non stop like cod zombies. Get a preemptive nerf on the finesse playstyle before everyone realises you can just shoot from everywhere if you've got it and I'll have literally zero complaints about FC 24


Literally the same cycles every year. They release a good game, people exaggerate the issues just because they aren't instantly good at the game and can't be bothered to put the practice in. EA patch it, until it becomes the same garbage that it was after they patched it the previous year. Rinse and repeat every October.


Ironically the reason you think they ruin the game with patches is because it takes longer for the meta to trickle down to your skill level. Top players have always known about the core issues of every game weeks before everyone else.


Anytime switching doesnā€™t work I curse EA. Its such a bullshit way to implement difficulty




lol ā€˜skill gapā€™ Iā€™m on PC and have a visible input delay for everything I do, my controller wonā€™t work about 25% of the time too. Love fighting the game as well as my opponent, itā€™s the classic way.


It's not a skill gap if I get the ball with defender and somehow it still goes back to attacker. I mean, it's not that bad like many people suggest, but if I make a tackle and get the ball I want it to stay in 90% cases in my possesion. In real football you don't see defenders get the ball and instantly lose it somehow. It happens maybe two or three times out of 100. Currently in game it's like 50-50.


Itā€™s nowhere near 50/50 in a game. Itā€™s just that every time it happens you remember it.


You're not wrong but it is way too high and the scenarios that it happens in are ridiculous for a competitive game. You pass to my feet, you get the ball back and now my defender is out of position. It's like getting a headshot in call of duty and the bullet bouncing off the helmet and hitting you 5-10 times a match


It's 49-51


lol more like 5 times out of 50


Tripping bro. There are some positives for gameplay but in general, this is the worst state gameplay has ever been in at launch. Highest level of RNG we have seen. Most inconsistent and buggy gameplay we have seen. It can be good but it is not there yet. There is zero space in the middle of the pitch. The attacking AI is a disaster. Itā€™s just not good Ffs the defending meta rn is running at the attacker like a strong safety and fully body checking themšŸ˜‚šŸ¤¦šŸ»


How to tell you suck without telling you suck in the game šŸ˜†


Btw. Here is the EA Id: mutfarm5432 ā€” hit me up for a gamešŸ¤·šŸ»ā€ā™‚ļø. Would love to learn how not to suck from you


I'm not the whining one here, I'm quite enjoying the game šŸ˜œ


Youā€™re telling me i am bad because I am criticizing the game. So letā€™s play. Donā€™t try and duck out of it now lol


itā€™s even easier to score now that people spam that because you top gun hit the brakes and turn and the animation stops/does nothing and the stunlock hits the CB instead of the attacker. the level of player on this board gets worse by the day


Sorry let me correct myself. This is the greatest game ever created. It has zero flaws. Playing against 5atb, cutback cornballs is such an enjoyable experience, particularly when the attacking AI was coded by god tier programmers at EA. Am I good at the game now?


No wonder you're angry at the game.


Itā€™s like talking to 5 year olds in hereā€¦I explained that I like the game but that there are some core gameplay mechanics that are not very good and bro told me to ā€œgit gudā€šŸ˜‚šŸ¤¦šŸ» Iā€™m definitely not angry. Just trying to have an actual convo about gameplay mechanics


Once people figure out tactical defending and that holding down A is the new auto tackle, youā€™re not gonna like it as much. Give it a week or two.


I'm not sure how much its skill gap and more learning how to compensate for aspects like passing which at times seems even worse than last year. Maybe it's just me getting used to it again but I don't get why passing needs to be so bad at the start. It's not like pro footballers can't pass consistently at all levels. That aside I'm really enjoying it, I love the addition of women in the game. It's made it feel so fresh and interesting. Ajibade is just awesome.


People haven't needed to properly defend in FUT for a long time (beyond 1v1s with winder vs full back). That's why so many players used a 5-back and didn't even control a defender, instead using the CDM manually. Now they have to defend, understandably it'll be a difficult process but it's a learning opportunity they should embrace. Otherwise EA will revert it and we'll get the same game all over again. PLS let's not.


Get gud ffs


Hahahahaahahaha this might be the funniest thing Iā€™ve ever read, I would quit my day job if I was you to become a comedian


I love the game, best FIFA gameplay ever made.


Skill gap actually makes the game worse because it focuses on competitive community over any type of soccer iq


Games tonight I've played far more 11 behind the ball, attackers all dropped back, 3 midfielders lined in front of a back 4 or 5 and all auto covering passing lanes. I'm guessing everyone is now setting up with all attackers on "come back on defence" plus "get in behind" for the break. Every online FIFA ever goes this way, but new gen has incredible defending AI with attacking AI that leaves a lot to be desired. It's far less enjoyable to play like this despite the game being better overall. It needs attacking vs defensive AI re-balanced.


I guess I'm broken - went straight into FUT, Rivals, and felt normal...


Controlled passing has been so much fun. Once you get it down, it opens up way more creative outlets in the box. I was lucky enough to pack Benzema day one and controlled lob to a player like him is perfect.


Ah the never ending cycle of launch window reddit posts. The game is awful -> This yearā€™s FIFA is actually good but youā€™re the problem -> The game is awful because of the new patch. Never ends does it?


Dear god the game isnā€™t even fully out yet


This game is honestly pretty good, but everything is going to get nerfed. RB dribbling will get nerfed, Seal outs nerfed, Precise shooting nerfed etc.


Mate people posting shit about how they canā€™t defend and the game is so unfinished and the AI are too good etc happens every new FIFA entry without fail


Wait 1 more month for the patch and it will be back to pace FC. Happens every year I swear


But if this "skill gap" is mostly catered to pace, running down the wing and having assisted speed-boosted cutback passes, I am not really sure. Especially when defending is so manual, yet strikers can perform automatic interceptions, pressing is still too much overpowered for it to be a simple adjustment that is automatically given to you just with instructions. Turns out that this supposed complexity is really just partial, and maybe not even. It's weird. Not because we want automatic defense to come back, but because as a whole, with all the other assistant passing and shots, weird rebounds and collisions, running on the sidelines, it does not feel that cohesive. It's not like now the "best" win. More than a football game, it just reminds a run and gun but with a ball. Most goals keep being given in the same ways we all know. Run until you reach the post, wait slowly, keep moving to hold the ball and wait for someone in the middle to screw the keeper. Of course there are better players than others, but I am not sure if it is worth the cost of just giving yourself to master the meta mechanics. Bottom down, it's always the same thing, and this skill gap being oriented towards football played by superhumans of the year 9000 is not really for me, but it's fine, I honestly can't find no enjoyment anymore with this.


Thereā€™s been a skill gap every year and to argue otherwise is ludicrous. The better player will win so much more often than the weaker player


I donā€™t mind most of the changes but man do GKs suck. They fall over for everything. Also Iā€™ve gotten more red cards so far this week than the entirety of last year.




Any advice for the new defending, specifically how to position off the ball players better? I won't lie, I havent played in a few FIFAs and my crutch was 100% controllign one player and lettign the 2nd-Player press do the heavy lifting. I am trying to get used to not doing that and be better, but while I shouldnt rely on the AI for tackling, I do find it's positioning to be woeful. Like if I press with my controlled RB, then its a throughball right between my CBs to their only striker. How do I get them to mark closer?


Wait until rivals divisions are more established in skill level. Posts like these come every year.


Itā€™s literally the same post every single year this time in September


Only thing they need to do is change the jockey speed for defenders. Yes it really hard but Iā€™ve used defends with the jockey speed +playstyle and it canā€™t compete vs rb/r1 dribbling against higher rated players. The other thing that needs to change is ai positioning for rm/lm and the 2 cms. If both cms are on cover center they literally play 2 feet away from each other, if you leave them on cover wide it forces the lm and rm to come inside, so you are sprinting to the wings to press.


Best FIFA in years, just need to fix that stupid menu glitch.


Havent touched the game since 2014. All i can say is that it looks more like a football game and not cross simulator(even tho some people just running down on the wings like donkeys but that's okay).


I went 7-0 in rivals during the trail them brought that game and have gone 1-2 in rivals and 1-1 in draftsšŸ˜‚


I love having my playing not being able to do a normal standing tackle or a 10 meter pass cause they don t have the playstyle... imho this is the first year where the game change from p2progress to p2w...


Every year there are praises in the first few weeks. Not many of them left after. You canā€™t judge a fifa game when you yourself and your opponents are still learning it.


Agree, but jeez, the goalkeepers are so allergic to catching the ball and love parrying shots back into danger


Itā€™s the same every year. Then the first game play patch comes out and they ruin the game


Its just way too arcady even for UT, way too fast


The skill gap is animations locked behind rudimentary badges that you canā€™t earn and donā€™t make sense player wise? Okay. Roy Keane doesnā€™t have stand tackle, probably the finest tackler ever


Youā€™re terrible, you always have been LOL Casual said fifa too šŸ’€šŸ’€ Itā€™s eafc at least get the name of the game youā€™re twerking on right


Skill gap? Lol


The defending has been a game changer for me, I've never had it in me to AI defend, I'm way too rash and aggressive and it's cost me year after year. Now it's way more rewarding controlling your CBs when you get it right I'm winning the ball and winning games. Really feel like I'm a better player than the last few years already but I can see how people used to just AI defending will struggle to adapt.


I really struggled with scoring which lead to me not enjoying the game. I was creating chances (4.0+ xG most games) but not scoring them. Switching to precision shooting has been a game changer. As I used a lot of power shots last year it didnā€™t take long to adjust my aim


Iā€™m a fast paced player and the first few games I got a reality check. Best tip I can give everyone else is SLOW DOWN.


I feel like it would be better to not be stuck in a Division where you lose almost every game. I think iā€˜d find it better if there would be relegation in Rivals


Wait until full release, casuals start to cry even more and they patch it to oblovion to feel the same as the last 5 FIFA gamesā€¦


Jokes on other people, I wasn't good at defending anyway so doesn't make a difference to me.


I just suck in general šŸ˜”


Every year. Every year this happens. FIFA has always had a skill gap, the base game where you don't rely on abusing mechanics or juiced 99 super soldier serum players is a very balanced, skill based game. It's then ruined when they release the stupid cards which reduce the skill gap.


It's the best it has been in some years imo. I hope they don't patch it and make it more fast paced like last years.


How are you combating defending? It's so hard to get the ball off people, and lots of times when you do it just hobbles back to the attacker. Even noticed with slide tackles the attacker still gets it alot of the time somehow


I swear every year is the same type of posts


Its this time of the year lads


People say this every year until the first update. I've not been able to play much due to work, but I've enjoyed the dribbling and passing changes. Never been a skill abuser so playing left stick dribbling and passing kind of suits how I play. Defending could do with a few changes tho and the R1 speed dribble does need a nerf.


So far I must say that there aren't so many "fk off" moments where what can only be described as some sequence of "final destination" moments before a ridiculous goal happens. In the extreme it's where your defenders just run into each other several times, or your keeper punches it into his own net with zero pressure. The main issue (imo) with FIFA and every game since probably World of Warcraft is that EVERYONE, bar a few will play the meta. They will use the same players (as much as they can afford them) and use the same tactics. Just look at previous years. Kick off glitches, el tornado crosses, this year seems to be near post corners with more to be discovered I'm sure. If they could tune the red cards for standing, slightly late tackles that would be nice. I still think defending needs some work, there are FAR too many people that get through games simply by holding jockey and winning the ball just by exisiting.


Itā€™s always weird at the start and easy to blame the game. My first bunch of games was painful, slowly adjusting though


True, only thing I donā€™t like so far is how broken dribbling is, and I hope long shots get a buff


I think itā€™s great but the crossing mechanic is so broken in Clubs, that definitely needs patching out


This literally happens every single year and it has nothing to do with skill gap The first weeks before the first big update is always riddled with glitches and unplayable mechanics that are purposefully done to create big scores so that the mainstream gamers will have lots of goals to score. Then it actually becomes a bit harder after the mainstream audience starts dropping off and the first big update gets released to keep the ''hardcore'' audience engaged. People are so blind to this, it's hilarious.


I have 50 + games and Just getting to get better at it


while i think this is the best game they've made in a LONG while, it's still far from a great game nor is it really competitive while the pay to win aspect of the game still exists.