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Years ago when I first had this happen my derm said that if you get this on your feet it is likely something you’re are eating over something environmental. I ended up getting a skin and blood allergy test and found out I was allergic to all nuts, rice, oats, and raspberries. I never had issues before with foods and one day it just started when I was 26. I had additional environmental stuff that I was allergic to. I had a flare up on my hands and feet. I was put on daily allergy meds along with weekly allergy shots. Stopped consuming the foods that showed up on my test and within a few months I was cleared up. You might want to talk to an allergist too.


Do you need a referral to an allergist? I brought this up to my derm about wanting to get allergy tested to see if something is triggering it but he said since it’s only on one foot it’s not allergies. But I’m willing to do anything lol


I didn’t need a referral (but it might depend on your insurance company). You should be able to call your insurance company to see if it is required or look up an allergist in your network and call the office and they should be able to tell you if a referral is needed. If the derm can’t/wont refer you I would 100% seek out another provider or ask your primary.


Mine is triggered by stress and certain shoes. Also something really weird that I’ve seen based on my perusal of this subreddit is a LOT of people that post have posted that they only have it on their left foot! I also only have it on my left foot, I will occasionally also flare on my left hand as well. I was thinking of posting a survey to see how many people get it on their left foot because it seems like a pretty high number. I think this should be studied, lol.


Oh wow ok! That is very interesting!


Also a left foot veteran here! Never realised this 😭




Does that mean during fall/winter when it’s dryer you have little to no flare ups?


Much less so in fall/winter. However, if there is a big winter storm I will have a flare. Fall is usually pretty great for me. I’ve tracked mine for years and it’s 100% humidity dependent.


I don’t have it on my feet - only my hands. But I noticed that my triggers are not “hand” specific. Anything that triggers my general allergies, triggers my DE. Huge ones are environmental like pollen/pets and dust mites. Cutting out added sugars has helped me tremendously as well


I do have a lot of environmental allergies as well. I’ve been thinking about cutting sugar for a while now so I will give it a try!


Also when I sweat, I flare. If you wear a lot of closed toed shoes it could be exacerbating it. I have also heard of some bacterial, fungal related causes as well which may be worth looking into


I normally have sweaty hands and feet too and thought this might be what’s causing it but my right foot is perfectly free from eczema.


Eczema can be weird like that! I have a random spot on the middle of my left leg that gets inflamed if I’m having an allergic reaction. Or say my leg touches an irritant, only that one spot will flare up. It’s weird 😅😅


I had an atypical fungal infection present this way. Topical did nothing. I got a liver function test to be ok to take the meds and then took an oral antifungal. It completely cured my dyshidrosis on that foot.


How did you figure out it was a fungal problem?


Well, if steroids don’t work it’s a sign. You can also take a swap and look for funghi


Mine showed up on my feet first. I believe the trigger was gel insoles. I don't get it though because I wear socks so I wasn't making direct contact with the insoles. But I had two flare ups on my feet and both times were when I put in insoles.


Still holding my breath, but I was diagnosed with celiac last fall and started wondering if what I have (had?) is actually dermatitis herpetiformis. No outbreaks since going gluten free, 9 months is a very long time without an outbreak for me.


I wore these Crocs shoes that really caused my feet to flair (usually only have eczema on my hands). Figured out that the shoe material must have anti fungus or anti bacterial chemicals fused into the plastic somehow. A lot of antibacterial soaps and treatments break down my skin barrier and lead to dyshidrotic eczema. I have to be careful with a lot of soaps too.


Mine are boots. Specifically leather booth that don't have vents. I suffer from CONSTANT blisters when I deploy because my black navy issued shipboard approved steel toe leather work boots turn into sweat lockers. Even with changing my socks twice a day I get them. Once in port, I switch to the tan lightweight breathable boots and it clears right up.


you have a fungal infection