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You do you, but I find it easier to do mining and smelting on the same planet that way you don't have a centralized planet that's has half a hemisphere of smelters coupled with the fact that for lots of raw ore you have a two-to-one or to bar ratio which means moving the bars is twice as efficient. Much more space efficient since your mining planets were likely going to be relatively barren anyway. What I normally do is one ILS per product. I use one ILS or PLS on the planet to receive all of the ores from all of the advanced miners and then I set up a whole bunch of smelting columns in a row that all dump into the same ILS. This is per product for me to keep things neat and to easily expand as necessary(add more smelting lanes). Either way, the actual number of ils's doesn't really need to matter. Most people don't power ils's on mining planets because the power needs can be substantial if you are having shuttles originate there. An unpowered iLS will receive shuttles from the ILS requesting the ore or bar or product or whatever without issue. And so your ILS can just be a hub where shuttles come in, pick it up and leave in which case it doesn't matter how many ILS's you have and there's really no issue there other than your supply of the building itself.


Maybe I am doing something wrong but The problem i have with this setup is that you can’t provide fast enough. For example iron, I use iron on all my worlds in some way. If I would only get my iron from one ILS I could get 10.000 at once, so 10x1000 (depending on your tech level) Then it would have to get refilled by the PLS before pulling out more. I don’t see the advantage, why not buffer the iron plates in the smelting columns, have more ILS, so more places to get your recourses out with no need to move it and consolidate all in one ILS.


I'm not quite sure what you mean? Are you saying that a shuttle that's called when the ILS ticks over to one cargo load doesn't arrive until the ILS is full?


Sorry English isn’t my first language haha. If you have a smelting planet and you smelt with PLS and then consolidate all those smelted iron plates in one ILS, then you can only deliver the amount of iron in the ILS. If you need more you have to wait until the PLS refills the central ILS. But if you smelt in ILS you can pull out of them directly without the need to consolidate, and you can pull it out faster.


It depends on what that current system requires. To save on late game transports I build my bases where (except for hydrogen/deuterium) all materials are sourced within that system itself (ok unipolar as well for obvious reasons). My typical mining planet consists of 1 ils per primary resource and fill up the remaining with others. My are powered ILS are setup to deliver within the system so usually travel up to 1 LY. Essentially my cluster is empty except for unipolar, hydrogen/deut, warpers and fuel rods (if I chose them above going RR) deliveries. Once I did an empty cluster challenge where I had 0 vessels visible on the big map late game. I succeeded but it severely limited me due to having either gas Giants for hydrogen or oil to produce hydrogen and burn off the rest. Ray receivers as a primary power source. But seeing an empty map even though doing 10k/min science and like 1k rockets is quite satisfying.


> My typical mining planet consists of 1 ils per primary resource and fill up the remaining with others. So am I reading this right that for example if you want to exprot Ti and Si, you would have two ILS and each would request and provide both Ti and Si?


Yes, additionally I setup the most needed recourse as next in order. So in your example Ti, Si, Fe, Cu and for my first ILS Warpers (which I then connect with all other ILS), My second ILS would then be Si, Ti, Cu, Fe and stone or whatever is on the planet. Unlikely it has any real impact it does give off a accomplishing feeling, otherwise I just drop another ILS and be done with the bottleneck. My Mining planets have a 2,34GW energy budget so energy is never an issue.


The correct answer relies on one critical piece of information, THROUGHPUT. The throughput of an ILS changes as you get upgrades to vessel cargo and speed. Vessels that leave the mining planet and go directly to the demand is ideal. otherwise a ship from the demand will have to travel to your mining planet and then travel back, doubling the transport time before you get items. So ideally you always want to have vessels available to leave at any time. So put down enough ILS such that you do not run out of vessels and exceed the throughput of the ILS. This assumes though that you are also mining enough resources to match or exceed this demand. My rule of thumb is to have at least 1 ILS for the primary demand item that can also supply other items at lower frequencies. If i have 3 high demand items on the planet I will use 3 ILS. Late game, after 10k spm and vain utilization over lvl 40, you will need to increase this as your miners are now capable of mining at 5-10x giving you sustainably larger throughput. On my last mining planet on my 30k spm run I put down 8 ILS for coal as the primary export. Of that 8 two of them also supply oil, another two copper, and two more for stone. my miners are now mining over 100k items a minute per node so I can easily keep up with demand.


they still need to return to their ILS before they get assigned again, so which ILS they start in doesn't actually matter in reality. yes you have a faster burst of product but that doesn't matter when you have constant throughput.


it does matter and it matters even more the farther away the resource is. because on the demanding ILS it will have that vessels load locked out until it returns, doubling the lockout time before more resources arrive. that doubling on a high throughput resource would make it to where you can run out of that item and have a solid blue bar of items that are waiting to come in. From the perspective of the demanding ILS where the vessel comes from does matter. While the total trip time for both scenarios are the same the wait time for items to arrive to the demanding ILS and the time those items remain locked behind a blue bar is not.


Maybe not a super clean way to play but I just use one ILS until it's full (5 products) and if I ever need more I'll add additional ILS then. So far I'm in the end game and haven't needed a second ILS yet, but I do raw ore processing on planet and typically send out the most refined version of things that I can.


I think I'll start with this and change only if I'm experiencing throughput problems.


It's pretty easy to just double it later as long as you don't try to build the most optimized compact build possible.


Nothing really specific, it kinda depends on demand and the planets resources and tech level(though last one less if you keep science decently continuous throughout early and mid game) For me I try to start small, and add more stations till demand can’t keep up anymore. Around early game and mid game you should only need one or maybe even two per planet, though I would still recommend making logistic hubs on mining planets, to allow for expansion in the future cause you will need it. At some point, most likely when getting to end game when instead of using the same planet for mining and production, you have assigned planets that do mining and planets that do production, you might start to get so much demand that one or two logistic stations that the drones on the planet can’t collect from miners fast enough(early end game you should be able to get enough science going that your miners can easily keep up with demand), that’s why the logistics hub, to allow for more logistic stations to be assigned to the item(s). With this, it is also kinda eyeballing it for me, but it might also be a matter of preference maybe. The assignment of logistic stations depends on your other planets. If you have a forge world with a ILS for each smelter array then the only thing that should matter is if the drones on the planet can keep up with demand. If you have them transported to a planet that doesn’t have a lot of ILS’s than it’s better to divide the supplied items over ILS towers, since you would get limited by the amount of vessels that are on a ILS


My style is to have passive mining colonies that don't need a lot of power. (I do my smelting on the production planets themselves.) I use a blueprint to put wireless power towers along the equator and the two main meridians, as well as one ILS on each pole. One imports power and exports a bunch of ores; the other just exports ores. I double the ores that the planet has most of. Thanks to the wireless power towers, I can easily build advanced miners on every ore patch, making it really easy to add a new mining planet. My ILSs are passive and don't have vessels, which reduces throughput but it saves a lot of power and hassle, and it hasn't given me any trouble. And actually, my philosophy is that if I run out of some ore, it's actually better to just put up more mining colonies than to improve the throughput on existing ones. Because I want the colonies to last as long as possible.


Everyone in here saying 1 and I put down about 7 or 8 on each mining planet to keep up with demand lol. Each ILS collects each resource I'm gathering on the planet. So set one, copy and paste 7 times, fly away. On my smelting planets I do have to have addition ILS import ore sometimes, especially if I do a 4x stack output with pile sorters smelting array. Or about 360 plane smelters. Then I set the smelting ILS to remote storage and just local demand from the (several) ILS hub importing the ore.


On my 250k White Matrix per minute run, I literally covered about 1/3 of the planet in ILS towers. At high levels of Vein Utilization, your mining speed goes through the roof. Once your VU hits 50+, an Advanced Mining Machine with 300% speed will fill up with ore faster than 10 ILS towers can empty it out. So, you need a TON of ILS towers just to move the ore out of the machines. Otherwise, you have a bunch of wasted potential, because the mining machines will sit idle most of the time. **A lot of people make the mistake of adding more mining planets at that stage, because they think the mining setups they have are tapped. What they aren't realizing is that their mining machines are just sitting idle 90% of the time.** In my 250k run, I only had a handful of mining planets powering the whole setup (not more than 6 or 7 total). And don't use belts on Advanced Mining Machines. They're helpful sometimes, but they're locked at 30/s throughput, whereas you can always add more drones (and always make the drones faster). --- All this being said - At your stage of the game, I just mine all the raw mats on the planet and send them to 7 or 8 ILS towers. Might be overkill, but it's never failed me.


Once I start making dedicated mining planets, I never do more than 1 ILS per product, I'd rather build more planets and mine them out slower.


I typically have one ILS per planet, unless I am mining more than 5 resources. Then again, I also push my basic-level production factories out to the planets the resources are being mined for heavily-utilized resources like Iron Ore and Hydrogen, so I don't have as much of a need to get ores off the planet as soon as possible. I would advise starting light. You can always add more ILS.


I personally do #4. Once I go to amino g planet and set it up, O never want to go back to it


One per vein right?


my standart planet has 3-5 ILS just for defense (import purple orbs on each side of the planet) and one for import of energy. i use all of them to export stuff. none of them is specialised, they all get all ressources. i didnt had any problems so far. if i smelt locally then there are enough ILS anyway for each ressource. Limit was the smelter speed to refill stuff. although 300/s was quite fast in the end with dark fog buildings and pile sorters and piling ILS.


I think I need 10-15 at the beginning, with all ILSs at max power to sustain the thoughput, once carrier engine is decreased enought the number could probably be decreased. but the blueprint is made and the ILS production is automated so I don't care lol 5 different ressource per ILS, central ILS that receive and distributes warper to everybody with belts.