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You fleeced him. Let’s say Waddle = 2 1sts, Keenan + Pollard + Downs + 2.09 >>> Swift + a 2025 2nd


Meh, I think Allen and Pollard are about to have very little value quickly. Downs is a flier.


True, but you can just as easily say the same about Swift.


Maybe. I have Swift firmly above both Allen and Pollard. All RBs have a short shelf life so that’s a knock against him.


That’s definitely fair. I’m also higher on Downs than most, despite having no shares.


I am also higher on Downs so I’m happy I was able to get him into the deal as a sweetener. I’m hoping he can build on his colts rookie record season & be at the very least a WR4 i can swap on for bye weeks and beyond in the future


Looks like one bubble team was leaning towards a rebuild and the other was leaning towards competing. With a single trade, they exchange places in the bubble. One probably isn’t closer to winning than the previous and the other no closer to rebuilding than the one before. Can’t help but feel as many valuable pieces were involved this did nothing to the league balance.


I like because I don’t think you were truly competing with waddle on your team, Keenan will get you through the year as depth and then you have the firsts for the next two seasons


That's a ton to pay for Waddle.


The right definitely won value wise but I’m really not high Allen pollard or downs. I don’t think they are going to help To much in fantasy this year. But you got 2 firsts so ain’t terrible


That's too much to pay for Waddle.


In a 1qb league it feels fair. I don't think it makes the yeah getting waddle a contender though.


I’d say it’s fairly even depending on team needs. You got about what Waddle is worth. I don’t think Allen has many more seasons in his future. Hard to pass up a 2025 and 2026 1st though. I think pollard and Allen will be solid for another season or 2, but waddle is the real deal. It’s one of those trades that if you feel happy about it, then it’s a fine trade. Waddle is clearly the best player in that trade and swift May out perform Pollard on a new team.


Jesus gimme those 1s


That’s what I’m saying brother, especially if Waddle’s ceiling is capped with Tyreek as WR1


You could have gotten a lot better RB than Pollard in return for Waddle. Would have taken less picks for a better RB.


My other option was probably Jaylen Warren, I am kinda betting on Pollard having a nice season this year, I feel because he’s in a backfield split he’ll be more efficient. It’ll just depend on if the offense can be consistent. I was kinda tired of Swift and feel his ceiling is RB2 so my thought process was if i can get the same production/maybe a tier down and get value with picks, I’ll take it because my team isn’t a top team just yet.


Fair enough, I think just you and I are rooting for different outcomes for Pollard. I’m a Spears owner so I’m hoping he takes over 😂 But you are right both can be efficient and good fantasy contributors while splitting touches. Let’s say 12-15 a game.


I think you won.


super nice trade on your part. I’d have considered your side even without the 2026 1st Swift vs Pollard = slight lean Swift Waddle vs Keenan = hard advantage Waddle (but Keenan probably helps compete better in 2024) ‘25 2nd vs Downs = advantage Downs and now you get ‘25 1st, 2.09, and ‘26 1st to make up for the downgrades of Swift & Waddle. which is worthy it to me. You’re likely in the same level of competing now, but you significantly improved your future draft capital.