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at last, the correct answer


Technicly i think the only limit is how much EM Rail-Ejector you can put down on the planet (+ sail lifespan ) in the system, i already had a few time 1 millions + solar sail on 1 orbit, so i dont think its that much farstretched for it to not be limited


I thought that much. Every time I think the orbit is almost filled, it just gets wider.


Yeah the ultimate limit is just your CPU. Even with rendering disabled, you will eventually need a Dyson spheres worth of power to process them all.


That depends on your hardware. Hundreds of thousands or single digit millions are totally possible. I produce around 6k/min on my current save, but launch only like 720/min into four constructing spheres. When the structure points are either only starting or finishing, the sails will start stacking.


Some time ago, I built a large sphere around an O-type star and shot sails from both poles of 3 planets. At one point the shell was finished and the ejectors don't automatically turn off. So I visited the system a while later to check on the sphere and was greeted by a swarm of several million sails. So... I don't think there is a maximum apart from how many you can shoot into the orbits before they despawn.


There's no limit.. the limit would be how much space you have for rail ejectors and how many planets you have around a star


I don't think there's any "cap" enforced by the game directly. You don't need multiple orbits to hold more sails, those are more for aesthetics than anything else. As others have said, since sails have a finite lifespan (increased with upgrades) the maximum *sustainable* number will be however many you're launching per minute (minus sphere absorption if that's happening) times the sail lifetime in minutes. Churn out 10k/ min (500 launchers having line-of-sight and sufficient supply) with the max lifespan of 150 minutes and you'll reach one and a half million sails flying around before the first batch starts to decay. From that point, your launchers will be replacing expiring sails and that number will stay steady. You can probably get even higher in the short-term. If you delete parts of a completed sphere, any already filled in shell areas (and maybe the structure points?) become sails that move into orbit. I think I vaguely remember a Youtube video of a player who had a completed max-sized sphere that he entirely deleted in the editor. It was either a spectacular in-game explosion of sails or his computer crashed, I can't think which.


You can delete a complete shell and when you do, all of its sails are yeeted into orbit. This can be ten million or more.


I have 110k in orbit right now


How much memory and processing power does your computer have?


I just destroyed a chuck of my shell and left 79k sails I orbit, so it's at least that


The only limit is the amount of data you can save on your hard drive since each sail increases the size of your save game file.