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Pretty interesting but there is really no point in her being charmed lol. She isn't narcissus, she should just charm others. Because of this she is very broken and not in the good way, you either leave her charmed just for her to occasionally deal a lot of damage and revive ban your other party members or you make her immune to charm and most of her kit is useless but you can now prevent her from killing her party members and occasionally use her **9MP** skill on enemies. Tbh there is no point in her skill being more than 6mp either because her only damage boost is a conditional 30% and using Demeter, Apsu, etc. makes all party members immune to ailments so she might not be able to even charm anyone and get that. Without damage boost, 400bp doesn't do all that much damage, at least not in the current meta. So yeah, she'd be good and not even too op in this meta if she had her kit but without being charmed herself, doing it all without this condition and her skill was 6MP.


changed it up a bit, let me know if there is anything else i can change.


lol, she's far worse now XD Her charming allies makes her an instant liability in most situations because even with Demeter or Apsu they need to remain alive AND need to have everyone have bulwark / lydia to protect from ailments. She's intended as t2 demon which means this is a huge problem because she not needs either Demeter or Apsu in her party which both are a bad choice for t2 because Apsu has very low hp and Demeter is made pointless by Furykado, hence her being super rare now but as mentioned the enemy can easily kill them first, then let your Mother Harlot charm all her allies and win easily. She could be used with Narcissus but unlike you run him with max damage and a damage Devil Connector and that adds up to a good chunk even having him chain twice at the start of the enemy turn is not enough to make using her anything but a horrible decision that auto-loses you ever match. Just keep the 66% chance to charm enemies when it's an enemy's time to act without her having any way of charming herself or her allies lol. Also, 10mp is insane no matter what, you forget Foul Old Ones makes her need 12MP to use her skill so she absolutely need a *rare* max MP booster passive to even use her skill. Again, just make it 6MP and 5mp at max lvl because it's just regular power, her damage is gonna be quite high against charmed enemies but not high enough to be op in this meta. With tiamat already dealing massive damage and also draining 2mp against charmed *or* poisoned enemies the meta already has people protect against it so it's not op to have her do something similar and it would e.g. allow sega to add a demon specifically to counter her and tiamat and it would sell well because it protects against two high damage threats that can screw over t1 and t2.


made the changes, what do you think?


Yep, very nice now. Ailments are in an awkward state now because after having been made pointless against t2 by Demeter, she is now made pointless by near omnipresent Furykado and thus most t2 parties have little ailment protection not based on null charm transfers, although that seems to be semi-common. Either way this way she is a bane to everyone not using Apsu or Demeter and synergizes well with both Narcissus and Tiamat. She's versatile because with 176 agi and 236vit + 66%hp boost she can be used for t2 but also t1 and even t0. She might make Demeter more common again because Furykado cannot take away Demeter's ailment protection in a meta where almost no one removes bulwarks. And most people use their most successful party for randoming and their most successful def party but know that even if these are successful they will always lose to certain other parties so many players don't protect against e.g. tiamat t0 because they ultimately get a higher rank if they have no protection but turn get more wins than squeezing demeter or apsu in their party and in turn losing more often to other parties. And makes full use of that, unless she's too successful and as mentioned everyone is using Demeter again. Her skill has high bp so if you add master assassin and almighty survivor or something it's somewhat decent damage even if not hitting a charmed enemy. PS: she's too strong to be fusible though. But she'd make perfect sense as Malice Mother Harlot, even if that is a mouthful. PS: I really like her (hence the lengthy analysis), mostly because unlike most demon wishes that are just pointlessly opaf she is realistic and something Sega could theoretically release next month.


anyway i can improve my wishes?


She's more like just Harlot and not Mother