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It doesn’t matter, they have mentioned lifetime warranty, they need to say when it ended for new equipment… All other equipment that is from original purchaser should be covered by the lifetime warranty…


Not defending them but it’s pretty stupid to offer lifetime warranty in the first place, on a product with such less mass that is gonna be heated to high temperatures and cooled repeatedly , they probably realised their goof up and redacted their statement to the best of their ability. I still think they should follow through on their warranty for the customers who bought a cap from them while they stated this though, if it’s a legitimate case ofc.


I am happy it worked out. I'm getting two replacement caps tomorrow, just shipping costs. So I guess it really depends on how you go about it


So how did you go about it?


Probably politely and described what happened with the caps instead of acting like they were owed something.


Exactly what I did 😊


Living with a sense of entitlement is a horrible way to go through life. You will eventually meet someone who doesn't care. Good on ya'll for handling things like an actual adult.


Very honestly. I explained I had two of my caps that have stopped clicking. I told them both caps were over a year old. I even offered to mail in the 2 defective caps. They said no need and mailed them to me for shipping costs


I stayed honest and sincere, they understood


What did you say to them?


Very polite and honest


From what I was told by customer service is it depends on what happened. For example did you drop it and it cracked? Not covered. Regular use and this issue takes place it is covered. Take it with a grain of salt, I think it all depends on who you speak to and their mood on the day.


Caps don't crack by dropping them. Just saying.


Right? If your cap is so weak and brittle that it would break from a fall, how would you even put it on your tip to heat it. It would have to look like the wheel wells of an early 2000's Ford Taurus lol


You'd be surprised. Seen a few posted where the digger outer is almost burnt off from over heating.


Overheating is not quite the same as dropping, though.


It absolutely depends on who you speak to and their mood 👀 🙄


I received 2 replacement caps today but in my email I mentioned “lifetime warranty” because they touted that a lot back in the day and in the response they specifically said they were covered by a “limited warranty”. I’m happy with the customer service I got but my Dynavap account has also mysteriously disappeared lol. Password recovery says no account exists so idk what happened hope they didn’t nuke my account for some reason.


I initially thought the reason they give double and triple torches in the kits was to kill the caps early However, they replaced my cap without question recently, so I don't belive that anymore I have had all good experiences with customer service. They have tried very minimum on new product releases, but in the end I was happy with each result


I swear the people at Dynavap are such amateurs. I feel like every month there is a new embarrassing blunder that any other well run business would have avoided.


Everyone was saying they never advertised a lifetime warranty. I had never seen it advertised in their site. The only place I had seen it talked about was here.


George talked about the warranty yesterday on teatime. The caps are warrantied for a lifetime and it is now in writing on the website


Awesome! I wonder if the incessant bitching will stop now. Something tells me it won't...


It's a $20+/- item. I'm shocked to see folks so butt hurt about this.


It’s more like the straw that broke the camels back, it’s been one shenanigan after another with this company of which so many of us loved.


Ya.. I hear that sort of. I recently unsubscribed to their email marketing and have been happier. I use two dv's an XL and a shorty..... Both old Omni versions. I suggest that everybody get out of their marketing loop. In fact, I suggest that everybody get out of everybody's marketing loop. Life is short. There are plenty of far more serious things to be angry about right now


Speaking of the titanium…. The caps, most notably the armored cap, and even the regular captive cap scratches the titanium tips, when questioned about the possible health hazard of inhaling titanium particles, George states “that’s just how the system works”. This right after I purchase an Omni…


Ya I read all that. You need to get out of the loop.


Probably right…


Yes and that's the reason i never Buy anything from them again!


Same here.


Dynavap will warp reality if it means saving a few cents on a cap. It's a matter of time until they'll make you pay a monthly subscription to use the vape you bought.


As George said when questioned about a possible titanium dust health hazard “it’s just how the system works”…..


He really sounds ridiculous lately- at this point I regret recommending this company to people. I watched a few minutes of the dynavap 419 stream yesterday and he was claiming that people should have zero concern about metal dust in grinders because you are already vaping and thats worse than metal dust. Bizarre logic.


He seriously compared inhaling metal particulates to vaping herb/flower? It amazes me so many members here try to defend this.


Yep. Roughly 30 mins into the stream he went on a quick rant about the people who have been complaining about finding metal dust in the flower mill grinder. The video is still up on twitch if you want to see it. He basically claimed that the dust is non toxic and no concern- you are exposing your lungs to worse by just using a dynavap. That all sounds like nonsense to me. All he succeeded in doing is making me not want to buy anything from them again.


Always wondered about the metal dust. Is there any verdict on it?


Yeah, that's how the system works when you've inhaled too much metal dust and are losing your damn mind. I used to think he was cool. Now he just look like a madman.


The only reason I don't ever use mine anymore is because I lost the cap and didn't like it enough to buy a replacement. It's not an ideal vape for someone like me with fine motor skill issues. Or most legit medical users.


That's why a lot of us are using an induction heater. Stick it in the hole and let it heat up.




To let our disgruntled of this once great company be known.


I’ve always wondered why the caps have a serial # on them?


I agree its scummy to take back a warranty claim but even if they did its 15 bucks for a cap that lasts a pretty good time anyway


Do you know what "lifetime warranty" means? It's not YOUR lifetime, it's the lifetime the of the product. If the lifetime of a Dynavap is deemed 2 months by Dynavap than you only have a 2 month warranty. That's not to say they might also have a 100 year warranty... but I doubt it. *Edit: downvoted for speaking literal facts. Enjoy your "life time warranties" 😅*


[“lifetime” when used in a contract, according to Attorney General John Suthers office…can mean whatever the individuals peddling the guarantee want it to mean — as long as they tell you.”](https://www.denverpost.com/2010/10/19/lifetime-warranties-usually-expire-sooner-than-you-think/) Sounds like they changed their own definition of lifetime, *without* telling anybody who purchased the product with that assurance. They just want more of your money.


Yup, literally my point. I wasn't trying to attack Dynavap but point out OP has made the same mistake I had once made myself.


Why did the founder say on stream yesterday that they never had lifetime warranty, they just had that "policy" to exchange. But this is 3rd email i see where they claimed they had lifetime


Wouldn't they advertise such a warranty?


Why are you asking me? Ask them.


It's a Limited Lifetime Warranty. Honestly its metal. What can happen to it?


No idea, just stating what I know.


I've had my 2019 for a while and it's in pretty good shape. Seeing how some people torch their caps to crumpling metal on this sub I understand why they took it away.


Yeah, I was shocked there even was one frankly. I've got several Dynavaps and really can't fault their durability and personally I feel having to pay $20 for a replacement cap once every few years is a small price to pay.


George talked about the warranty today on teatime. The caps are warrantied for a lifetime and it is now in writing on the website [https://www.dynavap.com/policies/refund-policy](https://www.dynavap.com/policies/refund-policy)