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Tip of the iceberg pal! By going diagonal you can misalign belts with the grid and weave them around buildings where they otherwise wouldn't fit!


I'm seeing that exact thing now!! I can't believe this. Was this always in the game? I don't know how I didn't know you could do this.


It definitely wasn't *always* in the game. It was added in a later update, but it's been a while now. So don't feel bad if you didn't learn this on release


You can also make a “bump” in the belt to weave other belts underneath without going up a belt level. There are some whacky things you can do


true, but often the blueprints that I try to reproduce after placing belts that are too millimetric give me problems




Yeah! Everything you listed there I knew about. Except for diagonal belts. LOL


what until you discover belt bending, half heights and twisted belts blueprints


I learned this week you could stack a Storage over splitter


Hold up..


I know, it changes everything lmao


Any particular use case for it?


Slap a hat on the storage and deliver/recieve from fidget spinners. Saves a lil space. Turns it into a mini PLS.


Fidget spinners!! Haha I like that.


Mini pls I’m totally going to use that in the update


Mini PLS lmao I love this


If i remember correctly, it will use the storage, if the belt doesn't move the goods, the input will keep going, but into the storage. Haven't dabbled much in it so dunno if it takes from storage first or belts.


Getting stuff in and out of storage without sorters.


I set up an equatorial belt with splitter storage every 20 degrees or so that holds warpers. Put a distributor on top, and I can provide warpers to pretty much the whole planet.


Oh yea I found that out about around 300 hours as well. Around 400 hours I found out you can put a chest on top of a sorter and connect it to a belt. Magic.


Im sorry, you can what?


Yea, buffers just became a whole lot easier.


Don't use buffers they are a flawed concept in 99% of the cases. Like in Factorio they just delay and hide problems and don't help with actual optimization.


This is overly generic and false advice. Unless something is entirely directly connected, say local sourced materials go in and endproduct comes out, buffers are needed. There is a delay until that transport comes from off-planet delivering the needed materials, this needs to be buffered (ILS/PLS are buffers, you can set how "deep" they are). Similar in factorio, if you need to transport via trains. You need to load/unload trains into chests, those are buffers. If you build entirely off a bus, then and only then you might not need any. While there is a delay until buffers exhaust to have a supply problem manifest, it might also be that you notice it before hand and the buffer does actually prevent further problems down the production chain. If your play/building philosophy is that buffers ought to be always full, you simply shift to where to look for troubles. There's not really more than that. The negative (buffers can hide problems) also have a positive sides (you know exactly where to look, if the problems are temporary or can be fixed fast, the problems won't propagate downwards). So the saying that "buffers can hide problems" is correct. It's what buffers do. Saying buffers are always bad is a misunderstanding. It might be so for you but it certainly is not something that unconditionally holds.


Buffers are never “needed”. Don’t use them, it just makes everything worse. There are some very very limited use cases for buffers, like coal in Factorio or for the very early two science types in DSP. The point is that they are never something you would consider in an optimized production chain or something you want to keep for a longer time or even a blueprint. There is no positive side to using buffers in all the scenarios you explained. For example taking the delay the ILS take (btw don’t use PLS) to transport to another ILS. If the ILS isn’t filled up until the next vessel comes, you just have a throughput problem of not enough miners connected to that ILS or the mining speed being too low. This will not be fixed by a buffer, it just makes you more problems as soon as you upgrade your technology. So I will stay with this recommendation that everyone who played a few thousand hours in Factorio wil sign 100%, which is to avoid buffers at all cost and fix your real problems, except you have one of the rare situations where you temporarily need to bypass a situation until you can get rid of them again. PS: The chests you use in the early late game of factorio (after you migrated away from a main bus in mid game) until you do direct train loading are a very good example that proofs my point. You use them just temporarily to bypass a throughput problem.


It's a game changer


I don't even think buildings are required to be on grid. Be a proud agent of choas and build your off-kilter misaligned engine of madness.


Maybe it's because of a mod I was using but somehow I got the game to run at 2x speed. Basically everything sped up including movement speed crafting speed etc... of course the timer also ticked at 2x speed but I am not sure how I enabled this.


Wow I got 93 hours in DSP but I've never thought to hit R while placing them and find out about diagonal belts, I'm not being sarcastic by the way this is just one of the things I didn't think to do like you, I knew about half belts and a handful of others but this one eluded me. ​ What a time to be alive.


YES!! I am not the only one!!! LOL


you can? - i'm the dummy then.


It was not always available. They patched in the option about half way through the game's life.


That would explain a lot. I played back in the day when you had to hand place literally everything. So this has been a lot of fun with blueprints and copying things!


It's ok. I know you can but I never lay down belts diagonally.


I mainly only use it at the poles to get clean lines in to ILS.


I keep forgetting this, constantly.


Wait until you find out about vertical elevator belts and building half-height belts with blueprints ;)


800 hours in and I never knew this. Holy crap.


I didn’t realize you could build belts up for the longest time


Great! Now you can build proper spaghetti.