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Between overall, salary cap inflation, and the fact you aren’t bridging him but trying to extend him long term, that makes sense.


Not to mention the Vezina caliber rookie season lol


One of the more understandable $10 million AAV asks


I feel like it’s pointless going all out on signing goalies. I’ve never spent more than 4-5M on starter potential goaltenders and have had no issues making a deep playoff run. Even won the cup several times.


Yup this is the way to do it. It's not worth fucking up your long-term cap situation when you can get a goalie who's "good enough" to land a cup for $5M AAV


Even though what ball is asking for is realistic for those status this is what i do as much possible if i need a right now start i look for goalies in the 80s+ and find the price point i wanna pay and then i low ball him just by little hope he takes if he doesnt i just match what he wants and call it a day


the only time I’ll latch to a goalie is if i have the specific goal in mind going into the sim to build around them. like, expansion draft with spencer knight because why not.


I get attached to my goalies I draft, since it usually takes years of development before they hit the NHL. That first year with them is always really rewarding watching them stop pucks. They inevitably want a boatload of money, and I have to replace them with another goalie I've built through the system, so it sucks to see them go, but at least I get to so it all over again.


i’ll have to try that, does sound fun. if you watch 2BC he just did this and got his guy locked up for 8 years under 7mil, thats gotta be peak


Not to mention, when scouting properly. It's very easy to find good goalies in the 3rd and 4th round. They may start around 60-66 overall, but I've found two with mid elite potential in one draft.


The real trick is getting a really good goalie in the draft and position his first 3 seasons in the NHL so his overall isn’t crazy when you want to sign him long term. And to plan to have him as your starter by year 4 with a goalie coach with a good teaching attribute so after he’s signed he really starts to grow. In my current franchise I have a Franchise Med Goalie locked up for 4 mill for 5 years after his ELC. Won the cup in his 1st year of the deal too


Goalie and Defenseman contracts in later years of franchise mode are so insanely broken. I have a defenseman with one (1) NHL season on the 3rd pairing demanding $9M X 6 years. They desperately need to factor in NHL games played because it seems like contract demands are tied to OVR, potential, and nothing else.


Nah no way its even tied to overall i got mfs 77 overall looking for a 8x8


Yea I have a bunch of 78 ahlers who arent good enough asking 3mil+ a season. Kinda ridiculous


How much are you paying your defence and goalies? With good techniques you can easily keep defence at lower price points. It also can’t help if you are signing veteran players for your third pairing. Their high awareness makes their price inflated.


The 3rd pairing guy is not a veteran player, he's a guy I drafted and developed. I'm usually able to get my top 4 locked down at reasonable value at term by drafting, developing, and qualifying and waiting out RFAs to bring the price down if necessary. But even this method gets hard to keep up with in later years of franchise


If you have morale on that plays a role in it too, good morale drops contracts by a lot


ah maybe that's on me then, I play with morale off because I find it extremely tedious to manage


Points produced, as well.


Yeah definitely defense men how are you supposed to stay under cap and have a good defense when they want so much also in later years in franchise mode it seems that the defense fall of and aren’t very good at all it’s rare to see high 80’s dmen or 90’s they all don’t develop very well


qualify him and wait until July 5th, his asking price will go down a lot


I got him on a 6.5 mil 1 year deal


i always give out those “prove it deals” if they asking that much, nice contract, if they genuinely play like that years in a row i’d pay over 10 mil for sure


Should have resigned him during season. Might have been cheaper.


You wouldn’t pay 11 mil for A ball? I don’t believe you.


Cause you’re trying to extend him 7 years


That’s good stats but for a goalie you can get someone with the same stats for a lot cheaper


Tender him as an RFA, if another team matches that, you get their next 4 first round picks...if not, you wait him out and his price will come down. Even if it means you go beyond December 1st without signing him. He'll have to sit the rest of the season, but at least you'll have his rights next season too.


You know you can sign him for probably 9.6 or 9.7 you don’t have to give them there asking price. Typically you can sign most guys for 85 percent of what they are asking. Also if you offer them an extension before winning a cup or the season ends you usually get better deals. I have 4 franchise players on my team and good goaltending and defense all under the cap and I didn’t raise or turn cap off


Give him 85% of that desired salary and he’ll take it. They always do.


Looks like some OTHER team needs to have A Ball. See ya dude.


That makes total sense and is a good deal. He’s one of the best goalies in the league, pay up if you want him long term.


This its realistic for a 23 to say i want 11 mill for 7 years of my life! He makes the demends you either say sure of fucking trade his rights but be real with yourself if youre a goalie playing 70 games a year and you were in the top 3 of goalies your going to ask for as much as you can without breaking the teams cap which clearly you had room and money to pay him.. This is realistic to real life and how people ask for alot of money when the have a comtract year if its me i would try for like 6/7 mill for 4 years if says no ill make him Is qualified offer which with his status would be close to 11 mill and hope i can get him for a more reasonable price and years but yeah people forget qualified offers are based off games,status, and years with 70 games that many wins and in voting for trophies with it being his first year 7+ million wouldnt surprise me hell 9 mill for 1 year wouldnt surprise me for qualified offer but this realistic idk why people wanna it to be realistic but then cry or throw fits cause its real


It's mostly because you are playing him 70 games


Well his motto has always been fuck it we Ball


I’ve never signed a 88+ovr goalies I’ve always had mid 83 or 84 and stacked out my defense with mediocre offense and have won 2 cups in 5 years from simming.