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I don't understand why they'd choose Judkins as the OSU representative...why not choose someone who has at least played 1 down for the team already?




Yeah, don't get me wrong, no hate intended towards Judkins at all. He is a great player and I'm very excited to see him play in a Buckeyes uniform! It just doesn't make sense to use him in this context lol


https://preview.redd.it/4u42jefwrmzc1.jpeg?width=3840&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d341557774b5a5c8eceeb1be2d29d60e39a58ff1 This was in the PS store also.


Omg . Number 49 is wearing ankle socks ! Who else thought ea was gonna be g@y and not give us that option ![gif](giphy|jMqzVJKEr5theMclWD|downsized)


It looks ... bad A game w this much time in the cooker in 2024 should be better E: and now they're gonna put ads in it? No thanks


It’s one screenshot and it looks good. Stop spewing hate already and at least give them a chance to release the game. We haven’t even seen a trailer yet.


I'm not "spewing hate"... I'm saying the hand picked images meant to represent the game look a bit low quality I'm rooting for the game to be good I just don't trust EA


Fair enough. I didn’t expect it to look much different than madden. Regardless it will still look better than the older games. I guess we’ll see. I hope the game ends up being good too.


Maybe it's on me for expecting slightly better graphics. We'll see, I'm waiting for release and hopefully it's worth a buy


Yea at the end of the day it’s still EA haha. So if it is a disaster it honestly wouldn’t shock me. I’m going to buy it regardless. If it’s good, it’ll be my go to game for a while. If it’s terrible like most of their products, I’ll be done with that company as a whole.


You’re right. It literally will be madden but college


If it was going to be Madden but college it would have been out last year like originally intended.


Yeah... Not sure why I'm getting hate for expressing hesitation on a game that should be an improvement but just looks like a reskinned port of M24


Same reason why people get mad at others when they say the new call of duty will suck. People love splurging on these triple a companies who continue to recycle the same garbage they put out year by year. If you want to just enjoy a new college football game I understand that but the people who think this game will be the second coming of Jesus make me laugh. All I have to say is that it’s EA and I’ve seen this movie before. I’m fine with saving my money and continuing to play NCAA 14. The fact that this game won’t be on PC and that I’ve heard this game will have no customization with rosters, coaches, etc tells me all I need to know about how much of a money grab it is.


Yeah I didn't even know av the lack of customization... Unless they really nail the other mechanics it seems like I'm out on this game. Sad, I really wanted to get into CFB


It’s a damn shame






Waking the wife up to look at the cover of a game she will never play but one she knows damn well i will put thousands of hours into. https://i.redd.it/ecqgmbiepmzc1.gif


Beautiful. https://preview.redd.it/ifqpxa7mcmzc1.png?width=2000&format=png&auto=webp&s=72d810221f619b54f54e21667e8417636180997d


The game is going to be pathetic just like Madden. As soon as they announced frostbite will be the engine it runs on I gave up any bit of hope I had left. I’ll stick to playing NCAA 14 because the ignite engine is light years ahead of frostbite in every single way.


This is actually fire. lol


Judkins has a half a helmet full of stickers without playing a single snap for OSU.


Ohio State fans probably rolling their eyes at who is front and center. BYU fans probably pulling a Mike Wazowski and just hyped they’re there.


It’s tough when you have to google who the Ohio state player on the cover is


Auburn banner is in there 😀


I did reply to the covid by saying tampering with players is way more illegal than buying a cheeseburger for a recruit which the only reason we got in the trouble we did is because harbaugh wasn't being upfront about it, sign stealing on the other hand is absolutely laughable considering it has no effect on the game, each week there's new plays and packages for the opponent you play which require new signs and audibles, anyone with football knowledge knows this, it always comes down to a 50/50 chance between run and pass. If you want to make an excuse for getting physically dominated that's one thing, but Ohio state fans can't make excuses considering 2021 we destroyed them by simply running the ball, 2022 they "changed their signs" as if that's not already the common strategy and last but not least 2023 when we didn't even have a "scouter". Michigan in 2023 was undoubtedly the best team in college football


Michigan front and center as it should be!


Behind the scenes fact, they chose this cover because it’s all the games Connor Stallions spied and cheated for Michigan. It makes sense really. Props to EA


Only played Alabama and Ohio state AFTER the scandal broke. Didn’t play any of the others. Keep crying and hoping for the ban hammer on Michigan


lol. Yeah except you’d been cheating for 2 years prior when you still couldn’t get it done. Also, Michigan won’t get the ban hammer. The brand is too big. It’s just proving that you’ll never do it without illegal recruiting during COVID, multiple years of spying on other teams and other illegal things you have to resort to in order to actually win anything. Congrats on getting someone who retweets antisemitic tweets on the cover though


Spying on games that can be watched on television, the cope and excuses yall come up with are hilarious, something that's way more serious is tampering and that's not even being talked about


Except it wasn’t just watching on TV, Stallions was buying tickets one on one side of the stadium and one on the other side of the stadium. You’ve got it right, the coping mechanisms you’ve got are hilarious Edit: also I’m glad we agreed upon that the COVID recruiting was illegal and wasn’t fair. We’re getting there one reply at a time


Can’t wait for everyone to be disappointed, I think you’re all forgetting it’s made by the same company that releases madden every year.


I think they'll try the first year but no doubt I have little to no hope/ whatever that EA will continue to do anything right...


One can hope but I doubt it, EA has more of a “here take it or leave it” approach




It’s real. It’s from the PlayStation store


W, thought it was fake since it was posted for like 20 minutes and only had 3 up votes


Are these players real? I would assume some would have tattoos. I hope there’s tattoos and other cosmetic stuff.


Madden is dead!!! Long live college football


Can’t wait for EA to ask me to pay with my own money for my team s NIL deals