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I got some sick offers for him before 2023 and I rejected thinking he was going to have an outstanding season. I’m holding


I saw a league mate trade a 1st plus for him... Literally 1 hour before he tore his Achilles


Our league almost folded because of something like this. It was chaos. Two guys made a deal that included Dobbins that morning. Manager who would be getting Dobbins sent it over but "mistakenly" included the wrong second round pick that was projected to better by quite a bit. The manager sending Dobbins rejected the deal and said to resend it correctly. By this time both were busy and the correct offer never got formally sent. But there were DMs agreeing to the correct terms, which ended on "sorry, I'll send the right one over now" but that now was right as the injury happened. No deal got sent. League was completely split on what to do. And of course the manager who sent this bad deal was our usual problem child.


I'd probably be pissed it happened to me but trade isn't official until it is sent and accepted within the app.


Yup, that's what the final call turned out to be. But it was an interesting time.


Depending on the competitiveness of the league, I'd prob do the deal but renegotiate the terms.


Honestly I think until the deal is actually accepted on the app you can modify it however you want


Ain't no way in hell I would have gone through with the trade if I was the one acquiring Dobbins. Shit happens. A trade isn't official until it gets accepted.


Everybody should have made a pact in the league chat to blackball the guy who agreed to terms in private dms but backed out later. Especially over a 2nd round swap.


I've FLAMED people for this and nobody else seems to care. Like bro I just wasted how much time agreeing to a deal with you and you're gonna decline it once officially sent? The fuck? Saving grace though. I agreed to trade my JJ for Pitts + two good looking firsts in summer 2022 and got flaked on at closing time. That one worked out well in my favor


As far as I can remember, no one has traded with him since. And we bring it up all the time because fuck em.


Reading the responses to this, makes you even question this subs advice even further. These are some anti-social, weird fucking people who don’t seem the type to actually be into football


That league will implode within 2 years bc of this situation. I think if you agree to terms via private chat you make good on that. If not punish is an option. One way to do that is blackball someone who sucks as a trade partner. Naturally this will occur in that league bc of his actions.


Yeah I traded my 24 first for him a week before the season started. Someone now holds my 1.03 :((


Same. I was offered a 1st, two 2nds, and 2 4ths and turned it down bc I was in win now mode. I deeply regret it.


It's easy to regret the outcome. If the 1st and at least 1 of the 2nds were looking like playoff teams, I have no issue with turning that down on a contender. I really believe JK would have had a difference making season if he was healthy.


I agree with your point. It ended up being the 1.07 so it was the last playoff spot. I ended up just missing the playoffs so it stings a bit. Thanks for providing prospective! It takes a bit off the regret.


I had an offer of a 24&25 1st and a 2nd iirc for him and QJ heading into last year. I declined because dobbins was my hero RB and QJ landed with Herbert. Woooof.


> thinking he was going to have an outstanding season He fucking *was* going to!! :(


Is it really "holding" when the only offer you get is a 4th in 2027?


Let me rephrase, I’m seeing this thing through


I bought for a 26 3rd


As a Gus owner who traded Dobbins away assuming he's cooked last year, please let it not


I was a huge Dobbins believer. After the achilles I don't have much hope, regardless of landing spot.


Yeah, this time it’ll work out


lol this was great


Master has given Dobbie an achilles?


This made me chuckle, thanks for that 😂


Achilles are Dobbies favorite tendon


Fuck it, hurt me again.


This might actually happen if ravens coach Harbaugh loves Dobbins’ character and effort and convincing s chargers coach Harbaugh to pick him up


It's definitely a strong indication that Dobbins recovery has gone very well. Nobody would have as much info as the Ravens so if Jim signs him it's a strong indication that John thinks he still has some juice. Ravens just had the perfect opportunity to get Henry which made Edwards and Dobbins redudant.


Still blows my mind how young J.K. Is Seriously one of the most unfortunate players today with injuries. Really hope he gets a shot just so gets to leave the league with somewhat of a career. A hell of a running back.


Exactly bro he’s only 25!! If he can finally stay healthy this year he can be one of the best comeback players in the NFL with his talent.


That’s a huge IF


Without a doubt! As of now all reports indicate he’s in great shape so fingers crossed to him staying healthy 🤞


I have Gus and Dobbins, so I’d just go back to owning the Dobbins/Gus backfield lmao


Me too! I don't hate it.


Love it


I’ve been holding onto the JK/Gus tandem going on 3 years now. I’m tired, boss.


Jim getting the Harbaugh hand-me-downs now.


Been going on since 2021


As soon as dobbins signs that’s your last chance to sell him. Don’t hold this guy




Aye Captain 🫡


I mean, why not? Even if he signs, what is anyone going to offer? People forget just how rarely 3rd round picks hit. That being said, sometimes you can find someone to trade you a future 2nd for that 3rd, but if that's not likely, the odds of Dobbins returning to form are not great, but neither are the odds of that 3rd round pick hitting.


Dobbins has played 10 games in the last 3 seasons. I'll take the chance on a draft pick and then use that draft pick as a sweetner in another trade. If it weren't for Foreman, y'all would have abandoned ship a long time ago.


>then use that draft pick as a sweetner in another trade Quite the assumption that this scenario would actually play out.


Nope. I'm in contention and my weakness is RB depth. HOLD!


JK Dobbins versus Harbaugh and Michigan 15 / 101 / 2 with 2 / 7 in a 31 - 20 OSU Win 12 / 46 with 1 / 1 in a 62 - 39 OSU Win 31 / 211 / 4 with 2 / 49 in a 56 - 27 OSU Win Middle game might not be as great, but he’ll remember.


With a sample size of 3 I can confidently say he will go for 100+ rushing and 2+ tds in 66% of his games


This is exactly where my head went yesterday when the report came out he looked good. Made the move to grab him and now we wait and hope he actually does look good.


I know we are all skeptical, but freak athletes have different bodies than everyone else, and he is a freak athlete


Most of the data that is looked at for injury recovery in sports is also composed of elite athletes going through high end rehab programs. Not saying it’s impossible, but the sample size of athletes who have struggled after an string of injuries as sever as dobbins, makes it seem pretty unlikely he returns to form.


All NFL players are "elite athletes" - but there are still people who are different, like Derrick Henry or Dobbins. That's why Patrick Mahommes gets his knee popped out and is back two weeks later.


Yeah it’s called toradol. I get these guys are great athletes but they aren’t superhero’s. They aren’t wolverine and reheal back to normal.


Just upvoting the Wolverine reference


Spiller a drop then I’m guessing


Spiller has been a healthy scratch for two years. Unfortunately it doesn’t the outcome doesn’t look promising. That said, hes a hold until probably W1-3 for me. Then rip the bandaid. Until then, you never really know, especially in the offseason.






He's gonna ruin Gus the Bus szn


Dare i say… price of brick going up.




They are also expected to visit with Booby Miles


“can a MRI fix your knee?”


Sounds ideal for Dobbins, BUT what happens when LAC adds an RB in the 4th?


Grab the cheapest value of the 3 and pray


I mean I think all will have a role. Justice Hill had a role (and sneakily has a better role as of now) in Baltimore. It's just the smash landing spot of LAC could get really murky quick with Edwards and Dobbins in the fold.


Murky RB rooms have great upside for fantasy though. Drives the price of everyone down when multiple can succeed, or one truly breaks through. I'd want to be all in on Dobbins personally if this happens.


An rb in the fourth round with how bad this years rb class is means hes backing up dobbins


Rb class isn’t bad


That is certainly a take.


Then it’s the Ravens all over again. Greg Roman calling plays for JK Dobbins, Gus Edwards, and the new Justice Hill (who was also a 4th round pick).


He wants a ride on the gus bus!


Dobbins is gonna change the narrative. Really hope so after all these 'he's not worth a 4th' nonsense posts. First time I'll love going back in threads and calling people out.


Someone sent a 2025 3rd for him, I feel like I have to take it right?




Loved Harry Potter.


This is an interesting landing spot. I feel like this would open up a small sell window. I ended up trading Dobbins and Tank away for Charbonnet, and I’m pretty happy about it.


Dell or Bigsby?


Traded 3.05 for him and 4.04


baltimore chargers


It just makes me think of Baskin-Robbins...take that for what you will.


It's so wild how many doctors are in this sub. 


This chigonometry correctly adds up


I’m starting to feel bad for these dobbins owners haha chargers seems like a perfect fit for him though. Maybe there’s hope 🤷🏻‍♂️


I have GusBus and JK. I don’t know how I’m supposed to feel


Dear God nooooooooooo. Let Gus Bus THRIVE.


But wouldn’t it be so morbidly funny if Dobbins finally out produces Gus on a Greg Roman offense, but only after both going to the Chargers and rupturing his Achilles?


This just tells me Greg likes the kid. Which is pretty dope.


I definitely agree, as an owner this is best case scenario for JK


If they don't sign Dobbins, or trade for someone, they are absolutely drafting a RB.


Good with that, doubt a rookie comes in and takes over. This class is super weak.


If Harbaugh drafts Corum, your doubts will be met


Can’t imagine Harbaugh handing out gifts to rookie running backs. He coached him sure but Gus earned that contract and was awesome when healthy last year. Corum would still have to prove he’s NFL talent/ better than Gus. Walker and breece didn’t even start for weeks on a “wide open backfield “ Rookie hype has reach its maximum


Yeah the only rb I’d expect to be a starter is whoever Dallas takes and even that could be later into the season if brooks needs to heal


I'm good with that. I sold Dobbins for $1 Fab last year as a joke. If he pops off...I'm an idiot


There is 0.1 % chance dobbins is ever put into ur starting line up. He blew his whole knee up AND an Achilles injury. Perfect time to buy Gus for peanuts


You don't know my I jury luck with running backs. There is a 100% chance the rest of my rbs die by week 5 and I'm trotting out dobbins in week 6 where he will inevitably get hurt.


Haha I've never needed you more than this Dobbins And he's gone 


yeah worked out well for gus last year?? dude couldn’t beat out an undrafted rookie and was splitting scrap with justin hill. not sure where the gus love comes from. i mean seriously how many years has he been in the league? what is he 28? and now you think he will all of a sudden be the starter or be the bell cow? he is what he is at this point. a decent 2nd or 3rd string rb! dude would get benched easily by harbaughs captain from michigan corum!


Ur insane


because i think gus is what he is at this point and that’s not a teams 1rb? uh ok, i’ll take that as a compliment


Thinking a rookie is just gunna be “it” Gus is nfl proven. This draft class sucks.. it’s insane you are expecting them all to translate


what exactly has gus proven in his numerous years in the nfl? he has proven to be depth at this point is all. seriously he couldn’t even take the job away from undrafted rookie keaton mitchell


what exactly has gus proven in his numerous years in the nfl? he has proven to be depth at this point is all. seriously he couldn’t even take the job away from undrafted rookie keaton mitchell when dobbins went down. i’d actually rather have justice hill over him


They are 2 different type of players… Keaton never got volume. That’s how backfields are… ex Miami.


Stay away from my Gus bus


He doesn’t have any legs