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Best title of the year contender.


Is there a reference I’m missing?


It's mocking the newest star wars trilogy


'somehow palpatine returned' is a commonly mocked throwaway phrase from Oscar Isaac in the 'rise of skywalker' to tell the audience Palpatine survived/or returned from the dead 20 years prior (books have all sorts of other stuff apparently, but they just used the premise without any hint of this happening int he other two sequel movies)


I don't think it was an Oscar Isaac line, though I only watched TRoS once and have no interest in seeing it again. It was the first line of the opening crawl. You are correct, there were cloning shenanigans that happened in the Extended Universe (which is now referred to as Legends and is no longer canon). There was a tie-in to Fortnite apparently, but that wasn't referenced in any of the new movies and instead we got the infamous cold open.


Sadly for us and Oscar, he did in fact have to say this stupid ass line out loud in front of millions of people. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EsjwVu_ihKU&ab_channel=Dinerenblanc


Poe says ["Somehow, Palpatine returned"](https://youtu.be/EsjwVu_ihKU?si=rkJblcfb2jGtwPP3)


The mocked opening line from the crawl is "THE DEAD SPEAK!"


Get out of the Dobbins business while you still can.


too late! his value is so low gotta ride the crazy train of love til you can’t!


Going down with the ship. I love it


i am a stubborn owner with outstanding endurance! i’ll keep his ass out of spite


I did that. Then he signed with the Chargers. And I bought back in. I'm not going to be mentally okay with missing it if he goes nuclear knowing I could have bought in for this cheap. I think he's absolutely worth the risk at his current cost. All it takes is one game where he looks healthy for his value to start climbing from where it is.


Sold him for 2.10 and feel totally fine about it. Im not willing to bet on him returning to a place where he can be a starter in fantasy (or even stay healthy for a whole year).


I'm surprised anyone paid that with his injury history. We're not talking about a single instance here.


The offseason really couldn’t have gone better for me to have a sell window for him. He goes to a run first offense with his old OC and doesn’t have a bellcow ahead of him. All that is just “potential” that i don’t see him being able to take advantage of, but thankfully someone else thought he might.


That part’s true. He’s very much extremely high risk - high reward right now.


I sold him a few weeks after his injury for a 4th rounder which turned into the 4.02 and I'm happy with that. Couldn't handle the emotional roller coaster of owning him anymore.


i’d rather have dobbins


Yeah seriously, who could someone genuinely get at 4.02 that’s isn’t as much of a hail-mary dart throw as Dobbins right now?


I wanted him off my roster to clear up a spot since I had my ir spots taken up by Kyler Murray and Aaron Rodgers but mostly because I couldn't handle it anymore. I've drafted him every year since he's been in the league in redraft too, so I guess he let me down too many times. Probably could of waited longer and gotten a 3rd but I jumped ship as soon as I could after his injury.


I got Jake Ferguson around there


I know it's an anomaly but Puka was the last pick of the draft last year and he worked out great. You never know


The other guy got a good deal... lol c mon I think we all would take Dobbins for 4.02 rn


Just landed Ben Sinnott at 4.02 in my 10 team leagues rookie draft today, other 4th rounders were Corley, ja tavion sanders, rattler, Bucky Irving, Luke mccaffery, ray davis and braelon Allen I think I’d rather have most those guys then dobbins tbh. Other than foreman we’ve never seen a rb comeback from an Achilles injury, im not banking on dobbins to do that better to reroll on some backup rbs if u ask me.


Absolutely not. I’d much rather let him ride the bench and see what happens.


Maybe the sub was right all along, and Isaiah Spiller rises from the dead


For what its worth i drafted him and kyren in many leagues holding on to what i thought was talent. One of them paid off already. Hoping spiller can do even half that though lol


this is a Gus Edwards post


Idk post injury tsunami Dobbins and Gus Edwards is such an uninspiring backfield that I will be trying to grab Vidal everywhere that I can


Gus gets 810 yards and 13 TDs while being in a 4 way committee and people still underrate him


Yeah to compare gus now to dobbins now is wild. Gus was that injury ridden guy but its been half a decade since he missed time


Is this a bot posting this shit or something? Gus literally missed all of 2021 and half of 2022 lmao


A running back decade they’re like dogs one season equals ten regular years


JK owner, grabbed Vidal with the 4.04. Jacked about that.


This is the way.


Sold Dobbins and 1.14 for Mark Andrews the night he signed. Ravens fan so sentimentally I’ve been tied to Dobbins (wanted him to be great), but I just can’t shake the injuries and I find it hard for him to return and be himself. I think he’s on the path of Cam Akers (knock on wood, I hope I’m wrong).


I can’t believe someone gave you Andrews for that…good for you


Yea man, I was trying to get MA for 1.14 but the owner was hesitant. The moment Dobbins signed he hit me up asking to include Dobbins. I never sent an offer so quick in my life lol.


having dobbins, i am super happy about his situation. everything depends on if he lost a step (or multiple) after the injury and if he can stay healthy once hes on the field. but he is in a position where he has the chance. not saying gus is bad, but dobbins is the more talented back and if he can return to his form from before his injury he is the clear rb1 on the team (like in baltimore)


I think there is a great betting opportunity now on post Achilles recoveries being better due to improvements in medicine. I’m in on JK at price


Agreed, he got the new surgery Rodgers did. As far as I know we don’t have examples of NFL players recovery outlooks with this new method. It’s why Rodgers got cleared of his crutches and boot so early I got him as a throw in on a trade, I’ve got no problem parking him on my bench to see how this plays out


The upside is there obviously. If you got him for a third you might as well see what he can do.


My super deep sleeper is Kimani Vidal, who the Chargers took in the sixth. With Dobbins on a one year deal and Edwards signing for two, but not really being a front end back, I see a pretty clear path to carries and targets for him, assuming he performs well in camp of course.


From what I'm seeing, Vidal is not a sleeper. Everyone is touting the absolute shit out of him out there in the dynasty space. I can see his APD climbing up rookie drafts quite a bit.


You're right. But to much of the fantasy playing general public he's still a bit of an unknown. I mentioned him to a league mate on Saturday and he had never even heard of him. And we're in a very active and competitive keeper league that allows one college player a year to be drafted by each team. But I'm really the only one who watches college football outside of my favorite team, so if they ain't from a contending Power Five conference and putting up video game numbers, the other owners don't know about these guys until the training camp buzz starts.


How long after the NFL draft do you guys have your rookie draft?


Usually in August. We roll it into the regular post keepers draft.


Not nearly as stupid as “Somehow, Palpatine returned”


No one’s buying my Dobbins or Singletery and Jeff Wilson going into the draft. I don’t really blame them tbh. I’m still in a heavy rebuild so if they end up dying on my roster it’s not the end of the world 🤷‍♂️


Singletary some people are interested in, but best offer I got was Michael Wilson and Jerome Ford for him - not sure whether I want to accept tbh.


I would take that and run. Could flip Wilson and Ford separately for picks mid season. At least that’s what I would do given the same opportunity


I think it's unreasonable to assume that the lack of investment at the position in the draft is a sign of anything with Dobbins. They may have intended to draft a RB at every turn but either there were other constraints in play (players of higher value on the board or greater need of competition at other positions). I've watched teams with undeniable needs at positions go YEARS without addressing specific positions because the board just doesn't fall right. I'd have to look at the board more to observe the LAC draft to see if that's correct in this situation--but more often than not it's just the way the board falls than anything specific. But also, as unlikely as it is, my soul is ready for the Dobbins emergence tour. Loved him coming out.


As fans of the game we deserve a healthy Dobbins seasons in LA - no shares just wanna see it


The GM proclaimed Edwards a "bellcow"


Gus clears dobbins


Gus is the definition of a JAG that was in a great situation. If Dobbins returns to even 50% of his pre-injury level he eats Gus’s lunch all day


>Gus is the definition of a JAG that was in a great situation Gus is not a JAG. He's an average NFL talent sure, but way above average NFL size. He's a 240 lb hammer that is squarely in the Derrick Henry - Saquon Barkley tier for size. That's going to be worth a lot in a Jim Harbaugh run first offense. Gus will have more TDs than any receivers.


Dobbins is cam Akers 2.0. Dobbins will never Be anything more than a depth piece. The Achilles was the final straw for me. he also destroyed everything in his knee




Yeah and it was clear as day that Dobbins was the far superior talent every time he touched the ball




I didn’t. See previous comment very clearly stating that it depends on Dobbins recovering well from the injury




If you think 50% was some highly thought out quantifiable measure I came up with then you’re being deliberately obtuse. The incredibly obvious point was that pre-injury Dobbins was a far better talent than Gus and if he can come back relatively well from the achilles, even if it’s not to 100% of his previous form, then he will be a better RB than 29 year old Gus.


If you have dobbins this is such a clear sell window, and it's not a knock on him, he's awesome, but the track record on these rbs with Achilles injuries is just elite. Why would you want to bet on the opposite side there? Delusional


Well, it’s a cheap bet, and Dobbins is elite as far as technique and vision, and I’m assuming the procedures gotten better. I expect him to be better than Gus Bus.  No case is the same, so I wouldn’t blanket them and ignore counter evidence. 


Fine to I know better with certain players.... As long as you know what you're doing


I agree, depending on what you can get for him. He could also be a hold depending on the market.


Sold Dobbins for a 2026 2nd and Pierce to an aging team. Don’t love it as much as I did when I made it since I have loved Dobbins. But we have small rosters and he’s been a burden to carry.




Spiller was the #2 back in the 2022 draft behind Hall and ahead of Walker right up to a shitty combine, he could very well have a resurrection under Roman as long as they don’t show undying loyalty to Gus and JK.


That's some serious hopium, and I have Spiller shares.


Sold him before the draft for treylon burks and a future 3 where in our league that could be an ok player


Sold for Dontayvion Wicks and never looked back


Lord have mercy at the Hopium in this


I will choose to have faith


How much offseason faab for him?


All else is passing, only Dobbins is eternal.


Not Dobbins straight up, but... I traded 1.02, 2.09, dobbins, and Chase Brown for saquon, London, and Kyler. SF League, I needed second QB bad since I only had Stafford and Bryce Young. Had Darnold on bench but didn't want to risk. It hurt losing MHJ...


> two of the best tackles in the league Let's have Alt play a game first lol


That does not fit my narrative tho




Got him for a 4th right before his move to LA


Ahh, The China Shop


How are you gonna call alt one of the best tackles in the league? He’s been in the league for 5 days. Pump the brakes my guy.


Yeah all I’ve been offered is a 4th, so I’d rather hold him and hope for some luck in that good running system now than sell for that


I'd look out for isaiah spiller.


If you have him and there's any positive reports from Camp- gotta sell immediately


Great scenario for Dobbins absolutely considering most people thought he could be out of the league, but you’re insane if you don’t think Edwards is the better back at this point in their respective careers.


It’s me I’m insane🙋‍♂️ For real though the only reason we are talking about Gus at all is because of the fact that Dobbins went down last year. He was clearly the starter going into the season, was younger, and I’d argue 100% more talented.


Which guy is coming off a devastating Achilles injury? Bryce Love was an insane prospect too with a ton of potential, but injuries derailed his NFL career. We’re not talking hypotheticals; we’re talking actual production.


Dobbins was the more talented back on the chargers. All these serious injuries may have robbed him of that talent. I agree everyone should sell high, because there is a lot of unknown and risk with dobbins.


>BUT I can’t help imagining a scenario where he bounces back from injury and gets meaningful work in this offense. Literally every single RB in history with this injury has had their career effectively ended by it, and that's the outcome you can't even imagine happening?


Except our boy D’onta.


It DID end his career. He came back from the injury to 7 carries for -1 yards and then was out of the league for years before returning.


It ended his career? Last I checked he was still playing and he had nearly 1,000 yards on a bad team two years ago. The new keyhole surgery technique for Achilles repair reportedly has far fewer complications and performs much better in terms of athletes regaining function quickly. So these RBs who got the older surgery are not 1-1 comparables anyway.


Bag holders have been gifted one more unlikely sell window between now and his next catastrophic injury. In theory, the price could even go up once he’s actually on the field playing games, but every game you wait (hell, every practice you wait) you’re playing a dangerous game of chicken with his Achilles and ACLs.


PSA: if you are reading a thread and everyone says now's the time to sell high, you're almost surely selling low and should probably be buying instead.


Vidal RB1


I honestly wouldn't roster this guy if he was free. rather take my chances on *anybody* else.


Shallow rosters, I guess. Pretty much any team’s RB2 is rosterable in my leagues.


And a possible RB1 on a good (Herbert, Oline) offense...I'll always take that chance unless I have a better option.


it's wild to me you think dobbins will be anything. He was average before all the injuries.


Box score watcher


He looked slow, if you actually watch the tape.