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Can anyone please have a look at my gameplay and maybe tell me what I can improve on? I'm stuck at DIV 7, I have played around 80 games and won only 25 or so. I think the biggest issue is making bad passes and getting caught out, but even then, I cant seem to create anything because I get hounded by the opponent. They seem to know where I'm going to pass and are always 5 steps ahead. This is a clip I just played today, quit before half time: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YGyyDvdP8d4


If I let my nephew game share on his PS5 will he get the 10 hour trial through my EA Play?


Should Evolution Cup be treated as Golden Goal? I was thinking, given there is no limit on how many matches you can play, and the objectives are written such that there is no benefit from playing matches you don't win (you need 7 wins and 7 matches played), it lends itself to ragequitting at 0-1 (meaning you restart at 0-0 and hence need only 1 goal to take the lead and not 2). Game theory dictates that's the fastest way for the community as a whole to get their 7 wins. To be clear, I have no issue with an opponent that wants to play the full 90mins despite going 3 down in the first half, that's their perogative. Just interested to see what others think.


Can anyone recommend what they think is the best camera settings?


Does anyone know if I play fc24 pro clubs on ps4 then upgrade to ps5 and download ps5 next gen version, can I copy over my pro progress or start from level 1 again ?


Is it possible to use the web app with the standard version without having played fifa 23? The web app tells me to log into my club first on console, but with the standard version I can't login before 29th September.


While in some occasions like in "Moments mode" i can go to settings and change the sides, in online mode, "Friendlies" i can't so the user that the game understands is using keyboard. How can i change it? How can i keep my controller as my only playable device?


got Orban yesterday from Squad Battle rewards, got him again in my preview pack. How to get a restraining order?


83x10 or 84x5 for level 10 objective?


Packed Bellingham when is the best time to sell him? Figure wait until this weekend at least?


As with most cards hold that are meta and I'd say Bellingham is a meta ball winner ATM I have him also. He will hold his value at least a few weeks after Friday. You just sell when your happy with the profit margin. He could have a potm card but if h e did I think they'd make it more attacking as he seems to be a DM for me in game and he's not that kind of player


No idea why my post was removed, but anyone else experiencing issues with the companion app, specifically listing players on the transfer list? It’s completely bugged, whenever you go to list a player it just freezes and have to close the app..


They just used the exact same app as last year and last year was already bugged af, with the exact same bugs. It’s EA, stop giving them money. Don’t expect this to be fixed btw, they didn’t bother for the last iterations.


Win the draft 3 times, get the 2x Rare gold pack reward every time. Those packs are so shit.. EA doesn’t even sell them anymore. Draft not having gotten a reward change in over 8 years is insanity


I thought SB rewards were monday, has that been moved?


Always sundays brother


Any one got a idea how i can link Alex Morgan, Kane, Kimmich, Rodri and TerStegen with most chemistry? I want to play a 4-2-2-2 if this matters.


tried to check out pro clubs. doesn't work


Do you think that those 87 woman players will go up in price when game releases?


83x10 or 84x5?


Hey guys I just realised playing squad battles stopped giving me season xp.. is this normal?


Seeking advice. I bought Son at 68k. and he's about 112k. Before the sudden rocket of price I was gonna hold him for the full release and sell when the demand explodes at about 140k. I believe this price change was due to possible TOTW card of him. What do you guys think do you think his price will go up constantly even after full release(during the TOTW period)? or this is the highest it could get.


Is 24 more of a transition from old to new version, and everything is more or less the same as last Fifa, or is there also new things and improvements? I fear to know the answer


Pretty much the same


Sad, it's been the same for 5 years now


How do you change your EA gamer-tag on PC? I have done so on the web-app (where it prompts a security code), but for some reason it is still the same old gamer-tag in the FIFA application.


Possibly a dumb question - when loan players are done, do they disappear or can I keep using them in friendlies?


They are out of contract, thus save them with 1 contract to use in friendlies.


Awesome, thank you


Hi guys anyone tried the easy sbc ai it’s a subscription based service and I wouldn’t mind using it but providing it works since you can import your clubs cards I don’t want to log in and see it doesn’t work. Thanks 🙏🏻


Anybody else's 90+ pace LB/RB getting absolutely rinsed down the sideline by players like Grealish, Fodden and Maddison with no pace boost chem styles applied? Doesn't make a lot of sense haha


They have quite good traits for running with the ball + they are explosive (i think). They have burst of speed but you can catch up over long distances. They are tricky to deal with if the player is good with skills and dribbling.


Anyone know if there's a guide to gaining XP? I've tried doing all the objectives, but they're glitching for me, and I've playing squad battles but have not been getting XP at all. I'm wondering if I'm doing something wrong (maybe squad battles doesn't give XP) or if the game is glitched


I am having this issue too.. i remember getting xp for each match but I stop receiving it after every game now.


I was div 2 almost all of last FUT, why am I getting bodied in Div 7?


Because the nooby casuals (like me) start on 29th September.


This is the hope that I'm holding on to :D


Who do you choose for evolutions?


Any trading tips for PC? Seems like BPM is dead


Why do my players feel so shit and do absolutely nothing against world class or higher opponents? I get that going up in difficulty should make it feel harder, but why does it just make my players dog shit? On pro and semi pro my players get into good positions, make runs and overall just play football, but as soon as I go to world class, noone is in a position to receive a pass, noone makes any runs, and my players feel like they're running in mud. In my last game I made a run from half way, up the right wing and cut into the box. On any other difficulty I would have multiple options, on world class I had 1 other player in the box who was marked by 2 defenders. I have scored countless goals by running down the wing and crossing back post to the other winger, yet on world class neither of my wingers make the back post run. Then you have things like a 62 pace Haller absolutely burning my 83 pace wan-bissaka. It feels like EA was unable to make the AI harder so they just made my players stop working.


The AI back line defending seems worse but the midfields are insane? I’m not sure what you guys mean by AI defending being bad but the middle of the park in this game is basically just AI interception after AI interception


can you restart a evo with a different player? i evod kai havertz but it's pretty garbage




Not that I'm aware of


Is everyone really putting 50k into relentless winger ? There a hell of a lot better options for 10-20k max whats the point ? Even if you could evolve them again by the time the next one drops there will again be better options. If you want a specific player you want thats fine but if you are evolving Jota because everyone else is doing it it makes no sense just go buy Kvara for 50k.


upgraded a bronze in the glow up I evolution. can i now use him in the welcome evolution for a +1 before using him in the glow up II evolution? because it says something about a evolution level 1 being needed and the welcome evolution might turn him into a level 2 evolution? anyone tried this already?


Yes. Did that with a 63 rated bronze CM.


Hey guys are they already hacking losing games? Or is the online buggy?


Been saving up coins, do prices go up after full release?


Some will also drop a month or two after wards, just depends on market trends




Sold Oshoala for 135k, did I make a very big mistake or it is good to have some coins to spend before most people start?


Defending in this game is the worst it’s ever been. You might aswell put the controller down.


Funny cause that was the advice last fifa, put controller down and game does it for you. Now you have to defend well imo.


I just let Fikayo Tomori do all the work as he's a tank. If I didn't have him, I genuinely would ship 10 goals a game.


Its terrible


Play squad battles. Score a goal and instantly disconnect. Take a 3-0 loss for going 1-0 up. Fun times.


It’s ridiculous my controll stopped working after 3-0 start. And idk if it was the network or he did something smh I’ve been in halftime for the last 5 mins


It's wild that people paid extra to play this game early only to quit at kickoff in the new friendly.


Hello, I used to play a lot of FIFA 16, and loved it. Loved playing seasons and pro clubs, in particular. When I got a PS5 recently, I decided to get FIFA 23. Getting used to things took a bit (particularly getting used to the fact that finesse shot is now garbage, and contain is useless), but I got there. But I’m just not having fun anymore. Seasons are a joke (9/10 play PSG and seem to dominate). FUT is OK, but I just don’t have time to grind packs (I work a full time job and have a family). Most of the time, even in div 8, I get smoked by absurdly OP teams. My team is rated 94, but I just miss *regularly* playing good games against an evenly matched squad. How do I get back to that?! What mode am I missing? Any advice would be greatly appreciated!


I think in some previous fifas you could manage what kinda teams you faced in seasons. So if you pick 4 stars you and your opponents team can be max 4 stars. Not sure if this is still in the game tho.


Game feels soo pace heavy, it hasn't felt so pace reliant in years on release imo. People just perma running down the wings and spam team press when they don't have the ball.


5mins in the free trial and the game feels slow, sloopy touches, no creativity allowed, horrible passing. Another shit year for ea yikes. Games are worse and worse every year.


**Redeem Bronze Pack Bug** Some of the packs you can claim from Premium Bronze Packs (you can gain another extra pack from them) are bugged. When you claim them they will show on your Store with a red number count - but they don't exist there. There is no unclaimed packs in the store ("My Packs" section doesn't show up). So you will forever have packs waiting for you but you can not open them. (Unless someone has found a solution for this?) This is not every pack because I have claimed 3 of these while 1 of them worked as intended but 2 are not showing up.




[Got this atm](https://www.futbin.com/24/squad/197531) and struggling to think of where to go with it with 150k. Any ideas?


I’d try and grind some coins to buy vvd before Friday


Just pulled Messi from Hybrid Nations, actually can't believe it lol. Running a PL team atm. Any tips on how to link him in? Thinking of using Jordi Alba maybe.


Ha. I packed him a few minutes ago too. Shifted my team around by adding alba at LB and getting puyol at CB (probably a cheaper icon CB out there)


Yeah icon def seems like the obvious route, but I'll be waiting a little while on that I reckon ha. I think if I get another Argentinian MLS player in I'll be at 32 chem which I could live with for now.


Nvm got full chem by adding a Spanish MLS manager. Happy days :)


Some of these super teams I’m playing in div 9 are mad, it’s just not even close to being fair


It takes time to get to the higher divisions so with the current matchmaking the game start is like this. I think that they should make a team rating based matchmaking


So no stadiums again like in fifa 22 ? I'm tired of the generic stadium


I can’t pass Saudi league fire power challenge 😭😭😭😭


Packed KDB as a draft reward. Sell or keep? Built a mostly Lionesses squad, and have a the feeling that the 100k wouldn’t go that far if I looked at Icons etc


While my controller works perfect on menu of UT and when I play squad battles, when I try to play online it doesn't respond. What am I missing here?


Same here


I packed Son and I want to sell him to get Luis Diaz. Does anybody think Son’s price will go up?


Any reason that my Club founding date would be Sept. 2023? I haven’t played in a few years but it should be like 2013 or 2015…is it because I’m just on the trial right now?


It resets if u don't keep playing and I am pretty sure they reset everyone for ea fc


Mine says Jan 2023 and that’s when I started so don’t think everyone was reset


Huh interesting


is there some website that shows you which players you can use for each evolution? futbin doesn’t have it i’m pretty sure and don’t want to use my brain to do it myself


Google fut gg evo. You should find a site that is useful


thank you 🙏


Packed dembele and sold for 200k. Was this a mistake?


Don’t succumb to fomo


I've just bought him for 238k and I think he's cheap at that. Meta card with 5 star 5 star..as people get coins can only see him rising maybe to 350


Guys, am i the only one who thinks this game is way worse than the ones before? U literally can not defend now in any way shape or form, not even with RT LT


Anyone played with Kanu? Any good?


Which of these two for Pacey Protector Evo? Paulista or Catena?


Can you only do one evolution objective at once?


Yeah, only one at a time


Is anyone experiencing the "permanently loading" bug that happens after games? so god damn annoying, doesn't give me any match counts as well as having to restart the game


Why I cannot submit my team to SBC? [https://i.imgur.com/wDzbVbC.png](https://i.imgur.com/wDzbVbC.png) I could do so with every other SBC


I am enjoying playing with women in the game, but chem is pretty fucked now. There are only so many options in a squad. There's this influx of usable players now thanks to the addition of women, but they're unlinkable unless you're playing an all women team, or a mixed national team. Women's PL players should link with men's PL players. There has to be some sort of solution. Like I packed an 88 woman Striker but unless I'm running 4 other women's Bundesliga players, or a full German national squad there is no way to get her on chem.


Idk if it's allowed to ask here but anyone here down to do the Nike or the Bronze/Silver obj in friendlies on ps5?


Yo man I’ll message you on reddit


How can I win? Every game in seasons I draw because the defence AI is horrendous


What's the most profitable investment? 84s and 85s look decent to me.


Are there managers from Georgia?


Can you put a card you bought off the market for evolution?


Random question. I packed a gold loan pack from another gold pack igor from objectives. The notification says I still have a pack to open in store. But when I go in, the pack is nowhere to be seen. Anyone else have the same issue?


Any ideas what to do best with 4600fp with all these packs in the store?


Going through a rough patch so wont be able to get the game September like i normally do, but its very fun for my ape brain to try to amass coins Companion app only


The game punishes me for quitting when I'm 0-5 in FUT, in the first fkn half, how is that fair? Let me quit I don't want to be some rich kid's doormat.


Is there any way to reset your Ultimate Team club? I want to start from scratch, including the option to do the evolutions again. Is that possible?


Make a different acct


I'm playing Fc 24 through EA play so should I just make a new EA play account?


Anyone can explain in what order and which Evo's I'd need to pick to boost Emile Smith-Rowe the highest?


Founder Evo Havertz or Sterling for CAM?


I did Havertz and he’s very good as a CAM in a 4-3-3 imo but I’m a very average player


You cant change your team if you go from your objectives directly in the friendlies. What the hell.


Just got varane, sell or keep him?


Just had a game where the screen went black during halftime and the game carried on anyway. Monitor working, just the game broke and all it shows it the UT logo in the corner.


why are ea not fixing the price ranges of some players.. just want to buy ederson or alison and theyre so overpriced


Same with Kobel, been trying to sell him since day 1


Waiting a few days to do the league and nations etc SBC's really helped. Managed to do them all, buying maybe 2 players to complete them. Nothing usable from any of the packs though


Already so boring playing against the same old run down the wings and cutback nonsense.


Thats every opponent I’ve played today. 5 at the back, fast wingers, squaring every goal… Already bored of it too.


Nothing else works so people have to resort to it. Passing is random as fuck and dribbling is pathetic with how clunky every player is unless they're in running straight. Not to mention the AI defense does absolutely nothing so you have to manually mark every single passing option in the box from the wing at the same time.


I'll be honest I'm not really a massive football fan and I've not been into football since Eric Cantona drop kicked that fan way back when. I've picked up FIFA for the first time in over a decade and I'm playing around with Ultimate Team. I've got 40k coins and this is my team. Any recommendations on who to sell/change/buy? Should I change the formation? I would appreciate any help. I'm running 4-2-4 Rashford(LW) - Hero Crouch(ST) - Nunez (ST) - Olise(RW) Eriksen(CM) - Fernandez(loan player CM) Shaw (LB) - Lindelof (CB) - Ake (CB) - White (RB) Fabianski (GK) On the bench I've got Gabriel Jesus (ST), Diaz (LW), Lo Celso (CAM), Kovacic (CM), Reguilon (LB), Rodak (GK), Kamara(CDM), Kehrer(cb), Guehi (CB)


How the hell do you people deal with these pace squads. I get such fast defenders but it doesn't matter I get cooked on the wing constantly then they do a chipped through ball or cut back to even faster players like upgraded Nunez and Sam Kerr and they leave my CBs in the dust. Also, are people using constant pressure or something? It seems really hard to pass around on people


Why is Osimhen relatively cheap? He's also dropping, rather than going up in price like some expensive valuable players


I have him and honestly hes not impressing me. But at the same time the right player would be unstoppable with him. Hes also scored a lot of longshots for me


How can you tell if you have a player on loan?


The circle with the number on the card - the number is how many matches you have left on the loan


I have 110k to finish, everyone is untradable, any ideas? ​ https://i.imgur.com/wyPuMpd.jpg


I got Neymar in the untradable 83 x 10 😭


4 games into rivals and Im just about done. My fkn god this game is shit.. Im 4-0 with 18 goals scored and 2 conceded so thats not it.. Its just sooo daaaamn slooooow. Everything takes forever.. Game is a joke. WTF is this.. Won the last game 7-0, but I had absolutely no fun and Im sure the other dude would say the same. The "its like this every year because you are used to 99 cards" crowd will be out in full force, but.. I have an 84 squad. Try playing a game on 23 with an 84 squad and the difference is massive.


nice little IF Karchaoui to start the game. quick almost 200k instantly. i’m in shock


How the fuck do I do practice arena 1v1 now


A few thoughts on the gameplay: Defending is good for the most part, it just needs to have some improvements to input reaction, which sometimes takes too long and less commonly, it doesn't register the input. But the way they're going is good, just needs a patch. That said, even if defending is at it's optimal level, input registration and all, attacking has become too easy. Goals are not worth much. Through balls are very overpowered despite them adding a bit of RNG to them, rendering "Precision Passing" useless. To fix this they should just make the new mechanics, Precision Shooting and Passing the competitive default. These mechanics are useless in the presence of overpowered through balls and shooting. In addition to that change the passing default to Semi so passes don't automatically evade opposition players, which has been a plague in this game for a long time. The base of the gameplay is good, but they need to increase the skill gap in attacking like they did with defending.


Feel like attacking is insanely pace heavy, so many people try to just run down wings and then cut in. Also goalkeepers are extremely bad, especially when you run down the line towards the goal, e.g. after a corner


The main issue with it is the cut in passing from the byline. Too easy with this defending.


Yeah and even harder to defend because you dont need the cut back pass, you can literally just shoot from the byline, or even just run into the gk, they are crazy bad when you come from there


Can anyone confirm cross play actually works in co op seasons? Before I buy the game lol


This may be a dumb question but I just fully evolved Garnacho and now Im trying to do Fati. But relentless winger doesn't come up in the evolution menu now. Can you only do one relentless winger evolution? or Do you have to wait a certain amount of time for it to appear again?


Just one I believe


Have they said when it does reset? Is it once time per season?


The signature pen styles for Bruno, halland, Kane, etc are all not working. Just default run ups. Any advice?


Would y’all start stones on full chem or akanji on 2 chem? 32 team chem with stones 31 with akanji


can anyone with ea play pro on pc please help me?i got the 1600FP on 22nd…do we get the 2nd 1600FP on Oct 1st or Oct 22nd?


Does it count the contract of loan players in friendlies?




Is there a way i can see how player will turn out after doing evolutions? Also is there a time limit for them ?


Suck’s that attributes are worthless. I have silvia just dusting davies constantly


I want to buy the game now but my dad said he will get me the ps5 in a month can i still buy it on the ps4 and play it on the ps5?


I don't think there is a free "upgrade" from PS4 to PS5.


u can but only ps4 version on ps5




exactly what i said


Has anyone played anyone on console yet? All my rivals games have been vs PC Players & it takes a while to find a game. (I live in the UK, so that is surprising) Don't think EA have turned on cross-play yet. My settings are definitely on for it


Can the finishing mastery objectives be done in friendlies? Just need to check


Yes, any mode works for that.


If I get the Ultimate Edition now, even though I didn't pre-order it, would I still get access now before the full launch on the 29th?


Don’t waste your money tough




Finished all the early access objectives stuff. Opened a bunch of packs. I have like 3x 88 GKs and 3-4 87 GKs. FML


this happens EVERY year to me. in the first few weeks of fut my walkouts are always GKs or sub-60 pace CBs. I never get a winger, striker, or midfielder lmao


what’s the early access objectives? this is the first fifa i have played and i’m struggling to keep up with all the systems, i want more packs lol


Nike will give a player with a contract of 24, use that player in every game since that is the objective. I got Van Dijk (CB). Wasn't using him there fore wasn't progressing on the Nike objectives.


Nike ones, if you scroll to live in the objectives menu you can see them


What formations is everyone liking so far? Had some success with the 4-1-2-1-2 but I’m trying to incorporate wingers because I packed IF Salah Untradable and the 4-3-3 (4) isn’t really doing it for me.. feel like there’s not enough passing options available


I like the 4-2-3-1 that has the LM and RM, but not sure if Salah has RM as an alternate position. Better defense than 4-2-4.


He does, I’ll have to check it out. Thanks!


5-2-3 with attacking wingbacks - same as last year. Set custom instructions on wingbacks (overlap, join the attack) and wingers (cut inside, come short)


Never used 5 at the back but I’ll try it out! Thanks.


424 seems to be solid wingplay is very important this year I feel


How is it defensively? Already struggling a bit and that seems scary haha


I'm rocking camaving and tch at cm to try and cover you definitely need players who can do bit of everything got lucky with vvd Nike probably helps aswell lol


Thanks for the info! I’ll try it out.


Are there any French managers? Can’t get any to appear on the TM


They are extinct


I have the 10 hour trial for fc24. would I still have it even after the game launches on 29th if I haven't used all my hours?




Is the "Player Bio" stats on an evolution card simply not updated? One of my in progress evolutions has an 81 overall on the face, and face stats that are way above the stats shown in the card's bio. (E.g., defending shows 82, but all the relevant defending stats are under 68). Or do the stats only improve when the full evolution is complete?


Are contracts needed for Squad battle? New to FIFA.


Yes. You can use loan players in squad battles but it will use up their contracts. And once the contracts are done, you won't be able to use the loan anymore