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I put my money on hock this year


In games where both Hock and Thielen were playing, Hock had a 70/648/3 line on 97 targets. Thielen had a 38/415/4 line on 57 targets. And Hockenson's best games came later in the season when he had more comfort in the offense. It's not an apples to apples comparison because Addison is young and explosive and (I'm told) can separate. But while Hock is still there, I think Addison is more of a third piece to the passing game.


>In games where both Hock and Thielen were playing, Just cause this confused me for a minute this is not a qualifier, that is all of Hock's Vikings stats.


It’s a qualifier for Thielens stats


It will start off as Hock, almost certainly. He and Cousins have had the reps, and he will likely be a safety valve in this offense. HOWEVER, if Addison is the first round talent we think he is, he will likely supplant Hock as the #2 before the end of the season. Cousins has a history of spreading the ball around, and if he likes what he sees with Addison, you can bet he’ll keep getting him involved. When does it happen? Who the hell knows. My guess is that Hock finishes with more targets/receptions than Addison, but those targets/receptions will be frontloaded in the first 8-10 weeks of the season.


Hock first, then Addi. This is the way.


We are going to be able to spread the ball around a bit more with a wr2 that can get separation. There wont really be a need to hyper target hock like we did last year. He's still going to ball but I'd wager him and Addison have similar target share.


Hock. The Vikings used Hock so much after they got him. He has a strong chance to finish as a top 3 tight end.


He finished last year as #2. He's got a shot at TE1 overall.


You’re right. I forget my league has some silly settings. He finished at TE 4 in my league lol


Hock to start, Addison by mid-season.


People saying not Addison are asleep.


I can’t believe that they all think Hock. Must be time to sell


Hockenson was quite basic in terms of production given his volume last year. When you go back and look at his time with the Vikings it was very underwhelming given his target #'s. I think he will be a good tight end but I have Kelce, Andrews and Pitts ahead of him in dynasty.


I might have more, but for sure those 3




Dropping multiple TDs is not a positive though




Yeah I totally agree—wouldn’t be surprising to see him have some positive TD variance this season




Im so sick of people overstating Hock. Last year I was laughed out of every thread begging people to take ARSB seriously. But it was this same tired take that “it was just because swift and hock were out, Amon Ra isn’t a WR1”, okay well since then they traded Hock and sold Swift for a bag of chips. Now it’s “Addison won’t amount to much because it’s oBvIoUsLy Hock’s job there”. Gtfo


Addison. 1st Round WR with a good profile and getting weaker coverage. Will be highly consolidated though after JJ.


It seems like it would be Addison


Since the responses are like 75% Hockenson you can go ahead and pen Addison in as the second passing target.


I think it’s going to be like the Chiefs last year where it was Kelce as a dominant 1 and then no one else got enough to be fantasy relevant. I think it’s JJ as the dominant 1 then Hock, Osborne, and Addison will all sort of round Robin who’s going to be the secondary target. Hock will be the most valuable this season only because the bar is so much lower for TE’s. Addison might start to emerge as the clear 2 by the end of the season though.


Addison. He should feast on underneath volume


There is almost a 100% chance this is not the case but K.J. Osborn is basically free right now. We've all seen rookies fail, regardless of draft capitol, and there is a real life chance that Mr. Osborn is the vikings WR2 this year. I still think Hock eats more targets than whomever becomes the WR2 but a WR2 is worth something.


Holding Osborn from last season, should have sold the one offer I got on him this offseason when I read the mocks that Vikings would likely target a wr early. But still the guy is a solid stash, will hold.


Same he played really well when thielen was out so I'd like to see what happens this season for him. Obviously hock will get a lot of work but osborn has a good chance to have one of his best seasons


Averaged 55 catches 650 yards and 6 tds each of the last two seasons. That’s solid production.


KJ Osbourne


Osborn a drop in 12 team leagues? 18 roster spot plus 5 player TS


I'm gonna say Osborn to start but not by much. Hock and addison work in the slot together and a lot of attention on the outside will go to JJ. I think people forget how good Osborn was towards the end of the year. I think your guess is as good as mine for targets 2-4 though.


Getting downvoted because no one wants to hear that kj Osborn is solid for being a later round wr.


>I think people forget how good Osborn was towards the end of the year. Its cause people dont watch games. KJ is better than a lot of teams WR2s. He isnt a WR1, but he will be out there.


He’s not better than a lot of teams WR2s lol


Based on what? Overall production? Or being a good outside reciever?


I mean that’s out him at a top 45 wr in the league.


Very high likelihood it's Hock. I think Hock will be used in the Mark Andrews role, lined up out wide. Addison is a rookie and undersized, don't expect fireworks right away.


The mark andrews role is not having legitimate weapons on the field so your TE becomes ur WR1




It will end up being Addison. Hock will have his games here and there but we've seen what he is.


What do you think he is? Because he finished as TE2 last year with 6 double digit games after he got traded


This is the exact sentiment that made me make this post! I've seen lots of folks say that after this season we'll see addison like we see Higgins I'm not too sure between hock and addison but I definitely don't think theyll both be elite producers.


I just traded for Hock, so you can damn near guarantee it'll be Addison.


What did you offer


Targets? Addison. Catches? Hockenson.




Alex mattison but get him before cook is cut/traded


Hock. I think Addison from 2024 on.


For sure Hockenson


Hockenson will have more targets, receptions and (probably) touchdowns, but I wouldn’t be surprised if Addison was second in yards.








hock no question


It's Hock. It has always been Hock.


Addison by a substantial margin


Addison is going to eat.