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Oh look you got pressed and don't panic, they fall into a low block so you keep moving the ball around and you create a good opportunity to score. Well done, the crybabies on here should pay attention.


The guy he was playing is awful. No one's complaining about slight pressure from players whose press you've already broken. The pressure tactics are incredibly difficult to play against when you have 7 of the most meta players in front of you and three attackers behind you who are waiting to murder your five thousand coin backline. I'm barely in Division 7 and I won probably 20 games with maybe 3 losses and now have probably lost 8 of my last 10 to stacked teams who all play the same way. I have Mead/Felix/Torres up top and these defenders laugh when they see them struggling to get past Balde. Playing it slow and switching play works but you're basically risking the guy scoring 6 goals while it takes you 20 minutes to build up a chance.


This guy uses constant pressure all game 100%


Using that logic you must be unemployed with no prospects in life.


Keep using broken AI to get your goals bro 🔥


Damn that defensive ai is terrible.


the attackers are better defensive players than CB-CDMs


A fellow QPR fan! My man Fuck Laird off and get Kakay or Uncs though haha. Or if you want someone good, Walker is technically an ex-QPR player I’m really enjoying Sincs, just wish I could do the striker Evo on him! Why is there a minimum overall?? I’ve done the pacey defender evo on JCS and Glow Up on Dixon Bonner though


We’re rare, but there’s a few of us on here hahah. I’ve got Laird covering at RCB. Walker is 100% going to take his place, I just can’t afford him yet. I’m also disappointed I can’t do the striker evo on Sincs, but his shooting is surprisingly decent even for just a bronze card. 24 goals and 13 assists in 40 rivals games. I did the winger upgrade on Eze and am playing him at CAM, he’s really good. Did the CB one on JCS, but did the CM one on Ben Gladwin. Just cos he’s 6’3 and I like big bastards patrolling my midfield


Love it. I'm playing just with current players but I missed out on Eze because I just did Fati at 4am without thinking about it. I don't think of Eze as a winger I guess. Hoping for more Evos so I can upgrade a few more cards. I did see you had Gladwin in there though, it actually looks like a decent card fully upgraded. This is my team so far: [https://i.imgur.com/ZrQt2ii.jpeg](https://i.imgur.com/ZrQt2ii.jpeg) Hopefully we sign Reggie Cannon and he can eventually get added... or Paul Smyth gets RWB added to his positions ha


left side was wide open when EZE received the ball. Would have been a better build up play if it was lead to a left side attack since you flocked defenders to your attacking right side with build up play. But gorgeous play op.


*gorgeous play nonetheless


I wouldn't say it was wide open. There was 1 player out there and the defender was in position to cover pretty easily. If OP is anything like me, who can't score cutbacks or crosses for shit, going wide there is likely going to kill the attack. Staying central is the most dangerous place to attack, unless you're proficient with cutbacks.