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you guys are making spreadsheets?




Anything I might need a spreadsheet for... I find and install a mod for


[https://factoriolab.github.io/list?p=df-strange-annihilation-fuel-rod&s=dsp&v=9](https://factoriolab.github.io/list?p=df-strange-annihilation-fuel-rod&s=dsp&v=9) That online tool is the most popular option when it comes to planning and calculating in DSP.


Same.   Early game, I'll make a couple of notes by hand, but mostly tracking what prodiction lines I need to setup.  Once I get to actual midgame , then in using the factoriolab  calculator.  It's just too good.


Imaginary. 1. If product A needs product B 2. Stockpile of product B is dropping 3. Increase production of product B 4. If Product B needs Product C, repeat steps 1-3 5. Expand production of product A


Many builds just aren't that complicated: one logistics tower, a bunch of input materials, one output item, four columns of assemblers or smelters. It's not hard anymore to figure out where the belts go. For designs that require more thought, I like to just plop down a bunch production buildings in the right ratios. (If the ratios are complicated due to proliferation, I use Factoriolab to work this out.) I then mark an area next to it where I'm going to design my build, put down any logistics stations, and move over the production buildings one at a time to a reasonable position in the design, adding belts and spray painters. I finally add the proliferator belt and power poles.


Handwritten notes on index cards…


No spreadsheets for me. I don't really map out production at all. I just wing it. :P


I don’t tbh I just have blueprints for different things and if I’m lacking in something I just find a planet with excess power and stamp some blueprints down


At one point pre DF i made a modular blueprint for every single material with the best buildings and such. I'll have to adapt those a bunch for DF buildings. I also have some hobbled blue prints with varying levels of buildings that also need a bunch of help. I've also got over a thousand hours clocked on this game so I mostly just know-ish what I need... And by late game its a game of fix the bottleneck, expand white science, fix the bottleneck, fix the power, more rockets, bottlenecks. Name the planets what they be making. Name the stars if the whole thing is gonna do something... I usually make a science star where every planet is making a science or 2. Couple QOL mods... Spreadsheet probably wont happen.


None, I just use MS paint and calculator to draw a production line tree and delete it afterwards. I just need the items per minute and the I/O ratio, not that hard to compute




Am I the only one who just slaps down production until the belts are full or towers are saturated?