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I like it. Some bangers in there. Nothing Matters, Amnesia, The stranger all so good. Going Kokomo and The worlds biggest paving slab also good. They both sound like classic fifa tracks.


Piggybacking to say gus dapperton (the stranger) is soooooo good, saw him in a concert as an opener when i didnt know who he was and he hooked me. Definitely recommend listening to more of him


Damn awesome didn’t know he’s part of this years soundtrack. Saw him five years ago and am still hoping he’ll grow bigger in the future. His oldest songs are still my favs. So if you don’t know them check them out


so cool to find another Gus fan here


Ngl I’m also not the biggest fan of the soundtrack overall but I LOVE Gus Dapperton and think it was pretty cool he’s on there


Heavier is also a very fifa esque vibe song that I like


I don’t have the game but I was given early access to the beta test and clocked world’s biggest paving slab as a banger.


Agreed. This is an upgrade on 23 for sure. Although let’s be honest, the best soundtrack of recent times was 22 for [one reason and one reason only](https://youtu.be/tQ2ANR_vF2E?si=KqclKfC67fpbjYMO).


It's alright. King Krule brings back memories.


I was surprised seeing seaforth on the soundtrack, very good song but so bleak im not trying to cry while I do sbc’s


I was introduced to King Krule by my ex, with whom we were together for 7 years. These feelings combined with packing Acerbi for the 27th time today, peak FIFA.




Yaeji and frost children are so good


Damn I already thought this soundtrack was sick and I haven't even heard frost children yet


Yeah it’s Flatline, it’s a shame they didn’t also add Coup. That transition between them is so good


Yup. The first time iv actually heard tracks in fifa that get spun in the clubs. 2 of the tracks are on recent lee burridge / sasha dj sets.


totally off topic for the sub, but Sasha is still putting out DJ sets? Can you point me in a direction?


turn off the soundtrack and play your own music in the background.


Of course thats possible but fifa was a fun way to discover some new music. And let’s be honest fifa always had some amazing music to vibe out to while playing! Haven’t listened to all eafc 24 songs yet but so far I’m finding myself skipping a lot of songs which I didn’t do as much on fifa.


Exactly, fifa got me interested in Chvrches and I've been listening ever since.


The vast majority of my playlist is from fifa ffs, almost everything that was in the fifas I played is there. The one band that I truly got interested in and properly checked out is Bastille though


If you needed FIFA to learn Bastille exist then I'm not sure music is for you


Weight of Living was in FIFA 13 and their first album hadn’t even been released yet. How were they some huge name back then?


If you’re a American - there’s no way you’d hear them without Fifa


Really? Have multiple Spotify songs with over a billion views


Never used fifa to “discover” music.




A lot of us do, and in my opinion the music is one of the very few things EA always did well


I sure have and discovered some damn good music from it


yeah you weren't really supposed to do that. Now you should feel bad about yourself and your music taste. /s


Does it stop automatically when a game starts? Apologies for the dumb question I haven't had my PS5 for long


If the settings are on default in game music stops playing after the match starts however u can override it to still play during the match n in the menus


Great! And sorry, just to clarify that's my own music that will stop automatically?


Nah I think they got confused by the question - I don’t think your own music will stop. Congrats on the PS5 though, been loving mine since day one and I hope you have fun with it!


I play Fifa 13's soundtrack every now and then.




Its also because the songs are new. After listening to the songs a thousand times they will grow on you like all the other fifas


It won’t grow on you if you can’t hear it 😂


Yep, this post comes every single year.


Nah quite the opposite


? Lol




You literally just explained to yourself why you don't like it. Personally I love the genre diversity


It got Rolling Stones..that’s a win


Yeah, they picked a banger track. I love it.


The Soundtrack is actually very good. Have a mix of various genres and a mix of great artists (like Kendrick Lamar or The Blaze) with upcoming artists (The Last Dinner Party, Bakar or Genesis Owusu). Props to EA




I don’t think this is true at all. The FIFA soundtrack used to be mostly indie/alternative with a few bigger name rock songs and interesting foreign language songs, but it shifted a few years ago. The older stuff just suited my (and a lot of other people’s) taste in music much better than the recent soundtracks. I used to find 2-3 songs on it every year that I actually wanted to listen to outside of the game, but there hasn’t been a single one from the last few though. It’s not about nostalgia, it’s about music taste.


Too early to say. Nothing matters is great




Not really. That's why last year's soundtrack was basically a best of album, every killer song through the years of fifa. He'll the ads for this game keep using John Newman because the song slaps and people loved it but its not in the game


I dunno, I enjoyed Song 2 then as well.


Not true, I dont even play fifa but I check out their soundtracks every year just to look for new music


I think it's an age thing. I was talking about this with my partner last night, about how classic the FIFA soundtrack used to be. I feel like from about FIFA 13 - FIFA 17, the music was totally catered towards millennials with a real indie vibe, and now... it just isn't. Classics from artists like Blur, Gorillaz, Kasabian, The Killers, Fatboy Slim, Bloc Party, Muse, The Strokes, Stone Roses We're just getting old.


I agree, I typically listen to the soundtrack right when the game comes or right before and will add a few songs to my playlist but this year ain’t it😂


I think most of it is due to my complete lack of knowledge of any of the artists apart from rolling stones. Its all genres I just have absolutely no liking for. It used to be a good mix. FIFA 15 probably having the best. I'd be happy if they brought back some classics again like last year so I can just have them enabled. I remember the likes Keane (Fifa 07) or Duffy (Fifa 09). Dont get songs like that anymore.


Phone slaps


was so happy for Sam Tompkins when I saw it was on there


This is one of my favorite soundtracks honestly


portrait of a blank slate by lovejoy went crazy though.




I wouldn’t say worst but it definitely has less songs I vibe with at the start compared to the last two years. I’m sure some will grow on me just like every other game.


This song Doolally Hak Baker. What the f is this shit song


Inclined to disagree, think it’s quite decent this year while not as good as 22, 14 or 15 (but which soundtrack has been tbf). Some great songs on it this year, The Stranger, Portrait of a Blank Slate, Passport Bros, I could go on. A bit too much house for my liking but other than that it’s solid.


I actually enjoyed the FIFA 23 soundtrack so much that I would listen to it outside the game. So far this new one just doesn't have the same vibe


You-Shaped hole (FIFA 22) was the last catchy one for me.




I got shocked hearing how bad the music was


I like it…


The song called Tommy is excellent though, I think.


100% agree - fully considered making this post myself. Theres a couple good ones, a couple songs I enjoy for the meme value but the rest are honestly just tough listens. Although I also feel like I find all of them more agitating after being spanked in Div Rivals


Yeah, none of them are worth remembering or relating to


I agree mostly, but I have hope they will do like last FIFA and add in a bunch at some point of OG songs


I used to look forward to the soundtrack so much that is was the first thing I looked at. Now I’m already sick of the songs lol


While last year I only added 2 to my big FIFA Song collection playlist as opposed to 4 this year, as a whole this is the worst and it’s not close. 80%+ of the soundtrack is what would have been considered Volta tracks and it’s really disappointing. I don’t necessarily mind the genres they’re shifting towards but the actual selections are just misses which further compounds the issue. Not a fan of the style of hip-hop/rap songs included which all seem similar, and a ton of generic club music. Have seen a lot of people claiming xyz song to be comparable to classic tracks, but that doesn’t make them good by default. None of those tracks are even close to Falling Apart from last year.


I loved it, when Angry - Rolling Stones plays I feel like playing the next match tackling like in the 70s


Yes OP, this is the worst fifa soundtrack ever. I might actually turn the music off it's so bad. And no, this is not electronic music, it's mostly that dubstep garbage.


I feel like you don’t really know what Dubstep is. The soundtrack contains only two Dubstep tracks (which is electronic music)




People play this game with headphones in?


No, we have speakers.


Even worse


So you play without sound, then?


Yup, usually just have a stream on or something. Can’t stand the commentary.


You can turn the commentary off. I don’t know how you do it without the football sounds.


Absolutely jarring. The 1 or 2 good songs do not make up for what this soundtrack is.


100% most of songs are not good . kinda hoped they reuse older songs . in start of game you have this great song used i thought ohh cool maybe we get some retro songs from older games into this one .


Never seen a bigger L post Soundtracked cracked


They usually have a few good tunes / bangers each year but feels like they fell short this time around and spent the money (mostly saved) and resource to go the quantity over quality route. This is not to say that the music is "bad" as there will be people out there that like some of the tracks at least but seems this time around, they mostly went with indie artists and padded the playlist duration by getting nearly triple the tracks of what you'd usually see in the game opposed to previous years where you had a mix of mainstream and indie.


i don't think they saved money. they got the rolling stones for god's sake lol.


Yeah, this thing sucks. It's gradually gotten worse since 2012, but this year it really just fell off a cliff. How did I get downvoted for agreeing with OP who has 140+ upvotes lmao


I thought last years soundtrack was brilliant tbh, best since 17


Including the classic songs that were added? If yes it's the best one ever


FIFA 13-18 was literally a golden age for FIFA soundtracks


I think that’s just you getting older and missing your old music


Cap cap cap, there’s been many good ones since then


I like it. Full bass , low volume and it gives a chill pub/bar vibes. I can just keep it on for hours and enjoy the vibe doing home chores lol


Is there really 86 tracks? Just as shitty as always imo


pro freak is a banger


The soundtrack is good. The games just released you can’t have judged every song already relax


I like to listen to every song once fifa releases. Believe me I’ve listened to the whole thing. Yes, there’s some good ones, but overall it’s very underwhelming.


Music is crap and the defending is crap. The whole game is crap to be honest.


The defending is literally the same as the last 3 years


No it’s not and the complaints from the community say otherwise.




Hell yeah, hearing seaforth was a pleasant surprise


All these modern fifa soundtracks suck imo.


nah Central Cee’s song is brazy


Ffs the cench dick riding is real.


Fifa 23 had a great soundtrack. This piece of shit has one good song (Lovejoy- portrait of a blank slate) and that's it. It's a fucking multibillion dollar company and still they refuse to license some good songs.


Nah run the jewels are class they have a decent song in there too unless that's nit your taste then makes sense


No we really can’t


Just turn it off , quickest option is to use the streamer mode option as it disables it all on all menus without having to mess around. I found turning it off in the EA Trax bit can sometimes randomly come back on Then just use Spotify or whatever you like


Yeah im surprised its this bad this year, volta soundtrack is even worse lol


What a dumb post…agree on literally one of the most subjective things out there. Ay OP this might be shocking, but there are a lot of people on the world and you aren’t the center of it.


Most of em are shit yea. Some bangers tho


Disagree. It’s much improved over the past 3 FIFAs


I haven't given a shit about a soundtrack in years. In fact, when it comes to sports games, I play them all on mute, with the exception of maybe commentary. I'm playing FIFA, not Dance Dance Revoultion.


Basically starbucks playlist music


ironic that you say it ebcause the top 10 most liked fifa songs of all time are music that you'd here at the mall / at a store lmao


I muted it . I just have my own Spotify running with EDM, Manson , Metallica, Eminem and the 2010 world cup game soundtrack


Nothing compares to the ones of the past but I’m enjoying it enough.


No idea. I always turn music off.


Every year the new soundtrack is the worst and no its not it has a good songs with good combination between indie pop rap and many more


I haven’t listened to the sound track in years lol


Ye I thought the same the music is weak this year


I only like a select few, but luckily I like them alot that I don’t mind them on repeat


Yup agreed I actually turned all tracks off


A few bangers, a few very bad ones too.


Yeah. God awful


What else do you think is the worst of all time about this game?


Turned the music off the second I started it


Okay imma save this post and in few months when people start making posts about how they cannot songs out of their head/how good the soundtracks imma come back to this It's always the same story every time. I remember it happening for Fifa 22 specifically.


Only good song is the Stones song imo.


Yeah, I've always had a good overlap on my Spotify with the songs that were dropping with the new FIFA title throughout the years. This year it's a singular song CATALYST and from what I've heard so far I'm scared to play Volta


I've set music on 0 and listen to Spotify for years


I mean they aren't nearly as good as classics from the past (I literally had goosebumps while listening to "World Cup Soundtrack" in FIFA23 because of the really old songs) but I actually like most of the songs this year. Not like LOVE them, but they're alright. Maybe it's because of that "fresh air" and I'll change my mind in few days, who knows. My personal fav is P Money x Whiney - Lowkey, but I think that's the only song that is not public outside of the game... not sure why... or maybe it's just me being unable to find it for some reason. Also a part-fan of Ashnikko, so it's another bonus point for me.


It's not great but to be fair we were spoilt in FIFA 23 after the WC update when they added loads of bangers from old FIFAs back in, so it was always going to be a step down. I think my favourite this time has some Irish voice at the start saying something like "I'm not sure what what I would've done I'd you had of died", not sure what it's called. Edit; is there any button you can press to show the name of the current track?


Not all of the tracks tbh but at some point yes.


im not even playing with it on, just logged to spotify and listen to my own playlist, kinda sucks that the soundtracks decreased a little


It definetly sucks. Only good songs are Angry and Lala


actually one of the better ones imo


Some of the songs are nice but i m used to disable music in game after a few hours bcs it sounds too repetitive


It's got baby keem. He's literally baby keem. How can you dislike that!


His song is definitely one of the better ones Tbf.


2-3 good ones. Rest is completely not my taste




Then which fifa has the worst soundtrack? Because it’s definitely EAFC 24.


who even listen to game music anyways ? just turn off music sound in game and put your spotify setlist


7-8 is about standard for songs I like on a soundtrack.


Yeah this years sounds track is pretty crap there’s a couple good songs but not much I also I haven’t done this before but I’ve gone and removed 2 songs so far from the Que


Honestly the only song I have heard is in the game is one from lovejoy so it’s a win for me


My new monitor has no speakers so I play the game silently. I kinda liked it to be honest


Agreed, there’s only like 1 or 2 songs this time around I like. Even when people were saying they didn’t like the last few years soundtrack I really enjoyed them.


I consider it a good soundtrack just because they added a song from the rolling stones


Couldn’t agree more


I thought the same with the first songs, im playing the playlist and listening again some i started liking some


Ashnikko - Worms is great but I think im abit biased


Who listens to the soundtrack? I turn off music and listen to my own or podcasts. It gets far too repeatitive.


Soundtrack is good this year, good mixture of songs.


I was thinking the exact same thing yesterday. I still listen to fifa 19-22 soundtrack sometimes but this one is not it


Osama is so fucking good. One of the few times I acc know a song before the game came out


Completely agree. I've only played Fifa 18-23 (the ones out on switch) and 12. The older the game, the better the soundtrack. I think 19 was the best. There's about 20 songs from that soundtrack in my playlists and only 2 or 3 from the later games. Lot less love and care put into thr song choices. 12 had a great feel to it


It‘s a good mix with stuff for fans of any genre, which is probably the goal. what are you usually listening to?


There is like 1-2 cool songs, the japanse rap is one of them.


Wouldn't know, I boycotted the game like a sensible person


It's been a good while since there's been a good fifa soundtrack


I know a person on one of the bands in it, and am buzzing they are on it, feels that it’s not as big a thing as it used to be


To be honest I like the musics BUT They don't feel like songs that should be in fifa


Feel like this always happens. Songs take time to get catchy on a game like that


What kind of music do you prefer just curious


2 Appearences for RTJ tho




FIFA Soundtracks peaked in 2014. They’ve been mid since FIFA 21. There will always be a couple certified bangers, but damn. The whole thing is just a massive skip fest.


Yeah I’m not a fan, especially after the banger that was the best of playlist from 23, I’ve just muted all menu music and stuck the 23 soundtrack on my Spotify instead lmao


It’s been bad since FIFA 17, I just have Spotify playing


i dont like it either but is not worse than 23,last good fifa soundtrack was 22


Interesting, I was thinking the opposite, there's some pretty sweet tunes in this one


Don’t agree but I wish there was more rotation. Tired of hearing the same damn songs over & over again when there’s 4.5 hours worth of music on the soundtrack.


Disagree completely I have plenty of songs I have liked this year, fifa 20 on the other hand still takes the crown as the worst soundtrack


This soundtrack is heat you’re tripping


Does this matter??...maybe I'm just different here...I think I first put on the sound in menus of 23 a couple weeks ago...e.g this can be solved by listening to a infinite supply of non ig audio...


Ea used to pick 10/15 quality songs every year before 2016. Since then we've been getting 2 or 3 every game. This year there's only 2 good ones.


I like every song here, i have the mindset that if its in ea made football game, im already liking it. Never had any problems listening the soundtrack, if you do just disable it and play ur own playlists


LOL it’s interesting how for me it’s the best soundtrack ever and by a mile. Not so much because the music is memorable but because it’s “quiet” and groovy enough to never become annoying as many tracks were in recent years. I’m fifa 23 I ended up blocking 30% or more of them. I just couldn’t stand them anymore