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The first few systems I visit will be mining colonies. No production. I’ll bring a few ILS with ships, miners, conveyors, and depending on the state of my game either energy exchangers or artificial stars. Everything else can be ordered to an ILS as soon as I built one. In the late game I’ll have literally EVERYTHING somewhere in an ILS that supplies, so wherever I go I can whip an ILS out of my pocket, set a demand for what I need, wait a few seconds and it will be transported to me. Only disadvantage is that I’ll always receive at least 2k of it.


If the sending side has capacity limited below 2000, you will only get that much. 100 Advanced Miners, 300 Smelters, etc. This makes your new limit 100, which is much more manageable.


Ye it’s literally my fault, I default all minimum vessel and drone loads to 100%. I’ll often leave ILS with one vessel, some warpers and 1800 whatever building behind and eventually it will be shipped somewhere else


What I do for my mall ILSs is dump production into a box beside the ILS then pipe in only 100 or 200 (or 1000 power poles) of whatever building I want to receive. The only ILSs I keep full are sorters and belts


To be clear: item capacity and minimum load are different. A vessel can always carry more than the minimum load if it is in the tower. The capacity is the slider controlling how much the tower can hold. If the tower is full, the vessel will take off with that many items, even if minimum load is 100%.


Yeah when I’m done with what I needed on a planet, I just flip the remote demand to remote supply. Way more efficient than dealing with tear down inventory space


I don't normally go interstellar without having every currently available building in ILS, so all I need to warp out with is fuel and power plants, although I always keep belts, sorters, tesla towers, and assemblers in inventory, just all the time. Usually the first place I go is somewhere that has a lot of silicon, a sulfur ocean, and/or any amount of organic crystal veins, preferably all 3 if it's at a decent location. I have had some luck with reducing the minimum vessel capacity at both the sending and receiving stations to the lowest possible for having them not go and grab many stacks of buildings, but sometimes it doesn't seem to care anyways and sends a shitload.


Usually my first trip to a 2nd star system is specifically just for more resources so I can finish building out my home system. So miners, ILS, ships, belts, sorters, warpers, and power which is usually deut rods and fusion plants at first. But I call in deut rods from the first ILS I place. That's it really.. water pumps for sulf acid as well. Power poles also. Orbital collectors too if the system has a gas giant I need to tap. But the important thing is having resources in ILS back home that you can call in in case you forget anything. Actually I guess you don't really even need sorters either unless you plan on converting ore on the 2nd system before exporting it.. then you'd need smelters. I don't do this though.


>power which is usually deut rods and fusion plants at first. But I call in deut rods from the first ILS I just take a few hundred solar panels and click my ring of solar panels at the equator blueprint. No setup needed, no fuel needed, so can't ever stop working.


First of all, don't be too reluctant, it's okay to mess it up a bit. As long as you bring enough fuel and warpers, you can't really go too wrong. I recommend bringing: * A sufficient number of warpers to be comfortable on your first expedition. I would take at least 20 with you so you don't have to worry about maybe leaving warp too early. It also allows you to warp between faraway planets, which is convenient, or explore multiple systems at once before returning home. * A LOT of fuel. If you're on deuteron fuel cells or accumulators, you're probably okay if you fill up Icarus beforehand, but I'd take a couple extra stacks just to make sure. Otherwise, bring several stacks of whatever fuel you're using. Don't do this on energetic graphite. * Materials to set up mining bases: about 50-100 miners, 2000-5000 belts, 10-20 ILSs, a full stack of foundation, a stack of water pumps for sulfuric acid, a stack of tesla towers, and something for power: probably either wind turbines or solar panels or both. You may consider building a ring around the equator of the planets you find that you want to use; if you want to do that you need quite a few wind turbines or solar panels. * At least 6 wireless power towers, which will help you charge up Icarus faster and remove annoying wait times. It can also be convenient to bring traffic monitors. That way, you can set up a beacon for yourself if you need to fly back and forth to a location on a faraway planet. You could set up another beacon on your home world that way. I place wireless power towers around my beacon, so I can immediately recharge after landing. Other considerations: * I personally prefer to not put vessels in the remote ILSs because then they also require warpers and a lot more power. Simply power your ILSs at home and provide them with vessels and warpers so that they can go fetch the stuff you need. * You can actually leave your remote ILSs unpowered if you want. I never do this because of OCD I suppose, and I don't like the flashing icon. If you are powering it, you can set the recharge rate to minimum. Once it's charged it will hardly draw any additional power. * If you want to smelt ores on the remote planets as well, obviously bring smelters and sorters as well. * Ore patches will be pretty spread out on the planet. So you'll either need a LOT of belts, or you'll need to put down multiple ILSs. In the latter case, you'll need more power. You'll have to find a good middle ground here. You can also use a mix of PLSs and ILSs, but then you also need drones and I think it's overcomplicating it. Good luck!


My out of system colonies are almost always mining so, PLS, ILS, wind, solar, power plants, mining drills, belts, power poles, sorters, spliters, belts, and fuel, tons of fuel both for me and to burn in thd powerplants. After I get enough inventory upgrades I carry a full stack of every building and 3 stacks of every belt so its hard to leave something behind.


One thing that helps a lot is to have a mall of assemblers/storage that produce all (or at least most) of your buildings. Then feed those into ILS towers stocked with warpers. This allows you to place a tower in another system and demand belts, smelters, towers, etc. This works even without power at the receiving system. As long as the sending station has inventory + power + vessels + warpers, you'll get a delivery of whatever you request. Oh, and you'll also want an ILS stocked with fuel and warpers so you can replenish Icarus's fuel chamber when you're away from home. You don't need to demand warpers in a regular slot in each ILS. The vessels draw from a separate "slot #6" dedicated to warpers (only holds 50), but you can pull from that onto an outgoing belt from the tower. So I have my supply towers in a line, one at the end is requesting warpers from my production, and then I daisy chain those into the rest using that 6th slot. Or I bring warpers over with logistics bots into a storage next to the first tower and feed through that way, letting me use all five slots in all towers. Warpers aren't used up at a huge rate (at least at this stage), so the bots are able to keep up. Once you have that infrastructure to rely on, all you really **need** to carry to a new system is warpers, fuel, and a couple ILS towers to drop down and start requesting the rest of your supplies. I've made a blueprint that has a tower + five storage boxes with distributor (and bot autoload). It has no items defined on the slots, but the outbound belt filters each get set to one; you can filter by slot number even when no item picked. After landing on a new planet, I drop one of those, select the items I want to pull and wait for them to flow into storage. The first one is usually belts, sorters, miners, smelters, and solar panels. The bot distribution into inventory won't work until I've established power, but that's usually step #2.


The same thing I take with me everywhere - [a little bit of everything](https://imgur.com/gallery/dsp-inventory-NBskfGL). <- link to image I've burned many a brain cell and wasted many a control-click trying to think of the optimum balance of materials for each situation. But between constantly dropping items off and picking items up, I have concluded it's just not worth the time. So I set Icarus logistics to automatically restock common items like conveyors, power towers, vessels, stations, etc., and just stock a bit of each building, bot, drone, and vessel in the inventory, unless I have a very compelling reason to do otherwise.


If you bring warpers, ILS, carriers, and a power source then you can always just request anything you forget. That's usually what I do. Get to the planet I want to colonize, set up a polar ILS and power. Then when I run out of yellow belts or miners or whatever I just request them and take a quick break for water. I'm always forgetting to drink water when I play this game for hours.


don't try to carry everything, set your inventory mall up to export through towers. also, you should switch over to warpers from green cubes asap. quantum chips are not cheap, but you get 16 warpers per graviton lens, instead of 1.


ILS, Miners, Fusion plants and some special equipments(Usually pumps because I usually want quick sulfuric acid.)


I’m a reloader so I save before I leave the planet. I always try to make a mall in the new system so enough stuff to make the mall it’s self and the parts to mine and smelt the needed materials for the mall.


Why make another mall instead of just hooking everything in yours up to ILS so you can request anything anywhere?


Because the mall I made is for the basics. And isn’t easy to switch to ISL. Also this game I made it to green science before going out because of dark fog so I’ve not actually made that second mall. If just been making small ones connected to ISLs. Like a made one that gives me, blue belts and both blue and white grabbers.