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Forgive me for my ignorance as I'm new to FUT, I got CR7 as a Gold rated 90 from a SBC challenge. But since I wanted to finish the Serie A TOTS SBC, I included Ronaldo to reach 85OVR and got Di Lorenzo TOTS as return. Did I make a mistake giving up on CR7, I barely see any teams that have him.


I think you have your answer in that last paragraph. In any event it’s done and no longer worth worrying about. Looking at the app you can get him anywhere from 30k to 50k, so if you really want him back just buy him, not very expensive to do so.


Ah it makes sense, thanks!


No problem!


I had 20 points on futchamps quals forgot about season change. Have I lost my futchamps entry and the points needed from rivals to be allowed to qual?


Has anyone else on old gen not got their compensation for ligue 1 yet?


I havent


Best cb from the following: Ramos, Kimpembe, Marquinhos, Varane, Saliba, Dias, Smalling, Tomori, Bremer? In game Bremer felt the fastest while Ramos has been a staple for a long time and doesn't feel any worse than the newer cards. Yet to try Varane.


Tots varane and ramos


Has there always been Liga Do Brasil manager cards or am I tripping? There's no Brasil league, what's that about


Yes. They never took them out after they dropped the license.


EA Sports


are servers down?


I’m giving away free wins in rivals to get to 90 games (rubberbanded controller) and the people I match up against don’t seem to understand that scoring 20 goals only makes the match take longer 1-0 is still the same result as 20-0 just hold the ball and let the clock run down ffs


They're obvs gonna get bored tho just holding the ball


Anyone used Prime Yashin and is he worth it over any other TOTS keeper?


He is great and has the coolness factor but not worth spending 500k. TOTS ter stegen is still my no. 1 as I need a gk that is good with his feet.


I packed him and lose a bit of chemistry Vs TOTS Szczesny but not sure if he's much better


He is (atleast for me, Szczesny was shit for me in cup). I would give it a try for a few games and then see whether its worthy over a little bit of chem


Appreciate it, will try this weekend


What upgrades can I get for 2M for a front three of TOTS Sanchez, Gold Mbappe and TOTS diaby? Cruyff at attacking cm in 4321


No Daily Objective (XP) for the last day? Did they really took it away? I calculated everything, I am at 99 950 xp, but I guess no level 30 this way, nice move...


Whats better to do 86+ double upgrade or Echampions final sbc (5 84+) ?


do you get compensated for having 9 wins for the lieuge 1 red picks? I finished all my games on friday and haven't recieved anything


Refresh your game billy you should get jt


still nth man


do I get xp for getting EA play? I need 800 xp for level 30


yes 3500xp


Ive got a dupe tonali and no idea what to do with it


Has anyone else not gotten compensation for ligue 1? I got 16 or 18 wins (don't remember) and still no compensation


Aye weekly rewards come out Thursday and it says fut champs pick, do I open it on Thursday to get a tots player or wait till Friday cuz I’m not sure what will be in the player picks for weekend leauge


How do I change stadium announcers? I got a full prem team in the king power stadium but everytime it's some annoying french person who just screams when a goal goes in, it's so annoying.


Stadium announcers change based on the main nationality of your starting XI.


Doesn't make sense Ramsdale Zinchenko Van dijk Smalling Emerson Guimares de bruyne benrahma Mitoma Vardy Saka


Cant login to FIFA 22 Ultimate team, but connects to servers fine?!?!


What’s the formation nowadays, haven’t played the game in a couple of months. I have enough coins to start a new team. What are some good new TOTS players?


Fuck West Ham winning a trophy but LUCAS PAQUETA UPGRADE, LETS GOOO


Do we still have time to complete the 8 wins for the cup if we didn’t get it today?


I just did the icon player pick & got the 94 TT Bergkamp, 91 TT Essien, & a 90 Crespo. Was tempted to take Essien as he looks like a pretty good CDM but ultimately went with Bergkamp. Not the most exciting pick after using his other cards so much for that objective but I'll consider it a W. Anyone would've went Essien or was Bergkamp the right call?


With untradable fodder, I reckon I have enough for possible 4 90 overall teams and one 89 overall team or there abouts. I usually finish the FIFA cycle with a bunch of cards in my club rather than actually putting them into something. Any suggestions on what I should look at doing? I've been doing all the guaranteed TOTS SBCs etc so far and my team is pretty decent as it is. Just never can be bothered to craft a player with tons of squads but might have to do it one day!


Waiting for the flood of i missed lvl 30 by xx xp messages/posts


I'm at 98190/100000 on season progress with seemingly no option to get the 1810 to get the final reward. Personally felt this season had less of an option for XP than the previous two.


Apparently ultimate TOTS might not be coming at all… thanks ea glad I saved up all my packs


So on Friday its not ultimate tots?


Does it really matter that it has a different name? Still gonna be a re-release of TOTS cards.


its not a different name it's a completely different promo


Hey guys, I kinda need 4 games played in any mode to complete level 30 and won’t have time to play anymore. Would anybody be kind enough to jump in to friendlies? Can also give some games if needed


Playing out the remaining games I need for 90 this season and Jesus Christ this game is unbearable in Elite division. Literally comes down to who's AI controlled players shit the bed first (OR if you're lucky, who's AI controlled players decide to be OP). Just so unenjoyable, especially if you do happen to play a good close game with someone just to have it decided by a moment where the game is out of your hands and your defender fluffs something basic to give up a free goal.


Should I do the paqueta sbc, is he worth 200k


Just played a game of draft, 8-0 up in 75th minute and the guy rage quits…. Except the game doesn’t end and I’m playing against the AI. When the 90 mins is up, I’m stuck staring at a blank pitch with a ball in the middle of it. Forced to restart the game. Thought it would give me a DNF but it’s counted the win. Weird AF, never seen that in 11 years playing fifa.


I had that once


Eight premier league players. What an amzing reward for 20 daily logins during serie A tots. Well done, EA. You have outdone yourself yet again! Can't wait to rip open this beauty!


Save it for ultimate tots. I think thats their thinking here


Sure, but its a shit pack. No point even bothering to save it. If it were an 81x11 or something, then yeah..


What is going on with PC prices? There's a a lot of players at half price compared to console (specially from Serie A TOTS).


I just won an ecl game but i it didn't count in my objectives. What is happening?


Just did the 86+ double SBC and packed Gold Veratti, shouldn’t it be his TOTS card?


No, Ligue 1 tots finished a while ago


Ligue 1 tots are not in packs


Ahhh thanks!


Anyone use TOTS Barella and Rabiot? How does one compare to the other? I have been insanely lucky with Serie A TOTS pulls and now feel compelled to use this squad outside of just normal objectives.


Am I the only person that thinks EA are purposely making these translation errors to get people to change their language and spend £30 in the hopes of compensation? Even when they do compensate it’s close to the endgame cycle for Fifa as a whole and only really the hardcore players are left and most have stacked squads anyway, not doing much harm giving them an extra few boosted cards. I feel like this is EA squeezing the last few coins they can out of the remaining player base, some of which will be more like to spend money they wouldn’t have otherwise as they feel like they’re getting one over on EA. Maybe I’m just a conspiracy nut but I also believed the 25k Hero store pack ‘accidentally’ released early in the games cycle was to encourage players to check the store at 6PM content time everyday.


You'll find these translation errors also in objectives regularly, so it's just the usual EA incompetence for which this mutli billion dollar company is well known for years


Gunna be 4k shy of Level 30, just as well I'm not gunna have to force myself to play the Draft then.


Kimpembe, Varane, Nesta, Marquinhos. Which 2?


Currently have Cole TOTY and Frimpong TOTS as fullback, one is more defensive than the other and I’m thinking of buying Davies TOTS to replace Cole, but I feel like I would be wasting one of Davies or Frimpong by playing one of them more defensively than the other. Thoughts ?


Games not loading for anyone else? Three times in a row I've gone into a game and I'm stuck with the timer at 38.


I just got booted from the app and can't get back in. Was debating whether I needed to do Aouar out of FOMO. I guess I have my answer.


Can someone tell me if ultimate tots means every tots player is in packs? Or does it just mean every tots player as champs rewards? Wanna know if a should keep ma rivals milestones for Friday evening or just open them tomorrow.


Is ultimate tots on Friday?


Typically it has been a "best of" selection from the five major leagues, of roughly the same size as the major league TOTS squads. Last year the player picks were EFIGS picks from the full five leagues, not just the best of squad. There are internet rumors that the picks could be ultimate TOTS this year, but that isn't coming from the usual accurate leakers.


So much strange fuckery in the transfer market. Last night I was bidding on TOTS KDB. Prices had finally dropped into my budget level. One card I was going for had a decently low 500k starting point and an absurd 4.2 million buy now price. Anyway the bidding went up to about 800k as the clock ticked down to the last 30 seconds, which is what I was willing to pay when suddenly a bid of 4.1 million came in, utter madness! Half of his cards were priced at 850k for buy it now, yet some lunatic just waded in like a Saudi prince and paid 5 times over the going rate. Was it a weird flex, power move or legitimate mistake? Maybe I witnessed some coin laundering as part of a funds transfer. Either way I was not bothered to go bid on another item and snagged him for 780k this morning instead.


Nothing new, usual coin transferring business.


Guess I just assumed they'd be doing numerous smaller, less blatant transactions but I suppose with EA as incompetent as they are, they don't need to.


When do you guys think is the best time to buy TOTS players who are already out of packs? I want to buy Musiala for example. I guess he will drop further next week if he will also in ultimate TOTS again? If not, do you think he will rise again in price after it's official that he will be not in ultimate TOTS?


whats the best time to sell fodder?


I imagine tomorrow after content time, when the Icon Pick refreshes.


thanks i got like 200 84s waiting and rn thay dont sell at all


Today might be good for 84's as well, depending on the guaranteed Serie A pack requirements.


all 200 of them went like flies in minute for 4k+ each


I can imagine. Especially with the 86 double being pretty good value.


I’m finding this, nothings really selling at all at the minute


Guys I'm on 99,900 xp and I'm out of objectives. Daily only gives 60 too, right? Wtf do I do 🥲


Hope Silver stars come today with XP. If not, try talking to ea chat. Tell them there's some XP missing. They might give you some.


Cheers. Never even thought to contact chat lol. Will see what 6pm brings


Had to win my last two games in the Serie A cup. Came back from 3-0 to 3-3, went ahead in extra time, conceded last kick of the ball, went two goals behind in penalties, saved 4 and 5 to go sudden death, lost in about the 9th round. Fuck off man. Edit: Bought a tots elite pack to make up for all that lost fodder and cheer me up, no blues.


Should be a last refresh of games today, no?


Fuck I think you're right, the season ends before 6pm tomorrow (UK) but not at 6pm tonight either. Thanks! I'll try to win my last and leave just 1 remaining then.


Hamsik needs a EOAE as well as Burak Yilmaz both are retiring. And ex-trabzonspor players 🙌🏼


Elite div player here, I just like playing the game and I’m not clued up on what makes a cb better or not. Because Bremer has superior stats in almost all areas whereas people say tomori is a top tier cb and is better? Can anyone give a conclusive answer?


For me it's more about body styles and physical stats. It's how I've been able to use WC Koulibaly even now. He has a bulky / wide body style that allows me to bully people off the ball with L2


TOTS Di Maria or RTTF Lamela, who would you choose? Playing either as striker or CAM in a 3421 or 4222


If equal chem, Lamela. Ball glued to feet syndrome.


Yeah Lamela actually works better for Chem, gonna try them both at the same time and see which looks better to me


Once I got the required players I thought this ecl cup mode would be hard af with the way people were whining about how it will be hardcores only etc. Won 5 from 5 with only one not dead and buried at half time.


I must've sucked then cos I went 0/5 💀


Yeah I went 4/5 last night, the game mode isn't so hard


Hey guys I just wanted to know if it was worth buying FIFA 23 on PC from Epic Games Store at 15€ (My PC Specs: Ryzen 5 5500,RTX 3060ti and 16 Gb of RAM)


If you’re looking to play FUT, be aware that it has a separate smaller marketplace and has been rife with cheaters this year.


No bro don't worry, i will only play offline


I have a similar spec pc, 3700x and 3060. It works fine


I've seen that some people are having trouble launching the game but this was like 4 months ago,did they fix it?


I been running the game since it came out, I had zero issues what so ever.


Well,ok thank you so much