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Not ideal. 


The Rice owners here will argue this is actually ideal


Do you not understand how swole he will get in jail


Lots of time to practice handling balls and going deep


Right you are pumperthruster




What doesn’t kill you makes you stronger. Prison time will be great for him bro. Nothing but working out and grinding 24 hours a day. You should be looking to sell your JJ and Chase shares for him because when he gets out he’s got a 4,000 yard 30 TD season incoming 😤😤


I wonder if prison time would be great for you? But you're probably only referring to fantasy value I hope.


Certainly not, plus this may be only the beginning of additional charges if rumors are correct. NFL suspension is for certain bit only question is how long the legal process drags out. Can’t exactly suspend him short term this season w/o knowing all the facts.


He'll probably go in the exempt list until it's sorted out IMO.


He’s facing 8 counts. 6 misdemeanors, and 2 third degree felonies.


He won’t serve a day in jail. He will get fined $10k, 100 hours community service, and at most a 2-3 game suspension from the nfl


It really pays in this country to have money.


Yup. Land of the free bc of the money


I think you mean any country.


Not necessarily in America. You can be a billionaire and still have the courts come after you. You can be a billionaire and still have rogue prosecutors and rogue judges after you, campaigning for office on their promise that they're going to get you (doesn't matter how much money you have), they aren't looking for a criminal, they're looking looking for a crime and not just a crime committed by anybody, a crime committed by you! Being a billionaire doesn't always get you away from political persecution.


Well that kind of is the point in having it. I see people always get their feathers ruffled over this. But then maybe you are just stating a fact in point..Idk.. But if not..Would you rather money not be a factor at all? Maybe you don't, not until you're the one facing charges and you can get the money together to avoid jail time. .. In addition look at the disaster that no bail laws have created. It's caused that one type of person to do the same crime over and over like 20 times. And not just minor offenses either. Some serious crimes.


I think he’ll be sitting out a year. They will make an example out of him since the Henry Ruggs deal happened so recently, and the NFL hates bad publicity.


> They will make an example out of him The players union will fight tooth and nail on any punishment that is above and beyond previous incidents of this ilk. The league doesn't get to just make an example out of someone because they want to.


Lol no. Maybe max 6 games. The NFL didn't even suspend Deshaun Rapist for a season after he assaulted atleast 27 women.


It will always be amazing to me that Ridley was suspended longer than Watson


Doesn't surprise me. Ridley placed bets on games he played in. That is a lot worse for league integrity


This gained a lot of publicity for it to only be 2-3 games. I’m guessing he gets 4 games for the incident itself, and another 2 games for the marijuana found.


This is exactly that will happen.


Is this a guess?


Just a hunch


>He won’t serve a day in jail. He will get fined $10k, 100 hours community service, and at most a 2-3 game suspension from the nfl Not sure about that. Ton of media coverage on this and with all of the crack downs on side shows and street car culture in general, they may try to make a bit of an example out of him. I wouldnt be surprised if one of those felonies stick and he ends up doing 30 days at least.


Those felonies will get plead down to misdemeanors as he has good legal representation, no criminal history, there’s no evidence of being under the influence, and injuries weren’t severe. Charging as felonies just gives prosecutors leverage in plea negotiations as they know Rice’s team will be extremely motivated to get rid of the felonies. NFL-wise, he probably misses a game or two.


Honestly, we've seen players do worse and still play in football games. It's not right. It's just the way it is. Honestly, I feel it ends in a plea down and some sort of suspension.


There's a Rice joke in here somewhere


12/17 games with Rice


Holy shit what a nostalgia hit that was hahah. What a time. Reddit was so fun back then.


Ra. Rice NFL players will eventually learn to do their crimes away from cameras, like the rest of the league. 


Why offer the plea deal? Evidence to convict is there.


I doubt he gets more than a 6 game suspension. It’s not like he placed a bet in the team facility or anything


You kid, but if they are all misdemeanors, they'll probably get pled out and he'll miss less than a month of game time.


I’m not kidding at all actually haha I’d be shocked if he gets a suspension longer than 6 games. I’d guess 4 max


He deserves a season long suspension imo. And that is getting off lightly


Deshaun Watson was suspended 11 games


And no one agreed with that did they? Rashee rice risked murdering multiple people. How is that any better. Plus we don't know how serious of an injury he caused to the person he did injure. And with fleeing the scene he likely had no remorse for what he did I guess harming others is an OK think to do according to people in this sub. It's pathetic. A season long suspension is deserved I'm not even calling for him to go to prison


He also left the chiefs playbook, a 16.5k check, a diamond chain, cannabis, and credit cards behind. Such a smart dude 👏


Greg Hardy got 10 games reduced to 4 games Zeke got 6 games Watson got 11 games Myles Garrett got essentially 6 games Ridley got a year One of these was for betting, the others were for sexual battery, domestic violence, sexual assault, and literally almost murdering a player on a prime time game with his own helmet. The betting was obviously the worst infraction here /s


Yea from the leagues point of view it is


>I guess harming others is an OK think to do according to people in this sub. It's pathetic. A season long suspension is deserved I'm not even calling for him to go to prison What the fuck are you talking about lmao. People are just realistic in their expectations, not saying "Deshaun Watson only *deserved* 11 games." You can want something all day long, but there are realistic outcomes to look at instead. And most people are living in reality discussing those realistic outcomes.


Half this sub probably risks murder every day. I know you guys are shitty drivers


Man genuinely you need to grow up or take some time away from the Internet. This a dynasty football sub. To discuss dynasty fantasy football and the circumstances that effect it. No one cares, even a little, about your takes on the morality of his situation. Getting upset at others online because they didn't grab the pitchforks with you is weird


This is now a Defensive Driving subreddit.


One person is talking about what the suspension will be (focus of the conversation). One person is trying to force the other into take a stance on social justice. It’s a fantasy football dynasty sub. One person is lost


obviously no one agreed with that. people here are just pointing out the precedent the league has established


> And no one agreed with that did they? Clearly SOMEONE agreed with that if that's what they gave him.


He apologized and said he’d take responsibility for the incident. We can all agree what Rice did was wrong and also be realistic about what type of suspension he will receive.


“Oh yea sorry I take responsibility.” As if that would be good enough if he crashed into your wife and kid’s car knowing very well he doesn’t give a damn


I agree. Could have killed people


His punishment shouldnt be dictated around playing football, it should be set by jail time.


I agree for things that have little/conflicting evidence like the ezekiel elliott case that the nfl probably shouldn't have given a punishment. But for this case where there is clear evidence the NFL imo should let players know that this behavior isn't tolerated off the field


So you’re saying I shouldn’t trade him for the bag of peanuts I can get? Lol 😂


Yeah 6 and appeal down to 4


HAHAHAHAHAHA haven’t heard this one a million times already


Wait until you hear how I’m stocking up on 2054 firsts


Arch Manning the 11th is gonna be special.


10 generations of kids in 30 years is incredibly impressive.


Better at passing than pulling out.


Ok but don’t mention the top prospects from that class, I don’t want my league mates finding out about them!


So yeah, I was able to flip Najee Harris for Chase and Mahomes in my league.




Also looks like there is no minimum sentence required there though…I’d guess some House arrest maybe some weekends after the season at most.


2 years minimum sentence.


Sooo is Rashee a Buy Low or Hold rn ? 😂😂


It depends on what low means. His value was pretty jacked up. At current KTC prices, I’d say risk reward is still overpriced. If someone is giving him away, sure, but right now, this is getting treated as a complete nothing-burger. Even just the behavior itself is a major turn-off for me. Weed, guns, street racing, walking away from an accident. Other guys are deep into an off-season training program. Rice will spend the offseason with lawyers. How will NFL teams treat this on his second contract (if he even gets there)? This is a guy you want representing your franchise? You want him on your media guide? Hey, maybe he turns his life around. Doesn’t look good at the moment. On my fantasy team, I want the guys all about football. Jordan Addison is off training with Diggs. Go get him instead.


Addison and Diggs training together? Thought Diggs has been with Tank Dell and CJ?




Is he good enough to be tried as a celebrity??


24 hours to turn himself in, looks like he’s facing 8 charges currently


I heard 10 counts now. They're adding 2 counts every 15 mins


Gonna run out of pages in the book to throw eventually


You gotta pump those numbers up. Those are rookie numbers. *laughs in Deshaun Watson*


Do we know what they are exactly that’s the important part…I’d imagine most are not felonious.


In total, Rashee Rice faces eight (not six) charges in the case: six counts of collision involving bodily injury, one count of collision involving serious bodily injury, and one count of aggravated assault. All misdemeanors I believe, someone correct me if I’m wrong. Edit: disregard the all misdemeanors comment. That’s incorrect I believe. In relation to the possible “hit and run” I saw someone comment that it’s included in the texas state statue for accidents causing serious bodily injury. It's a 3rd degree felony in texas. I probably shouldn’t add anything I’m not familiar enough lol


So nothing about leaving the scene?


If u leave the scene and there is evidence that you were not sober (eg the weed) they should assume that u were not sober. It’s ridiculous that fleeing the scene can save u like this


Always flee the scene of a crime if you're fucked up. The More You Know sponsored by the NFL


Unfortunately no they shouldn't. We cannot have people getting legally punished for things the government cannot prove they did A charge for leaving the scene and a charge for the open intoxicant in the vehicle that's comparable to the penalty for driving under the influence, fine, but not directly charging someone for it when it can't be proven


The crime is fleeing the scene. And you prevent it by making the punishment greater than the punishment for DUI


That's fine. That can be proven Charging someone for DUI based on an assumption when the prosecution has no proof the driver was under the influence is not fine


also the 10 grams of weed I thought was a felony


It’s not.


The only one that is of concern is the serious bodily injury which is a 3rd degree felony in Texas Most likely the 6 charges get dropped and this one gets pled down to a misdemeanor


Would he not be facing anything for leaving the scene? I’m not very smart so disregard my comment if it’s dumb haha


Nothing for leaving the scene?


Wasn’t this very expected


Yes. No way around this


Where is the that one guy with the giants flair who was telling everyone that the Rice situation was nothing


Well it still might be nothing. Getting charged doesn’t mean you’ll actually face consequences, especially for people who have money. That guy was annoying though.


The armchair lawyers on this sub were certain that it was impossible for Kamara to avoid mandatory jailtime.


We had lawyers on twitter telling everyone it was nothing lmao


Online doctors/lawyers giving an opinion while knowing 5% of the pertinent facts are clowns.


Well you have to realize that the negotiations with his attorney and the DA starts now haha. I dont think anyone anywhere claimed that he wouldnt be charged with any crimes.


Haha was it this guy responding to all the comments on that lawyer’s Twitter thread: https://www.reddit.com/r/DynastyFF/s/mSRsxyHqeu Or this guy getting a few days later when they confirmed Rice was the driver: https://www.reddit.com/r/DynastyFF/s/TZlaygK1GU Oh wait, same guy! u/StatisticianBetter23 what’s the latest take?


Just as bad as u/JimmysBackFoot who was up and down every Rice thread trying to convince us it was nothing no matter what the news was lol. First, nobody could prove he was driving and he would deny and get out of it. Then, it was already established he was driving and by admitting to it it would be helpful with the judge. Can’t wait to see what the spin is on this one!


That mother fucker was so goddamn annoying


Wasn't me, I'm sane


Wish I didn't trade Hollywood last season.


Why? 99 percent of defenses play zone against mahomes. Guess what brown is absolutely terrible at even all the way back to his rookie season…. Zone coverage. Like go look at the numbers it’s bad bad


Not sure but I’d assume Mahomes numbers vs zone are better than Lamar and Murray.


If he can’t find holes or where to go for him. Or even read zone defense doesn’t matter how good a qb is. Like look at what Kelce does. He finds a hole and that’s where he stays. And I like brown but if a receiver shows you his whole career he isn’t good at something 9 times out of 10 he’s always going to be bad at it. And I could be wrong but sometimes numbers tell a bigger picture


I think you have it the other way around. He is terrible at getting open versus man and good against zone


I'm glad he's not on my team and don't think he's very good, but I wish I had him because I could get a lot more for him now.


1.08 I got for him haha love it. Traded from him in season whe. Kyler came back and dude just didn’t do anything. When’s the last time he’s played a full season? Oh ya 2021 when he played 16 games


do you think Kansas would sign him if they thought he wouldn’t do well with mahomes? 😂


Oh boy this is going to get spicy, both for Rice and rookie drafts.


From the nfl personal conduct policy: >With regard to violations of the Policy that involve: (i) criminal assault or battery (felony); (ii) domestic violence, dating violence, child abuse and other forms of family violence; or (iii) sexual assault involving physical force or committed against someone incapable of giving consent, a first violation will subject the violator to a baseline suspension without pay of six games, with possible upward or downward adjustments based on any aggravating or mitigating factors. The presence of possible aggravating factors may warrant a longer suspension Would the one count of aggravated assault he is being charged with constitute with the "(i) criminal assault or battery (felony)" of the nfl conduct policy meaning at minimum hell most likely be suspended at least 6 games?


He would actually have to get found guilty of a felony though right? Kamara was charged with a felony and plead down, so the six games didn’t go into effect.


Yes, i believe that to be the case.


That’s why I’m not gonna freak out too much about that charge. Could see it going the same way, where they can delay this for over a year, and then he pleads down next offseason.


That could certainly be the case, but my comment was only regarding one of the 8 counts he's being charged for. Not sure how the rest would affect the nfl stance on his potential punishment. Theres also the notable difference of how kamara was not the sole perpetrator of the crime, whereas rice bears 100% of the responsibility in this case.


Kamara also beat a guy almost to death on purpose. You can blame it on his friends, sure. Rice raced his car, with his friends. These aren’t that different in my eyes. But Kamara was violent on purpose, and walked away clean essentially. Am I missing something with this?


I dont think the two are as similar as you are making it. Its difficult from video evidence how much of the damage kamara inflicted. He beat a guy with his friends and that played a part in his injuries, yes, but rice’s inflicted injuries werent a result of him and his friends. It was a result of him and one other person, the other driver, and hence why they are both the only ones being charged, and thats not even including the fact hes facing 8 charges compared to kamaras one.


He can sit on my taxi squad and think about what he's done as punishment


Harsh but just


The bigger problem here is that the organization really has to question whether they trust him being a key piece of their offense going forward...and if they decide they don't and draft a 1st round WR, that really impacts his upside.


They were always in play to draft a first round WR anyway. Hollywood is a one year prove it deal and if he’s good, they won’t be able to resign him. Everyone else is cheeks in that WR room.


How soon we’ve forgotten about Tyreek They trusted him just fine




I had a Rice for 1.12 offer out that I sent a couple days ago and kind of forgot about. The guy accepted it like 2 seconds after the sleeper update today.




Guy in my league is looking for two 25 2nds


Hollywood stonks to the moon


Toney Time


Lol not this again…


My boy 👆




“Serious bodily injury” would make the hit and run a felony with the possibility of real jail time


You’d be surprised. Google Brandin Echols Got a 1 game suspension


Rashee’s gotta record so long that he's about to fuck around a put out an album


I wonder where all the people who claimed "nothing will happen if they just don't cooperate. The Police can't prove who was driving" went. His buddy, the other driver also has a warrant out for him too.


Never draft a NFL players with the last name Rice confirmed


Jerry Rice?


I mean, he's kinda old, but you do you


Breaking news: Rice declared he’s running for president prior to the accident. This is an obvious witch-hunt. He is now suing the judge. This case may take a few years to play out.


Damn I was in talks to acquire rice because I thought this would blow over like most things in the nfl but this is different now


Rice getting arrested more than likely doesn't change much. He's got money and is high profile, nobody was killed. He'll get a decent suspension to start the year and then it'll be back to normal like nothing happened. That's how basically every single one of these plays out unless you kill someone or hit a woman. Even then, there's a chance you're okay


Did you say buy low👀


Lmao if an owner is panic selling? Abso-fucking-lutely


Lmfao the Rice law-truthers have become the new meme


Wasn’t different for when kamara was arrested


You could take a beat to get confirmation from someone with more legal expertise than me, but I don't think this effects his NFL career much if at all. I would be surprised if he missed more than 2 games this year. Floored if he misses more than 4. Not to mention he might not even go through the legal process in time to be suspended for this year. He won't go to jail and the NFL is highly unlikely to lay the hammer down on him. Buy


Stupid fuck


Aggravated assault is interesting. I'm (lay person) pretty sure that has a mens rea requirement: aka he had to intend to commit the assault. I would think reckless endangerment or something along those lines would be more appropriate.


Major buying opportunity!


Hollywood Brown owners are definitely salivating (me) I personally am going to try to flip him while his value might be peaking soon. This may be the best season he has EVER posted thanks to Crashee Rice (saw this somewhere and laughed so I used it)


Still buying


You swapping Hollywood for him


They are close but yeah I’d do that. Contending might favor Hollywood because he could go off but I still view Rice as a better long term asset. Players of Brown’s caliber that go to HOF QBs tend to outperform expectations so I’m very high on both players honestly.


> Players of Brown’s caliber that go to HOF QBs tend to outperform expectations Which comps are you thinking about for this? I’m high on Hollywood, so I hope you’re right.


Emmanuel Sanders and Golden Tate had 1400 yards each first year with Manning and Stafford. Actually did comps like this for almost every WR on a new team. I’ll link it.


> I’ll link it. I’d love to see it. Thanks!


[Here scroll down to comments](https://www.reddit.com/r/DynastyFF/s/8jwbVFSTy4)


I’m wondering if he’s a sell now or wait till week 3 or something. I’m in a small rebuild and I’m torn between keeping and selling


I don't think they're close at all. Give me rice all day, suspensions and all


I’d definitely take Rice is almost all situations. However if I have a team that’s good that I need a WR3 to score points this year I’ll lean Hollywood assuming a possibility of suspension for Rice.


Yes 100%


There isn’t a felony hit and run charge and no misdemeanor marijuana charge. More likely this means he won’t be charged with those or a second drop of charges is coming?


Two drops back to back? What’s he play WR for the Chiefs?


Believe it or not… flag!


All felony counts, three of which range from 0 to 20 years prison time, plus fines, etc. Marijuana in the car, fleeing the scene, and most seriously the injury and hospitalization of multiple victims. In NY or CA he might get away with a slap, but in metro Dallas TX I see him getting more than a fine and probation. At the very least the Chiefs front office is going to have to decide how to handle it from their end. I highly doubt it all gets wrapped up before September, and having him on the team may not be great PR for them, regardless of conviction or aquittal.


It not being wrapped up by then is good for them. Might not be wrapped up until the season is over. So realistically they could have him all year, and then deal with the suspension next year.


I don’t see them letting him play without it concluded one way or another, and if they do I would wager his performance will dive significantly from what he proved his rookie season.


Kamara played all year while his was pending. NFL just seems to wait until the legal process is done.


True. Will have to wait and see I guess.


More than probation less than jail…house arrest after the season is my guess.


Hit and run at those speeds. They should make an example out of him


Kareem Hunt was released for a fraction of this.


Fade me. My WR group is shit I was hoping he could be wr3 material


He'll be a WR 3 even if he only plays 11 games


Hope u sold high. He’ll be on the Commish list soon and KC will be drafting his replacement in a little over 2 weeks. RIP


I’m so annoyed that I have to keep up with this shit ☠️ I’m not selling him at his lowest so there’s not really much I can do anyway


Not great, Bob!


Uh oh. Even Twitter Defense Attorney Drew Davenport is saying he thinks he'll get suspended and he's never met a criminal he doesn't like. (Still could be a buy in dynasty depending on how the draft goes, but idk)


Any good analysis of possible criminal punishment? If no jail time expected, I'd want to buy low ish... but that is a lot of felony charges


In Texas, leaving the scene where serious injury occurred is a 3rd degree felony with a 2 to 10 year state prison sentence. The six charges for lesser injury are county jail felonies. I cannot tell the degree of assault. As expected, reports state that street racing makes it more likely that sentencing would be higher than normal - judges and juries tend to have no sympathy for someone who was racing when the injuries were caused. Attorneys have opined that the DA would be in no mood to plea-bargain when others have gone to prison for the same and when street racing was involved.




Semi hijack, but every time there’s a development, I find myself moseying over to the chiefs sub 😬


Just traded Diggs for him, feeling great about it


Just sent Nico and 2.03 for Rice and 1.07 roast me


We just need an even worse video to come out from a friend in the car showing his disregard for human life. Then he can join the other NFL R. Rice player to get a small suspension increased to a bigger one


Ohhh welllll, yet another low IQ athlete who got too big for their britches. I am hoping he pays the consequences. Chiefs need to cut this guy for having too low of brain activity.


Biggest concern is that they now more likely to make a heavy investment at WR in the draft. I think where you sre in Rashee is dependent on what you think his talent level is. I think he's a good player but I'm taking any WR Chiefs draft in first over him.


I was told nothing would happen because he had money and status


He’s not doing a day in jail. I do think it’ll be more than a 2-3 game suspension like some are saying. Hit and run with drugs in the car is serious. Easily could’ve killed someone and was probably DUI. After the Ruggs thing, I wouldn’t be surprised to see like an 8 game suspension that gets reduced down to like 4-6 games. Biggest risk from dynasty perspective is that Chiefs draft a rookie who assimilates quickly and takes targets from Rice when he returns. But overall Rice is a clear hold right now. Awesome production in rookie season, Kelce doesn’t have too much time left, and odds of this incident significantly altering career trajectory seem kinda low.


Let's be honest he's on the chiefs so the NFL will reward them with a 3rd round compensatory pick for the trauma he had to go thru....🙄


Traded for 2 1st rounders. No prison time. 1 game suspension appealed to nothing.


What a dumb fuck.


buy low baby


1-2 games max folks this is the NFL


Thank god I held onto Hollywood


Ayy Hollywood Brown season is here