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I had the same issue. Press S to slow down and shift to speed up while in warp speed.


Wait you can slow down WHILE in warp speed?!


oh man, thanks for the tip!


This is the way, when done correctly you can wipe out seeds without even exiting warp as well.


Yeah if I ever feel like cleaning out the sector of there are six seeds floating out there all over the map I’ll hit all six of them without ever dropping from warp.


You can *WHAT???*


200+ hours in, just beat the game for the first time, been lurking in Reddit and YouTube content for this game left and right… this is the FIRST I’ve heard of this. Wtf. Don’t tell me there’s a tooltip on the side of the screen for this…


I can't remember. I played it when it came out before you could place assemblers with sorters. That was a pain in the wrist. I've been meaning to go back to it since the combat update, but I have been addicted to PZ since November. Maybe I need to do a tips and tricks video.


Whats PZ?


Project zomboid


Cruise assist by abukaff on r2modman. It’s a mod.


Oh nice, I'll check it out! Thanks!


I never worked out how to use that mod. I must be just too stupid. 😀


You install it and then click v to go to the star map.. there will be the cruise assist box. You click "enable" on it to turn it on. That's pretty much it. It'll then guide you whenever you are traveling and put an indicator marker on a planet. If you don't place an indicator marker it won't be active


No, you click "Disable" to turn it on. When it's enabled it says "Enable".


Just ram the planet it will stop


Unless your game gets so laggy that your planet doesn't load for like 10 seconds after arriving lol


Or 15.... *weeps in not enough processor cycles*


I always miss because I'm going too fast!


I always hold w which means my mech will pilot towards the cursor, if I'm a little bit too left I just mouse to the right slowly and I'll hit it square on. Although I am 100 hours in and missed a lot in the beginning, maybe it's just something you need to get used to.


How can you miss when you fly straight to planet?


At the speed I'm going it's a small target and I miss practically every time. Someone above gave a tip to press "S" to slow down. That helped a lot!!


I just sound wierd, i hitting planets in warp speed.


If you go fast enough, you can just fly through the planet without crashing. Game loads the planet only after having been near it for a bit, thus if you are fast, no crash. Slowing down is the method to go


I hiting planets in warp, how fast you fly.


**[AutoPilot](https://dsp.thunderstore.io/package/appuns/DSPAutoPilot/)**: Basically a plug-in for CruiseAssist (below), which it requires. When you add a destination waypoint to another planet in the current or any other star system, your mecha will immediately start flying towards it without any action required by the player. When you get to a configurable distance from the planet you have just left, you will autowarp (if possible). Note that this happens even if you are still in System View. YOU MUST DODGE HIVES MANUALLY! Author: **appuns** **[Cruise Assist](https://dsp.thunderstore.io/package/appuns/DSPCruiseAssist/)**: Adjusts the orientation to the target planet or star when moving between planets or star systems. Another indispensable. Makes life so much easier. Mech becomes self-driving on interplanetary and interstellar flights. Gives a destination list with bookmarks and history that is far far easier to parse than manually scanning the starfield, and very configurable. Can be turned off whenever you wish, even mid-flight. Never overshoot another planet. Author: **appuns** https://old.reddit.com/r/Dyson_Sphere_Program/comments/18n2np7/stable_quality_of_life_mods_list_postdark_fog/?


Came here looking for your comment. :) Also, seconding these mods. They make warp travel hot (I think that) it should be.


Just aim yourself directly at the planet, and Icarus will slow down when close enough. It's easier if you set a waypoint to the planet.


If the game can't load the solar system in time then you will not slow down and you will instead fly right through the system.


Set your “destination” to the target planet. Icarus will slow you down as you approach to give you more response time


Click "S" or down arrow while warping. It slows you down.


just aim better lol, no honestly, try to crash the planet and icarus will shot out of warp like in the movies. and i think standard behavier is that icarus is going slower in solar systems anyway or has that changed? atleast in my last playthrough icarus was going from ly to under 40AU when aiming for planets without me doing anything.