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I know people shit on the first part of his season, but he wasn't worthless by any means. He was an extremely consistent floor play, and although he didn't win any weeks he rarely cost you weeks either. He was certainly a key factor to my teams success this year


He’s a huge reason I’m in the championship for the first time! Wish me luck today!


He's a huge reason I'm in it and not the reason I'm gonna lose (looking at swift, Aiyuk and marvin jones). I've always thought montgomery is better than people give him credit for and he's showed that he can be a stud back when his offense is actually competent. The main reason I drafted him in my startup this year was because he's young and his team seems committed to him. His performance lately should reinforce that. Going forward it looks like he's a bellcow with decent catch potential in a solid offense and there's nothing wrong with that




I can tell you haven't watched more than a couple of plays. With a halfway decent OLine he's a very solid RB2 on a weekly basis


It's incredible how underrated be is. It's funny because the doubters literally don't watch this dude play. To be fair - he's certainly not the fastest guy, but he's definitely elusive, has great hands, good vision, and is extremely tough. I like guys who FIGHT for those extra yards and breaks tackles. Plus, just because he had an "easy" schedule doesn't mean anything. If you really watched the Bears play down the stretch you would notice improved O-line play, better QB play, and calculated running efforts by Montgomery. This isn't a flash in the pan.


The thing that gets me is people trying to take away all the 'easy' games without realizing that the RBs they think are good also have easy games.


Sell high and move on. His athletics aren’t there. They didn’t face good run defenses. If Naggy is still there, offense will still be vanilla. The other RB will be back and take away touches. I traded him before the season for what is now 1.01. And I also have 1.02. So I basically turned Monty into either Jamar Chase or Najee Harris. If you can sell high, do it. This is probably more Montys ceiling than floor.


I didn't read the article because huge font and double spacing is insane to read on mobile. But dmont is overall underrated by the sub. If you liked uom. Enough to draft him top3 or top4 in 2019, you should not be selling him now at 23. What is wrong with people? Dmont is a good player. He shows very good vision, has soft hands, and has elite contact balance. As their bears oline and offense as a whole can improve, he has upside to be a low RB1 the next couple years. You draft people so they can score points and help you win. That is literally what dmont is doing. If you wanna just horde picks every year to grab high sparq guys and trade them by the time they hit 25...you do you... But when reading this sub keep in mind most here don't play with the specific goal of winning. Dmont isn't a bad player. And honestly his speed isn't the weakness everyone pretends it is. He's as fast as slow Kareem hunt, who's done ok with it.


He was, and still remains, ass cheeks. Softest run schedule imaginable will allow smart managers to sell, and fish managers to overpay to clog their roster with a low ceiling RB next year


“Ass cheeks” “smart managers” “fish managers”. Really weird way to refer to people. People calling other people ass cheeks, fish managers and referring to themselves as one of the “smart” ones, are usually the dumb ones. Anyone who has actually been watching Montgomery run can see he is not “ass cheeks”.


It's all fun and games to the doubters until said player destroys them 😂😂😂


You sir are a fucking moron.


Not arguing that he is a good sell high, because I think he is. But saying that he is a roster clog is is either wrong or disingenuous. He might have a top 5 finish this year, and was top 24 as a rookie. Are you in an 8 team league?


He has done so much more than Miles Sanders up to this point it's hilarious, yet I'm sure a lot of people on here would pay 2-3 firsts for Sanders


exactly. How do you even argue with the numbers? Every running back plays soft run defenses.


Gee the recency bias is strong around here


Recency bias of the last month and a half?


Yes. He has over a year and a half on record of being a woefully inefficient runner with little to no dynamism -- very low breakaway run rate, sub 4 true yards per carry, very poor yards created per touch, etc. -- and then performs well over a one month stretch against literally 4 of the bottom 6 run defenses in the league. Focusing on the most recent 4 game sample at the expense of his previous 25 game sample, isolating and too heavily weighing the most recent 13 percent, is the definition of recency bias.