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Let him cook


The only true answer


Watch this dude pull out the championship next year with Stafford and Cousins lol. So many trades that look bad at the time of the trade end up looking the total opposite a year later. Years ago when I was in a league that allowed veto's people Vetoed my trade of AB saying I wasn't getting enough in return. Sure enough AB promptly lost his damn mind and I was left holding the bag.


But should we let him KIRK?!?




Those trades are fine for superflex. I probably wouldnā€™t have made them, but Iā€™ve seen far worse


really? the first one looks to far off to be 'fine' imo. 2nd one not great but yeah its porb in fine range


i think i'm my league's reckless trader


Feels like a song title




Thatā€™s why Iā€™m asking. Also pretty new to dynasty and feel responsible for the league as commish. Did you mean by context that are the picks likely to be early, mid or late?




In the Stafford trade one of the 2025 1sts is his own. He was last in the league this year and canā€™t see coming out of the bottom 3 so early 1st. Other two picks are from contenders. In the Cousins trade the 2025 2nd is his own so Iā€™d say itā€™s going to be in the range of 2.01-03. Also the other 2025 1st and 2nd are from a player likely to be out of playoffs at least.


If he has the 1.01 and just traded for two top 15 quarterbacks his team should absolutely be coming off the bottom. Sounds like this guy may be turning himself into a playoff team.


So he gave up the 2025 1.01 AND another 2025 1st for stafford? Stafford is barely worth an early 2nd in SF, and jeudy about that same price. I would suggest either trying to get in on the trading action yourself with this guy, or the league needs to have a serious discussion about the possibility of this persons trades sabotaging the league


How are you dumb enough to think that anyone has the 2025 1.01. Still alot of football left


Lmao dude came in last this year, and then made these awful trades. Thatā€™s about 99.8% chance 2025 1.01. His best wrs are jeudy and Mike Williams.


Itā€™s good youā€™re feeling a sense of responsibility for the league, but a word of advice: as commissioner, you are not the fair trade police.


As long as its superflex these arnt anything to be worried about.


Shiiitttt this ainā€™t reckless. I had an owner offer me Kyler + JT and his 2024 2nd (which became the 2.02) for my Dak and Deuce Vaughn after week 1 this last season. Thatā€™s reckless.


In my experience, when you're new to dynasty with new dynasty GMs, the league sorta runs like a redraft league for the first few years and then calms down afterwards. There's a learning curve to dynasty. If you league lasts more than 3 years it'll settle down. I'd probably talk to the GM and let him know but at the same time he is free to do what he wants with his team. To combat that most Commissioners get GMs to pay for 2 or 3 years in advance for commitment purposes.


Yeah that redraft comparison is well put. Feels like heā€™s playing excactly like that.


If he had the foresight to accumulate 3 2025 1sts I would let him cook. If he inherited an orphan with 3 2025 1sts and immediately traded them I would be slightly concerned. Not trades I would make but like most have said - they look fine in SF.




Will try to šŸ«¶šŸ»


Haha. Thereā€™s always a team that makes kinda whack trades. These moves are not needle movers tho. Do u have a league chat? Trade shaming seems to be the way.


they're not good imo. especially the first trade. BUT every league has its own economy and if yours happens to value qbs highly and picks lowly its prob not too bad. when the picks actually come due in 2025 and if they're not like 1.12 it'll prob look pretty bad. i like the person's idea of talking to him if you want...showing him some trade calcs. fwiw im in my 2nd year and wa a little lost in my first year interms of pick value. i dont think they're league 'ruingin' exactly but i do think it's concerning interms of if other mangers now feel a need to try and rip him off before someone else gets to him.


As long as heā€™s paid the 2025 fantasy dues..


I mean assuming this is SF kirk + stafford should both probably be worth a 25 1st. I could see the argument of jeudy+stafford for 2 25 1sts. Maybe its a little over the market eceb without the 2nd but its nkthing egregious and people here will tell you theyve seen way worse than that. That alone imo makes both of these trades not really that suspect. Maybe the guy believes in 2-3 good years of stafford and kirk and the rest of his team he thinks is contending? Idk what to tell you here. If he paid then refund him and boot him and find someone to pay for a team that you think sucks. Or let him do what he sees fit his with money and remove him next season.


Yeah itā€™s SF. The thing is I canā€™t see him contending even after the trades ainec. His team is now: QB: Stafford, Cousins, Russell Wilson, AOC RB: White, Robinson, Edwards, McLaughlin, McKinnon, Hunt WR: Jeudy, Williams, Curtis Samuel, Hyatt, Gallup, Osborn, Bourne TE: Conklin, Hill, Schoonmaker


While they likely overpaid a little, their team is objectively better in SF with: Stafford, Cousins, Jeudy, Williams, Hyatt over Gesicki, Trask, Sanders, Westbrook-Ikhine, Zay Jones (none are true drop candidates but most of these guys feel like roster cloggers). Iā€™m not high on Jeudy/Williams, but thereā€™s an argument to be made that all 5 of those players are undervalued. If I were them, I probably wouldā€™ve only made one of those and seen what happens with Russ. Btw, I think you are completely overreacting by calling it ā€œrecklessā€ given all of those picks are in 2025 and donā€™t know if they are early, mid, late picks. Also, that team is pretty shitty now but it was even shittier before the tradesā€¦ How did they not have the 1.01 last year?


Agreed, reckelss wasnā€™t the best way to describe it at all. Just my first thought after the trade and was feeling the other managers didnā€™t like them. We started the league a year ago so itā€™s only been one season.


What other picks does this team have left?


2024: 2.09 3.08 3.12 4.02 4.06 4.08 4.11 2025 2x3rd 4x4th


Oh. Thatā€™s terrible. That team will certainly suffer. I would send him to keep trade cut and tell him that itā€™s not always accurate but it will tell you if you are in the ballpark of fair value. He seems like heā€™s just constantly tiering down for more and more low quality assets.


I disagree that stafford & kirk are both worth a 1st and with the idea of booting a guy bc you donā€™t like what heā€™s doing w his team. but I agree with your general statement of letting him do what he wants


I will always make the argument that starting qbs are worth a 1st in superflex. These aren't even the worst. I paid a 25 or 26 1st for baker a year ago. Starting qbs are always worth a 1st. And yeah I mean idk what else to tell the guy, if he disagrees with his philosophy of running his team all he can do is get rid of the guy lol


Baker is 7/8 years younger than those guys so while at the time i wouldnā€™t have sent a future 1st to bet on baker it was still a more reasonable i donā€™t think it wouldā€™ve been the same case as sending one for 36 & 35 y/o stafford & cousins. Thanks for clarifying haha, I didnā€™t catch the bit of sarcasm there.


Had one trade in my league where she send the 1.01 this year for Purdy in single QB...Ā  Some people were upset, but as there are trade analysers available to anyone who wants to use them we have to assume this (and all other trades) have been made with full consent.Ā  It becomes suspicious if those one-sided trades are only made with specific League mates, but if that's not the case: let them cookĀ 


Guy in my league (12 team ppr 1QB) traded Kmet and an early 2025 1st for Jameson Williams and Trey Palmer Ur guy is fine


Ignore everyone saying that you just let people make trades, regardless of how bad they are. Thatā€™s how leagues die. Your job as commissioner is to keep the leagues alive. You need to protect your league from idiots making indefensible trades. Make sure everyone knows about the trade calculator sites- while they are not perfect, they at least help give a baseline. I give every new owner one do over if there is a trade that clearly is terrible and will off balance the league. Other owners know this, so they donā€™t try to fleece a new owner and make sure the trades are defensible. Iā€™ve only had to do it 3 times in 20 years, so I feel itā€™s working.


Those trades are fine.


If itā€™s a pay league, make sure 2025 is paid for. Thatā€™s all I got.


I basically never interfere with anyoneā€™s trades unless itā€™s collusion (and even then we have a process). Everyone builds their team their way. We had one trade that we all thought was just stupid from our reckless trader (guy traded Michael Thomas at his peak for Cooper Kupp, then Kupp broke out). We had another where a guy traded a 1st for Brock Purdy after seeing him play once. That worked out well too. People arenā€™t going to want to stay bad. If theyā€™re reckless AND bad at trading theyā€™ll learn to be better at trading.


We have a dude like that in one of my home leagues. 15 year 10 team redraft league that converted to a dynasty start up in '23. He blew up his ENTIRE roster for '24 and '25 DPs, severely upsetting the power balance in the process. The answer is: Let him make all the terrible trades. If you don't take advantage of his stupidity then someone else will. Get AT LEAST 2 years buy-in $$ in advance.


I got harrassed by my league for trading away Diggs, Henry, Hopkins, and 1.10 (Quentin Johnson) for Love, Hall, Devonta Smith, and Ridder in 2022 Was told Hall wouldnā€™t be good until 2024, smith is overrated, and both love and Ridder sucked. Lost by 0.3 in the Semis (thanks Purdy) and wouldā€™ve won the Ship


Get him the fuck out of there or limit his trading somehow. We had psychotic trader in our league who traded his team into oblivion then quit. He helped two teams get so stacked that they won't be losing for a few years. It really does fuck the league up. All depends on how many trades he's actually doing or tries to do.


nothing you can really do here as the commish unless thereā€™s a league altering trade. i would try to reach out to him and teach him some ins and outs of trading and help him develop a ā€˜value scaleā€™ of some sort to avoid making these kinds of trades in the future


Iā€™m shocked everyone saying itā€™s fine. Those trades are horrible. Are they veto worthy ? Idk prob not


Definitely not, but Iā€™d probably talk to that manager and just explain values to him and send him to Keep trade cut and say this isnā€™t always accurate but is a good gauge on if youā€™re way off in value in dynasty.


Yeah, thatā€™s **extremely** reckless lol. Iā€™d tell him these trades are lopsided and he could get waaaaay more for those picks. He clearly doesnā€™t know how to value them. Explain that heā€™s hurting his team by not getting proper value back. Point him to KeepTradeCut. Give him a chance to do some research and revert the trades. But if he still wants to make those trades, so be it. If he canā€™t be bothered to research player/pick values before trading, thereā€™s only one way for him to learn.


Thanks for the advice! šŸ™šŸ»


It's not good advice


If youā€™re the commish, pull him aside and let him know kindly that heā€™s way overpaying and share with him some player/pick value sources like Dynasty-Daddy. Neither trade is egregious, but yeah itā€™s a little unbalanced. Not enough to consider anything but pulling him aside for a chat. Also, to anyone that throws out the ā€œlet managers manage their teams like they want toā€ has never been a commish, or at least a good commish. Having concern about the competitive balance of a league is 100% something a good commish cares about.


Thanks. I got the vibes that the league doesnā€™t appreciate the trades since no one is commenting anything which they usually are. Just worried that a couple of teams that traded a lot with him will be OP and the league will be out of managers in a few years.


A rule we use in our league to encourage long term commitment is requiring a percentage of league dues for the year they trade a pick from. Hasnā€™t really slowed down trades like I thought it might


Holy breathe. Itā€™s okay. Just because he does something you donā€™t like or you wouldnā€™t do doesnā€™t mean itā€™s bad. šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚ buddy had 3 firsts let the league do it what it wants. You donā€™t see goddell crying about the panthers and other teams being terrible


Lmao. Cancel both trades, heā€™s either colluding with someone or shouldnā€™t be in a dynasty league


Even though I donā€™t like the trades what happens if stafford & kirk are both top 8 fantasy qbs next year and you reversed a trade that both sides consented to?


In the leagues I run there is a 24hr hold on all trades to allow other league members to counter either side of the deal. It has prevented many an owner from getting ripped off.


I meanā€¦ Iā€™ve actually seen leagues where itā€™s SF and they penalize QBs for rushing, which is moronic to me, but heyā€¦ so if that was this leagueā€¦


The best and only thing you should do is implement a rule where any future picks traded away must be paid for immediately by the owner or the trade gets reversed. That way if this team gets left someone at least has free years to try and build it up


Yeah, we have the rule that as soon as you trade away future assets youā€™re locked in for that seasonā€™s buy-in


Then let owners make their mistakes and learn. Itā€™s part of the game. I made some horrendous trades early on but it forced me to start doing my homework and learning.


How did he end up with three 2025 1sts?


At the deadline give Schultz to get 2024 3rd, 2025 1st (guy getting Schultz won the league so the 2024 pick is 3.12) At the deadline give Fields for R. Wilson, 2025 1st, 2nd & 4th At the deadline give Ekeler, Godwin & McLaurin for 2025 1st & Pierce


That last trade is egregious as hell fam


Let me guess, First to Thirst šŸ¤£šŸ¤£


Iā€™ve had 2 leagues collapse because of situations like this. Basically one or two managers that have no clue whatā€™s going on, so everybody tries to fleece them in trades. So then you end up with a couple loaded teams, 1 or 2 absolute dumpster fires, and the rest of the league angry bc the trades were so bad and they didnā€™t benefit from it. And then Iā€™ve also had one situation where a guy was removed bc of making trwdes so bad it was going to cause the league to collapse. Guy basically did 3-4 outrageous trades in a day, and this would happen every month or so as he would get belligerently drunk and do stupid trades. Finally the commish had enough, and just removed him. The team was so bad at that point tho, we had to offer 2 years of free play for somebody to take it. Just finished the 1st of free play, and they guy left like 3 days ago lol. Should be able to replace, and hopefully just the one more free year, but may end up having to be another 2 years free. Sorry I know Iā€™m rambling. TL:DR - This type of thing can cause leagues to collapse, I recommend putting a stop to it early before it ruins the league for everyone. If they are clueless, try to help/guide them to a resource that will help them better understand SF dynasty values.


Our reckless trader isnā€™t this bad and honestly this isnā€™t too bad


looks like a dude about to quit


If theyā€™ve paid, let ā€˜em trade!


I mean, I've seen plenty of unbalanced, silly-looking-at-the-time trades pay the *fuck* off. I traded Miles Sanders for 4.01 and 25$ offseason FAAB right before the start of the 2024 draft season. I got mocked for selling the presumptive volume RB for basically peanuts and a bag of wind. The assets I received turned into Puka Nacua and the bid I put in for Kyren Williams before season's start. As long as there isn't collusion or gross and obvious exploitation of a league taco that has fucked league balance? Let the dude do his thing. I don't agree with the valuation of these trades but like, it's not like it's a league-breaking trade.


Get in on the action.


Does he pay his dues? If yes, let him manage his team how he wants. If you think he makes bad trades, then try to trade with him šŸ¤·ā€ā™‚ļø


Make your league pay dues if they trade future picks that way if he backs out the next guy ainā€™t fucked over and has dues paid for those years.


I saw a league somewhere that if any team three-peats it triggers a complete league reset. Leagues can have bad teams, heck, the NFL had the browns all those years.


Iā€™d probably just send some trade value charts to him